(周运) 克里斯汀 10.30--11.5(处/射/鱼 待)
来自: 灵槐
★★★白羊座——译者:青椒 音乐开启之时既有魔力发生。具体发生什么并不重要,音乐有一种可以让人柔和的魔力、能够碰触那些平日不易碰触的内心之处。因此,音乐被称为“世界语言”。由于音乐可以引领我们深入自我,因此,音乐是一种能够帮助我们更好理解自我的工具。我们处于两个食相之间,周日,11月3日,将出现一次强大的天蝎新月日食。现在与日食之间这段时间内的能量是有延展性的,能够成就灵魂深处持久、深刻的转变。此刻,我想起Tim McGraw唱的一首歌《Live Like You Were Dying(像快要死了一样活着)》。并不是说我建议你做好最坏的准备,而是鼓励你“活着的每一分钟都要有意义”(译注:许三多那句名言“做有意义的事,就是好好活;好好活,就是做有意义的事”)。你正面临对自己灵魂之旅新层次严肃承诺的质问。 你可能需要动用储配来推动前进,但是一切皆有回报! ★★★金牛座——译者:lotus 什么让你心跳加快?或许我应该问谁让你心跳加速或者说谁让你的心脏狂 跳 不已?本周日,11月3号,新的月食发生在你的对立星座,天蝎座,在你的关系宫内。这关乎所有因果和宿命的关系,这些关系,或好或歹,已经常常让你按捺不住火气了。这是一个放手的时机,由此可以让另一种爱能够顺利开展。修补看似破碎的情感,想方设法让心里充满有利于你的东西而不要再思考那些让你折寿的东西。这次月食最引人注目的是,冥王星,主宰天蝎和象征灵魂的星座,落在你的真 相宫内,与火星,代表 欲 望 的星座,形成非常有利的角度,这会帮助你准确地找到贵人,展开你的视野。和这些人在一起,你会受到支持和帮助。所以离开那些不三不四的人,保持简单的生活吧。 应该将你宝贵的精力和重要的资源投入到哪里去呢?心会告诉你所有你需要知道的答案。 ★★★双子座——译者:龙涎香 采取什么行动让这件事恢复正常,或让这件事可行?这都是一直萦绕在你内心的问题,你试图想出解决的方案, 或使自己内心不安的情绪有所转变。 掌管你情绪的火星与逆行的水星形成一个支持的角度, 帮助你有效的引导你的情绪,所以接下来的几天你可以有明确的判断并作出一些重要的决定。周日,11月3日,天蝎座的新月日食将加入到你的主宰星水星及土星,以及象征命运的北交点所组成的行星阵中,让你重新思考你的策略,重新努力向前,回顾以往的步子,这样你才能以代表你灵魄最直接的方式向前推进。 ★★★巨蟹座——译者:潇然 一旦你的灵魂被刻下一道刻痕,就好像无法切入下一曲一样一直在重复一个旋律。这种模式在一定时期成为一种本能甚至你自己都能预见,就好像又过了一遍土拨鼠日【译者加注:圣烛节,美国称为土拨鼠日,电影《圣烛节》的主人公突然开始过着一天一天反复的生活】。你在头就能看到尾。但是,这周,我们在双食的中间,因而有足够多的能量吹走任何让你灵魂挣扎的重复的主题。这股力量强度很大,并且在11月3日星期天,火星这一代表行动力、欲望、动力的行星,会与强大的天蝎座新月月食形成容易的角度,从而支持前面所说的那股能量。火星会与水星、土星形成良好的角度,并且你命运的象征的北交点会帮你重造一个新的更好的刻痕。火星还会与冥王星形成有利的角度,冥王星能够改变你的对宫,从而帮助你摆脱久留不去的怯懦与迟疑——这些与一段你在意的重要的关系相关的怯懦与迟疑曾让你非常脆弱。 当你敞开你的心,你改变的越多,你所收获的就越多。 ★★★狮子座——译者:Grace 当天蝎座的新月月蚀临近,这次新月月蚀出现在掌管你情绪的星宫,土星、水星和北交点也一并加入其中,象征着你的命运,你可能会爱上“裸奔”。你可能正感到在某种程度上情绪被曝露在天日之下,然而这周你可能会找到的是,火星会应招来助阵这个六合相位的阵容,这会为你提供让你振作起来的精神动力,走出艰难地带。火星也会和冥王星形成一个特定的角度,冥王星是象征着灵魂,出现在象征你成就宫位这就表示,你每一次的思考和呼吸加在一起会让你的心灵更强大。这周发生一些事情帮助你完成自我重建的内化过程,帮助你自内而外的进行一些变革,帮助你创造出应你所想、需你所求的感觉,那些新的发现要依赖你自己的双眼和你前行路上的灵魂。你所感应到的自力更生、自负盈亏,会给你带来相当一段时间的自由。作为这种协调的结果是一盏明灯会被点亮,还有就是能让你吸引你身边的任何人。 闪耀如厮。 ★★★处女座——译者: ★★★天平座——译者:lotus 真是姗姗来迟啊,秤子,或许此刻你正小声呢喃着这句话呢。如果这种经历尚未到来,那么当新月日食发生在代表你珍视的东西,包括收入,的宫位,而土星,代表现实和时间的星座,以及水星和代表命运的北交点同时加入,这种感觉一定会到来。这段时间就好像是秤子的成年礼,随着火星从侧面与代表被忽略的东西的宫位中的一系列星座相遇,形成和 谐的角度,你可以确信自己身边就有一位守护天使,给你支持。当本周火星与冥王星在你的家庭和感情宫内形成对拱,你将能够感受到幕后赐予的福分,这种幸运会奇迹般地帮助你保持平衡的生活和稳定的感情。世界就是变化多端的大海,充满了逆流和不可预测的事件。但是现在终于有些东西可以依靠了,你知道的! 悄悄庆祝吧! ★★★天蝎座——译者:lotus 11月3号,本周日,新的月食来到你的星座,蝎子们,在此之前的几天你会感觉到莫须有的压力逐渐增大,因为你的心灵正在努力摆脱那些莫须有的东西,为新的内容留出空间。在生日前的一段时间,你也会有相同的感受,回想起去年的生活,心中充满浓厚的感情。但是即将到来的月食会给你的灵魂带来新的起点,翻开新的篇章,写下新的愿景,展开不一样的现实,这将是你喜爱和欢迎的。天蝎座中众多行星们排成一线,这包括太阳,月亮,土星,水星,以及象征你命运的北交点,这些行星会激活代表新的欲望和开始的宫位。而你的兄弟,火星,目前移动的角度与这条行星链构成有利互补。火星位于处女座你的创新宫内,你将满脑子都是新主意。你可能会去询问别人怎样接受这种变化,因为对你而言,目前的发现大多数都是全新的。 现在最为重要的事情就是听从本能的召唤,蝎子们,因为这一周,钥匙掌握在本能手中。 ★★★射手座——译者: ★★★摩羯座——译者: lotus 哦,如果能够踢掉鞋子,斜躺在阳光下,放松身心,这该是多么奢侈的享受啊!现在,当天蝎座新月日食伴随你的主宰星座土星渐渐来临,“休息”这个词听起来就像是某种价值连城的馈赠。更为重要的是,水星和代表命运的北交点也互相对齐,使本周日11月3号的日食带来更大的冲击。摩羯们,你们天生具有严肃的生活态度,内心强烈要求了解生活究竟往何处去,自己究竟是否安全。这归根结底与你想要掌控结果的需求有关。你希望将意外因素降到最低,这种需求是可以理解的,但是众所周知,生活中总会出现一些意料之外的转弯,而且这种转折常常发生在日食季。不过,目前在土象星座处女座内运行的火星到达了一个很有利的位置,与天蝎的行星们一起为你提供正面的支撑,这意味着当前你的成绩不仅取决于你的努力,还取决于你的信念。本周你的魅力将表现在你跳出框框进行思考的能力,表现在你头脑风暴时的创新性思维,这将能够解决大量假设的问题。 保持开放的心态吧,宇宙会向你传达一些建议,告诉你如何解决问题。 ★★★水瓶座——译者:与神对话 生活离完美还差的远那,也不存在永恒或者一成不变,作为人类我们唯一能体验到的只有无常。当时间令一些人或事改变时最需要具备的灵性能力莫过于面对这一必然时能够坦然放弃或接受。在接受的情感里面蕴含着巨大的能量,而接受也意味着妥协或者不管你认为应该如何就随它去吧,再有就是开明地相信一切均是命定的。我始终不太明白如何改变命运的曲折但有件事我知道,那就是当任何灵魂不再抗拒所遭遇的,他们就真正获得了自由。11月3日周日天蝎座的新月日食将加入到土水以及预示你未来的北交点所组成的行星阵中,而掌管行动力的火星也将对这个强有力的行星阵再助一臂之力,让你彻底明白你的生活由你做主。如果双脚一起腾空,就如同插上了翅膀,力量和速度将载着你冲向自由! ★★★双鱼座——译者:即兴幻想 我们都知道你有远大的梦想鱼鱼,这要归功于你那天马行空的想象力,这也是你的温柔乡和避难所。但有些时候捏,你的灵魂准备好去将这些梦想一一实现。接下来你将试图将梦想付诸实践,掌控那个理想的画面。