来自: o0O
Eucalyptus Decongestant Rub for Sinusitis 100g mature eucalyptus leaves 100克 桉树叶子 10g ginger 10克 姜 ¼ tsp ground black pepper ¼ 茶匙 黑胡椒粉 200g white petroleum jelly 200克 白凡士林油 20 drops peppermint essential oil 20滴 薄荷精油 1. Chop the eucalyptus leaves and ginger, and place in a glass heat-proof bowl. Add the ground pepper and petroleum jelly and mix everything together with your fingers. 把按树叶和姜切碎后放入抗热玻璃碗然后加入胡椒粉和凡士林,用手混合。 2. Place the glass bowl, covered, on a pan of boiling water to make a double boiler. Leave to heat for 1 hour, making sure the water does not boil dry. 准备一个不锈钢锅煮上水,玻璃碗盖上盖子。水开以后,将玻璃碗放入不锈钢锅内蒸一小时。确保不要将水煮干。 3. Take off the heat and strain the mixture. Stir in the peppermint oil and bottle in a wide-mouthed jar. 关火把渣和提炼油分离,搅拌提炼油加入薄荷精油然后导入宽口玻璃瓶 USE: Once a day, rubbing well into the chest and throat area. The rub can help you get a good night's sleep if applied before bed. 使用:一天一次。在睡觉前将药膏搽在胸口和喉咙部位。 CAUTION: Do not use on broken skin. If any reddening or irritation occurs, wash off immediately. 注意:不要用在受伤的皮肤上。如果出现变红或疼痛情况,立即冲洗。 STORAGE: Will keep for up to 1 year. 保质期:一年
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