
J. J. Zhu

来自: J. J. Zhu 组长
2007-12-09 16:11:08

  • Nunc Dimittis

    Nunc Dimittis (至末,未了。) 2008-04-17 23:50:22


    细致,深入 不马虎。

    weinberg, 的书很好,但完全不能用于初学者。只能学了一遍之后再看。

    A.Zee 是不可或缺的参考书。


  • CosmoSoda

    CosmoSoda 2008-07-03 17:04:51

    對初學者強烈推薦Ryder的,精煉而物理講得清晰 Peskin是我的工作手冊了 學了它才能真正用場論來算些東西 尤其在粒子物理裏 而且很多問題其實都講得很妙

  • zonkel

    zonkel 2008-08-13 21:59:09


  • Nunc Dimittis

    Nunc Dimittis (至末,未了。) 2008-10-15 19:07:15

    Ryder 的书数学味太浓. 大部分群众消受不了, 不符合一般教学法精神.

  • 糊涂散人

    糊涂散人 2008-10-23 13:25:51

    恩,初学者看Greiner的好些,然后看ramond的peskin的,大牛可以看看weinberg的。A.Zee的看似很薄,其实很不好懂,学懂了场论可以回头看看。 做凝聚态理论的肯定要看Arbriksov的书或是nagaosa的两本,入门级的可以看ben simons和alexander Altland的书。

  • w

    w (more is different) 2009-02-27 19:32:30

    Simons 的不错,我以前觉得可以不看peskin,但我错了

  • w

    w (more is different) 2009-03-06 14:35:44

    By Sidney Coleman. Hope it will be helpful.

    Recommended Reading: Physics 253 Relativistic quantum mechanics is seventy years old. The first part of th

    is course (all of the first semester and the first third of the second semeste r) will deal with the first part of this history: canonical quantization, Feyn man diagrams, renormalization, quantum electrodynamics. I’ll work out everyth ing in detail for spinless particles before introducing spin. This is unconven tional; most texts discuss at least free electrons and photons before going to interactions. Thus there is no book that can serve as a text in the strict se nse. They do exist lecture notes of the version of this course I gave a few yea rs ago, taken by Brian Hill, then my teaching assistant. I plan (at least for the first part of the course) to give substantially the same course now as the n, so there are probably the best substitute for a text. (Although I warn you that, although these are pretty good, they are still unedited notes, with occa sional misunderstandings, wildly varying levels of details, etc.) Brian’s not es for the first few lectures are available as a hand out. If you think you wa nt a complete set for the first semester, sign up on Thursday’s lecture. We’ ll then have the appropriate number of copies on sale for cost (roughly fiftee n dollars). Despite my eccentricity, there are some books that you might find useful:

    F. Mandl and G. Shaw, Quantum Field Theory. This book is not afraid to expl ain things in detail. Even though it does not talk about a lot of things I’ll talk about, what it does talk about well. C. Itzykson and B. Zuber, Quantum Field Theory. This book is encyclopedic i n both the good and bad sense; it covers everything, but doesn’t tell you ver y much about any one subject. I tried to use it as a text once and it was a di saster. Nevertheless, it’s a useful reference for those who already know thei r way around the subject. J. Bjorken and S. Drell, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Relativistic Qu antum Fields. This two-volume text is wonderful---clearly written by masters o f the materials. It has two faults: (1) It approaches the subject by an inane method (due to Feynman, but still inane) in which the Feynman rules are first applied and then derived. (2) It’s thirty years out of date. L. Ryder, Quantum Field Theory. When I taught this course a few years ago, several students were highly enthusiastic about this book. I haven’t studied it closely myself, but the portions I’ve sampled seem clear and well organize d. M.Peskin and D. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. This ma y be the best of the newer texts. The authors state in their preface that thei r goal was to write a modern text with “the same accessibility and depth of t reatments as Bjorken and Drell”. If the parts I’ve read are representative, they’ve succeeded. S. Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields. This is a big text, three substa ntial volumes. Weinberg’s approach is very different from everyone else’s, b ut he’s an extremely clear writer and he discusses in detail many topics that are covered only slightly (if at all) elsewhere. I’ve found this is a very u seful reference. The second part of the course covers more modern stuff: gauge field theory, spontaneous symmetry breakdown, the Higgs mechanism, functional integration, the renormalization group. Some of these topics are treated in the texts discu sses above. Some other books you might look at are: T.Cheng and L. Li, Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics. This is not a very inspired book; there are points where I feel the authors are regurgita ting the research literature undigested. However, it does cover all the import ant topics, and it is clear. Check it out. P.Ramond, Field Theory. This is a nice little book, mainly about path integ rals and gauge field theory. S.Coleman, Aspects of Symmetry. This is a collection of summer-school lectu re notes rather than a text, but it does cover a lot of the subjects in 253b i n much the way I’ll cover them.

