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ICOM Statutes 国际博物馆协会章程 Approved in Vienna (Austria) - August 24, 2007. (国际博物馆协会第二十一届全体大会于2007年8月24日在维也纳通过) The French language version of the ICOM Statutes is the official document from which translations must emanate. Questions regarding the official position of ICOM on statutory issue should refer to the French version. 国际博协章程的官方版本为法语版,其它语种译文均应以法语版本为源。涉及到官方正式表达和法律问题等须参考其法语版本。 Introduction 简 介 The Statutes of the International Council of Museums (hereinafter referred to as “ICOM”) is the basic document of the Organisation. The internal Rules of ICOM, and the Code of Ethics define and complete these Statutes 国际博物馆协会(ICOM)章程为该组织的基础文件。该文件由国际博物馆协会的内部规则及道德准则界定和完成。 The practices of ICOM must be based on honesty, fairness and mutual respect, as well as service to the international museum community. 国际博物馆协会的行为必须立足于诚实、公平、相互尊重以及为国际博物馆界服务的原则。 The objectives of ICOM are (i) to promote the establishment, development and professional management of museums, (ii) and to advance knowledge and understanding of the nature, function and role of museums. 国际博物馆协会目标如下: (1)鼓励并支持各类博物馆的建立、发展及专业化管理; (2)增进对博物馆在为社会及其发展服务中的性质、职能及作用的认识与了解。 ICOM establishes ethical standards which must be adopted and respected by museums and museum professionals. It organises co-operation and mutual assistance between museums and between museum professionals. It represents, advances, and disseminates knowledge in museology and other disciplines related to studies in museology and/or the management and activities of museums. 博物馆及博物馆专业人员必须服从和尊重国际博物馆协会确立的职业道德准则。国际博物馆协会组织不同国家博物馆之间及博物馆专业人员之间的合作与互助。其代表、增进并传播博物馆学及其它与博物馆学研究和博物馆的管理及运转有关的知识。 Article 1 - Name, Legal Status, Location, Duration and Fiscal Year 第一条.名称、法律地位、办公地点、持续年限及财政年度 Section 1. Name. The name of the Organisation is the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Use of the name and acronym is restricted to functions authorised by and for the benefit of the Organisation and its members. 1. 名称。本机构的名称为国际博物馆协会(以下简称国际博协),英文名称为International Council of Museum, 缩写为ICOM。该名称及简称使用仅限于该组织及其成员,并为该组织及其成员利益服务。 Section 2. Legal Status. Established in 1946, ICOM is a non-profit organisation subject to French legislation (the 1901 law on associations) and a non-governmental organisation maintaining formal relations with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and having a consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. 2. 法律地位。国际博协成立于1946年,是一个通过法国立法(1901年的社团法)的非赢利性、非政府组织。该组织与联合国教育、科学及文化组织保持着官方联系,并在联合国经济与社会委员会上占有咨询的地位。 Section 3. Location. The registered office of ICOM is Maison de l’UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France. The location may be modified by a decision of the Executive Council. 3. 办公地点。国际博协的注册办事处位于联合国教科文组织大楼(1 rue Miollis,75732 Paris Cedex15, France)。办公地点可根据执行委员会的决议进行变动。 Section 4. Duration of the Mandate. The duration of ICOM shall be indefinite. 4. 持续年限。国际博协是一个永久存在的组织。 Section 5. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year begins on 1st January and ends on 31st December of each year. 5. 财政年度。从每年的1月1日至该年的12月31日,称为一个财政年度。 Article 2 - Mission and Purpose 第二条.任务及目标 Section 1. Mission. ICOM is the international organisation of museums and museum professionals which is committed to the conservation, continuation and communication to society of the world's natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible. 1. 任务。国际博协是一个为博物馆和博物馆专业人员服务的国际性组织,它致力于社会自然遗产和文化遗产,包括现在的和将来的、有形的和无形的遗产之保存、延续及传播。 Section 2. Purpose. ICOM establishes professional and ethical standards for museum activities, makes recommendations on such issues, promotes training, advances knowledge and raises public cultural awareness through global networks and co-operation programmes. 2. 目标。国际博协为博物馆活动设立专业和道德标准,通过全球网络及合作项目为博物馆活动提出意见、推广培训制度、推进知识进步、提升公众文化意识。 Article 3 - Definition of Terms 第三条.术语定义 Section 1. Museum. A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment. 1. 博物馆。博物馆是一个为社会及其发展服务的、非盈利的永久性机构,并向大众开放。它为研究、教育、欣赏之目的征集、保护、研究、传播并展出人类及人类环境的物证。 Section 2. Institutions recognised by ICOM. The Executive Council, after seeking the advice of the Advisory Committee, may recognise other institutions as having some or all of the characteristics of a Museum. 2. 具有博物馆资格之机构。执行委员会经征求咨询委员会意见后,可认定一些具有博物馆的部分或全部特征的机构具有博物馆资格。 Section 3. Museum Professionals. Museum professionals include all the personnel of museums, or institutions qualifying as museums in accordance with the definition in Article 3, Section 1 & 2, and training and research institutions which are beneficialto museum activities, having received specialised training, or possessing an equivalent practical experience, in any field relevant to the management and activities of a museum, as well as independent persons respecting the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums and working for and with museums, but not involved in promoting or dealing with any commercial products and equipment required for museums and their services. 