【日运】Yasmin Boland 07.28
来自: 宅小姐(活着,必须有一颗勇敢的心)
Aries Memo to your waistline! As Mars prepares to depart your 6th House, you're a bit less likely to feel like working out and looking after yourself in general. So make a Note To Self now, if you know you're likely to need it, that you should keep up with your health and fitness routines, even when you don't exactly feel like it. You won't have Mars back in this part of your chart for another two years, so you're going to have to get some of the motivation you've (hopefully!) been feeling lately and keep it with you. And if you haven't been working out lately but you've been doing other things to look after yourself, keep those in place too (eg: healthier eating, getting massages, taking time out for walks etc). Taurus As Mars prepared to leave your 5th House, you're going to become a little less likely to feel quite so motivated where romance, kids and creativity is concerned. On the one hand, this can be quite good news. If any (or all) of these parts of your life have been a source of tension or anxiety over the past few weeks, you're like to feel that sense of urgency slip away. However, if you've been feeling super-motivated in any of these parts of your life and that's been a good thing, you're going to have to somehow Hold That Thought and keep yourself self-motivated as this current cycle comes to an end. Gemini If your domestic set up or home/family life has been a source of argy-bargy lately, relax. This cycle, aka Mars in your 4th House, is about to come to an end. Mars' placement over the past few weeks has meant that for some of you, your family and/or your home life (and/or the people you live with or the actual place where you live) has been a source of some fire and maybe a bit of brimstone (or just some consternation)! Use the moment - now - to resolve any outstanding differences that are still coming between you if you can. Life will be a lot less about dramas and a bit more about fun soon enough. For others, family is fine and it's simply meant you've been somehow ACTIVE at home, perhaps renovating or decorating and generally Getting Things Done. If so, well done for using the cycle so wisely! Cancer If you've been finding that the wheels of your mind have been driving you ker-azy lately, the good news is that this cycle is about to come to an end. Mars has been in your 3rd House of the Mind for the past few weeks but he's about to depart. While Mars here can be great because he fires you up mentally, it's also potentially taxing. For one thing, Mars is all about speed and sometimes he overdoes it - in your Mind Zone it can see you unable to relax because your thoughts are going 20 to the dozen. Plus in this part of your chart he gives you a tendency to speak first and think later. All in all, his departure will probably mean a calmer time for your brain. Leo Make ye money while ye may! Mars is about to depart your 2nd House of Cash. On the one hand, this is good news, because it means you're actually about to be a whole lot less likely to be racked by anxiety re money, which has to be a good thing, correct? However, Mars in this part of your chart - where he's been for the past few weeks - also has its plus points. For one thing, it's hopefully made you a lot more pro-active about sorting your finances out. As he leaves this Money Zone, try to hang on to some of the motivation and drive you've felt recently. Stay switched to "On" when it comes to making the money you need. Remember, abundance is everyone's right. Virgo Hallelujah brothers and sisters! Mars is about to leave your sign. Now, hang on. When Mars entered your sign, didn't I say this was a good thing? Well, yes, I most surely did. Mars is the most assertive of all the planets. It's Mars that drives us towards success and towards doing What We Need To. Without Mars, nothing would get done. However, the downside is that Mars is a fiery energy and having him in your sign can be tiring at best and positively nerve-frazzling at worst. So if you're feeling spent or frazzled, take heart, a change is going to come very soon. In the meantime, use the last of his energies to complete all your tasks. Libra Mars is about to end his once-every-two-years visit to your 12th House and in many ways, this is a very good thing. There are plenty of advantages to having him in this part of your chart, if you're on the spiritual path. For one thing, he's a great motivator and in this part of your chart, he can give you the oomph you need to get into your spirituality. If you've done anything like yoga, Tai Chi or Chi Gung over the past few weeks, thank Mars because that's his influence. However, this is the part of your chart which is also about the subconscious. Sometimes his passage through you 12th House can mean you end up being kept up by your worries, and/or that your energy levels are a little low. If that sounds like you, it's about to change. Scorpio Tell your friends you're about to be a whole lot easier to get along with! No kidding. Mars is about to leave your 11th House of Friends, so you can expect far less ructions with your mates, and indeed, with all the people in your social circles. Having said that, Mars here has also helped you be more pro-active and motivated in getting out and about socially. If you've been socialising more than usual, that's Mars. However, if you've been at odds with people, as I said, that's about to ease up. The other thing that this Mars cycle as done is strengthened your desire to make your dreams come true. If you've worked hard in that direction, fingers crossed your efforts have already or are about to pay off (if not straight away then when Mars moves into your sign in just over two months or so). Sagittarius Good news; Life at the office is about to become easier - honest to goodness! Over the past few weeks, you've had Mars in your 10th House, which really is a mixed blessing. On the other hand, nothing fires one up re career and career direction like this transit. However, Mars is also a firebrand so if you've been off your rocker a little with your work colleagues or clients, tell them you're about to simmer down a little. If you've been placed in a position where you've had to work hard to stand up for something you believe in, especially but not only at work, don't stop now, but do be aware that you may not know the results of your efforts until Mars enters your sign in a little over two months. Capricorn You've been in a position to expand your world view, your life philosophies and generally just to broaden your mind over the past few weeks. If you've done something - anything - which you feel has helped you get to know yourself better, then you've been on the right cosmic vibe. Ditto if you've done any study or travel. Anything you've done for yourself in any of these directions has been well-starred. Lap up the last of the Mars in your 9th House vibes. This has been a time when being pro-active about educating yourself about whatever it is you need to know will have worked for you, perhaps even better than you can know yet. Finally, if you've been doing less learning and more teaching, that's also been a perfect use of the cycle Aquarius You're about to start to feel a lot less het up about money, believe it or not. The stresses and strains are about to dissipate. This is not to say any concerns you have about cash about to disappear over night. However your reaction to any tensions is going to be a lot more sanguine in the days ahead. If you've been feeling a lot of anxiety about any outstanding debts or loans, the best thing you can do for yourself is turn the anxiety into action. Don't be like the person who can't even bear to open his or her bills. Facing up to cash dramas is usually the one way to make them go away. Pisces If you feel as though you've had nothing but arguments and confrontations with the people you, as well as the people you're not so fond of, rejoice and be glad! Very soon, as Mars departs your 7th House of Other People, you're going to find it far easier to have a conversation with someone without every point of disagreement becoming a mini-drama that leaves bad feelings. Having said that, also remember that it's these very moments when you've been super-assertive that help you clear the air with others so that they have a clearer idea of where you stand and what you need. Hopefully you can look back over the past few weeks and at least see that.
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