来自: elvita威
【2011年中法文化之春】此地无声 【活动地点】 北京东城区胡同内,6月5日至12日 五道营/ 棟樑 Dongliang Studio 另存為 Save As 北京雍圣轩青年酒店 Confucius International Youth Hostel 箭厂胡同/ 杰拉尔肉铺 Boucherie françaiseChez Gérard 国子监/ 失物招领 Lost & Found 孔庙 Konfuzius Temple 白衫工作室 Whiteshirt Design Studio 交道口北二条与三条/ 家作坊 Homeshop 米店 Detour 彬林丽苑美发店 BinLinLiYuan Hair Salon 宝钞胡同/ 药 Triple-Major 鼓楼东大街/ 勺子家 Spoon House 鼓楼东大街alba咖啡 东棉花胡同/ 蓬蒿劇場 PengHao Theatre 【活动介绍】 一个通过“声音”为媒介的公共空间项目,寻找隐藏在人们感知深处的视觉、听觉与意识的共鸣 《此地无声》是一个将要发生在北京东城区的艺术活动。所有参与的艺术家,声音艺术家及声音工作者们将以“声音”作为主题并且运用“声音”作为材料完成各自的作品。作品呈现的方式将为装置、行为与音乐表演等等。作品放置的地点是剧场、艺术空间以及一些公共空间,活动持续时间为一周。在此期间还会发生一些相关讲座与工作坊等项目。活动组织方会制作一份地图,上面会标示出所有艺术作品放置的地点。这些作品的分布将以国子监为中心,步行20分钟即可到达的范围内。 这个艺术项目希望通过建立一种与公共交流的方式,使艺术家们关注艺术作品与公共空间之间的关系。通过“声音”,这个被我们日常所忽视的感知方式,找到隐藏在人们感知深处的听觉及意识的共鸣;同时也希望通过这种互动参与的方式、通过寻找与发现,让人们关心生活的周遭。 艺术家:打油(西班牙)、Niko de Lafaye(法)、Michael Eddy(加拿大)、Alfred Harth(德)、Olaf Hochherz(德)、何意达、何颖雅(美)、冯昊、Elke Marhöfer(德)、梅志勇、盛洁、苏文祥、陶轶、徐坦、徐喆、颜骏、照骏园 … - 日程 : “此地无声”计划启动日 6月5日(周日),下午14点 声音地图免费领取日@家作坊 当日提供导游数名 地点:东城区交道口北二条8号 咨询:8403 0952 OPENING: Sunday, June 5th, from 14.00 featuring free distribution of project sound map and guides at HomeShop, guided tour of project sites and hidden ephemera location:Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 -------------- - 6月6日至6月8日 - ° 自由观赏东城区的装置作品 - 6月9日至6月12日 - °将在不同合作场所举办研讨会和讨论 2011年6月5日至12日 Saturday, 4 June 2011 - Sunday, 12 June 2011 6月5日 下午14點 “此地無聲”計划啟動日 聲音地圖免費領取日 @家作坊 當日提供導遊數名 June 5th, from 14.00 "The Sound of Nowhere" opening Free distribution of project sound map and guide at HomeShop Guided tour of project sites and hidden ephemera 6月5日至12日 4 具体活動,參與藝術家輿時間安排 請持續關注: 5-12 June 2011 A full programme of all activities will be posted as it is available. Please check online for further information: http://www.thesoundofnowhere.info http://www.homeshopbeijing.org/blog/ http://shan-studio.com/ 郵件Mail/ indexproject.cn@gmail.com 更多相关信息 : http://www.homeshopbeijing.org/blog http://shan-studio.com/the-sound-nowhere?lang=zh http://www.thesoundofnowhere.info --------------------------------------- 艺术家介绍 Michael EDDY 加拿大藝術家Michael EDDY自2004年開始分別居住与日本、德國与中國。2004年 畢業於加拿大新蘇格蘭藝術与設計大學,2008年畢業于德國法蘭克福國立造型藝 術學院,其作品曾經在北美、歐洲与亞洲分別展出。他由原來的攝影藝術出發, 慢慢地發展到行為藝術、寫作、裝置等其他媒介,并且經常与其它藝術家合作創 作,其中最多的合作就是以三位藝術家的姓氏命名的trio Knowles Eddy Knowles (在倫敦的Rob Knowles与蒙特利爾的Jon Knowles)http://knowleseddyknowles. blogspot.com/。自2008年至2010年,Michael也為維他命藝術空間駐北京的“這 個店”負責一系列活動計划組織与出版等事務。這些方案計划也長期与《Daily Life》的藝術板塊系列合作。 Michael Eddy is a Canadian artist who since 2004 has been living in Japan, Germany and cur- rently in China. His work has been exhibited throughout North America, Europe and Asia. With a base in photography, he works across various media including performance, writing and ins- tallation and frequently in collaboration with others, the most long term of which is the collabo- rative trio Knowles Eddy Knowles (along with Rob Knowles based in London and Jon Knowles based in Montréal, no relation). From 2008 to 2010 Michael worked with Vitamin Creative Space at the shop (這個店) in Beijing, China, programming and coordinating projects and editing publications. These projects often dealt with the «daily life» of art works. Michael studied at NSCAD in Canada from 2001 to 2004 and at the Staedelschule in Germany from 2005 to 2008. Knowles Eddy Knowles’ collaborative blog: http://knowleseddyknowles.blogspot.com/ ====== Nicolas De LAFAYE 法國藝術家,現工作生活于北京。