3. 博物馆专业人员。博物馆专业人员包括受过专业培训或在博物馆运行及管理等任何方面具有同等实践经验的、根据第三条第一款和第二款所定义的博物馆的或具有博物馆资格之机构和对博物馆活动有益的培训研究机构的全体工作人员,以及从事博物馆学某一专业、尊重“国际博物馆道德准则”,并没有参与任何推销和经营博物馆商品、设备及服务的个人。 Section 4. Member in Good Standing. An ICOM member in good standing is a person (or an institution) whose request for membership to ICOM has been accepted under the conditions definedin Article 4, Section 2 of these Statues, and has paid the annual membership fee (dues) at the time and in the amount determined by the Executive Council. 4. 有良好声誉的会员。一个有良好声誉的国际博协会员是指达到该章程第四条第二款国际博协会员要求,并在执行委员会的规定下按时缴纳当年会费的会员。 Section 5. State. For the purposes of establishing National Committees, a State is defined as a self-governing country which is a member of the United Nations or any of its Specialised Agencies, or is a party to the Statutes of the International Court of Justice. 5. 国家。为了建立国家委员会,“国家”被定义为属联合国或其任何具体机构或属国际法庭成员的、自主的国家。 Article 4 - Membership 第四条.会员资格 Section 1. Members. Membership shall be open to Museums, Institutions recognised by ICOM and Museum Professionals, and such other persons or institutions considered to be beneficial for the advancement of the museum community 1. 会员。博物馆、具有博物馆资格的机构、博物馆专业人员以及其它被认为对博物馆届有益的个人或团体均有成为国际博协会员资格。 All persons eligible for membership shall indicate to ICOM that they wish to become Members, that they accept and will comply with the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums, and shall complete the application form to request membership. 符合会员资格条件的所有个人或团体应向国际博协提出申请,表明他们希望成为会员,遵守国际博协博物馆道德准则,并提交会员资格申请表。 Membership in ICOM shall not be available to any person or institution (including its employees) which trades (buys or sells for profit) cultural property including works of art, natural and scientific specimens, taking into consideration national legislations and international conventions. This disqualification applies to persons or institutions engaged in an activity which could cause a conflict of interest. 任何(以买卖赢利为目的)经营文化财产,包括艺术作品、自然和科学标本的个人(包括被雇用者)或机构,考虑到国家法规和国际准则,均不应获得国际博协会员资格。 Section 2. Approval of Membership. National Committees shall forward the application form and annual subvention of new members to the ICOM Secretariat as soon as possible. 2. 会员资格的获准。国家委员会应尽快把新成员的申请表和年费呈递至国际博协秘书处。 Only Honorary Members, as defined below in Section 3 of this Article, are exempt from this review process. Their candidacy is proposed by the Executive Council to the General Assembly, which decides to accept or reject it, by a simple majority. 只有名誉会员,如本条第三款所规定,免予此审查过程。其候选资格由执行委员会在大会上提出,最后由大会以简单多数决定是否给予其会员资格。 Section 3. Categories of Membership. 3. 会员分类 i.Individual Members – Museum professionals, as defined in Article 3, still working or retired, or other persons who, because of their experience or professional services rendered to ICOM, are eligible to become individual members. ⑴ 个人会员——根据本章程第三条所规定的在职或退休的博物馆专业人员,或鉴于其经验或鉴于其为国际博协提供专业服务而被认为符合国际博协会员资格的个人。 ii.Institutional Members — Museums or other institutions complying with the definition of a museum. ⑵团体会员——博物馆或符合博物馆之定义的其它机构。 iii.Student Members — Persons enrolled in museum-related academic programmes may be proposed for admission to this category of membership by a National Committee. ⑶学生会员——参加博物馆相关学术课程者可向国家委员会提出申请成为这一类会员。 iv.Honorary Members — Persons who have rendered exceptional services to the international museum community or to ICOM. ⑷名誉会员——对国际博物馆事业或国际博协做出特殊贡献者。 v.Supporting Members — Persons or institutions providing substantial financial or other assistance to ICOM because of an interest in museums and international co-operation between museums. ⑸赞助会员——出于对博物馆及博物馆之间国际合作的兴趣而向国际博协提供财政或其它方面支持的个人或机构。 Section 4. Termination of Membership. Membership of ICOM may be discontinued by voluntary withdrawal or by a decision of the Executive Council for one of the following reasons: 4. 会员资格之终止。国际博协会员可自愿以书面形式提出退会。同时,在下列情况下,执行委员会可以终止其会员资格: i. Change of professional status; ii. Breach of professional ethics; iii. Actions considered to be substantially incompatible with the objectives of ICOM; iv. Non-payment of fees after formal notice of the payment due ⑴因专业身份的变化而不具有国际博协会员资格 ⑵违背专业人员职业道德准则 ⑶出现极不符合国际博协目的之行为 ⑷在被正式告知应付年度会费后,未能缴纳会费 Article 5 - Annual Membership Fee 第五条.年度会费 Section 1. Amount and Payment of the Membership Fee. Each Individual, Institutional, Student, and Supporting Member of ICOM shall pay an annual membership fee (dues) at a rate recommended by the Executive Council and approved by the General Assembly. 1.会费的数额及缴纳。