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2009-09-13 15:09:53


  • zonkel

    zonkel 2009-09-27 22:46:45


  • Nunc Dimittis

    Nunc Dimittis (至末,未了。) 2009-09-27 23:07:07

    又发现有人推荐这个帖子,两年过去了, 我必须说 我是十分喜欢Ryder的书的 呵呵

    另一个深刻体会是 Weinberg的书太可怕了........

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2009-09-27 23:11:24


  • Nunc Dimittis

    Nunc Dimittis (至末,未了。) 2009-09-27 23:16:29

    之前说Ryder的数学味浓,是对于大部分研一学生说的, 注意事情总是有群体的差异. 现实中,很多人学场论的时候群论知识并不好, 而且Ryder在中间开始,以泛函形式写, 更增加初学者的学习难度, 因为目前大陆还没以这本书作为上课教材的, 在学习这么难的课程,看一本和所用教材基本脱节的书, 并不是一件容易的事情啊. 这是一个现实的问题.

    其实 我始终觉得看一本书好与不好得有很多参数,比如厚度, 我认为Ryder的书能以如此少的页数,把场论讲出来, 实在是一件了不起的事情.

    137@ 对 我就是看你的推荐 跑过来的 呵呵

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2009-09-27 23:16:43


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2009-09-27 23:48:29


  • Nunc Dimittis

    Nunc Dimittis (至末,未了。) 2010-05-04 04:01:11

    如若非需要, 学习这门课程的确很有雅兴。 最然它还不是最难,更难的是温度场论。当然这是广义的量子场论的高端部分。

  • 农夫

    农夫 (细推物理) 2010-05-04 06:53:49

    S. Weinberg的书败阵下来,现在读Ryder。 有没有读过的或者正在读的同学,渴望可以一起讨论下,豆邮我。 徐一鸿的书个人感觉像是在调侃场论,如果你是高手不妨和他过过招。


  • Logogogo

    Logogogo (Carry on and on) 2010-05-04 21:00:13

    灌个冗余信息,QFT(Peskin)的勘误表: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~mpeskin/QFT.html#errors

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-17 19:55:38


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-17 20:34:40


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-23 00:04:19


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-23 00:10:18


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-23 00:18:34


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-23 12:29:47


  • sharp

    sharp 2010-06-26 11:16:28

    量子场论de免费书: 普通大众的万有理论



  • cacate

    cacate (能算一万维张量) 2010-11-23 12:27:04


  • kimonn

    kimonn (人生不易心憔悴) 2010-12-01 10:24:01


  • 麦盒子

    麦盒子 ([;\int_{birth}^{death}mathdt;]) 2010-12-01 17:32:45


  • Werner&Erwin

    Werner&Erwin (有一个阴郁的灵魂) 2011-09-17 20:16:57


  • Nekrasov

    Nekrasov 2011-12-06 21:35:41

    我在想场论书为什么不能写得像一本程序教程。比如c++ primer之类的。 从最简单的程序入手,让你明白,这个东西没那么恐怖。然后告诉你各种工具 怎么使用。关于对物理问题的理解可以放在每章最后。 Weinberg的书初看像一本哲学书,因为没有告诉新人怎计算。我记得Banks在他的量子场论书里面说:算啊算啊算啊算啊,你就懂了。Peskin的书像一本计算手册,但是并没有对用到的计算技巧,原理进行分类、总结,所以书很厚。所以个人觉得还是从Peskin的书开始学比较好,但要学会不断总结,要看到计算背后的规律。就像华罗庚老先生说的,要把书读厚再读薄。读厚大概主要靠努力,读薄主要靠的是心力。所以,很多时候我们止步于读厚了。 现在的教材太多了,从个人经验来说不赞成用很多书,与其看得很杂,但都没看透,不如只看一本。


