JUMPER 越空行者 原著对照译文(不定期更新)
JUMPER 越空行者 Steven Gould For James Gould, soldier, craftsman, sailor, father and Laura J. Mixon, engineer, teacher, writer, wife. PART 1: BEGINNINGS 开端 ONE The first time was like this. 我的第一次念移是这样开始的…… I was reading when Dad got home. His voice echoed through the house and I cringed. 父亲回到家时我正在看书。他的声音突然在屋里回响吓了我一跳。 "Davy!" “大卫!” I put the book down and sat up on the bed. "In here, Dad. I'm in my room." 我放下书从床上坐起来应道:“在这呢,爸。我在房间里。” His footsteps on the hallway's oak floor got louder and louder. I felt my head hunching between my shoulders; then Dad was at the door and raging. 随着踏在走廊橡木地板上的脚步声越来越近,我不禁缩头缩脑地搭拉下脑袋。父亲很快就来到我门前咆哮起来。 "I thought I told you to mow the lawn today!" He came into the room and towered over me. "Well! Speak up when I ask you a question!" “我记得今天有交代过你要剪草!”父亲走进我房间,怒目俯视着我。“喂!问你话呢,出声!” "I'm gonna do it, Dad. I was just finishing a book." “爸,我正要去。我才刚看完一本书。” "You've been home from school for over two hours! I'm sick and tired of you lying around this house doing nothing!" He leaned close and the whiskey on his breath made my eyes water. I flinched back and he grabbed the back of my neck with fingers like a vise. He shook me. "You're nothing but a lazy brat. I'm going to beat some industry into you if I have to kill you to do it!" “你从放学回家都超过两钟头了!我最讨厌你成天待在屋里无所事事!”他俯身凑近我时嘴里散出阵阵威士忌的恶臭熏得我眼泪直流。我才往后缩了缩,他那老虎钳般的手指就掐着我脖后跟把我扯了过去。他死命晃着我嚎道:“你个一无是处的懒骨头,不给你点颜色看看你就不长记性!” He pulled me to my feet, still gripping my neck. With his other hand he fumbled for the ornate rodeo buckle on his belt, then snaked the heavy Western strap out of his pants loops. 他一手捏着我脖子把我提溜下床;一手就掏摸着解开了那个俗丽的竞技牌皮带扣,接着把厚重的威斯登皮带从裤扣里抽了出来。 "No, Dad. I'll mow the lawn right now. Honest!" “爸,别。我现在立刻马上就去剪草,真的!” "Shut up," he said. He pushed me into the wall. I barely got my hands up in time to keep my face from slamming nose-first into the plaster. He switched hands then, pressing me against the wall with his left while he took the belt in his right hand. 他嚷道:“闭嘴!”说着就推我撞到墙上。我只来得及抬手免得连脸也和鼻子一样撞到泥灰墙里。接着他转用左手把我死倾压在墙上,换右手来握皮带。 I twisted my head slightly, to keep my nose from grinding into the wall, and saw him switch his grip on the belt, so the heavy silver buckle hung on the end, away from his hand. 为了不让鼻子继续顶着墙,我死命转了下头,就看到他还改握皮带的另一头,银质的皮带扣离手远远的,沉甸甸地垂着…… I yelled. "Not the buckle, Dad! You promised!" 我尖嚎道:“别用皮带头,爸——!你答应过的!” He ground my face into the wall harder. "Shut UP! I didn't hit you near hard enough the last time." He extended his arm until he held me against the wall at arm's length and swung the belt back slowly. Then his arm jerked forward and the belt sung though the air and my body betrayed me, squirming away from the impact and... 他把我的脸狠狠地顶在墙上,吼道:“闭嘴!上次给你的教训还不够深吖——。”说着伸直了胳膊,另一手缓缓地把皮带向后摆。说时迟那时快,手臂猛地向前一挥,皮带呼一声划过,狠狠地甩到我身上。