国际博协的任何个人、团体、学生及赞助会员应按照执行委员会提出的、大会批准的比率缴纳年度会费。 Every year, the Executive Council shall announce the amount of the annual membership fee for the following year. The National Committee shall forward the membership fees to the Secretariat by June 30th, which will process in the month following receipt. 执行委员会须在每年公布下一年年度会费的数额。国家委员会须在6月30日前把会费呈递至秘书处,并由秘书处在接下来的一个月内开出收据。 Section 2. Period Covered by the Membership Fee. The annual membership fee shall cover the calendar year in question. 2. 会费缴纳周期。年度会费缴纳周期应为一个公历年周期。 Article 6 - Membership Privileges 第六条.会员权益 Section 1. Membership Card. Individual Members in good standing receive a membership card that grants them special privileges as determined by ICOM. 1. 会员卡。有良好声誉的个人会员可获得一张会员卡,凭卡可享受国际博协规定的特殊权益。 Section 2. Right to Seek Election. Individual Members in good standing, and representatives of Institutional Members in good standing, can stand for election (i) to the Executive Council (see Article 14, Section 5), (ii) as the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of the Advisory Committee (see Article 14, Section 3) or (iii) for the elected functions of a National Committee, an International Committee or a Regional Alliance 2. 参与选举的权利。有良好声誉的个人会员及团体会员代表有权参与选举: ⑴加入执行委员会(查看第十四条,第五款) ⑵成为咨询委员会的主席或副主席(查看第十四条,第三款) ⑶成为其国家委员会、国际委员会或地方性组织的一名成员 Section 3. Designated Representatives. Institutional Members can designate three (3) persons to represent them on National Committees and International Committees, as well as at the General Conference and General Assembly. 3. 指定代表。团体会员可指定三位代表出席国家委员会、国际委员会、全体会议及全体大会。 Section 4. Student Participation. Student Members may participate in the activities of National and International Committees, and may also attend and participate in General Conferences and General Assemblies, but they may not vote or stand for an office in ICOM. 4. 学生参与。学生会员可参加国家委员会及国际委员会的活动,亦可出席全体会议及全体大会,但没有表决权和担任国际博协职务的权利。 Section 5. Special Status. Honorary and Supporting Members are entitled to membership rights and privileges but may not hold an elected office in ICOM. 5. 特殊地位。名誉会员和赞助会员被赋予会员的权利和利益,但不可在国际博协担任任何职务。 Article 7 - Voting Rights 第七条.表决权 Section 1. Voting Rights. The voting rights of Individual and Institutional Members at the General Assembly and for the election of the Executive Council are prescribed in the following sections of this Article, Article 10, Sections 2, 3 and 6, as well as Article 14, Section 5, in the case of meetings of the Advisory Committee; members present during voting may not have more than one proxy. 1. 表决权。个人会员和团体会员在全体大会及执行委员会之选举的表决权在第十条的第二、三款和第十四条的第五款中作出了规定。在咨询委员会会议上,投票期间,参加选举的会员不得提出超过一个的委托投票书。 Section 2. Committee Vote. Each National and International Committee has the right to designate five (5) of its members (individual members or designated representatives of institutional members) to vote on its behalf on matters coming before the General Assembly. 2. 委员会表决。国家委员会或国际委员会有权指定该委员会的五名成员(个人会员或指定团体会员代表)代表该委员会对全体大会召开之前的事宜进行表决。 Section 3. Affiliated Vote. Each Affiliated Organisation has the right to designate three (3) of its members (individual members or designated representatives of institutional members) to vote on its behalf on matters coming before the General Assembly. 3. 隶属组织表决。一个隶属组织有权指定三名会员(个人会员或指定团体会员代表)代表该组织对全体大会召开之前的事宜进行表决。 Section 4. Non-Voting Members. Student, Supporting and Honorary Members shall not have the right to vote at the General Assembly of ICOM. 4. 无表决权会员。学生会员、赞助会员和名誉会员在国际博协全体大会上不具有表决权。 Article 8 - Components of ICOM 第八条.国际博协之组成部分 ICOM is composed as follows: i. General Assembly ii. Executive Council o President o Two Vice-Presidents o Treasurer o At-Large (ordinary) Members iii. Advisory Committee iv. National Committees v. National Correspondents vi. International Committees vii. General Conference viii. Regional Alliances ix. Affiliated Organisations x. Operational Secretariat xi. UNESCO-ICOM Museum Information Centre 1.国际博协的组成部分应为: ⑴全体大会 ⑵执行委员会 ①主席 ②两位副主席 ③司库 ④执行委员 ⑶咨询委员会 ⑷国家委员会 ⑸国家联络员 ⑹国际委员会 ⑺全体会议 ⑻地区性组织 ⑼隶属组织 ⑽秘书处 ⑾联合国教育、科学及文化组织-国际博物馆协会博物馆信息资料中心 Article 9 - Governance Structure 第九条.管理机构 The primary authority of ICOM resides through its Members. 国际博协通过会员行使其权利。 The Executive Council, composed of officers and at-large (ordinary) Members elected by the General Assembly, is responsible for the managerial aspects of ICOM. 执行委员会包括官员和在全体大会上选举产生的一般会员,他们负责国际博协的管理工作。 The Advisory Committee, composed of Chairpersons of National and International Committees and Regional Alliances and Affiliated Organisations, has an advisory role to represent its membership in the activities of ICOM. 咨询委员会包括国家委员会、国际委员会、地区性组织和隶属组织的各位主席,其在国际博协活动中代表其成员占有咨询地位。 Article 10 - General Assembly 第十条.全体大会 Section 1. Authority: The General Assembly is the legislative body of ICOM. 1.