Relatively Speakin


来自: 汽车大师(Camelot! ... It's only a model)
2011-10-19 19:19:34

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-19 21:57:43

    Allen, Coen and May: 3 Wits, One Show 艾伦、科恩、梅:3个人精1台戏

    Q. How would you go about achieving world peace if you had the time? 梅:如果你有时间,为了实现世界和平,你会做些什么?

    COEN I do have the time, so reject the premise. 科恩:我真的有时间,所以你问题的前提不成立。

    ALLEN Is world peace possible or is the human race too innately aggressive? For instance: Have you ever seen women at a sample sale? And if there really could be world peace there’d be no nations to rail against and hate. We’d be down to our spouses. No, I think universal harmony is a pipedream and it may be more productive to focus on more modest goals, like a ban on yodeling. 艾伦:世界和平真的有可能吗?人类天生不就过于富有攻击性吗?例子:你见没见过在特卖场里抢购的女人?如果世界真的能和平,那么国与国之间就再也不会有怨恨与敌视,这些只能产生于夫妻之间了。不,我认为和谐世界是痴人说梦,倒不如专注于一些比较适度的目标更加有益,比如说禁止变声唱法。

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-19 22:33:54

    Q. In order to make this an in-depth interview it would be helpful if you both told me something startling about yourself that you’ve never told anyone else; otherwise I will have to make it up. 梅:为了使这一采访具有深度,如果两位能透露我某件有关于你们个人的令人震惊的事情,而且从没告诉过别的任何人,那会很有帮助;不然的话我只能去编造了。

    COEN I have never had feeling in my toes. My uncle, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, once told me in confidence he had the same syndrome, leading me to believe it is genetic. 科恩:我的脚趾从来没有过知觉。我的大舅,诺曼·施瓦茨科普夫将军【执行“沙漠风暴”行动的那位咩?】,有次私下里告诉我,他也有同样的症状,所以让我相信这是遗传的。

    ALLEN I’m wanted for pederasty in Mongolia. 艾伦:我因娈童而在蒙古国遭到通缉。

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-19 23:34:28

    Q. I am told that Woody Allen has been saying his play has no redeeming social value, which is hard to believe because Woody is usually very modest. On the other hand I have no idea what redeeming social value is. What is your understanding of redeeming social value and which plays had it last season? (Plays from England don’t count.) 梅:我听人说伍迪·艾伦老是说他的戏剧没有履行社会价值,这很难让人相信,因为伍迪通常都很谦虚。另一方面来说,我不知道什么叫履行社会价值。在你们的理解中,什么是履行社会价值?还有在上一季里,有哪些戏剧履行了社会价值?(英国来的戏剧不算。)

    COEN I am a little foggy not just on “redeeming social value” but on what the play season is. I saw “Mamma Mia!” recently with the kids and am fairly confident that it didn’t have any. It’s the only play I’ve seen in the last few years, which may explain quite a bit about the nature of my contribution to our evening together. You, Elaine, said something very discerning along those lines after our first preview though I can’t now remember what it was. 科恩:我不仅对什么是“履行社会价值”有点云里雾里的,而且对什么是戏剧季也摸不着头脑。不久前我和孩子们一起去看了《妈妈咪呀!》,我可以相当肯定地说那出戏没有这个。那是我在过去几年里看过的唯一一出戏,就这一件事,或许就很能够说明我对我们的晚间娱乐的贡献的性质。你,伊莱恩·梅,在我们的戏首演之后,说过与之有关的非常有见解的话,可是现在我想不起来你说了什么。

    ALLEN Not only does my play have no redeeming social value, it has no entertainment value. I wrote this sprightly little one-acter only to test out my new paper shredder. If there is any positive message at all in the narrative it is that life is a tragedy filled with suffering and despair and yet some people do manage to avoid jury duty. 艾伦:我的戏不仅没有履行社会价值,而且也没有娱乐价值。我写了这出轻快活泼的小独幕剧纯粹是为了试一哈我的新碎纸机。如果戏里讲的故事透露有任何积极的要点的话,那也只是说人生是一出悲剧,充满了苦难和绝望,然而某些人的确想办法做到了避开当陪审员的义务。

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 00:05:56

    Q. What is the biggest secret you were told and asked not to repeat? 梅:什么是别人曾告诉过你的最大的秘密,而且让你别说出去?

    COEN See my answer to third question. 科恩:参考我对第三个问题的回答。

    ALLEN That it’s not a surreal practical joke: those Republican presidential candidates you see lined up for their debates are actually the best minds the G.O.P. has to offer. 艾伦:我的秘密倒算不上是种超现实的恶作剧的说法【意思是他说的是事实?】:你看到的那些排队等着辩论的共和党总统候选人,实际上就是“大老党”【即共和党】能拿得出手的最聪明的头脑。【这句意思俺不能太肯定~~】

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 00:37:37

    Q. You know how sometimes you lie in bed at night and think, “What if the law of gravity just wears out and lets go and I drift into space?” Does that ever make you anxious? 梅:有的时候在夜里你躺在床上会不会这样想:“要是万有引力定律突然失效了、没有了会怎么样?我就会飘到空中?”那会不会让你担心?