我也不敢保证啥,但本周日,11月3号,日食发生在同为水相星座的天蝎,汇合土星水星和命运之北交点,在你的乐观,信念和信仰的宫位。自信之星火星也会来这场天蝎座的聚会凑个热闹,这暗示着某个人会向你伸出援手,帮助你实现一直以来的梦想。如果没有意外的话,你前进的方向将被看好,你将无比确定地迈开步伐。当你知道了自己为什么身在此地,将要往何处去以及做出这个选择的原因,旅程将无比美好。 努力的去了解吧,真 相触手可及。 ARIES Something happens when the music starts. It doesn’t matter what is going on at times, music has a way of softening our edges and reaching places deep within us that otherwise could not be touched. This is why it is called the universal language. It is a vehicle to help us better understand our core as music has a way of carrying us further into the corners of ourselves. We are in between eclipses and approaching a powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on Sunday, November 3. The energy between now and then is highly malleable and rich with potential to make some permanent deep inner shifts in your Soul. A song comes to mind at this time by Tim McGraw called, ‘Live Like You Were Dying’. I am not suggesting you need to prepare for the worst, but I am encouraging you to make every living breathing moment count! A serious new level of commitment toward your Soul’s intended journey is being asked of you. You may need to pull from your reserves, but it will pay in spades! TAURUS What makes your heart beat? Maybe I should be asking you who makes it beat or should I say who makes it race? The New Moon Eclipse on Sunday, November 3 is in Scorpio, your opposite sign, in your house of relationships. This connects to all of your karmic and fated connections that have had a way of getting under your skin, for better and for worse. This is a time of letting go and of letting love of another kind find a better way in. It is about fixing what feels so broken and finding a way to allow your heart to be invested in something that serves you versus something that causes you to lose years off your life. What is most notable about this eclipse is that Pluto, the ruler for Scorpio and the planet of the Soul, is in your house of truth and will be making a most favorable angle to Mars, the planet of desire, which will help you connect with the right people to help drive your vision forward. Align with those people you feel supported by, remove the riff raff and keep it simple. Your heart will tell you all you need to know about where to invest your precious energy and vital resources! GEMINI What is it going to take to get this thing right and to make it work? These are the questions that you are continuously asking yourself as you attempt to come up with that magical formula or else inwardly create the right emotional shift that will generate the breakthrough that is needed. Mars is currently in your house of the emotional body and is making an angle of support to your ruler Mercury, which also happens to be retrograde, this will help you direct your emotions productively so you can make clear judgments and ultimately make some pivotal decisions in the coming days. On Sunday, November 3, a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio will be conjunct not only your ruler Mercury but also the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, as well as Saturn. This suggests you are re-thinking your strategy, re-working your way onward and retracing some steps so you can move forward in a way that represents the most direct path for your Soul. This week is about making a noticeable improvement in the way you spend your time and the way you live your life! CANCER Once your Soul has created a groove in