

来自: Luke(out of Africa)
2012-09-07 11:20:27

  • Jonny

    Jonny 2012-09-07 14:06:07



  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2012-09-08 23:35:01

    Conversations with Helmholtz

    THE following are a few samples of conversations taken from the soon-to-be-published book Conversations with Helmholtz.

    Dr. Helmholtz, now nearing ninety, was a contemporary of Freud's, a pioneer in psychoanalysis, and founder of the school of psychology that bears his name. He is perhaps best known for his experiments in behavior, in which he proved that death is an acquired trait.

    Helmholtz resides on a country estate in Lausanne, Switzerland, with his manservant, Hrolf, and his Great Dane, Hrolf. He spends most of his time writing, and is currently revising his autobiography to include himself. The "conversations" were held over a period of several months between Helmholtz and his student and disciple, Fears Hoffnung, whom Helmholtz loathes beyond description but tolerates because he brings him nougat. Their talks covered a variety of subjects, from psychopathology and religion to why Helmholtz can't seem to get a credit card. "The Master," as Hoffnung calls him, emerges as a warm and perceptive human being who maintains he would gladly trade the accomplishments of a lifetime if he could only get rid of his rash.

    April 1: Arrived at the Helmholtz house at precisely 10:00 A.M. and was told by the maid that the doctor was in his room sorting some mail. In my anxiety, I thought she said the doctor was in his room sorting some meal. As it turned out, I had heard correctly and Helmholtz was sorting some meal. He had large fistfuls of grain in each hand and was arranging it in random piles. When queried about this he said, "Ach--if only more people sorted meal." His answer puzzled me, but I thought it best not to pursue the matter. As he reclined in his leather chair, I asked him about the early days of psychoanalysis.

    "When I first met Freud, I was already at work on my theories. Freud was in a bakery. He was attempting to buy some Schnecken, but could not bear to ask for them by name. Freud was too embarrassed to say the word 'Schnecken,' as you probably know. 'Let me have some of those little cakes,' he would say, pointing to them. The baker said, 'You mean these Schnecken, Herr Professor?' At that, Freud flushed crimson and fled out the door muttering, 'Er, no--nothing--never mind.' I purchased the pastries effortlessly and brought them to Freud as a gift. We became good friends. I have thought ever since, certain people are ashamed to say certain words. Are there any words that embarrass you?"

    I explained to Dr. Helmholtz that I could not order the Lobstermato (a tomato stuffed with lobster) in a certain restaurant. Helmholtz found that a particularly asinine word and wished he could scratch the face of the man who conceived it.

    Talk turned back to Freud, who seems to dominate Helmholtz's every thought, although the two men hated each other after an argument over some parsley.

    "I remember one case of Freud's. Edna S. Hysterical paralysis of the nose. Could not imitate a bunny when called upon to do so. This caused her great anxiety amongst her friends, who were often cruel. 'Come, Liebchen, show us how you make like a bunny.' Then they'd wiggle their nostrils freely, much to the amusement of each other.

    "Freud had her to his office for a series of analytic sessions, but something went amiss and instead of achieving transference to Freud, she achieved transference to his coat tree, a tall wooden piece of furniture across the room. Freud became panicky, as in those days psychoanalysis was regarded skeptically, and when the girl ran off on a cruise with the coat tree Freud swore he'd never practice again. Indeed, for a while, he toyed seriously with the idea of becoming an acrobat, until Ferenczi convinced him he'd never learn to tumble really well."

    I could see Helmholtz was getting drowsy now, as he had slid from his chair to the floor under the table, where he lay asleep. Not wishing to press his kindness, I tiptoed out.

    April 5: Arrived to find Helmholtz practicing his violin. (He is a marvellous amateur violinist, although he cannot read music and can play only one note.) Again, Helmholtz discussed some of the problems of early psychoanalysis.

