10月运势。Susan Miller 版翻译后。
来自: 我不叫蘑小菇了(但是我还没想好叫什么。)
October will start out slowly, but try to have patience. You may be tempted to rush, fearful that you will lose an opportunity if you don’t push things through to completion, but just the opposite will be true. Some of your most stunning aspects will occur at the end of October, so there is no reason to be anxious. You will prevail in the end. 10月份会是慢热型的一个月,但你要试着有耐心一点。你可能会急于往前冲,生怕如果不一鼓作气的话会失去某个机遇,但是事实却恰恰相反。你星盘上某些迷人的星象会在10月底出现,所以你没有理由焦虑。你会在最后占得上风。 As you start October, Mercury will still be retrograde. This means that Mercury, planet of communication and negotiation, will be exerting weak vibrations until Mercury turns direct on October 15. However, Mercury will still not be quite “normal” - Mercury will still be exerting quite a bit of confusing information until October 20 at the earliest. Wait until October 20 or beyond to announce your most vital plans and to sign contracts. If you can delay things until the new moon, October 28, all the better. 当你步入10月份,水星仍旧处于逆行状态。这意味着水星,这颗代表交流和协商的行星,将在10月15号回复正行以前都发挥着微弱的作用。尽管如此,水星仍然不会那么“正常”–它最早会在10月20号之前都散发着让人困惑的信息。要等到10月20号之后再宣布你最重要的计划和签订合约。如果你能把事情拖到10月28号新月的时候,那就更好了。 Mercury retrograde periods are phases when conditions are in flux. It will be almost impossible to see where the road ahead will take you. Mercury retrograde periods are times to look back and review past decisions rather than launch new ones. I suppose it’s nature’s way to get us to stop rushing, go back and polish up our work, get things organized, and reflect on how we can make things better. 水星逆行时期各种客观条件都在不断变幻。几乎不可能看清那条路才是正确的。水星逆行时期应该回过头去回顾过往的决定而不要做出新的。我认为这是一种大自然的方式,让我们停止冒进,回顾并改善我们的工作,让事物变得有组织性,并且让我们思考如何能更好地做事。 This time Mercury will be retrograde in Libra, filling your partnership house, so getting agreements from key partners, whether in your personal or professional life, will be harder than usual. Give people space - all will be resolved by October’s third week, and you’ll be glad you held back. 这次水星是在天秤座逆行,正好是你的搭档宫,所以和你的重要伙伴达成协议,无论是私生活方面的伙伴还是事业方面的,都会比往常要困难。给人们一点空间–在10月份的第三个星期一切都会有定论的,而且你会很高兴你抑制了一下。 As you begin October, you will have just experienced the new moon that appeared on September 29, and it will still be exerting strong energy in early October. That new moon will help you think about a partnership alliance that you may be considering and will soon make official. As said, your plans may meet with some delays or oppositions, but I don’t think they will be too formidable, so keep talking. Search for areas of agreement. After you get to October 20, the pace will pick up and you’ll feel optimistic again about your prospects with this individual. 在你刚步入10月份的时候,你正好刚刚经历了9月29号的新月,而它在10月初仍旧留有强大的能量。这个新月会帮你好好思考一段你正在考虑而且很快就将正式化的同盟关系。正如上面提到的,你的计划可能会遇到一些延误和阻力,但是我不认为它们会有多可怕,所以继续协商吧。寻找你们能当成共识的地方。到了10月20号,步调就会加快而你会再次把乐观的态度放在对这个人的期望上。 If you were born on March 27, plus or minus four days, you will feel this partnership trend most and perhaps benefit most from them, too. 假如你出生在3月27号前后四天内,在伙伴关系这方面你会最明显地感受到这样的趋势并且还可能会从中获利最多。 This month’s full moon, October 14 (plus or minus 4 days), will be in Aries, bringing to culmination something dearly important to you. It’ll be a matter or wish so personal to you that, as your astrologer, I can’t even see what it is from here - only you would know. No matter, you’ll know your own mind and may make a direct run to get what you want. Careful, though - don’t be too hasty as you will still have another week to wait out for Mercury to stop putting a monkey wrench in your plans. 