约纳逊 11.20-11.26
来自: sophia(有了幸福的能力,幸福自然会来)
引言 在木星与金星改变方向之后,我们终于迎来了新的一周——外加一轮强有力的满月。如果在你的世界里有些事情已被阻滞太久,准备目睹它的转变吧。如果有的人一直在踌躇不前,期待看到他们的自我释放吧。如果已经存在一种挫败感,做好准备让它被一种积极的预期所取代吧。并不是每一个人的一切事情都总有完美的结果,但我们几乎所有人都将发现自己可以从未来几天的某些东西中得到特别的启示。 白羊座 是时候丢掉你起居室的家具了。把它们处理掉,腾出一些地方来。从天花板上悬挂一副秋千;在你的墙上架起一把梯子;摆上一个鞍马和蹦床。事实上,为什么不做得彻底一点,把楼梯也拆掉呢?用一根杆子取而代之,这样你就可以爬上去又滑下来了。这一切不仅会让你保持体态健美,还会与生活目前看似让你身心力竭的方式形成呼应。你的世界此刻并没有多少舒适可言,但是我们也不能当真就说正在挑战你的事物有害无益。不久,一个近来对你提出诸多要求的过程将开始带来回报。 It's time to get rid of your sitting room furniture. Give it away. Clear some space. Hang a trapeze from your ceiling. Put a ladder up your wall. Get a vaulting horse and a trampoline. Indeed, why not go the whole way and take out the staircase? Replace it with a pole that you can shimmy up and slide down. Not only will this all keep you fit, it will echo the way in which life now seems to be stretching you physically and mentally. There's not much comfort in your world right now but nor can we really say that what's challenging you is bad. Soon, a process that has lately demanded a lot from you will begin to bring rewards. 金牛座 如果你眼下不觉得困惑,你很可能是应该感到困惑的。月亮在金牛宫里达到圆满的过程中已经引起了许多问题。每一个问题都在挑战着你对于事物如何运作、你需要什么以及有什么可能的认知。你不再那么肯定你知道自己该向何处托付信任,或者自己为何在做目前正在做的事情。你一度依赖的旧有安排不再显得那么确定。但是,你所感觉到的任何不安全感都将很快被一种清明的感觉取代。金星现已在黄道带中改变方向;你正在得到一种自由,一旦你适应了它,它将促使一切向更好的方向转变。 If you're not feeling confused, you probably ought to be. The run up to the Full Moon in Taurus has raised many issues. Each has challenged your understanding of how things work, of what you need and of what's possible. You're no longer so sure you know where to place your faith or why you're doing what you're doing. Old arrangements on which you once relied no longer seem so certain. But any insecurity you feel will soon be replaced with a sense of clarity. Venus has now changed direction in the zodiac; you are finding a freedom that, once you get used to it, will help alter everything for the better. 双子座 火星本周缓缓移近与木星成直角的位置。与此同时,水星的移动仿如先遣部队。本周伊始,它在火星近旁,然后继续向前冲,率先构成直角,仿佛是为了让木星知道该期待些什么。你主星的举动是否正是你为了他人而把自己置于火线之下的倾向的一种反映呢?你本周是否在做出妥协或牺牲呢?你是否正在步入你无需占据的领地呢?踏上一次冒险之旅是一回事,而卷入一场不必要的戏剧性事件则另当别论。本周里,你不必走得比你自己所愿意的更远。 Mars, this week, edges slowly closer towards a right-angle with Jupiter. Mercury, meanwhile, acts almost as a kind of advance guard. It begins the week near Mars, then rushes on to form the right-angle first, as if to let Jupiter know what to expect. Does your ruling planet's behaviour reflect your own tendency to put yourself in the firing line on another's behalf? Are you making compromises, this week, or sacrifices? Are you stepping into territory that you need not occupy? It's one thing to embark on an adventure, another to get embroiled in an unnecessary drama. You don't have to go any further than you want to this week. 巨蟹座 本周有些事情需要讨论。但是,对话的主题颇为微妙。那是一种大部分人宁愿绕圈子而不愿意去谈论的话题。你必须确保你是在与人交谈,而不是你自己对着他们滔滔不绝地发言。同样地,如果某人似乎在教训你,就去试着把训斥扭转为一场对话吧。只要有对话,就会有沟通。而这又反过来会带来进步。但是,一旦所有事情变得一面倒时,混乱的阴云就会引发抵触情绪。要开放、放松、乐于聆听,一切都会好起来的。 Something needs to be discussed this week. The topic of conversation, though, is delicate. It's the kind of subject that most people prefer to talk around, rather than talk about. You have to make sure that you talk to someone, not at them. Likewise, if someone seems to be lecturing you, try to turn the diatribe into a dialogue. As long as there is conversation, there will be communication. This, in turn, will bring progress. As soon as everything becomes one-sided, though, a cloud of confusion will give rise to a mood of conflict. Be open. Be relaxed. Be willing to listen and all will be well. 