susan miller 2010年6月双鱼运势 英
来自: isabelshan
数人跑来告诉我中文的早就有了,哎,那我就不继续翻了,憋得要命翻了几段,英文实在不咋滴 若是真有想看英文的,那就看吧。。。。 Pisces Horoscope for June 2010 By Susan Miller The planets will be playing musical chairs this month, with Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars changing signs. This is big news for you will see some radical changes on several fronts, and all of the shifts due to planets in new positions will be welcome ones. Later, at month's end, we have a lunar eclipse (full moon) in Capricorn at 5 degrees, falling in your house of friendships and social groups. This part of your chart includes your involvement in social media. Fortunately, Capricorn is a sign that blends well with yours, and while all eclipses usually demand some sort of adjustment and response, the fact that your sign, Pisces (water) works well with the place the eclipse falls, Capricorn (earth) and is even fruitful, you can take what comes up and find a way to make it work for you. I will explain in more detail, so let's start at the top of the month and go through the aspects as they come up. The first major shift will concern the move of Jupiter into Aries. If you are sitting there and shaking your head, saying, "Wait! I assumed that I would have Jupiter in MY sign, Pisces, all year. What is Jupiter doing in Aries after only a little over four months? This is not fair! Everyone can expect to have Jupiter, in his or her sign, for about a year. What is going on here? I waited 12 years for this!" I sympathize dear Pisces, but you may want to consider the outstanding goodies Jupiter has ready to give you before you protest too much! I am smiling here because I bet you will be really excited to see what is coming! Actually under any other time, you would be right in all your assumptions. You haven't had Jupiter, the great planet of gifts and luck, in Pisces since 1998, so when Jupiter came knocking on January 17, to stay at your side in Pisces, that was headline news. This year, however, Jupiter has been moving exceptionally fast, and he zoomed through every degree of Pisces in a flash, and soon, on June 6 Jupiter will leave, and enter Aries. A fast-moving Jupiter is a potent one, so Jupiter has been in an excellent position to help you get ahead and even find love. Of course, he has more work to do, and he will return to Pisces after the summer is over on September 9 (if you live in the Southern Hemisphere, after the winter is over.) Jupiter has not been retrograde at all, which meant he was wide-awake and working hard for you. The decisions you made so far this year will prove to be, on the whole, excellent ones, and those seeds you planted so far are about to grow into tall and sturdy oak trees. In Aries, Jupiter will be your benefic uncle who wants to spoil you - with lots of money! Imagine! You will have Jupiter in June, July, August, and the first week of September to bring you some of the most lucrative financial aspects you've seen in years! The house where Jupiter will be rules earned income, so you may get a raise, or, if you are like most Pisces and are self-employed, you will see many customers / clients flock to your door and vie for your goods and services. This will be a very gratifying time. Here is something to take to heart: Your ideas have huge potential now, and may be much more precious than even you are aware. Protect your ideas from those who would like nothing more than to steal them away for their own benefit. You will have the magic touch this year. Your instinct is very sharp. Your imaginative, original ideas will prove popular moneymakers! Treat your ideas with care and protect them. You have Saturn due back in your financial sector, so recently you may have been very stressed about money. Now you will have your long awaited chance to bring in substantial amounts and finally lower your debt. While Jupiter will be back to Aries and your earned income house from January through early June 2011 to give you another shot at brilliant financial luck, this will only be true for those five months. Saturn, the taskmaster planet that teaches life lessons, will be in your other financial house from July 21, 2010 until October 2012. You would be wise to use as much of your bounty as possible for paying down debt. Your eighth house, where Saturn will be ensconced until October 2012, is the house of other people's money and rules investments, venture capital, lines of credit, and your relationship with banks and insurance companies. As you see, you will have Jupiter in your other, salary-oriented house this year and part of next year. After Jupiter moves on to Taurus in mid-2011, you won't have the exceptional protection of Jupiter, but you will have old Saturn there for two years to see that you are following the straight and narrow line. Secure the hatches while you can, dear Pisces, and never count your chickens before they hatch. There is one other element concerning your finances that we should discuss. Uranus will be in your house of earned income along with Jupiter this year, and that's just crazy dumb luck. Keep in mind that once Uranus enters Aries in March 2011, he will stay there until early 2019. This planet of surprise will bring all sorts of unanticipated circumstances in the coming years to your