这个月10月14号(前后4天)的满月,会出现在白羊座,将把某些对你非常非常重要的事物带到最高点。可能会是你某个很私人的麻烦或是期望,作为你的占星师,我甚至不能看清到底可能是什么–只有你自己才知道。不要紧,你将了解你自己的想法并直截了当地去谋求你想要的。但是小心–不要太轻率因为为了不让水星对你的计划做什么猫腻你还要再多等一个星期。 If you were born on or within five days of April 12, you will feel this full moon quite directly. It should be a time that you feel fulfilled and gratified. Alternatively, you may be proud of an effort you just made and recently completed. Your timing will be excellent for a positive outcome, so keep going. 如果你出生在4月12号五天以内,你会非常直接地感受到这个满月的影响。到时候你会感到满足,觉得个人野望得以实现。又或者是你可能会为你刚做的而且目前已经成功的一个尝试而骄傲。你的时机对于得到一个正面结果来说非常的好,所以继续前进吧。 With Mars in Scorpio all month, from October 4 onward, you may find that you’re piling up expenses on your credit card. It may be that you were strongly in control over the past months, but suddenly need things. Once you start shopping, one thing will lead to another - before you know it, you’ve built up a large amount on your credit card. Ah, the problems with being overly disciplined can mean there’s always a danger of swinging from one extreme to the other. Try to hold the line on spending as best you can because you won’t want to enter the holidays with high balances if possible. 由于火星从10月4号以后整个月都待在天蝎座,你会发现你信用卡上的开支正在不断积累。可能是你虽然在过去的几个月都能有力地控制住开支,但最近突然不得不要花钱。当你开始买东西,就会一件带着一件–在你发觉的时候,你已经推起了一笔可观的支出了。啊,过度自律的问题所在就是总是会有危险会从这个极端变到另一个极端。试着在花销上尽可能地把持住因为你不会想背负着可能高额的账单来进入假期的。 Despite your high expenses, you have a plethora of good aspects to rake in more cash, so let’s look at those for a moment. Jupiter in your house of fame, reputation, and career status will be an enormous protection to you, for this month Jupiter has scheduled a number of high-level meetings on your behalf! 相对于你的高额开支,你有很多的良好星象来搜刮进更多的现金,所以让我们花一点时间来关注下它们。处在你关于名望、声誉和事业状态的宫位的木星将成为你庞大的守护者,因为这个月木星已经为你的利益预定了一系列的高层次会面! Your first stellar day arrives when Venus and Jupiter trade glances on October 5, a Sunday. This is a great day, but you could feel the benefits as early as October 3 or as late as October 5. It’ll be clear you’re well liked in your company and/or industry, so it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to suppose that your charm was responsible for some of your luck at this time. Higher-ups enjoy having you around and the best way to see that this happens is to send money your way. 你的第一个主要日子会在10月5号星期天,金星和木星相互联系的时候到来。这是重大的一天,你最早10月3号最晚10月5号会感觉到好处所在。那时很明显你会在公司和(或)业内广受欢迎,因此在这时你的魅力会是你好运的一部分原因,对此我就不必再多说了。上司喜欢你在身边并且看出这点最好的办法就是他们会给你带来更多的钱。 Your next important financial day will arrive a few days later. A confidential or strategic meeting you have on October 9 should lead you in precisely the right direction - toward more money! Venus, in your house of other people’s money, will send Uranus, planet of surprise, a lovely, positive beam and as a result you should benefit. The kind of money you would discuss is the kind that comes in one large sum - not salary. It may be a loan, bonus, or commission, for example. 你下个重要的财务日子会在几天之后到来。你在10月9号做的一次坦诚或关键性的会面将引导你明确正确的方向–朝着更多的钱!处在你外财宫的金星将朝代表意外的天王星发出一道美丽、正面的光线并且结果对你来说会非常有益。你们商议的这笔钱会是一笔巨大的金额–这可不是薪水。