职能。全体大会是国际博协的立法机构。 Section 2. Members: The General Assembly consists of all individual, student, supporting, and honorary members and the designated representatives of institutional members. Only individual members and representatives of institutional members who have been designated as voting delegates by National Committees, International Committee and Affiliated Organization in accordance with Section1 1, 2, and 3 of Article 7 have the right to vote at the General Assembly of ICOM. 2.成员。全体大会包括所有个人、学生、赞助和名誉会员以及团体会员指定代表。只有个人会员和被国家委员会、国际委员会和隶属组织指定的团体会员代表,依据第七条第一、二及三款规定,有权在国际博协全体大会上表决。 Section 3. Meetings :Ordinary General Assembly - The General Assembly will hold an ordinary session at least once a year at the time of the annual meeting of the Advisory Committee. 3.会议。常规全体大会——全体大会每年至少在咨询委员会年度会议期间召开一次常规会议。 The quorum for an Ordinary General Assembly is a simple majority of the number of members present, or members with the right to vote represented by a proxy (the number of proxies per member is indicated in the Rules of Procedure). If this quorum is not reached, the General Assembly will be convened again in the same location within twenty-four (24) hours at the latest. Whatever the number of members then present, the General Assembly has the power to deliberate. The decisions of an Ordinary General Assembly are taken by a simple majority of the members present. 全体大会常规会议的法定人数是出席会员或者是具有表决权的会员的半数以上(会员的代理人数在程序规则做了说明)。如果达不到这一法定人数,全体大会应于二十四小时之内在同一地点再次召开会议。届时无论被指定为表决会员的与会人数之多少,全体大会的审议应为有效。常规全体大会的决议由出席会员表决。 The Ordinary General Assembly makes decisions on recommendations from the Executive Council (i) on changes to the conditions on application for membership. 常规全体大会对执行委员会提出的会员资格申请条件的变更之决议进行表决。 The Ordinary General Assembly elects members of the Executive Council (Article 11, section 1 and Article 14, section 5) 常规全体大会对执行委员会人员进行选举(第十一条,第二款和第十四条,第五款) The Ordinary General Assembly meets at least once a year, within six (6) months after closure of the fiscal year, to rule on the accounts 全体大会成员一个财政年度结束后的6个月内至少进行一次会面,对上一年的财政情况表决。 The Ordinary General Assembly will meet in triennial session, on the same dates and in the same place as the triennial General Conference, as described in Article 20 of this document. 全体大会将每三年召开一次会议。根据该文件第二十条规定,会议召开的时间、地点应和三年一届的全体会议一致。 Extraordinary General Assembly - The Executive Council, on the recommendation of the President, can convene an Extraordinary General Assembly to adopt amendments to the Statutes and items of importance proposed by the Executive Council and/or the Advisory Committee, as well as by National and International Committees and/or Regional Alliances and Affiliated Organisations. The decisions of the Extraordinary General Assembly are taken by a two-thirds majority of the members present and represented. 非常规全体大会——执行委员会在主席的建议下可以召开一次非常规全体大会来使新的修正案与章程及执行委员会和/或咨询委员会、国家、国际委员会和/或地区性组织和隶属组织提出的重要条款相适应。非常规全体大会的决议由出席会员和代表会员人数的三分之二多数决定。 The Extraordinary General Assembly has the authority to amend all aspects of the Statutes. 非常规全体大会有修改本章程的职能。 List of Participants - An attendance sheet will be signed during every General Assembly by the members who are present and by representatives having received a proxy. The Chairperson reviews the attendance sheet and guarantees its accuracy. 与会者名单——在全体大会期间,出席会员和代表会员应在出席者名单上签名。出席者名单应转交大会主席审查,以确保其准确性。 Minutes - A report on the deliberations and decisions of each Assembly will be prepared by the Director General and approved by the President. Copies or extracts are made available to members in an electronic or printed version. 会议记录——秘书长应准备好一份关于大会讨论和决议的报告并交由大会主席批准。副本和摘要的电子版和打印版应分别发放给会员。 The Minutes must indicate the date, place and agenda of the meeting, the mode of convening, the names of the members present and represented, the documents and reports submitted for discussion, a summary of the debates, and the texts of the resolutions with the results of the votes. 记录包括时间、地点、会议议程、会议模式、出席会员及代表会员的姓名、讨论报告及文件、讨论结果和带有投票结果的文件。 Section 4. Official invitation to the assemblies 4.大会的正式邀请 The Executive Council establishes the agenda of the General Assembly and convenes the Assembly at least thirty (30) days before the date fixed for the meeting. The meetings of the assemblies will take place at UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France, or in any other location indicated in the official invitation. 执行委员会确立全体大会议程并在会议召开前至少30天发出通知。全体大会召开地点在巴黎联合国教育、科技及文化组织(1rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France)或者在邀请函中另行通知。 I) An official invitation is sent at least thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting by the Director General to all the members of ICOM composing the assembly. II) An announcement is published in ICOM News, or on the Web site of ICOM. The official invitation includes the date, time and place of the meeting, as well as the agenda of the assembly. ⑴在全体大会召开前至少30天,秘书长应致函大会所有成员邀请其参加会议。 ⑵在国际博协通讯或国际博协网站上发出相应的公告。 正式邀请函包括会议的准确时间、地点以及大会的议程。 Section 5. Authority of the President. 5. 主席的职能。 The President of ICOM chairs the General Assembly. If the President does not wish to exercise this function, one of the two Vice-Presidents shall chair the General Assembly. 国际博协主席主持全体大会。如果主席没有意愿行使此权力,应由一至两个副主席主持。 Section 6. Vote. During the sessions of the General Assembly and notably during the election of the Executive Council, each National and International Committee has the right to appoint five (5) of its voting members (individual members or representatives of institutional members) to vote in its name on questions subjected to a decision of the General Assembly. Similarly, each Affiliated Organisation has the right to appoint three (3) of its voting members (individual members or representatives of institutional members of ICOM), under the same conditions. 6. 投票。在全体大会的会议上,特别是在执行委员会委员的选举期间,国家和国际委员会有权指定5名选举会员(个人会员或团体会员代表)代表其行使全体大会的表决权。同样,附属委员会有权指定3名选举会员(个人会员或团体会员代表)代表其行使全体大会的表决权。 Article 11 - Executive Council 第十一条.执行委员会 Section 1. Organisation. The Executive Council is the decision making body of ICOM. It consists of not less than nine (9) and not more than fifteen (15) elected members, as well as the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee as an ex-officio member. 1.组织。执行委员会是国际博协的决策机构。该机构由9至15名当选会员组成。咨询委员会主席鉴于其职务,应成为执行委员会成员。 The members of the Executive Council are elected by the Ordinary General Assembly and serve a three (3)-year term of office. Members of the Executive Council Bureau and At-large (ordinary) members may serve two (2) consecutive terms, if elected. An At-large (ordinary) Member of the Council may subsequently be elected as an officer of the Council. No person may serve more than four consecutive terms as a member of the Executive Council. 执行委员会成员在常规全体大会上选举产生,任期三年。执行委员会之官员及普通成员在选举通过的条件下,可以连任两届。执行委员会委员可以参加该委员会官员的选举。没有人可以供职执行委员会委员连续超过四届。 The President chairs the Executive Council. When the President is unable to fulfil his or her elected term, the Executive Council will select one of the Vice-Presidents by a simple majority to act as President until the next election. When a Vice-President is unable to complete his or her term, the Executive Council will select one of the At-Large (ordinary) members by a simple majority to act as Vice-President until the next election. The time spent as Vice-President by an At-large (ordinary) member shall not count against his or her time as an elected officer. If an at-large (ordinary) member is unable to complete his or her term, the position shall remain vacant until the next election. 国际博协主席应主持执行委员会会议。当主席职位出现空缺时,执行委员会将以简单多数选出一位副主席代理主席行事直至下届选举。当副主席的职位出现空缺时,执行委员会将以简单多数选出一位普通成员代理副主席行事直至下届选举。普通成员在代理副主席行事的时间应与其代理当选官员的时间一致。当普通成员的职位出现空缺时,该职位之空缺应保留至下一届选举。 Persons elected to the Executive Council shall not hold additional offices within ICOM unless authorised to do so by the Executive Council. 执行委员会当选成员不应在国际博协担任其它任何职务,除非执行委员会特别授权。 Section 2. Meetings. The Council shall meet in ordinary session at least twice a year. One of these meetings shall be held on the occasion of the annual Ordinary General Assembly, at the same time and place. 2.会议。委员会常规会议每年至少召开两次。其中一次会议应与全体大会年度常规会议的时间、地点保持一致。 Section 3. Duties of the Council. The Executive Council ensures the good management of ICOM. It oversees the various resources of ICOM (financial, human, intellectual and technical) and their development. It safeguards ICOM’s reputation, international esteem and public regard. It recommends an amount for the membership fees to be approved by the General Assembly. 3. 委员会职责。执行委员会应确保国际博协之有效管理。委员会负责监督国际博协各种资源(财政、人员、人才、技术)并监督其发展。委员会负责维护国际博协名誉、国际尊严及公共关系。委员会应向于全体大会上审议的会员费数额提出意见。 Section 4. Quorum and Majority. The quorum for a meeting of the Council shall be a simple majority of the members. The Executive Council takes its decisions by a simple majority. 4. 法定人数及多数。委员会会议的法定人数应为全体成员简单多数。执行委员会以简单多数原则对一些事宜作出决策。 Section 5. Committees. The President, with the approval of the Executive Council, may appoint standing committees, task forces, and working groups, and define their duties. 5. 委员会。国际博协主席,在执行委员会通过的条件下,可任命有声誉的委员会、任务组和工作组,并对他们的职责进行定义。 Unless re-appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Council, membership in committees, task forces, and working groups ceases in the year following the triennial elections of the Executive Council. 只有在主席再次任命、执行委员会批准的条件下,委员会、任务组及工作组的会员才能连续两届供职。 Article 12 - Bureau 第十二条.