我不禁崩溃了,被抽打得浑身抽搐…… I was leaning against bookshelves, my neck free of Dad's crushing grip, my body still braced to receive a blow. I looked around, gasping, my heart still racing. There was no sign of Dad, but this didn't surprise me. 突然,我一头撞到了书架上。虽然脖子得以从老爸的钳制下解脱出来,但浑身还在为刚才的胖揍打着摆子。气喘吁吁地环顾四周,心还在蹦蹦蹦直跳,老头子居然不见了,而我竟然一点也不惊讶。 I was in the fiction section of the Stanville Public Library and, while I knew it as well as my own room, I didn't think my father had ever been inside the building. 我身处斯坦佛公共图书馆的小说区,对此地我就如自己房间一般了如指掌。这是个我确信我父亲绝对不会来的好地方。 That was the first time. 这就是我的第一次念移经历。 The second time was like this. 第二次念移是如此这般开始的。 The truck stop was new and busy, an island of glaring light and hard concrete in the night. I went in the glass doors to the restaurant and took a chair at the counter, near the section with the sign that said, DRIVERS ONLY. The clock on the wall read eleven-thirty. I put the rolled-up bundle of stuff on the floor under my feet and tried to look old. 初至一繁忙的货车站, 我踱进餐馆的玻璃门,在桌台边找了个椅子坐下。这个区域边上有个标志牌写着“驾驶员区”。墙上的钟显示此刻是十一点半。我把一大堆捆好的东西放在脚边的地板上,尽量让自己显得老成些。 The middle-aged waitress on the other side of the counter looked skeptical, but she put down a menu and a glass of water, then said, "Coffee?" 在桌台后的中年女招待看起来对我的年龄持怀疑态度,但她只是放下菜单和倒了杯水给我,问我:“要咖啡吗?” "Hot tea, please." “请给我来杯热茶,谢谢。” She smiled mechanically and left. 她象征性的咧一下嘴权当微笑,然后走开了。 The drivers' section was half full, a thick haze of tobacco smoke over it. None of them looked like the kind of man who'd give me the time of day, much less a lift farther down the road. 此时驾驶员区已经半满,空气中弥漫着厚厚的烟气。他们中没有一个看起来象是那种能给我行个方便的好心人,更没有哪个象是会肯停下车来给人搭便车的。 The waitress returned with a cup, a tea bag, and one of those little metal pitchers filled with not very hot water. "What can I get you?" she asked. 女招待拿着个杯子回来了。还有一个茶袋和一个那类很常见的金属大水罐,虽然里边的水不是那么够热。然后她问我:“还要点什么?” "I'll stick with this for a while." “目前这样就好。” She looked at me steadily for a moment, then totaled the check and laid on the counter. "Cashier will take it when you're ready. You want anything else, just let me know." 她定定的看了我好一会,然后还是什么表示也没有,写了张帐单放在桌上。对我说“如还有什么要点的,就叫我。你离开时拿这个跟收银的结帐。” I didn't know to hold the lid open as I poured the water, so a third of it ended up on the counter. I mopped it up with napkins from the dispenser and tried not to cry. 我不知道在倒水时要扶着盖子,结果有三分之一的水都洒到了台面上。我强忍住眼泪从纸筒里拿出纸巾来把水擦掉。 "Been on the road long, kid?" “走了很长时间吧,孩子?” I jerked my head up. A man, sitting in the last seat of the drivers' section, was looking at me. He was big, both tall and fat, with a roll of skin where his shirt neck opened. He was smiling and I could see his teeth were uneven and stained. 我猛地抬起头(循声望去),看到驾驶员专区的最后一个位置上坐着的一个男人正看着我。他很壮,又高又胖。他在向我微笑,露出他那口带牙渍的糙牙。从他敞开的衬衣领口还能看到他的皮肤在颤动。 "What do you mean?" “你什么意思?” He shrugged. "Your business. You don't look like you've been running long." His voice was higher-pitched than you'd expect for a man his size, but kind. 