狮子座 "太阳,虽有众多行星环绕依赖,犹能发散光热使葡萄成熟,仿佛宇宙间并无他事分心。"伽利略这样说道。显然,他明白今天某些人们称之为"宇宙秩序"的法则。我们都可以争论何为"大"或"小",但是宇宙看待这些问题的角度非常不同! 本周,你只需信任你自己对于何为重要以及为何重要的认知。本周里,向宇宙索求你想要的吧,尽管它正在为许多其它事情忙碌,它其实仍然能够满足你的愿望。 'The Sun, with all the planets revolving around it, and depending on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as though it had nothing else in the Universe to do.' So observed Galileo Galilei. Clearly, he understood the principles of what, today, some people call 'Cosmic Ordering'. We can all argue about what's 'big' or 'small', but the universe sees these matters from a very different perspective! This week, you simply have to trust your own understanding of what's important... and why. Ask the universe for what you want this week... and despite the fact that it's busy doing a lot of other things, it could still actually grant your wish 处女座 有一则老笑话,说的是一个人走进诊疗室,说:"医生,医生,人们一直忽视我。"医生甚至没有从他的病案中抬起头。他只是按响书桌上的铃,说:"请下一位。"出于某种奇怪的原因,我怀疑你此刻可以与这则笑话联系起来。某个人声称自己正在倾听你说话,但是他们的行为和态度所表现出来的却是另一回事。要继续温和但坚持地强调你必须表明的观点。可能得花上一阵子你才会得到满意的回应,但是你的声音终将被听见与理解,而这将开创一个不一样的世界。 There is an old joke about a person who walks into a surgery and says, 'Doctor, doctor, people keep ignoring me.' The doctor doesn't even look up from his notes. He just rings a bell on his desk and says, 'Next please.' For some strange reason, I suspect you can relate to that at the moment. A particular person claims to be listening to you, but their actions and their attitudes suggest otherwise. Keep on gently, but persistently, pressing the point that must be made. It may take a while before you get a satisfactory response, but you will eventually be heard and understood - and that will make a world of difference. 天秤座 为何好像每当生活中的一个方面开始变得还不错的时候,另一个方面就会开始土崩瓦解呢?那部规定你在获得成功之前必需做出牺牲的不成文法律在哪里?是否有可能不放弃任何东西就能满足你至关重要的需要和要求呢?这是有可能的,条件是你敏感聪慧,并且乐于改变一些想法。金星已经改变方向,结束了自10月初以来的倒行。你的处境看上去比真实情况复杂。你正越来越接近一项非常积极的进展来临的那一天。 Why does it seem as if every time things start going well enough in one area of life, they begin to unravel in another? Where is the unwritten law that states that you must make a sacrifice before you can attain a success? Is it possible to satisfy your most crucial needs and requirements without giving anything up? Yes, if you are sensitive, clever and willing to alter some ideas. Venus has changed direction; ending the retrograde phase that it has been subject to since early October. Your situation appears more complicated than it really is. You are getting closer by the day to a very positive development. 天蝎座 有人说:"我只想知道自己正站在哪里。" 也许这不是一个合理的问题。你所在的位置取决于你愿意看到自己站在哪里。我们生活在一个无常的世界中。如果我们对于自己从何而来一无所知,对于我们离开时去向何处也毫无头绪的话,我们怎能确定自己现在何处呢?这正是为何显得最有权威感的人们最终会为他人所信仰的原因。你为什么要放弃自己的权力?为什么要允许其他人来规定你的位置?本周不要问"我站在哪里?",而要问"我主张什么?"然后,一切都将变得清晰。 'All I want,' people say, 'is to know where I stand.' Perhaps that's not a reasonable request. Where you stand depends on where you care to see yourself as standing. We live in an uncertain world. If we haven't got a clue where we came from, and have no idea where we are going when we leave, how can we ever be sure where we are now? That's why the people who assume the greatest air of authority, end up being believed. Why give away your power? Why allow someone else to define your position? Don't ask, 'Where do I stand?' this week, ask, 'What do I stand for?' Then everything will become clear. 射手座 常言道:便宜无好货。