执行委员会之官员 The Bureau consists of the following: i. a President ii. two Vice-Presidents iii. a Treasurer 执行委员会官员包括: ⑴ 一位主席 ⑵两位副主席 ⑶一位司库 The President is elected by the triennial General Assembly for a three (3)-year term of office and can be re-elected for a second term of the same duration. The President sets the strategic orientations for the activities of ICOM in its capacity as an international organisation representing museums and museum professionals. The President represents ICOM in all civil acts. The signature of the President binds ICOM in agreements with third parties. The President convenes and chairs the meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Council. 执行委员会主席在三年一届的全体大会上选举产生,任期为三年,可以连续两届当选并供职。主席代表博物馆和博物馆专业人员为作为国际组织的国际博协设定其战略方向。主席在所有的公务中代表国际博协。主席可代表国际博协与第三方签署协议。主席召集并主持执行委员会及全体大会的会议。 The two (2) Vice-Presidents are elected by the triennial General Assembly for a three (3)-year term of office and can be re-elected for a second term of the same duration. The Vice Presidents carry out the functions and tasks assigned to them by the President, they provide any assistance required by the latter and, in his/her absence, convene and chair meetings. 两位副主席在三年一届的全体大会上选举产生,任期为三年,可以连续两届当选并供职。副主席负责实施主席指派的职责及任务。副主席应协助主席并在主席无法行使其职能时,代理主席召开、主持会议。 The Treasurer is elected by the triennial General Assembly for a three (3)-year term of office and can be re-elected for a second mandate of the same duration. The Treasurer establishes the guidelines necessary for the financial policy of ICOM, in collaboration with the Director General, for the approval of the Executive Council, examines the financial results of ICOM, and reports periodically to the Executive Council and the Advisory Committee. 司库在三年一届的全体大会上选举产生,任期为三年,可以连续两届当选并供职。司库与秘书长一起负责建立国际博协财政政策指导方针,并将其呈递到执行委员会等待批准。司库应定期审核国际博协的财政收支,并按时向执行委员会和咨询委员会汇报。 The Bureau of the Executive Council (composed of officers) may address urgent issues and provide ad hoc solutions. All actions taken by the Bureau will be reported to the full Executive Council at the earliest opportunity, with an explanation of the emergency and the subsequent action. 执行委员会之官员应对紧急问题加以强调,并提出具体的解决方案。官员所采取的行动应尽早汇报给执行委员会全体,并要求对紧急情况和所采取的措施做出解释。 Article 13 - Auditing of Accounts 第十三条.财 务 At its annual meeting, the Executive Council shall appoint a qualified person or organisation as auditor of ICOM and fix the emoluments. 在年度会议上,执行委员会应委任一合格人员或组织作为国际博协的审计,并确定其薪酬。 The person or organisation appointed as auditor will draw up an annual report on the accounts of ICOM. 被委任为审计的人员或组织应就国际博协的账目草拟一份年度报告。 Article 14 - Advisory Committee 第十四条.咨询委员会 Section 1. Organisation. The Advisory Committee is the advisory body of ICOM. It consists of the Chairpersons (or their appointed representatives) of National and International Committees, Regional Alliances, and Affiliated Organisations. 1.组织。咨询委员会是国际博协的咨询机构。咨询委员会包括国家委员会、国际委员会、地区联盟及附属组织的主席(或他们的任命代表)。 Section 2. Functions of the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee advises the Executive Council and the General Assembly on matters concerning the policies, programmes, procedures and finances of ICOM, and may propose amendments to the Statutes. It advises on matters and activities in the general interest of ICOM, as recommended by the Executive Council. The activities of the Advisory Committee shall be reported to the General Assembly for approval at its next meeting. 2.咨询委员会的职能。咨询委员会就任何有关国际博协方针、规划、程序及财政事宜向执行委员会和全体大会提出意见,对国际博协章程提出修改案。咨询委员会对执行委员会提出的,涉及国际博协重大利益的活动及事宜提出意见。咨询委员会的活动应呈递给全体大会在下一次会议中获得批准。 Section 3. Officers. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons of the Advisory Committee shall be elected by the membership for a three-year term of office. Advisory Committee officers may serve two consecutive terms. 3.官员。咨询委员会的主席和副主席应选举产生,任期三年。咨询委员会官员可以连续任期两届。 The Chairperson of the Advisory Committee shall convene and chair the meetings of the Committee, and shall serve as an ex officio member of the Executive Council, as the Elections Officer of ICOM and finally, as an ex officio member of the Board of all Regional Alliances. 咨询委员会主席应召集并主持该委员会会议;鉴于其职务,成为执行委员会成员;成为国际博物馆协会的选举官员;鉴于其职务,成为一切地区联盟的理事会成员。 Section 4. Annual Meeting. The Advisory Committee meets at least once a year in ordinary session, on the same date and at the same location as one of the Executive Council meetings. 4.年度会议。咨询委员会每年应至少在执行委员会会议期间召开一次常规会议。 Section 5. Candidates for the Executive Council. Candidates for election as officers and ordinary members of the Executive Council of ICOM may only be nominated by National or International Committees. Each nomination must be accompanied by a letter signed by the Chairperson of the National or International Committee and endorsed by another Board Member on behalf of the nominating committee confirming endorsement of the candidate. 5.执行委员会候选人。