  • 爱吃

    爱吃 (G͂) 2012-01-18 12:51:33

    我在想场论书为什么不能写得像一本程序教程。比如c++ primer之类的。 从最简单的程序入手,让你 我在想场论书为什么不能写得像一本程序教程。比如c++ primer之类的。 从最简单的程序入手,让你明白,这个东西没那么恐怖。然后告诉你各种工具 怎么使用。关于对物理问题的理解可以放在每章最后。 Weinberg的书初看像一本哲学书,因为没有告诉新人怎计算。我记得Banks在他的量子场论书里面说:算啊算啊算啊算啊,你就懂了。Peskin的书像一本计算手册,但是并没有对用到的计算技巧,原理进行分类、总结,所以书很厚。所以个人觉得还是从Peskin的书开始学比较好,但要学会不断总结,要看到计算背后的规律。就像华罗庚老先生说的,要把书读厚再读薄。读厚大概主要靠努力,读薄主要靠的是心力。所以,很多时候我们止步于读厚了。 现在的教材太多了,从个人经验来说不赞成用很多书,与其看得很杂,但都没看透,不如只看一本。 场论,说到底是一门语言,就像c++,Java之类的。书上的东西只告诉你几个单词,基本语法,怎么运用就得看个人造化了。 ... Nekrasov

    恕难同意Nekrasov的见解, 请不吝指出在下荒谬之处.

    量子场论, 按照S. Weinberg的说法, 乃是The Quantum Theory of Fields. 这两个topics(量子力学和场论 - 狭义和广义相对论)都不简单. 把量子力学建立在场上是一个伟大的尝试, 虽然有巨大的成功, 但远远未完成(即使在弦论意义上). 因此, 从深度上说, 量子场论涉及到代数和几何的很多领域. 这些领域不知晓, 很难说能够对量子场论有多深入的了解.

    另一方面, 量子场论又在核物理, 粒子物理, 凝聚态理论中取得了巨大的成功. 人们积累了很多重要的模型, 物理图像和想法. 有一些和量子场论的数学基础紧密地发展(比如quantization), 有一些, 则在缺乏严格数学公理化的情况下作出惊人准确的预言(比如标准模型).

    说这么多的意思是, 量子场论包含了很多很多方面的论题. 它不像量子力学, 仅仅几条公理就能勾勒出整个理论框架. 要想通过阐明数学基础的方法讲解量子场论往往使读者更加混淆. 这就是Weinberg的巨著一般不会作为研究生教材. 另一方面, 它也不像java, 你只需要知道一些规则就能够批量生产产品. 学习量子场论的人, 无论是理论家还是实验家, 都需要至少了解很多理论背景知识和物理图像. 因为当代的粒子物理实验现象越来越复杂, 往往没有清晰的信号. 甚至很多实验的解释都是依赖于模型的. 尽管实际计算仅仅需要知道Feynman Rules, 如果仅仅知道Feynman Rules, 那是远远不足以理解很作重要的物理图像的. (有趣的是, 常遇到年少气盛的本科生, 声称自己一个月就掌握的量子场论, 其实说的是费曼图微扰计算, 还是QED的 ... 微扰论+费曼图一个星期就能学会其实).