    "Everyone curried favor with Freud. Rank was jealous of Jones. Jones envied Brill. Brill was annoyed by Adler's presence so much he hid Adler's porkpie hat. Once Freud had some toffee in his pocket and gave a piece to Jung. Rank was infuriated. He complained to me that Freud was favoring Jung. Particularly in the distribution of sweets. I ignored it, as I did not particularly care for Rank since he had recently referred to my paper on 'Euphoria in Snails' as 'the zenith of mongoloid reasoning.'

    "Years later, Rank brought the incident up to me while we were motoring in the Alps. I reminded him how foolishly he had acted at the time and he admitted he had been under unusual strain because his first name, Otto, was spelled the same forwards or backwards and this depressed him."

    Helmholtz invited me to dinner. We sat at a large oak table which he claims was a gift from Greta Garbo, although she denies any knowledge of it or of Helmholtz. A typical Helmholtz dinner consisted of: a large raisin, generous portions of fatback, and an individual can of salmon. After dinner there were mints and Helmholtz brought out his collection of lacquered butterflies, which caused him to become petulant when he realized they would not fly.

    Later, in the sitting room, Helmholtz and I relaxed over some cigars. (Helmholtz forgot to light his cigar, but was drawing so hard it was actually getting smaller.) We discussed some of the Master's most celebrated cases.

    "There was Joachim B. A man in his mid-forties who could not enter a room that had a cello in it. What was worse, once he was in a room with a cello he could not leave unless asked to do so by a Rothschild. In addition to that, Joachim B. stuttered. But not when he spoke. Only when he wrote. If he wrote the word 'but,' for instance, it would appear in his letter 'b-b-b-b-b-but.' He was much teased about this impediment, and attempted suicide by trying to suffocate himself inside a large crepe. I cured him with hypnosis, and he was able to achieve a normal healthy life, although in later years he constantly fantasized meeting a horse who advised him to take up architecture."

    Helmholtz talked about the notorious rapist, V., who at one time held all London in terror.

    "A most unusual case of perversion. He had a recurring sexual fantasy in which he is humiliated by a group of anthropologists and forced to walk around bowlegged, which he confessed gave him great sexual pleasure. He recalled as a child surprising his parents' housekeeper, a woman of loose morals, in the act of kissing some watercress, which he found erotic. As a teen-ager he was punished for varnishing his brother's head, although his father, a house painter by trade, was more upset over the fact he gave the boy only one coat.

    "V. attacked his first woman at eighteen, and thereafter raped half a dozen per week for years. The best I was able to do with him in therapy was to substitute a more socially acceptable habit to replace his aggressive tendencies; and thereafter when he chanced upon an unsuspecting female, instead of assaulting her, he would produce a large halibut from his jacket and show it to her. While the sight of it caused consternation in some, the women were spared any violence and some even confessed their lives were immeasurably enriched by the experience."

    April 12: This time Helmholtz was not feeling too well. He had gotten lost in a meadow the previous day and fallen down on some pears. He was confined to bed, but sat upright and even laughed when I told him I had an abscess.

    We discussed his theory of reverse-psychology, which came to him shortly after Freud's death. (Freud's death, according to Ernest Jones, was the event that caused the final break between Helmholtz and Freud, and the two rarely spoke afterwards.)

    At the time, Helmholtz had developed an experiment where he would ring a bell and a team of white mice would escort Mrs. Helmholtz out the door and deposit her on the curb. He did many such behavioristic experiments and only stopped when a dog trained to salivate on cue refused to let him in the house for the holidays. He is, incidentally, still credited with the classic paper on "Unmotivated Giggling in Caribou."

    "Yes, I founded the school of reverse psychology. Quite by accident, in fact. My wife and I were both comfortably tucked in bed when I suddenly desired a drink of water. Too lazy to get it myself, I asked Mrs. Helmholtz to get it for me. She refused, saying she was exhausted from lifting chick peas. We argued over who should get it. Finally, I said, 'I don't really want a glass of water anyhow. In fact, a glass of water is the last thing in the world I want.' At that, the woman sprang up and said, 'Oh, you don't want any water, eh? That's too bad.' And she quickly left bed and got me some. I tried to discuss the incident with Freud at the analysts' outing in Berlin, but he and Jung were partners in the three-legged race and were too wrapped up in the festivities to listen.