該藝術家熱衷于對于不同工具与材質的嘗試, 其作品形式涉及了攝影、服裝設計以及与動力學相關的裝置等。2005在巴黎設計 并完成了以動力學為基礎的一系列活動裝置系統;2004年開始著手制作彩繪臉譜 系列攝影作品;并在2008年居住于上海,并開始了一系列作品方案的實施;自 2011年開始,駐留北京。 French artist currently living and working in Beijing. Fond of using different tools and mate- rials, de LAFAYE’s work touches upon photography, fashion design and kinetic installations, among other media. From 2004 his work included a series of photographic works using colou- red theatrical makeup, and in Paris 2005 he completed a series of mobile kinetic installations. De LAFAYE moved to Shanghai in 2008 and has just relocated this year to Beijing. ==== 何穎雅 Elaine W. HO 1977年, 香港/美國。作為一名藝術和設計工作者,她的作品多運用 空間和設計語言,來考察功能性及事物的狀態如何与社會關系和 日常生活發生聯系。1999年畢業于Rice大學藝術和藝術史系,后于 紐約Parsons設計學院學習服裝設計系。她曾分別在荷蘭和日本居 住和工作過,現居北京。她最近 的一個項目是“家作坊”, 把北 京老胡同中一個用于經商的空間改造成居住、工作、生活一体的 工作室。何穎雅平日里好飲鴛鴦茶。 Elaine W. HO (HK/USA) works between the realms of time-based art, urban practice and design, using multiple vocabularies to ask questions about how users and objects intertwine with the micropolitics of everyday life. Often 2 working collaboratively, her videos, installations and other interventions focus on alter-possibilities of an intimate, networked production. One of her current endeavours is HomeShop, a storefront space turned home base for interactions with the local community and the surrounding public space. Elaine graduated from Rice University in 1999 before continuing her studies at Parsons School of Design and the Academy of the Arts in Arnhem, Nether- lands. She is a frequent contributor at http://www.iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter. net and likes to drink coffee and tea mixed together. ====== 盛 洁 SHENG Jie 1975年生於北京。2005年畢業於法國斯特拉斯堡高等國立裝飾學 院,主修影像藝術并獲得法國國立高等藝術專業碩士文憑。 從事聲音与影像的藝術創作。關注由高科技所引發的低科技反 思。作品形式包括:錄像、VJ、噪音、裝置 、 行為。2010年創 辦山視听工作室,一個以教學為平台的新媒体藝術交流私人工作 室。 SHENG Jie, also known as GOGO J, was born in Beijing in 1975. In 2005 she graduated from the Ecole supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg with an advanced Master of Visual Arts. Her work begins from the intersections of audio and visual media, and she is interested in the ways that high tech- nology reflects back upon more rudimentary forms of technology. Her work includes video, VJ-ing, noise, installation and performance. In 2010, SHENG Jie created Shan Audio/Visual Laboratory as an educational platform and studio for new media production and communication. ====== 陶 軼 TAO Yi 1978年生于上海,1999至2002年就讀于德國美茵茲大學藝術學院 自由造型藝術系,并在2005年畢業于德國杜塞爾多夫美術學院自 由造型藝術系,同年与照駿園成立自由音樂二人樂團“沒腿的馬 (MTDM)”。2009年与徐喆、李牧、照駿園在上海成立藝術家團 體“組織 (ZHUZHI)”。 