    大部分"好"的教材倾向于使用简单的模型来解释量子场论的思想方法. Peskin的书是些给实验物理学家的, 改名叫QFT for working physicists再合适不过. 他的特点是讲了很多很多QFT的应用. 但没有在一开始把量子场论的想法将明白. 反而讲解了很多计算技巧. (在量子多体理论中, Mahan的书也有相似的名声). 大概, Peskin他们认为量子场论本身的复杂性不适合一开始讲清楚. 但他的书中给出的计算在做研究时都会很有用. 物理学界有一句名言, 以上各位也隐约提到, Shut up and Calculate! 但现在公认比较好的教材, Mark Srednicki的QFT, 在一开始就把量子场论的想法呈现给读者, 而且讲解的很清楚. Srednicki是UCSB的系主任, 是个著名的数学物理学家. 最近曾经发表过黎曼猜想和量子场论方面的文章. 他对量子场论数学基础方面的处理应该说相当成功. 不过, 如果不是作为教材的话, 阐释量子场论想法的书最成功的大概是徐一鸿(Tony Zee)的"果壳中的量子场论"(QFT in a nutshell).

    总起来说, 量子场论的教材可以大致分为公理式的, 计算型的, 想法型的, 粒子物理型的和综合型的. 各种类型之间写法相差很大. 这些差异, 可以理解为量子场论本身论题的庞杂和不统一. 对读者来说, 使用综合型的作为教材是最合适的, 不容易因为论题的回避而迷惑, 又不至于被分散了注意力. 但是, 读者应当最所有这些论题都有些了解. 而且, 至少把那些复杂的过程计算一次. 也应该对量子力学的限制有一定了解. 即使是也程序的书, Thinking in C, the C programming language 也远远比谭浩强先生的C语言教程好的多. 理由就是, 他们不但指导读者最常用的语言特色, 还同时向读者介绍C语言的思考方式(编译器如何工作, 或者设计者如何设计), 另外, 也给读者指出寻找更多信息的方式. 这难道不比谭浩强先生的C语言(常规和古怪)语法手册和(不常用)例子大全好很多吗?

  • 安布罗特斯死后

    安布罗特斯死后 (与人类的世界渐行渐远……) 2012-01-18 13:10:06


  • emcc

    emcc 2012-02-13 11:23:49

    鄙人认为Greiner的那一系列中,有关了量子力学和量子场论的分册是最好的教科书。 细致,深入 鄙人认为Greiner的那一系列中,有关了量子力学和量子场论的分册是最好的教科书。 细致,深入 不马虎。 weinberg, 的书很好,但完全不能用于初学者。只能学了一遍之后再看。 A.Zee 是不可或缺的参考书。 Peskin的书是无法逃避的书,因为大部分研究生院用它~~ ... Nunc Dimittis


  • emcc

    emcc 2012-02-13 11:24:34

    恩,初学者看Greiner的好些,然后看ramond的peskin的,大牛可以看看weinberg的。A.Zee的看似很薄 恩,初学者看Greiner的好些,然后看ramond的peskin的,大牛可以看看weinberg的。A.Zee的看似很薄,其实很不好懂,学懂了场论可以回头看看。 做凝聚态理论的肯定要看Arbriksov的书或是nagaosa的两本,入门级的可以看ben simons和alexander Altland的书。 ... 糊涂散人


  • 林贤散

    林贤散 2012-03-03 00:48:25

    对初学者推荐Greiner的场量子化,计算详尽,对noether定理处理的也很好。 对初学者推荐Greiner的场量子化,计算详尽,对noether定理处理的也很好。 zonkel

    哥们 科大的吧?06年在中科院貌似见到和你头像很像的人

  • 陰陽魚

    陰陽魚 (有緣再會) 2012-03-03 09:11:24



  • Underhill

    Underhill (I ADORE U) 2012-11-09 21:31:57


  • 飒飒~

    飒飒~ 2012-11-10 09:32:11

    鄙人认为Greiner的那一系列中,有关了量子力学和量子场论的分册是最好的教科书。 细致,深入 鄙人认为Greiner的那一系列中,有关了量子力学和量子场论的分册是最好的教科书。 细致,深入 不马虎。 weinberg, 的书很好,但完全不能用于初学者。只能学了一遍之后再看。 A.Zee 是不可或缺的参考书。 Peskin的书是无法逃避的书,因为大部分研究生院用它~~ ... Nunc Dimittis