    "Only years later did I find a way to utilize this principle in the treatment of depression, and was able to cure the great opera singer, J., of the morbid apprehension he would one day wind up in a hamper."

    April 18: Arrived to find Helmholtz trimming some rose bushes. He was quite eloquent on the beauty of flowers, which he loves because "they're not always borrowing money."

    We talked about contemporary psychoanalysis, which Helmholtz regards as a myth kept alive by the couch industry.

    "These modern analysts! They charge so much. In my day, for five marks Freud himself would treat you. For ten marks, he would treat you and press your pants. For fifteen marks, Freud would let you treat him, and that included a choice of any two vegetables. Thirty dollars an hour! Fifty dollars an hour! The Kaiser only got twelve and a quarter for being Kaiser! And he had to walk to work! And the length of treatment! Two years! Five years! If one of us couldn't cure a patient in six months we would refund his money, take him to any musical revue and he would receive either a mahogany fruit bowl or a set of stainless steel carving knives. I remember you could always tell the patients Jung failed with, as he would give them large stuffed pandas."

    We strolled along the garden path and Helmholtz turned to other subjects of interest. He was a veritable spate of insights and I managed to preserve some by jotting them down.

    On the human condition: "If man were immortal, do you realize what his meat bills would be?"

    On religion: "I don't believe in an afterlife, although I am bringing a change of underwear."

    On literature: "All literature is a footnote to Faust. I have no idea what I mean by that."

    I am convinced Helmholtz is a very great man.

    (Excerpted from Getting Even)

  • 6 + 3 = 9

    6 + 3 = 9 管理员 2012-09-08 23:36:48

    1、“以其命名的心理学(the school of psychology that bears his name)”,“学派(school)”?后面有用“学派”

    2、“他往后靠在椅子上时(As he reclined in his leather chair)”,“皮椅”

    3、“因为鼻子麻痹而导致的歇斯底里症(Hysterical paralysis of the nose)”,“鼻子有癔病性麻痹”,“Hysterical paralysis”好像是“癔病性麻痹症”的意思

    4、“那是房间内一件高大的家具(a tall wooden piece of furniture across the room)”,“在房间另一头的一件高大的木制家具”

    5、“他认真考虑过(he toyed seriously with the idea of)”,这个比较难处理,因为“toy with”是“不认真考虑”的意思,与“seriously”显然是矛盾的,这是不是所谓的oxymoron?给俺的感觉这里好像是“半真半假、反复考虑”的意思?

    6、“膝内翻(bowlegged)”,可能用“罗圈腿”更通俗易懂些,因为俺老分不清“内翻”和“外翻”! genu varum = bow leg = 膝内翻 = 罗圈腿 genu valgum = knock knee = 膝外翻 = X型腿

    7、“他因为他哥哥的头上刷清漆而受到惩罚(he was punished for varnishing his brother's head)”,漏了“给”字——“给他哥哥”,另外俺觉得这里用“弟弟”可能更合理,以大欺小嘛,还有后面的“孩子(boy)”一词也说明了应该是“弟弟”


    9、“精神分析专家们去柏林旅行时(at the analysts' outing in Berlin)”,应该是“在柏林时的一次郊游(或外出玩耍)”?

    10、“可是他和荣格在三条腿赛跑时是搭档,而且过于沉浸在欢乐中,所以不想听。(but he and Jung were partners in the three-legged race and were too wrapped up in the festivities to listen.)”,这里俺觉得还是把“wrapped”的字面意思“包扎、捆绑”翻出来好,因为他们在做“把两个人的一条腿绑在一起然后比赛跑步”的游戏,所以翻出来的话可能更加容易明白

    11、“仅仅几个月后(Only years later)”,“多年以后,(我才……)”


  • Luke

    Luke (out of Africa) 楼主 2012-09-09 08:55:04



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