举个例子来说,可能会是一笔贷款、奖金或佣金。 By Monday, October 27, when Mars sends a beam to Jupiter, you’ll see that someone upstairs loves your work and will make sure you’re well compensated. Yet the money I see coming to you will come in the form of a large-chunk bundle or windfall. It could be a bonus or commission check or insurance payout, or it could come in the form of a prize or gift. Keep your eye on October 27, for good financial luck should follow you. 在10月27号星期一,火星和木星构成相位的时候,你会发现高层的某些人很喜欢你的工作并确保会很好地犒劳你。然而我发现这次到来的钱会是一大笔钱或横财。可能是一笔奖金、佣金支票或保险开支,又或者是以奖品或礼物的形式。在10月27号的时候擦亮你的眼睛,因为财务方面的好运会跟随着你。 As if this were not enough, on top of this, you should receive even more good news about money within days. The October 28 new moon will be one of my favorite new moons of the year - circle it in red! What makes this new moon so special is that Mars, your ruler, will be so beautifully cordial to Uranus, planet of surprise, at the very same time. This new moon will fall in your house of “other people’s money,” so rest assured, if you do have high expenses earlier in the month, events will conspire to see that you end the month with much more than when you entered it. 假如这些还不够,那么比这些还要好的情况是,在几天内你会收到更多关于财务的好消息。10月28号的新月是今年我最喜欢的新月之一–把它画上个大红圈吧!让这个新月如此特殊的是与此同时火星,你的主星,将对代表意外的天王星无比热情。这个新月会落在你的外财宫,所以请放心,如果你在这个月早些时候确实有大笔的开支,那届时会发生一系列的事件使你在月底的时候比月初的时候多出一大笔钱。 Romantically, it’s a warm and affectionate month when you’ll feel more playful and demonstrative than usual. Even if you have no one to love, you will give out very appealing, alluring vibes, perhaps even without realizing how mesmerizing you will be. In this case, all you need to be is out and about - you would not have to do too much! 感情方面,这是温暖而又充满情爱的一个月,你会比往常更爱玩也更容易动感情。即使如果你没有中意的对象,你会散发出非常动人、迷人的电波,可能甚至都不用了解你有多迷人。如果这样的话,你需要做的仅仅是出门四处走走–你都不需要去做太多! If you are hoping to find someone new for a possible romantic relationship, be sure to circulate near the full moon in Aries, October 14. With the Sun and Pluto being so friendly, you’ll have a good chance of meeting someone intriguing, self-made, and financially stable - a catch! 如果你希望能认识一些新的人来看看有没有可能发展一段感情关系的话,要确定在10月14号白羊座的满月左右出门。因为太阳和冥王星之间相处得如此友好,你会有很大的机会认识某个有趣、自力更生并财务稳定的人–要抓住了! Halloween, always a highly creative holiday, will be much more so this year, thanks to a lovely interplay between Mars and Uranus. Aries always likes to win, so if you’re going to a Halloween party, start getting that prize-winning costume ready early! This year the competition will be stiff! You’ll be favored because the moon will be in fellow fire sign Sagittarius. Have fun! 万圣节,总是一个非常有创意的节日,今年这次会比往年更甚。这要归功于火星和天王星之间的美丽对话。白羊座总是好胜的,所以如果你参加一个万圣节party,早点完成金奖装扮吧!今年的竞争会非常激烈!你会很幸运因为月亮会处在火相的射手座。玩得开心点! Attached? Best romantic days will be October 1, 3-5, 8-9, 17-18, 21-22, 25, and 31. 结婚了?最浪漫的日子会是10月1号,3号到5号,8号到9号,17号到18号,21号到22号,25号,31号。 Single? Best romantic days will be October 4, 9 (on a trip), 17-18, 21, 22, 25, and 31. 单身?最浪漫的日子会是10月4号,9号(旅行中),17号到18号,21号,22号,25号,31号。 Summary/摘要: Mars, your ruler, is tearing through your eighth house of credit, urging you to spend more than usual - and possibly more than you can afford. You may be forced into this situation, however, for an unexpected expense, such as a car or house repair, may be needed, as two examples. Try to save where you can, for this is only a temporary situation. With Mercury retrograde until mid-month, you won’t get the full enjoyment from purchases if you shop in early October - wait until October 20 and beyond. 