the record, it can feel to be next to impossible to change dynamics that cause certain themes to repeat. These patterns become so instinctual and even predictable at times, so much so it can feel like Ground Hog day all over again. You can see the signs long before it strikes. This week however we are in the middle of two eclipses and there is enough energy to blow apart any repeating theme that is causing your Soul strife. Intensity is high and the celestial support is mounting as Mars, the planet of action, desire and drive will be forming an angle of great ease to this powerful New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on Sunday, November 3. Mars will making sweet angles of support to Mercury, Saturn and the North Node, the symbol for your destiny to help you create a new and better groove. Mars will also be making an auspicious angle to Pluto, the planet of metamorphosis in your opposite sign helping you to throw off lingering fear and doubt in yourself that has contributed to a feeling of fragility and vulnerability with respect to a key relationship. The more you take charge, while keeping your heart open, the better the outcome will be! LEO As we approach a New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, in your house of the emotional body, one that is joined by Saturn, Mercury and the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, you may very well feel stripped bare. You may be feeling emotionally naked in some way and yet what you will find this week, is that Mars answers your call for support as he sextiles this line-up and offers you the energetic sustenance you need to pull yourself up and out of a taxing place. Mars also makes a determined angle to Pluto, the planet of the Soul, in your house of effort suggesting that every thought and breath counts, they all add up to make your heart center stronger. Something occurs this week as you work through this inner process of rebuilding that serves to empower you from the inside out, creating that feeling of having all that you need within you, a new found trust in yourself and the place on the path where your Soul currently stands! The self reliance and self sustaining vibration that you will feel, will lead to a freedom you have not known in quite some time. As a result of tuning in, a light will turn on, and have you attracting anyone in your midst. Shine like only you know how to shine! VIRGO “If it is to be, it is up to me.” With that said Virgo, If it is to come true, it is up to you. Mars, the planet of will and desire is in your sign and Mars equals the energy that directly impacts your relative speed of evolution. It is the planet of choice making and your choices do dictate that speed which often times is linked with the degree of risk you are taking. On Sunday, November 3, Mars will be forming a harmonious aspect to the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, along with Saturn, your ruler Mercury and the North Node, the symbol for your destiny. Mercury is still retrograde and it is allowing you to uncover some vital information that will help you secure a piece of your future. This alignment will also take you to the edge of yourself without fear allowing you to push past your own pre-conceived limits getting you in touch with your Soul’s true potential. I can think of no greater motivator for you to continue pursuing paths that allow you to express the very best that you