他耸耸肩道:“不关我事。你看起来不象长出远门的样子。” 他的声调比他这种体型的人略尖,但还是蛮友善的。 I looked past him, at the door. "About two weeks." 我的视线越过他,落在后面的门上,说道:“差不多2个星期了。” He nodded. "Rough. You running from your parents?" 他点点头:“不容易啊,从父母那离家出走的吗?” "My dad. My mom cut out long ago." “从我爸那儿,我同我妈很久以前就断了联络了。” He pushed his spoon around the countertop with his finger. The nails were long with grease crusted under them. "How old are you, kid?" 他用手指在台面上转着调羹。他的长指甲下积着很多油渍。“那么你多大了,孩子? ” "Seventeen." “十七岁。” He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. 他看着我, 扬了下眉毛。 I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't care what you think. It's true. I turned seventeen lousy years old yesterday." The tears started to come and I blinked hard, got them back under control. 我也耸耸肩, ”我才不在乎你怎么想呢。但这千真万确,直至昨天,我刚度过17个不幸的年头。” 说完我眼泪哗哗的冒了出来,我努力地眨着眼睛, 才没让眼泪泛滥。 "What you been doing since you left home?" “那你离家后都怎么过的?” The tea had gotten as dark as it was going to. I pulled the tea bag and spooned sugar into the cup. "I've been hitching, panhandling a little, some odd jobs. Last two days I picked apples—twenty-five cents a bushel and all I could eat. I also got some clothes out of it." 这时,茶够浓了,我取出茶包往杯里边放糖。“我一路搭便车,有时讨些小钱,打点散工。就前两天,我帮人摘苹果, 二十五美分一蒲式耳耳(容量等于八加仑),吃饭管够,此外我还想法弄到些穿的。 "Two weeks and you're out of your own clothes already?" “才两个星期,你就没衣服可穿了?” I gulped down half the tea. "I only took what I was wearing." All I was wearing when I walked out of the Stanville Public Library. 我一口吞下半杯茶, “我是只身逃出来的。” 其实就我从斯坦威公立图书馆出来时穿的那身衣服. "Oh. Well, my name's Topper. Topper Robbins. What's yours?" “哦, 好的,我叫上澄,罗上澄。你呢?” I stared at him. "Davy," I said, finally. 我盯着他, 最后还是说了, “我叫大伟。” "Davy...?" “姓?” "Just Davy." “就叫大伟。” He smiled again. "I understand. Don't have to beat me about the head and shoulders." He picked up his spoon and stirred his coffee. "Well, Davy, I'm driving that Petro Chem tanker out there and I'm headed west in about forty-five minutes. If you're going that way, I'll be glad to give you a ride. You look like you could use some food, though. Why don't you let me buy you a meal?" 听罢,他又笑了笑。 “了解了,其实你没必要如此避重就轻。” 他拿起匙子搅搅自己的咖啡。“对了, 大伟, 我要开外面那辆Petro Chem油车往西边走,大概四十五分钟的车程吧。 假如你顺路的话我很愿意载你一程。你看起来还需要再吃点。不如我请你吃顿好的?” The tears came again then. I was ready for cruelty but not kindness. I blinked hard and said, "Okay. I'd appreciate the meal and the ride." 我的眼泪又要流出来了.我已经作好准备迎接未来的残酷,可对别人的善心没设防啊.我边努力地把眼泪眨回去边说, “好啊,谢谢你请我吃饭和让我搭便车.” 我的眼泪又涌了出来。对生活的残酷我已有心理准备,可对别人的善心没设防啊。我尽力把眼泪眨回去边说, “好的,很感谢你愿请我吃饭和搭我一程。” An hour later I was westbound in the right-hand seat of Topper's rig, drowsing from the heat of the cab and the full stomach. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, tired of talking. Topper tried to talk a little more after that, but stopped. I watched him out of narrowed eyes. He kept turning his head to look at me when the headlights from oncoming traffic lit the cab's interior. I thought I should feel grateful, but he gave me the creeps. 