本周也许不会给你机会去拨正一个假节约的观念,但它至少提供了一个良机去避免犯两次相同的错误。一次你之前没能利用、并且以为自己已经永远与之失之交臂的财务可能性,因为木星近来的转向去而复返。你似乎正被各种机会所环绕,可以使自己在物质和精神上都变得更富有。一个更具安全感的阶段在等候着你;即使你眼下觉得自己不堪一击,正在发生的一切正是最终会带来这种改善的过程的一部分。 'If you buy cheap, you buy twice.' So the old saying goes. This week may not bring you the chance to rectify a false economy - but it at least offers an opportunity to avoid making the same mistake twice. Jupiter's recent change of direction is bringing a return of the financial possibility that you failed to take advantage of before and then thought you had lost forever. You are surrounded, it seems, with opportunities to become better off - materially and emotionally. A phase of greater security awaits you; and even if you currently feel vulnerable, what's happening is part of a process that will eventually bring the improvement about. 摩羯座 人们说:"种什么就得什么。"但是在播种的时候我们有多少选择呢?我们的生物或文化遗传对于我们的种子的决定作用至少与我们的辨别力和选择自由的作用一样大,难道不是吗?也许是这样的,但是之后真正起作用的与其说是你播种了什么,还不如说是你播种于何处、你如何照料你的作物、你做了哪些打理工作,甚至还有你阅读天气的能力有多强。本周,你可以期待得到一个意外收获。你的收获也许并非完全如你所想,但是你即将得到的东西尽管令人烦恼,却也全然美妙。 'We reap,' they say, 'what we sow'. But how much choice do we have over what we sow? Are not our seeds determined at least as much by our biological or cultural inheritance as by our discrimination and freedom of choice? Perhaps so, but then, what really makes a difference is not so much what you sow, as where you sow it, how you tend your crop, what care you take and even, how well you read the weather. This week, you can expect to reap a surprising harvest. You may not be about to get quite what you thought you were getting, but you are getting something every bit as wonderful as it is troublesome. 水瓶座 当你还是孩子的时候,你是否曾经想要弄明白,事物是只在你看向它们的时候才存在呢,还是它们一直就在那里?你是否曾经很快地打开橱柜门,想看看自己是否可以骗过里面的东西,让它们不在你眼前及时出现?你是否曾经尝试悄悄地走近镜子,希望或许能发现自己的影像正在打盹儿?正因为这些行动统统失败了,你无法假设世间一切皆了无新意、不出所料。一个"母体的缺口"即将出现。某些事物你之前以为是一种模样,实则是另外一种。而尽管这很奇怪,它却是异常有益的。 As a child, did you ever wonder if things only existed when you were looking at them or whether they were there all along? Did you ever open a cupboard door really fast, to see if you could trick the contents into not appearing before your eyes in time? Did you ever attempt to sneak up on the mirror in the hope that you might find your reflection napping? Just because these exercises failed, you can't assume that everything in the world is obvious and predictable. A 'gap in the matrix' is about to arise. Something that you thought was one way is actually another. And for all that this is odd, it is exceptionally beneficial. 双鱼座 记得《狮子,女巫和魔衣橱》吗?书和电影中对一个被冰封多年、突然开始融化的国度作了精彩描绘。这个故事就像C. S. 刘易斯所有作品一样——充满寓意。被冰封的心灵也可以融化,而当它们融化的时候,奇妙的变化就会随即发生。我不是在暗示你从任何意义上说是寒冷的——也许在某个意义上是吧。一段时间以前,一种情绪或渴望对你来说变得过度强烈,所以你将它暂时雪藏起来。自此之后,你的一部分就生活在了一个只有冬天的地方。现在,随着冰雪消融,许多来自你过去的痛苦也在消褪。 Remember The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe? In the book and in the movie, there's a wonderful depiction of a land that has been frozen for ages, suddenly starting to thaw. It is like everything CS Lewis ever wrote - allegorical. Frozen hearts can also thaw - and when they do, wonderful changes can ensue. I am not suggesting that you are cold in any way - other, perhaps, than one. Some while ago an emotion or an aspiration became too powerful for you, so you put it on ice. Ever since, a part of you has lived in a land where it is always winter. Now, as that ice melts, so does a lot of the pain from your past. 转自http://www.canier.com
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