[文字]Tim Roth interview with Movie Web——配合逆光tx的kw访问
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CG之前部分为逆光童鞋贡献。。感谢逆光童鞋鼎力支持。。 On June 7th, we're seeing the continuation of season two, which will take us through August. Then you return in the Fall, which will be September or October. What do you feel the strategy is in setting up the show to run in this matter? And what sort of production schedule does that put you on? Tim Roth: I am not quite sure. The second part of the second season starts in June. These are new episodes. We only shot those just a few weeks ago. And they are going to air them straight through. Then we start filming again in July on the third season. We'll have to wait and see if we get picked up for the back nine, and we'll shoot those next April. (Laughs) The summer seems like a market that they are interested in cornering. You know? They know that the ratings are going to be lower this summer, because everyone is away doing whatever it is they do. The ratings are a different game now. We have DVRs and computers. They're saying that the way they look at numbers now is going to change. It seems that the summer thing is something they are looking at, and will continue looking at. But they also have this option to continue airing us in the fall. So I don't know the strategy. During the summer, we will get a little break. Then we will continue on. 问:从6.7起一直到八月,我们将会看到LTM第二季接下来的部分。然后九月或者十月你们又会在秋季档回归。你对这种播出时间的策略安排有什么看法?你们拍摄的时间表是怎么安排的? TR:我也不确定。第二季的第二部分六月份开播,这些都是新集,前几周我们刚刚拍好的,它们会连着播下去。 然后七月份我们会开始拍第三季。如果第三季的后9集被续订的话,我们会在明年四月接着拍。(笑)夏季档好像是他们想要抢占的一个市场。夏天的收视率肯定会比较低,因为大家都出去玩儿了。收视率算法也不太一样,要算上DVR和电脑上的收看情况。他们看待收视数字的方式会有变化,看起来他们要开始重视夏季档了。不过他们也会在秋天接着播我们的剧,所以我也不知道这到底是个什么策略。这个夏天我们能歇一阵儿,然后接着拍。 What are we going to see when Dr. Lightman returns on June 7th, and how does that work in setting up the next eight episodes? And how will that set us up for season three? Tim Roth: I'm not sure. I don't know what episode they are going to show on June 7th. There was an episode we shot where there is a lecture at a college for a woman Lightman had an affair with when he was a student in England. There is a little bit of that history. She is a professor. Me and Foster give a talk in front of a group of students, and one of them turns out to be a very naughty boy. There is a one-on-one game that takes place. I think that is our first episode coming back. If so, it's a pretty good one, in fact. Then I don't know which one they are going to put in after that. The aim of the show in the third season is to show all of the characters dealing with this rogue element in terms of Lightman. How he dances around the law, and how he also dances around the edge of relationships when it comes to women. It is going to have much more of a rogue element to it. We will play around in the red and the grey area of what is and what is not. 问:6月7号Dr.Lightman回归的时候我们会看到什么?那一集会对后面八集的走向有什么影响?对第三季又有什么铺垫? TR:我不知道6月7号会播的是哪集。有一集里我和Foster帮一个女教授在大学里做了一场讲座,Lightman在英国上学时候和这个教授有一腿。听讲座的学生中有个小坏蛋,Lightman会和他单挑。我想这个应该是回归后的第一集。如果是的话,这集其实很棒。再下一集我就不知道是什么了。 (注:其实再下一集就是flashback那集~) 第三季主要是讲所有角色跟混混Lightman做斗争= = It's interesting that you're not sure which episodes will be shown in what order. Most shows follow a very strict storyline, where each episode falls in line with the next. Is that hard for you, as an actor, to know where your character is in terms of his life when the episodes are aired out of order? Tim Roth: Our episodes have been fairly insistent on running in order up until this point. These new episodes will be able to stand-alone. Though there are some things that you can't help but link to another episode. And it gets a little weird when they take and air them out of shooting order. I have to say, with my job, I am just shooting them and getting them in the can. All of the continuity is left to the guy that knows what is going on. 问:你居然不知道这个剧按什么顺序播,有意思。大多数电视剧都会有一个严格时间线,一集接着一集。作为演员,这样不按拍摄顺序播出会不会对你有点麻烦? TR:我们以前都是按照时间线播的啊。(注:胡说,FOX从第一季就开始乱播了!)在新集当中,基本上每集之间是相互独立的,但是多少肯定会有一点点联系,打乱顺序播会有点奇怪。反正我就只管演好就行了,至于播出的连续性,让那些知道这是怎么回事儿的人去管吧。 