    COEN You are talking to yourself now. 科恩:你这就是在自说自话了。

    ALLEN There is no question that one day gravity will suddenly cease and I will come loose and float up but I see myself floating up out of my trousers so not only am I adrift but hovering in my shorts. I envision myself carried by gusts from Manhattan across the Hudson River where I look down and see the governor of New Jersey who, despite the loss of gravity, cannot gain lift.

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 00:59:37

    Q. What question that I haven’t asked would you like to answer? 梅:有什么俺没问但你们想回答的问题没?

    COEN Silence. Friendly silence. 科恩:沉默,友好的沉默。

    ALLEN When a man is driving in a car and looks out the window and notices a woman with a great body, as he strains to check her face out, how does she know to keep turning so the back of her head is always toward him? 艾伦:有位男士开着车看着窗外,注意到一位身材令人吐血的女子,他竭力想看清她的脸,她如何知道该怎样一直转动身子,才能使她的后脑勺一直对着他?

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 11:04:00

    Q. How would you go about achieving world peace if you had the time? 梅:如果你有时间,为了实现世界和平,你会做些什么?

    COEN I do have the time, so reject the premise. 科恩:我真的有时间,所以你问题的前提不成立。

    这两句可能不太准确:问句里的“had the time”应该是“有时机”、“有机会”的意思,而科恩转换概念,把“have the time”理解成了“知道几点了”、“知道时间”

  • 汽车大师

    汽车大师 (Camelot! ... It's only a model) 楼主 2011-10-20 11:50:10


  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 11:58:49

    唔…这个,俺总觉得加了“the”以后意思就变了,如果说“有时间”的话简单的“had time”就行了,也可能俺考虑多了~~

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 13:03:03

    THE producers of “Relatively Speaking” (which opens at the Brooks Atkinson on Oct. 20) have asked me to conduct an in-depth interview with Ethan Coen and Woody Allen, with whom it turns out I have written three one-act plays. I have done this by submitting questions to both men who will presumably answer them in depth. I’ve interviewed Woody Allen before but I have only recently met Ethan Coen and we have never spoken although our silence is friendly. My challenge will be to ask the probing questions that will reveal the deeper, more complex nature of both men in a way that will not hurt ticket sales.


  • 汽车大师

    汽车大师 (Camelot! ... It's only a model) 楼主 2011-10-20 13:30:21

    口语里好像常用had the time或got the time, the都在的

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 13:49:32


  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 13:49:50

    Q. A miraculous being with divine powers appears to you and says, “You have a choice. You can be fabulously attractive and have an even better physique or you can reverse climate change.” What do you say to her? 梅:一个具有神一般能力的超自然生物出现在你的面前对你说:“你做个选择:你可以拥有无限的魅力和无比强健的体格,或者你有能力改变气候。”你会怎么回答她?

    ETHAN COEN Those are my choices? 科恩:我的选择就这些?

    WOODY ALLEN The question becomes moot since I am already more than sufficiently attractive. Of course the actual impact of my physique might not be apparent to the naked eye at first glance, but with some laser surgery or perhaps corneal transplants the viewer will be amply rewarded. The real question is, who is this miraculous being with the divine powers who has suddenly appeared and what is she wearing? If it’s six-inch heels and a thong the best idea would be to take her to a hotel room and see just how many other-worldly tricks she is capable of performing. As for climate change, all the good hotel rooms are air-conditioned. 伍迪:这问题对我没意义,因为我的魅力已经无以复加了。当然,我的体格用裸眼乍一看,可能是不具有真正的冲击力,但是观众如果做个眼科激光手术、或移植个角膜后再看的话,就会实实足足地赚到了。真正该问的问题是:这个突然出现的具有神一般能力的超自然生物是谁?她穿戴如何?要是她脚踩6英寸高跟鞋内穿丁字裤的话,那么最好的主意是带她去饭店开房间,可以看看她还掌握了哪些地球人会玩的技巧。至于说改变气候,所有高档饭店的房间都是有空调的。

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 16:39:57


    Q. Although we are all three comedy writers we are not the same. Ethan is dark-skinned and elusive, Woody is fair and seems both serene and alarmed, I am muscular and have breasts. Do you think these differences are reflected in our plays? If so, in what way? 梅:虽然我们仨都是喜剧作家,但我们并不相同。伊桑是黑皮肤,有点让人琢磨不透;伍迪是白皮肤,看上去很沉静也很警觉;我么肌肉发达主要是有胸。你们认为这些不同会反映在我们的戏里面吗?如果会,那么是如何反映的?