一小时后,我已在上澄的驾驶室右座上一路向西行了。吃得太饱,驾驶室里的暖气使我昏昏欲睡。不知道该说什么,于是我干脆闭上眼睛假寐。上澄本想说些有的没的,也停了下来。我从眼缝中瞄了他一眼,对面车辆的车前灯照亮驾驶室时,他还在扭头看着我。 我想本该万分感激的, 但我还是觉得他鬼鬼祟祟的. After a while I fell asleep for real. I came awake with a start, unsure of where I was or even who. There was a tremor running through my mind, a reaction to a bad dream, barely remembered. I narrowed my eyes again and my identity and associated memories came back. 过了一阵,我真的睡着了。恍惚间突然惊醒,不知自己身在何处,甚至搞不清楚自己是谁。刚才一丝惊栗闪过脑海,只记得作了个噩梦。忆起身处何时何地,我再次闭上了眼睛。 Topper was talking on the CB. 上澄在朝着对讲机说话。 "I'll meet you behind Sam's," he was saying. "Fifteen minutes." 他说道: “我们15分钟后在大山加油站后边汇合。” "Ten-four, Topper. We're on our way." “10-4, 我是上澄,我们已经在路上了。” Topper signed off. 说罢上澄停止通话。 I yawned and sat up. "Jeeze. Did I sleep long?" 我打了个呵欠坐直身子, “天, 我睡了很久吗?” "About an hour, Davy." He smiled like there'd been a joke. He turned off his CB then and turned the radio to a country and western station. “一个小时左右吧, 大伟。” 说着像是讲了个笑话一样笑了起来。他把步话机关了, 然后打开收音机调到一个西部乡村电台。 I hate country and western. 我讨厌西部乡村。 Ten minutes later he took an exit for a farm road far from anywhere. 10分钟后,他驶离大路,沿一条偏远乡村小路开去。 "You can let me out here, Topper." “上澄,让我在这里下车就可以了。” "I'm going on kid, just have to meet a guy first. You don't want to hitch in the dark. Nobody'll stop. Besides, it looks like rain." “我在开车呢,孩子,要先去会一个人。你也不想天黑截车吧。这里没人会停的。而且好像要下雨了。” He was right. The moon had vanished behind a thick overcast and the wind was whipping the trees around. 他说得对, 月亮已被一层厚厚的乌云遮住, 风也吹得树叶沙沙作响. "Okay." “到了。” He drove down the rural two-lane for a while, then pulled off the road at a country store with two gas pumps out front. The store was dark but there was a gravel lot out back where two pickups were parked. Topper pulled the rig up beside them. 他驶入一条乡村双向车道一会儿,就下了车道驾向路边一家乡村小店。这家店前倒是放着两个汽油泵,但店里里面一片漆黑。只后面有个铺着沙砾的停车场,那儿还停着两辆敞篷小货车。上澄把他车停在了它们旁边。 "Come on, kid. Want you to meet some guys." “孩子来吧。让你见几个人。” I didn't move. "That's okay. I'll wait for you here." 我一动不动, “不用了,我就在这等你吧。” "Sorry," he said. "It's against company policy to pick up riders, but my ass would really be grass if I left you in here and something happened. Be a sport." 他说:“不好意思,这样有违搭顺风车的惯例,要是我把你一个人留在这又有什么不测的话,我可就真是个草包了。起来活动活动。” I nodded slowly. "Sure. Don't mean to be any trouble." 我慢慢地点点头, “好吧,我是不想给你添麻烦。” He grinned again, big. "No trouble." “一点都不麻烦。”说着他又裂开大嘴,大笑起来。 I shivered. 我不禁打了个冷颤。 To climb down, I had to turn and face the cab, then feel with my feet for the step. A hand guided my foot to the step and I froze. I looked down. Three men were standing on my side of the truck. I could hear gravel crunching as Topper walked around the front of the rig. I looked at him. He was unbuckling his jeans and pulling down his zipper .因为得爬下车去,我不得不转过身来面朝着驾驶室,小心着脚下的步子。