So you're not concerned if there is a small character moment that you would play off in one show, and then followed through in another, even though they are shown out of context? Tim Roth: I am concerned about that. But they generally write to that. The network will take that on board. Hopefully, in the third season, we will have story arcs that go across two or three episodes. Which will be interesting to do. They were pretty insistent during the first and second seasons that the episodes being shot could be shown in any order. 问:所以你也不在意角色表演上有些会随着时间变化的细节,如果不按顺序播就看不出来了? TR:我当然在意这个,这些东西会在剧本里体现出来(注:这句我胡蒙的= =),电视台会考虑这些的。我希望在第三季能有一些延续两三集的情节,这样会很好玩的。之前他们都坚持要拍成那种各集按什么顺序播都行的电视剧。 With Lie To Me, you can actually skip an episode or two, and then come back, and its not such a big deal. Tim Roth: Yes! You can go back and pick up from the ones you didn't see. That was the sense of it. That's the way they thought of it initially. We would like to do story arcs that stretch over two episodes, for example. That would be fun for us as actors. As well as for the writers. We will see what they have in mind. With the third season, we have a whole new group of writers. Except for the two veterans who have taken over the show running as well as the writing. All of the meetings about how we are going to proceed have just begun. I had my first meeting with those guys the other night. We'll see what we feel is the creative way to go. We'll also find out what the Network wants to see. We'll mix it all up. 问:所以你其实可以跳过一两集再接着看也没关系 TR:对,他们本来就是这么设计的。不过我们也想搞点延续数集的情节,这对演员和编剧来说都会很有趣。第三季我们会有新一批编剧,看看他们有什么打算吧。关于新季的制作会议最近刚刚开始,那天晚上我刚和这些新编剧开了第一个会。我们会看看有什么比较有创意的招儿,电视台又想要什么样的戏,然后综合一下。 I just brought up that particular show because they bookend each episode with beats that tie the whole series together, while the meat in the middle is a stand-alone story. And it is interesting to watch episodic TV go in this direction, where it is trying to satisfy two audiences at once. Tim Roth: That is a fun idea. That sounds like it would be a good idea. The two runners that are running our show right now will probably have ideas about that. But that sounds like a good idea. It does satisfy both camps. The ones that want that stand alone episode. And the ones that want continuation. 问:我刚提到这个剧(注:什么剧啊...= =+)因为他们每一集的首尾之间相互串联,但是中间的故事都是互相独立的。看到单元剧往这个方向发展很有意思,他们在试图同时满足两种观众。 TR:这主意不错,我们现在的两位制作人可能也这么想。这样确实能满足两个观众群,喜欢单元剧的和喜欢连续剧的。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- How will Foster's dissolution of marriage continue to improve or change her relationship with Dr. Lightman leading up to the season finale, and how do you see it changing or affecting the dynamic within the rest of the group? 一直到本季结束,Foster离婚这事是怎么促进她和Lightman的关系发展变化的?你是怎么看他俩关系变化对组里其他人之间动态关系的影响和改变的? Tim Roth: You are going to get a couple episodes that involve a boyfriend Forster now has. You'll see Lightman's response to that. That is coming up. You've also got Lightman's ex-wife. And we'll see how that plays in and out. Then there is the daughter. So you have all of those characters coming up. As we head towards the third season, we are going to be looking at Foster's place as the overseer of the Lightman Group. How that aspect will change, and how she will get more power in that area. Then, of course, there is this romantic notion between Foster and Lightman, that will have to be resolved at some point. We are looking at it. You will see some of that in the remaining episodes of the second season. Then well be kicking it out in the third. We also have some new characters that we are bringing in, too. TR: 你们会在接下来的几集中看到Foster的现任男友。你们会看到Lightman的反应。还会看到Lightman的ex和他女儿。所有的角色在后面几集中都会出现。第二季剩下部分,我们会看到Foster作为Lightman Group的掌控者的地位的变化,以及她是怎么得到更多的权力。当然还有些CG间浪漫的遐想会在某个时候解决,这个在第二季的剩下几集中会看到一些,然后会在第三季中完全搞定?(哪位指点下kicking it out怎么个意思?)我们也会增加几个新的角色进来。 Do you have an upcoming episode that you are particularly proud of or excited for the fans to see? 你对后面的几集有特别满意特别希望粉丝看的么? Tim Roth: Yes. There are a couple of really good ones. In fact, there is one where we show how Foster and Lightman met. That is a good one. It was really fun to shoot that. Then the last one we shot was a good one too. But again, I don't have any idea if that will be shown last. We'll see. 有几集很棒。有一集是讲CG怎么认识的,拍的时候很有意思(这两只对这集都很有爱呀~~)最近刚拍完的那集也很好。但是我也不知道会不会最后放= = 翻译确实是个技术活。。 再次感谢逆光童鞋~~
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