火星,你的主星,正经过你执掌信贷的第八宫,使你比往常花出更多的开销–而且可能比你能承担得还要多。但是你可能是被迫地步入这个状况,由于一笔难以预料的开支,比如举两个例子,到时可能会需要修车或修整房子。试着尽你所能地遏止,因为这只是一个暂时的局面。由于水星在月中之前都处于逆行状态,如果你在10月份早些时候购物的话你将不能从中享受到完整的乐趣–等到10月20号之后吧。 Happily, the good news is that you’ll have much more money to spend after the new moon arrives October 28, which will allow you to negotiate for better terms, or to find new sources of funding. Pluto will be in a beneficial position, so it appears you will have a sympathetic, supportive VIP on your side, one who wants to see that you get all the financial compensation you deserve. 值得高兴的好消息是在10月28号新月之后你将有更多的钱来花费,这新月使你能跳槽到更好的团队,或找到新的资金来源。冥王星将处在对你有利的位置,所以这预示着你会有一名合意的、支持你的大人物站在你这边,这个人会乐于见到你得到所有你应得的犒赏。 An important romantic relationship may begin to captivate you this month, too. The start of the month has you imagining what life might be like if the two of you were to be together. Single and dating Aries may decide to get engaged or even married, a lovely time to do so. 这个月某段重要的感情关系也会开始迷惑你。月初的时候你会想象你们两个人如果早点遇到的话现在的生活会是什么样的。单身和正在约会的白羊座可能会决定订婚或甚至是结婚,这是一个非常合适的时机。 If you are already married, you’ll be in the mood to work closer with your mate. You may decide to look at houses together, for example, or look into ways you may be able to start a business, or you may plan a baby. These are some examples, but there are many other possibilities. 假如你已经结婚了,你会想要比比往常更亲密一点。比如说你可能会决定一起去看看房子,或研究下你们可以一起做生意的方法,或可能会计划要一个小孩。这些只是一些例子,还会有别的可能性的。 The full moon in Aries on October 14 will bring to fruition an endeavor of enormous importance to you. This could be a highly emotional time for you, doubly so if your birthday falls on or near April 12. Take care of your health then too, as you’ll be wearing yourself thin. Even good news can be exhausting! 10月14号在白羊座的满月将为你某个非常重大的尝试带来成功。这对你来说会是非常激动的时刻,如果你的生日是在4月12号左右的话影响会倍增。到时候还需要照顾好自己的身体,因为你会慢慢消瘦。到时候即使是好消息也会耗尽你的精力! In your career, things should go your way, and you may be discussing compensation. Days when talks should go very well are October 3-5 and 9-10, as well as those days surrounding October 14 (the full moon). Add October 27 too as deserving four stars - on this day Mars and Jupiter will work hard for you. All will be sensational career days when talks and progress leave you smiling. 在你的事业方面,事情会照着你的想法发展,而且你们会商量薪水的问题。谈话会进展顺利的日子是10月3号到5号和9号到10号,还有10月14号(满月时候)周围几天。还要再加上10月27号把它作为四星级的一天–在这天火星和木星会为你大放光芒。所有这些都会是非常好的事业日,谈话和进展会让你微笑的。 Key dates/关键的日子: Career days when you advance your reputation: October 3-5, 14 (plus or minus 3 days), and 27. Money luck may be strong: October 9 An important project or relationship will crystallize, or exciting news you’ve waited to hear arrives at the full moon in Aries: October 14. Mercury stops retrograding: October 15, but wait to October 20 to act See about a loan, financial aid, or a perks package: October 29-31 提高你声誉的事业日:10月3号到5号,14号(前后三天),和27号。 财务方面的运气会很好:10月9号。 某个重大项目或人际关系会具体化,或者你所等待的激动人心的消息会到来:10月14号白羊座的满月。 水星停止逆行:10月15号,但要等到10月20号再开始行动。 留意一笔贷款、财务补助或一大笔奖金:10月29号到31号。 转自 http://4giveu.cn/2008-10-03/susan-miller-aries-3.html/trackback 双人舞–星座占卜
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