Born in 1978 in Shanghai, TAO Yi studied Free Art from 1999-2002 at the Kunsthochschule Mainz in Germany. In 2005 he graduated from the Free Art department of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and in the same year created the free music group MTDM with ZHAO Junyuan. In Shanghai 2009, TAO co-founded the independent art group “ZuZhi(Company)” with XU Zhe, LI Mu and Jun-Y Ciao. ===== 徐 喆 XU Zhe 1976年生于上海, 2006年畢業于法國埃克斯普羅旺斯高等藝術學院, 現工作生活于上海,藝術家團體“組織 (ZHUZHI)”成員。曾參与 的活動与展覽有:2011年上海一個藝術空間的個展《消失的地平 線》;2010年北京尤倫斯當代藝術中心的撒把芥末音樂會9《沙蟹 即興計划》;上海當代藝術館《心境—上海當代藝術館文獻展》 ;2010年第一屆法國夏至音樂日音樂活動之一《3 x 3》 等等。 Born in 1976 in Shanghai, XU Zhe graduated in 2006 from the École supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence. He has now returned to Shanghai, where he is a mem- ber of the art group “ZuZhi(Company)”. His previous activities and exhibitions include: Ullens Contemporary Center of Art Subjam concert series number 9 (2010, Beijing); «State of Mind» at the Shanghai Contemporary Museum of Art (2010, Shanghai); «3x3», the First French Summer Solstice Music Festival. He is currently working on his first solo exhibition «Disappearing Horizon» (2011, Shanghai). ==== 顏 峻 YAN Jun 聲音和文字工作者。生于蘭州,現居北京。撒把芥末創辦者。水陸 觀音主持人。Mini Midi策划人。觀音唱片經營者。北京市計划聲音 委員會虛構者。1990年代中國地下搖滾主要推動者。近年致力于實 驗音樂和聲音藝術的創作和推廣。有樂評百万字。詩集3本。唱片 若干。 Artist and writer. Born in Lanzhou, currently living in Beijing. Founder of Subjam and host of Waterland Kwanyin. Curator of the Mini Midi festival. Manager of Kwanyin Records. Fabricator of the Beijing City Sound Commit- tee. Promotor of Chinese underground rock music in the 90s. In recent years devoted to the creation and promotion of experimental music and sound art. Has written millions of characters in music criticism, three books of poetry and released a good number of albums. === 殷 漪 YIN Yi 獨立作曲家、聲音藝術家、實地錄音師。生于上海。2005年,成為 上海后現代舞團“組合嬲”的音樂制作人。 2008年開始組織策划 多領域合作現場《邊緣場》的演出。 同年開始聲音計划:《城市 聲音旅行》。 2009年參与“一平方英里”在上海的項目。2010年擔 任《夢回紅樓》音效設計。 Independent composer, sound and field recording artist, born in Shanghai. From 2005, YIN Yi worked as producer for the postmodern dance group Zu- heniao and in 2008 began to organize and curate the multidisciplinary, colla- 2 borative performance «Marginal Field». In the same year YIN also began the sound programme «City Sound Travels». In 2009 he participated in the «One Square Mile» project in Shanghai, and in since 2010 he has been responsible for the «Dream of Returning to the Red Mansion» acoustic project. ==== 照 駿園 Jun-Y CIAO 1978年出生于上海。藝術家、音樂家。 2008年畢業于德國杜塞爾多夫藝術學院。自2009年擔任《藝術世 界》雜誌特約編輯,主持“一噸半音樂”欄目。2005年与陶軼成 立自由音樂二人樂團 “沒腿的馬(MTDM)”,2009建立電子原音計 划“木電質(Power Wood Quality)”,同年与陶軼、李牧、徐喆建 立了藝術家團體 “組織 (ZHUZHI)”。 Born in 1978 in Shanghai. Artist and musician.Jun-Y Ciao graduated in 2008 from the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and in 2009 began working as a feature editor for Art World magazine with the regular column «A Ton of Music». In 2005, Jun-Y Ciao and artist TAO Yi created the music group MTDM, and in 2009 he initiated the electronic music programme «Power Wood Quality». Also in 2009, Jun-Y Ciao came together with TAO Yi, LI Mu and XU Zhe as the independent art group “ZuZhi(Company)”.
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