have within you! LIBRA It’s been a long time comin’ Libra. You may be whispering those words under your breath about now. And if that experience has not yet come, it will as a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio in your house of what you value, including income is joined by Saturn, the planet of reality and time as well as Mercury and the North Node, the symbol for your destiny. This timing feels like a rite of passage for you Libra and with Mars harmoniously flanking this lineup of planets in your house of the unseen, you can bet there is a guardian angel near who has your back. As Mars trines Pluto this week in your house of home and the emotional body you may be able to feel the blessings granted behind the scenes and it will work wonders to help keep you balanced and emotionally stable. The world at large is an ever changing sea, full of crosscurrents and unpredictable events. But there is something you can count on now, finally, and you know it! Privately celebrate! SCORPIO The days leading up to the New Moon Eclipse in your sign this Sunday, November 3 Scorpio, can feel like an unwanted pressure building as your Soul works to rid itself of the unwanted in order to make room for the new. The same thing can happen in the days leading up to your birthday, a heavy blanket of emotion as you reflect upon the last year of your life. However, this coming eclipse offers new beginnings for your Soul, new chapters, new intentions and a changing dose of reality, one that will be welcomed. Mars, your younger brother is moving into a highly complementary angle to this line up of planets in Scorpio which include the Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury as well as the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, all energizing your house of new desires and beginnings. Your mind is brimming with ideas and with Mars in Virgo in your house of innovation, you may be questioning how others will receive this change as much of what you are unearthing is also totally brand new for you. It is more important than ever that you follow your instinct Scorpio, because this week, your instinct holds the key! SAGITTARIUS You Sag are a naturally light hearted Soul. At least that is where you like to live most of the time. You tend to know how to find that happy place. However, being that we are in the window between eclipses, life can feel intense. Everyone around you may be radiating with that same intensity and it can make it more challenging to stay optimistic even on your best days. Eclipse season is almost always an emotionally elevated time and on Sunday, November 3, the New Moon Eclipse is not only in the sign of penetrating Scorpio, it is joined by Saturn, Mercury, and the North Node, the symbol for your destiny in your house of culmination. It’s as if a load of karmic conditions are coming full circle, no doubt something is coming to a close and yet the new moon suggests something is also being born. The beauty of the energetic alignments on the day of the eclipse is that Mars, the planet of courage is in your house of commitment and making an angle of reliable support to this Scorpio line-up, while also syncing up favorably with Pluto, the planet of the Soul. As all over the place as some things may currently feel to be, you will be able to find security in something that holds tremendous meaning, immeasurably so! CAPRICORN Oh what a luxury it would feel to