  • Nunc Dimittis

    Nunc Dimittis (至末,未了。) 2012-11-12 02:43:22

    Greiner有量子场论的分册吗?我没有找到? Greiner有量子场论的分册吗?我没有找到? 飒飒~

    关于量子场论的内容有三本。量子化 量子电动力学 量子色动力学,按英文名搜索,很容易找到。

    要学算费曼图,找peaking. 另外,李政道的讲义很不错。

  • Nunc Dimittis

    Nunc Dimittis (至末,未了。) 2012-11-12 03:02:05

    哦,几年过去了。俺不再认为greiner 的书好得不得了。

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2013-02-21 15:42:53


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2013-02-21 23:10:11

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] [已注销]


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2013-02-22 20:33:40

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] [已注销]


  • doubanfanx

    doubanfanx 2013-03-10 21:38:43

    你们提到的书我都想一本挨一本看下去,可惜没有时间了! 年纪大了,哎。 我用Ryder的书讲过课, 微扰论部分采用了Peskin的书, Peskin微扰论实际讲的最清楚! 另外Peskin 对应用也是下了功夫的。 Greiner 的书,我也看, 有时候当做勘误表看,老先生比较认真,很少有笔误。 就说这些了,请多关照!

  • 王门学徒

    王门学徒 (以无间入有隙) 2013-03-11 00:22:09

    你们提到的书我都想一本挨一本看下去,可惜没有时间了! 年纪大了,哎。 我用Ryder的书讲过课 你们提到的书我都想一本挨一本看下去,可惜没有时间了! 年纪大了,哎。 我用Ryder的书讲过课, 微扰论部分采用了Peskin的书, Peskin微扰论实际讲的最清楚! 另外Peskin 对应用也是下了功夫的。 Greiner 的书,我也看, 有时候当做勘误表看,老先生比较认真,很少有笔误。 就说这些了,请多关照! ... doubanfanx


  • doubanfanx

    doubanfanx 2013-03-11 07:33:35

    “可惜没有时间了”是什么情况? “可惜没有时间了”是什么情况? 王门学徒


  • L9F0X11559

    L9F0X11559 2013-03-16 07:47:48

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] [已注销]

    Srednicki我觉得必须有参考或者上课 因为到后面点物理思想的阐述太少

    另外最近觉得Aitchison那两本Gauge Theories in Particle Physics还挺不错的 另外Halzen和Martin那个Quarks and Leptons也值得一看 绕不过去的还是Peskin和Weinberg大神啊

  • 被流放的人

    被流放的人 2013-06-10 14:56:44

    哦,几年过去了。俺不再认为greiner 的书好得不得了。 哦,几年过去了。俺不再认为greiner 的书好得不得了。 Nunc Dimittis


  • Nunc Dimittis

    Nunc Dimittis (至末,未了。) 2013-06-10 15:04:31

    为什么?那你现在觉得谁的书最好呢? 为什么?那你现在觉得谁的书最好呢? 被流放的人


  • cosmology

    cosmology 2013-06-16 15:47:32

    没有所谓最好的。习题要做。过程要导。 没有所谓最好的。习题要做。过程要导。 Nunc Dimittis


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2014-05-25 18:01:14


  • 草长莺飞

    草长莺飞 2014-09-03 16:20:10


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2015-01-04 16:58:01


  • WiDe

    WiDe 2015-10-12 23:52:53

    终于……我也来到了这扇门前 老师给了我一本Ryder让我读……说实话本科阶段我有很多基础打得不够扎实,量子力学部分学的问题不少,幸好数学部分还看了不少东西(Peter Szekeres的现代数学物理教程看了挺久),只希望能一点一点的读下去Ryder。