    COEN I cannot speak to the physiology. I know that my one-act, the first of the evening, forces the audience to confront serious questions — notably, “How long until Woody’s one-act starts?” I don’t feel them asking this as much during yours, Elaine, possibly because yours is second and by process of elimination they know Woody’s is imminent. Frankly I had not anticipated that I’d have to compete for the distinction of who-can-write-the-bleakest-comedy, expecting to win in a walk, but you not only compete, Elaine; I am not sure but that you might not have won. This could be why you, like me, have been lobbying the producers to quit billing the evening as “Three One-Act Comedies” and start billing it as “Two One-Acts that Elicit Dark Titters, Plus a Comedy,” which they have been resisting and not because of the size of the marquee. Truth in advertising — and truth in the theater — are principles more often trumpeted than honored, and the producers’ reasoning may be that if we have travestied the one they are not bound by the other. Or maybe it is the size of the marquee. I must say, I like “Dark Titters” as a title for the evening — or does it sound like the name of a private eye? 科恩:对生理学我说不出啥道道。我知道我的独幕剧是晚上的第一个,那会逼着观众去面对一些重大的问题——显然他们会问:“离伍迪的独幕剧开场还要多久?”我不怎么觉得他们在看你伊莱恩的部分时会这样问,或许因为你的是第二个,演一出少一出,他们知道接下来就该是伍迪的了。说老实话,我没料想过需要靠竞争才能赢得“谁能写出最阴冷的喜剧”的殊荣,我以为我能一举拿下,但是你就要加把劲了,伊莱恩;我不觉得你会有胜算的机会。这可以解释为什么你像我一样,一直在试图说服制作人弃掉晚上演出的宣传牌上的“三出独幕喜剧”的字样,而开始改用“两出能引起阴险窃笑的独幕剧,外一出喜剧”,他们拒绝采用,倒不是出于广告牌太小写不下那么多字的原因。做广告的原则是——也是做剧院的原则——与其靠好的名声不如靠大张旗鼓的宣传。制作人也许是这样想的,既然我们已经戏仿了一个,那他们就没必要再换一个了。也许真的是因为广告牌太小。我得说,我喜欢用“阴险的窃笑”来命名这个夜晚——或者那听上去像是私家侦探的名字?

    ALLEN I didn’t realize Ethan was the dark-skinned elusive one. I thought Elaine was elusive and Ethan was the one with breasts. I am confused. Still, I agree my play is indeed serene and alarmed and that’s probably what accounts for the apparent epidemic of narcolepsy amongst the audience. 艾伦:我没意识到伊桑是那个黑皮肤让人琢磨不透的人,我还以为伊莱恩才让人琢磨不透而伊桑是有胸的那位。我糊涂了。当然,我同意我的戏的确很沉静也很警觉,这也许是观众里流行开嗜睡症的原因。

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 16:50:42

    “在我们的戏首演之后(after our first preview)”-->“在我们的戏首次预演之后” 没注意把preview看成premiere了~~

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 17:43:31

    看完后感觉老爷子的脑瓜子还是蛮灵的,木有输给年轻人,也有可能科恩的points俺没能把握到,they are too elusive to catch:)

  • 冷杉

    冷杉 (少着急,多喝水,别害怕,不要脸) 2011-10-20 23:07:23


  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 23:22:16

    k,你的理解是对的!当时译的时候就觉得有点疙瘩!!! 所以那句话应该改成“看看她能玩出多少外星人的技巧。” 太感谢了!

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-20 23:40:25

    汗,俺什么时候成大师了?绝对不敢当!!! 当时主要被“高跟鞋”和“丁字裤”这两件“worldly”的东西误导了~~

    俺理解起来比较困难的是科恩的那一长段,特别是这一句“and the producers’ reasoning may be that if we have travestied the one they are not bound by the other.”基本上不知所云,这里的“the one”和“the other”是指的什么?

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2011-10-26 16:04:18


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2011-10-26 16:06:01


  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-26 16:57:09

    唔…可能和前面的广告词有关——“Three One-Act Comedies”是比较“trumpeted”而“Two One-Acts that Elicit Dark Titters, Plus a Comedy”是比较“honored”?可究竟是啥意思咧?还有为什么这里要用“travestied”?

  • 张小强

    张小强 (My baby blue) 管理员 2011-10-27 14:22:25


  • 张小强

    张小强 (My baby blue) 管理员 2011-10-27 14:38:05

    我觉得the one是伍迪的剧,the other是另外两人的。这句应该是“制作人的理由是,如果我们歪曲了伍迪的那一部,也就没有对两外两部的义务了。”前面铺垫都是在说“伍迪的剧什么时候上演”因为伍迪名气(trumpeted )最大吧。科恩是在自嘲,顺便斗斗嘴

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2011-10-28 00:07:53

    什么用“机会”似乎更符合习惯? 娜娜的发言给了俺一点启发——俺觉得伍迪是honored的那位,其他两位才需要trumpeted,所以他们把他们的剧名改用“Two One-Acts that Elicit Dark Titters”来打广告,而伍迪的只需用“a Comedy”就够了。但是俺仍然不理解那句话的意思,什么叫“歪曲了伍迪的那一部”?

  • 张小强

    张小强 (My baby blue) 管理员 2011-10-28 14:02:35


  • 张小强

    张小强 (My baby blue) 管理员 2011-10-28 14:07:49

    如果你有机会实现和平 如果你有时间实现和平,这一句听起来好像在问忙着和路易斯·莱恩亲嘴的超人


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