be, to able to simply relax, to kick off your shoes and recline in the sun. The mere sound of the word feels like some sort of priceless offering at this time as we approach a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, one that is accompanied by your ruler Saturn. To add to the significance, Mercury and the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, are also lining up to give it additional impact on Sunday, November 3. You were born serious Cappy and have a deep need to know where life is headed and how much security you can count on. This is ultimately about your need to control outcomes. This need is understandable as you wish to minimize the element of surprise, but in life there are notoriously unexpected turns and we often see this during eclipse season. However Mars is strategically positioned as he travels in fellow earth sign Virgo and forms a positive charge of support with this team of Scorpio planets, suggesting not only your efforts but your faith will play a big role in how productive you are at this time. The grace for you this week will be revealed in your ability to think outside the box, in your innovative brainstorming that will resolve an array of what if’s. Stay open and the universe will cosmically transmit their suggestions for solutions! AQUARIUS Life is far from perfect, nor is anything ever permanent or fixed. The one thing as humans that we can always count on is change. What is also necessary when the times demand change is the Soul’s ability to be adaptable and to accept the inevitable. There is something so powerful within the emotion of acceptance. With acceptance there is surrender, a letting go of how you think things should be and an opening up to the way things are destined to be. I will never be able to understand a multitude of life’s twists and turns but one thing I do know, is when any Soul releases the resistance, they do become free. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio this Sunday, November 3 is joined by Saturn, Mercury as well as the North Node, the symbol for your future. Action Mars is also making a supreme angle to this potent planetary punch suggesting whatever it is that life presents you, if you jump in with both feet, you will have the wings, the energy and the speed to carry you to freedom! PISCES I realize you have been known to have some pretty lofty dreams Pisces and in truth this is due to your unlimited imagination, which I am sure can be a very enjoyable place to spend your time. At some point however, there will come a time when your Soul is ready to make the imaginary deal real. There will be an attempt on your part to bring those dreams down to earth and secure the vision. Now I am not making any promises but this Sunday, November 3, a New Moon Solar Eclipse in fellow water sign Scorpio shares the company of Saturn, Mercury and the North Node, the symbol for your destiny in your house of optimism, faith and belief. Mars, the planet of confidence is syncing up magically to this Scorpio line-up suggesting someone may step in to help make a Soul dream a reality. If nothing else, you will be trusting in the direction you are moving and feeling more determined than ever to pick up the pace. When you know why you are here, where to go and why you are going where you are going, the journey can be a joy. Make that your mission, it is within reach!
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