  • سنگ

    سنگ (儿豁嘛) 2015-10-13 02:23:10

    终于……我也来到了这扇门前 老师给了我一本Ryder让我读……说实话本科阶段我有很多基础打得不 终于……我也来到了这扇门前 老师给了我一本Ryder让我读……说实话本科阶段我有很多基础打得不够扎实,量子力学部分学的问题不少,幸好数学部分还看了不少东西(Peter Szekeres的现代数学物理教程看了挺久),只希望能一点一点的读下去Ryder。 ... WiDe

    Ryder 真的是特别好的一本书。 我也在用,共勉

  • 房梁上的蛇

    房梁上的蛇 (蓝色性格) 2015-10-13 06:42:41

    By Sidney Coleman. Hope it will be helpful. Recommended Reading: By Sidney Coleman. Hope it will be helpful. Recommended Reading: Physics 253 Relativistic quantum mechanics is seventy years old. The first part of th is course (all of the first semester and the first third of the second semeste r) will deal with the first part of this history: canonical quantization, Feyn man diagrams, renormalization, quantum electrodynamics. I’ll work out everyth ing in detail for spinless particles before introducing spin. This is unconven tional; most texts discuss at least free electrons and photons before going to interactions. Thus there is no book that can serve as a text in the strict se nse. They do exist lecture notes of the version of this course I gave a few yea rs ago, taken by Brian Hill, then my teaching assistant. I plan (at least for the first part of the course) to give substantially the same course now as the n, so there are probably the best substitute for a text. (Although I warn you that, although these are pretty good, they are still unedited notes, with occa sional misunderstandings, wildly varying levels of details, etc.) Brian’s not es for the first few lectures are available as a hand out. If you think you wa nt a complete set for the first semester, sign up on Thursday’s lecture. We’ ll then have the appropriate number of copies on sale for cost (roughly fiftee n dollars). Despite my eccentricity, there are some books that you might find useful: F. Mandl and G. Shaw, Quantum Field Theory. This book is not afraid to expl ain things in detail. Even though it does not talk about a lot of things I’ll talk about, what it does talk about well. C. Itzykson and B. Zuber, Quantum Field Theory. This book is encyclopedic i n both the good and bad sense; it covers everything, but doesn’t tell you ver y much about any one subject. I tried to use it as a text once and it was a di saster. Nevertheless, it’s a useful reference for those who already know thei r way around the subject. J. Bjorken and S. Drell, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Relativistic Qu antum Fields. This two-volume text is wonderful---clearly written by masters o f the materials. It has two faults: (1) It approaches the subject by an inane method (due to Feynman, but still inane) in which the Feynman rules are first applied and then derived. (2) It’s thirty years out of date. L. Ryder, Quantum Field Theory. When I taught this course a few years ago, several students were highly enthusiastic about this book. I haven’t studied it closely myself, but the portions I’ve sampled seem clear and well organize d. M.Peskin and D. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. This ma y be the best of the newer texts. The authors state in their preface that thei r goal was to write a modern text with “the same accessibility and depth of t reatments as Bjorken and Drell”. If the parts I’ve read are representative, they’ve succeeded. S. Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields. This is a big text, three substa ntial volumes. Weinberg’s approach is very different from everyone else’s, b ut he’s an extremely clear writer and he discusses in detail many topics that are covered only slightly (if at all) elsewhere. I’ve found this is a very u seful reference. The second part of the course covers more modern stuff: gauge field theory, spontaneous symmetry breakdown, the Higgs mechanism, functional integration, the renormalization group. Some of these topics are treated in the texts discu sses above. Some other books you might look at are: T.Cheng and L. Li, Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics. This is not a very inspired book; there are points where I feel the authors are regurgita ting the research literature undigested. However, it does cover all the import ant topics, and it is clear. Check it out. P.Ramond, Field Theory. This is a nice little book, mainly about path integ rals and gauge field theory. S.Coleman, Aspects of Symmetry. This is a collection of summer-school lectu re notes rather than a text, but it does cover a lot of the subjects in 253b i n much the way I’ll cover them. ... w

    is this really written by coleman

  • 房梁上的蛇

    房梁上的蛇 (蓝色性格) 2015-10-13 06:45:00



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