突然有只手在扶着我的脚下来,我呆住了。往下一看,在货车这边立着三个男人。我能听到Topper绕车头走过来时沙砾摩擦的声响。我望向他, 发现他正在解开牛仔裤的纽扣,拉下拉链! I yelled and scrambled back up to the cab, but strong hands gripped my ankles and knees, dragging me back down. I grabbed onto the chrome handle by the door with both hands as tight as I could, flailing my legs to try and break their grip. Somebody punched me in the stomach hard and I let go of the handle, the air in my lungs, and my supper all at once. 我尖叫起来,然后想再爬回驾驶室,但那些强有力的手都紧拽着我的脚踝和膝盖, 想把我往下拉。我费力地两手紧紧抓住车门上的铬把手, 双腿努力地踹试图挣脱他们的钳制。突然不知谁在我胃上狠狠地打了一拳,痛得我松开了手, 肺好像连同晚餐一起都涌了出来。 "Jesus fucking Christ. He puked all over me!" Somebody hit me again as I fell. “真他妈麻烦,他全吐在我身上了!” 那人在我跌下去的时候又给我补上一拳。 They grabbed my arms and carried me over to the open tailgate of a pickup. They slammed me down on the bed of the truck. My face hit and I tasted blood. One of them jumped up on the truck bed and straddled my back, his knees and shins pinning my upper arms, one hand gripping my hair painfully. I felt somebody else reach around and unbuckle my belt, then rip my pants and underwear down. The air was cold on my butt and upper legs. 他们拽着我的胳膊,把我抬到辆敞着后门的小货车那,一把扔到车厢里。我的脸撞到了,尝到血腥味。其中一人跳上后车厢骑到我背上,然后拿他的膝盖压我的上肢,一只手还在狠狠地扯我的头发。我感到另一个人也靠了过来,伸手解开我的皮带,把我的裤子连裤衩一起都扯了下来。我的屁股和大腿顿时感到一阵恶寒。 A voice said, "I wish you'd gotten another girl." 有个声音说到,“真希望你是个女孩!” Another voice said, "Who brought the Vaseline?" 另一个声音接着道, “谁有带凡士林?“ "Shit. It's in the truck." “傻b,在卡车那。“ "Well... we don't need it." “那算了,我们不要了。“ Somebody reached between my legs and pawed my genitals(好多啊?怎么用复数?);then I felt him spread the cheeks of my butt and spit. His warm saliva splattered my bottom and... 不知谁俯近我的双腿间,笨拙地抚弄我的JJ; 然后我感到他张开我的臀部,用唾沫润湿我的屁眼。 I pitched forward, the pressure off my arms and hair, the hands off my bottom. My head banged into something and I struck out to hit my hand against something which gave. I turned, clutched at my pants, pulled them up from my knees, while I sobbed for air, my heart pounding and my entire body shaking. 我忽然瞬移了,手臂和头发上的压力消失了,擎住我下体的手也放开了,头不知撞进了什么东西里。手还在拼命地挥舞抗拒着侵害。我回过身, 抓起裤子, 将它们从膝盖拉回来。我就这样站在空气中啜泣, 久久不能平复。心还在梆梆直跳, 浑身颤抖。 It was dark, but the air was still and I was alone. I wasn't outside anymore. A patch of moonlight came through a window six feet away to shine on bookshelves. I tasted blood again, gingerly touched my split upper lip. I walked carefully down to the patch of light and looked around. 一片漆黑,我独自一人在寂夜中茕茕孑立。我再也不逃家了。一撮月光透过一窗户投射进来, 落在一尺远的书架上。,轻舔开裂的上唇,我又尝到血腥味。我小心翼翼地踱到那撮月光下, 环顾四周. I pulled a book from the shelf and opened it. The stamp on the inside cover told me what I already knew. I was back in the fiction section of the Stanville Public Library and I was sure I'd gone mad. 从书架上拿下一本书打开。内封上的印章确认了我的猜想——我又回到斯坦威公立图书馆的小说区。我肯定我快要疯了。 That was the second time. 这就是第二次念移了。
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