国际博协执行委员会官员及普通成员仅由国家、国际委员会提名产生。每份提名表格应附加一份由国家或国际委员会主席及提名委员会理事会成员代表签署的信函,确定该候选人已被认可。 Section 6. Voting by proxy. A member of the Advisory Committee (other than the Chairperson) may be represented by another member of ICOM at a meeting of the Committee, but no person may hold more than one (1) proxy. 6.委托投票。咨询委员会成员(除主席)在委员会会议上可以由国际博协另一位会员代表其进行表决,一名会员能且只能代表一名其他会员投票。 Section 7. Quorum and Majority. The quorum for a meeting of the Advisory Committee shall be one-half (50%) of the members present and represented by proxy. If this quorum is not reached, the Advisory Committee shall be convened again at the same place within twenty-four hours. Whatever the number of members then present, the Advisory Committee has the power to deliberate. The Advisory Committee decisions are taken by a simple majority of the members present and represented. 7.法定人数和多数。咨询委员会会议的法定人数应为由本人或通过其代表与会的全体会员的百分之五十。如果达不到这一法定人数,咨询委员会应于二十四小时内在同一地点再次召开会议。届时无论与会成员人数多少,咨询委员会的审议应为有效。咨询委员会之事宜应由与会并进行表决者以简单多数做出决定。 Article 15 - National Committees 第十五条.国家委员会 A National Committee, composed of all the members of ICOM resident in a State, may be authorised by the Executive Council to represent the interests of museums and the museum profession and to organise the activities of ICOM in that State. National Committee activities will conform to the Rules for National Committees. 国家委员会应由居住该国内的全体国际博协会员组成。国家委员会经执行委员会授权,应代表博物馆及博物馆专业人员的利益,并组织国际博协在该国的活动。国家委员会活动应遵守自身的程序规则。 Article 16 - National Correspondents 第十六条.国家联络员 Where no National Committee exists in a State, a member of ICOM may be designated by the Executive Council to be the National Correspondent of ICOM for that State. 在一个不存在国家委员会、有国际委员会会员居住的国家,执行委员会可指定一位居住在该国的国际博协会员作为该国的国家联络员。 Article 17 - International Committees 第十七条.国际委员会 An International Committee may be authorised by the Executive Council to implement programmes and activities, and to serve as a channel of communication between members of ICOM with similar scientific and professional interests. International Committees’ activities will conform to the Rules for International Committees. 国际委员会由执行委员会授权,应作为国际博协进行工作和实现活动计划的主要机构。同时,国际委员会应是国际博协具有相似科学及专业兴趣的会员之间联系的一个渠道。国际委员会活动应遵守自身的程序规则。 Article 18 - Regional Alliances 第十八条.地区联盟 A Regional Alliance may be authorised by the Executive Council to serve as a forum for the exchange of information and co-operation between National Committees, museums and museum professionals in the region. The activities of Regional Alliances will conform to the Rules for Regional Alliances of ICOM National Committees. 地区联盟由执行委员会授权,作为该地区国家委员会、博物馆以及博物馆专业人员进行信息交流的场所。地区联盟的活动应遵守自身的程序规则。 Article 19 - Affiliated Organisations 第十九条.附属组织 The Executive Council may grant affiliated status to an international organisation composed of at least two-thirds of museum professionals or museums, as defined in these Statutes, on condition that one-half of the members of the organisation become members of ICOM within one year. Affiliated Organisations’ activities will conform to the Rules for Affiliated Organisations. 执行委员会根据章程的相关规定,授予由至少三分之二的博物馆专业人员或博物馆组成的国际组织隶属地位,并要求该组织在作出规定一年内至少有一半会员成为博物馆协会会员。隶属组织的活动应遵守自身的程序规则。 Article 20 - General Conference 第二十条.全体会议 Section 1. Triennial Meeting. ICOM shall hold a General Conference every three years. 1.三年一度会议。国际博协应每三年在全体大会常规会议之时召开全体会议。 Section 2. Resolutions. The General Conference may propose resolutions arising from its discussions for consideration by the General Assembly. 2.决议。全体会议应对全体大会上经讨论和考虑的问题进行表决。 Article 21 - Operational Secretariat 第二十一条.秘书处 Section 1. Role. The Operational Secretariat, consisting of the Director General and other staff members of ICOM, is the operational centre of ICOM. It evaluates and initiates programmes, handles membership files, records and manages finances, and protects and promotes the identity of the Organisation. 1.作用。秘书处由秘书长和国际博协其他工作人员共同组成,是国际博协的业务中心。秘书处评估、实现国际博协活动规划、处理会员资料、记录及管理财政以及保护、提升组织的身份地位。 Section 2. Operations. The Director General is the Chief Executive Officer employed by ICOM and is responsible to the Executive Council for the efficient and effective management of ICOM, the resources required for ICOM’s functioning of the Organisation and the daily operations of the Secretariat, as well as for the promotion of the interests of ICOM and communications with its members, committees, task forces and working groups. In day-to-day matters, the Director General reports directly to the President of ICOM. 2.任务。秘书长是国际博协雇用的首席执行官。秘书处应向执行委员会负责国际博协之有效率及有效力的管理、国际博协组织及秘书处日常运作所需资源、国际博协利益的提升以及与其成员、委员会、任务组和工作组的沟通工作。秘书长直接国际博协主席负责。 Article 22 - UNESCO-ICOM Museum Information Centre 第二十二条.联合国教育、科学及文化组织国际博物馆协会博物馆信息管理中心 Section 1. Administration. The UNESCO-ICOM Museum Information Centre is administered by ICOM. It offers documentation and archival reference services to ICOM members and UNESCO staff. 