finances, so you will have to be conservative. While you could earn millions, you could have reversals, too. You don't have to plan for good luck, but you do have to cover for the possible down side that may come up at times. This month it looks like you will have nothing but good news! Circle the date June 8 in gold, for that's when Jupiter and Uranus will conjoin for the first time in Aries since 1927. This will never happen again in your lifetime, so it will be interesting to see what comes up! This will be a red-letter day, when the planet of good fortune meets with the planet of surprise in your earned income sector! Expect the unexpected! I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the departure of Uranus from Pisces during mid-year will have an enormous influence on your day-to-day life. Ever since Uranus entered Pisces in 2003, life sure was exciting, but at times exhausting, too. Uranus brought breakthroughs, heightened your creativity, and even may have made you famous, but Uranus may also have created a few devastating setbacks since he first came by in 2003. Now, in coming weeks, you will get a period of calm, and you can plot the new chapter of your life. Uranus will stay in Aries only until August 14. After that, Uranus will retreat back to Pisces and stay seven months, until March 11, 2011. At that time Uranus will move back into Aries, not to return to Pisces again in your lifetime. It takes Uranus 84 years to circle the Sun, so there is no chance of having him back to your sign. See if you can detect a sense of calm this summer and use it to your advantage, while you are sitting on a beach counting all the money that is coming into your bank account! There is something else I see here. Uranus rules Aquarius, and Aquarius rules your solar twelfth house of imagination and creativity. Remarkably, the twelfth house is Pisces' natural home, so with Uranus paired with Jupiter, you will have a rare chance to allow your creativity full reign, with the promise of your ideas turning to giant financial blockbusters. Here's another twist, to consider. Prior to the discovery of Neptune in 1846, Jupiter was Pisces' ruler. Modern astrologers look at both. Jupiter will be in the most entrepreneurial and courageous sign of the zodiac - Aries - and considering that Jupiter is one of your rulers, Jupiter will make you quite the savvy and shrewd entrepreneur business person in coming months, too. Pisces is not motivated by money - you keep your eye on the creative product instead. However, this year, you will be the one sign most perfectly positioned to rake in the cash. Enjoy it! Now let's turn to the orbit of Mars, which is also making headline news in June. Ever since mid-October 2009 when Mars first entered Leo, you've been working unusually hard with an unrelenting work schedule. Whenever Mars is in the sixth house, as you have had, the pressure to perform is steep. Deadlines loomed and you may have felt like a little mouse on a mouse wheel with one project landing on your desk after the other, with not a moment to catch your breath. This is a recession, so of course, it was wonderful to see the market value you so enthusiastically, but now you're tired and in desperate need of rest. In small doses, this could be exciting, but Mars typically stays in a house seven weeks, not eight months. Now you will get a chance to exhale. Mars in Leo may have had another ramification. If you have a chronic health problem, Mars may have caused a flair-up sometime over the past eight months. Leo rules the heart and blood chemistry as well as the spine, so you may have had a concern about one of those areas, say with a pulled back, anemia, or heart palpitations (maybe due to all the stress). If you felt as though you were spending much too much time in doctors' offices, you can say goodbye to all that! You are about to feel much better, very soon! Mars will move into Virgo on June 7 and stay until July 29. From then on you will see a large emphasis on partnership matters, especially in the first half of June while Mars will be in perfect angle to Pluto. You will be filled with ideas of how you can work with your partner, and if a business partnership is on your mind, you will make profits together almost immediately. Alternatively, you may be thinking about love and marriage and how you can be with your romantic beloved forever. Talks of an engagement or marriage may come up, or, if you are already committed to each other, you will find ways to give your partner more attention and perhaps draw up some exciting with new goals together. Your home life desperately needs some attention, but lately you've been so work oriented you have had almost no time to think about your personal life - now you will. The new moon on June 12 will allow you to bring the focus back to home and other property concerns, and perhaps to start a new home-related project. It may be as simple as your determination to finally clean out all the closets and get things organized, or as complex as making a major move to a new address. You can choose, and from June 12 onward, you will have lots of options. Saturn will be in hard angle to the new moon, so you may be concerned about a parent's welfare or that of another elderly