1.职能。联合国教育、科学及文化组织-国际博协博物馆信息管理中心属国际博协管理。该中心向国际博协会员及联合国教育、科学及文化组织工作人员提供文件及档案的参考咨询服务。 Section 2. Staff and Resources. The Director General shall be responsible for the UNESCO-ICOM Museum Information Centre, and shall provide such staff and resources as the Executive Council deems necessary for the functioning of the Centre. 2.工作人员及资源。秘书长应负责并维持联合国教育、科学及文化组织-国际博协博物馆信息管理中心,并应提供执行委员会认为该中心运转所需的工作人员及财政经费。 Article 23 - Income and Disbursements 第二十三条.收入和支出 Section 1. Income. The financial resources of ICOM consist of the following: i. subscription fees paid by the Members, ii. income from ICOM assets and activities, iii. grants and private donations, received directly, and contributions from the ICOM Foundation, iv. payments received within the framework of contractual agreements for services rendered by ICOM. 1.收入。国际博协的财政来源为: ⑴会员应付之会费 ⑵国际博协资产和活动所得收入 ⑶经执行委员会批准所得的私人捐赠或从国际博协基金会所得之捐赠 ⑷国际博协因提供服务及根据合同完成具体项目或规划所得之报酬 Section 2. Disbursements. Expenditure of ICOM funds may be made only in accordance with the annual budget prepared under the guidelines established by the Treasurer and approved by the Executive Council. 2.支出。国际博协基金会经费可根据由司库提出、经执行委员会批准的年度预算予以支出。 Article 24 - Languages 第二十四条.语言 Section 1. Official Languages. English, French, and Spanish shall be the official languages of ICOM, and each may be used at ICOM meetings. 1. 官方语言。国际博协的官方语言为英语、法语和西班牙语,均适用于国际博协的会议。 Section 2. Other Languages. The General Assembly may adopt other languages provided the costs of doing so are met by the Members. 2. 其它语言。全体大会可通过更多的正式语言,此笔费用由会员承担。 Article 25 - Policies and Rules of Procedure 第二十五条.政策和程序规则 Section 1. Adoption of Policies. The Executive Council shall adopt, and may amend, such Policies and Rules as are required to give effect to the provisions of these Statutes. 1. 政策之采用。执行委员会应采用并可修订对此章程之规定产生影响的政策及规则。 Section 2. Rules of Procedure. The General Assembly and the Advisory Committee shall adopt, and may amend, its own Rules of Procedure. The General Conference shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure. 2. 程序规则。全体大会及咨询委员会可通过、或修订其自身的程序规则。全体会议应遵守其自身的程序规则。 Article 26 - Relations with Other Organisations 第二十六条.与其它组织之关系 Section 1. UNESCO. ICOM shall maintain consultative relations with UNESCO. 1.联合国教育、科学及文化组织。国际博协应与联合国教育、科学及文化组织保持协商合作的关系。 Section 2. ICOM Foundation. ICOM shall maintain a special partnership with the ICOM Foundation, which supports the work of ICOM. 2.国际博协基金会。国际博协应与支持博物馆协会工作的国际博协基金会维持特殊合作伙伴关系。 Section 3. Other Partners. ICOM may establish working relations with such international organisations as may be deemed appropriate. 3.其它合作伙伴。国际博协可与适当的国际组织建立工作关系。 Section 4. Participation of Other Organisations. ICOM may invite representatives of international organisations with which it has established official relations to participate in its General Conferences and other meetings. 4.其它组织的参与。已与国际博协建立关系的国际组织的代表可应邀参加国际博协的全体会议及其它会议。 Article 27 - Validation and Amendment 第二十七条.章程之适用及修改 Section 1. Implementation. These Statutes shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the General Assembly. 1.执行。本章程一经全体大会通过应立即生效。 Section 2. Official Document. Since ICOM is registered in France as an Association governed by the 1901 law, the French-language version of these Statutes shall be the official document on which all future translations are to be based. In the event of litigation or misunderstanding, the French-language Statutes shall be the reference for the purposes of clarification. 2.官方文件。自国际博协在法国注册为1901年法律管辖组织之日起,该章程之法语版应为官方文件。该章程之所有翻译版本应以法语版为基础。 在产生诉讼及误解时,法语版章程应为参考依据。 Section 3. Amendments. The Executive Council, the Advisory Committee, National and International Committees, Regional Alliances, and Affiliated Organisations may propose amendments to these Statutes. 3.修订案。执行委员会、咨询委员会、国家委员会、国际委员会、地方联盟及附属组织可对该章程提出修订案。 Article 28 - Dissolution 第二十八条.解散 Section 1. Authority for Dissolution. Members of ICOM may decide to dissolve the Organisation through a decision taken at an Extraordinary General Assembly by a three-fourths (75%) majority of the Members present or represented. All Members must be duly convened, in compliance with Section 4 of Article 10. 1.解散权利。国际博协会员可根据全体大会非常规会议之决议解散国际博协。决议须经全体大会出席人员及代表人员的四分之三多数通过。 依据第十条,第四款规定,全体成员应被适时召集。 Section 2. Assets of the Organisation. Any assets owned by ICOM at the time of dissolution shall be transferred, in consultation with UNESCO and in accordance with the provisions of the French 1901 law relating to associations, to an organisation having similar aims to those of ICOM. 2.组织资产。国际博协解散后,所有资产经与联合国教育、科学及文化组织协商,根据法国1901年法律相关规定应转交与国际博协目的相同的组织。
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