relative. If so, check in frequently to monitor the situation. Sometimes all it takes is a 15-minute phone call to lift the spirits of a relative you love. You can give that person a renewed will to recover, too. I am not saying your relative will be ill, but am saying IF you have a relative who is a shut-in, a note, a card, a phone call, or some flowers would be a wonderful blessing. Jupiter and Uranus will be in hard angles, too, to the new moon, so you may have an expense related to real estate or family care, and it may be a hefty one. If doing renovations, get written estimates ahead of time so there will be no confusion about charges later. Watching the budget could save you quite a bit of cash this month. Despite these hard aspects, Neptune, your ruler, will be magnificently positioned to the new moon, so you will stay inspired no matter what obstacles you encounter. Your creativity will reach all time heights now, so direct some of those artistic sensibilities into your home, to make it cozy and inviting - a true reflection of you. The month ends on a wild lunar eclipse, a full moon in Capricorn, June 26. You will be hearing all sorts of news, on TV and the rest of the media, and of course, you will notice news in your life, too. Fortunately, as I said at the beginning of your report, Capricorn blends well with Pisces, so this eclipse should not trouble you. I cannot see all that is in your chart from where I sit, but the parts I can see seem manageable. The eclipse will fall in your friendship sector (eleventh house), so you will be thinking about your relationship with a friend, or your involvement in a group, whether in real life, or online. A friend may concern you - it looks like one female friend will be leaving your life for one reason or another. (An eclipse of the moon is always read as feminine.) Your friend may be moving away, say to a foreign country, or on the other hand, you may have a falling out with a friend. Whatever comes up appears to be completely out of left field and unexpected. You will not be able to see this coming, due to the harsh angle of Uranus to the lunar eclipse. Be very careful about what you say or write at month's end, for a remark said but taken the wrong way could suddenly end the friendship. Similarly, something you write online in social media could come back to bite you and reveal much too much about you. Err on the side of privacy. If the friend means a lot to you, you will want to tread carefully. If you are at the end of your rope, however, then you may cut the cord, say goodbye, and not look back. The choice will be yours. In the highly charged atmosphere of this eclipse, where Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun, and moon will all be squabbling, be careful not to let overwrought emotions cause you to bicker with your beloved partner. I call this the bleed effect, where someone near gets the spill-over of energy when he or she really didn't do anything to conjure up your anger! Take things slow and easy, and your romantic relationship will remain as sweet as sugar. Think back to what happened around New Year's Eve when we had another lunar eclipse in this family of Cancer-Capricorn. The discussion that came up back then may give you a clue to what will come up now, at the eclipse June 26. Give any eclipse a plus or minus five days of influence. Some eclipses deliver their news a month to the day earlier (May 26) or a month to the day later, July 25, and in all cases allow the tolerance of five days before and after. Finances could become a bone of contention at this eclipse, because planets in your social houses will be working at cross-purposes to those in both your second and eighth houses. Don't lend money at this time, and if you need to get money back that you had lent, it does not seem possible at this time. Wait for better days. As an aside, Capricorn is considered a big money sign, and you can expect the stock markets of the world to rock under this lunar eclipse. This will be a full moon, and with so many planets forming a cardinal cross in the sky, emotions will be running rampant. The stock market is considered a barometer of people's moods - you can see that the stage will be set for a rollercoaster ride. When I use the word "cardinal," it refers to the cardinal signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Libra where most of the planets will be visiting this month. If the stock market does a precipitous free fall, you may be able to clean up by buying undervalued stocks at a bargain later, but be conservative in your selections. Before month's end, seek a valued and trusted financial expert's opinion of how to best protect your savings and investments. If your birthday falls on February 23, or within five days of this date, you will be able to benefit from this eclipse. Dear Pisces, of all the signs, you are in one of the best positions, so don't let anything concern you. The June 26 eclipse is impossible to prepare for because with its angle to Uranus, you'd never be able to guess what's coming. Often I feel that aspects like this are meant to keep us on our toes and to help us stay flexible and resourceful. You can handle what comes up. I know you have questions, so I have prepared a new article, called "How to Prepare for Eclipses," which is a kind of manual for dealing with all eclipses, now and into the future. It's brand new - I just wrote it for you. It has been posted on Astrology Zone and you can see it by clicking on this URL: Summary This will be a very hectic month, with news coming to you on every front. As the month begins, you will likely be happy about career-oriented developments that came up at the end of May. Being so appreciated by your boss or with clients means you can spend more time on your private life in June. No worries - you'll not miss a beat. Your home needs attention, so start with that, as of the new moon June 12. It doesn't matter if your plans are big or small, you can make exceptional progress now. You can move, clear closets, paint your apartment, or do repairs and leave the month with a greater sense of control than you did when you entered it. One of your best weekends to shop for new furniture or give a party at home would be June 12-13, for Venus (fun and love) will be sending winks to Jupiter (happiness, luxury) and Uranus (surprise). Your finances are looking up at long last, so you may want to take the money you earn now and pay down your debt. You will not be out of the woods completely, although events may make you think so. Be conservative with money between now and early September - when you will see money pour in. That is when you will be able to make those payments to lower your statement balances. Later you will be glad you chose to get a good grip on your finances while fortune was shining so brightly on you. Saturn will be focused on your eighth house of credit for months ahead, so the stronger you can get your financial standing the happier you'll be later. The month ends on a full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn, June 26. It will fall in your house of social groups and friends, so something you learn about a friend may distress you. See how you feel. If you cut the cord, it will be final, but if this friend means something to you, you can try to talk things out. Nothing is pre-destined. Eclipses bring news you'd never expect, but it's always news that will protect you, even if it's hard to hear. In order for you to have a better understanding of not only this eclipse but future eclipses, I have written a brand new version of "How to Deal with Eclipses." It's on Astrology Zone and you can read it by clicking here: Romantically, June should be calm and bright. Having Venus in Cancer will be a lyrical influence until June 13. If you want to update your looks for summer, do so during the first two weeks, when you'll most likely love the changes you'll make. Mars will move into Virgo this month on June 7 and stay until July 29. This is also a big shift - your work life will simmer down, and finally you will get time to have some fun. The new emphasis will be on your closest relationship - be ready to draw up plans to make things official, or at the very least, closer. If you find you are arguing a bit more than usual, it's only because you will be spending more time together - don't worry one bit about this. You are going deeper now, and the work you do on your relationship will help you build a stronger foundation for the future. July will bring a new moon in your true love sector, and it's also an eclipse, underscoring how very powerful a moment the new moon eclipse on July 11 will be for you. Stay tuned - love is changing, but in so doing growing bigger for you, too. Almost nothing could happen now that wouldn't support your future. With Jupiter in Pisces again from September through the rest of the year, you are in your wonder year for all things, including your prospects for finding true love. How wonderful! Be out and mingling, dear Pisces! Dates to Note: Career developments will delight you the first few days of June. Home-related projects and goals can get a beautiful send off at the new moon June 12. It matters not if your project is large or small - you'll love the results. Be ready to begin at this time! Your finances will get a huge boost from Jupiter's move into Aries from June 6 to September 9. When you get good news about money, it may come as a complete surprise, coming right out of the blue. June 14 -15 could easily bring a jolt of good news concerning money and work. Your earning potential will be very strong over the summer, until September 9. This is a huge trend that you will certainly notice, and it will go a long way to quell your worries about cash flow that you may have felt earlier in the year. Mars' move into Virgo will make you more determined to merge energies with another person between June 7 and July 29, in either love or business. Venus will glide through your true love sector June 1-13. That's a wow of a placement - use it to flirt, find romance, and to improve your looks. Romance will be best: June 5, 12-13, and 30. The lunar eclipse of June 26 will fall in your house of friendship. You may become upset with a friend or see a friend leave your environment. Alternatively, you may find you don't agree with a VIP who is a manager of a club or charity effort. Treat people with care, lest you trigger a meltdown in this "hot" time of the month.
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