the dreamer


来自: PsYBriT(The Best Is Yet To Come)
2008-12-24 13:01:42

  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-24 17:45:27


    INFP - The Dreamer INFP——梦想家

    Profile by Sandra Krebs Hirsch and Jean Kummerow

    INFPs focus deeply on their values, and they devote their lives to pursuing the ideal. They often draw people together around a common purpose and work to find a place for each person within the group. They are creative, and they seek new ideas and possibilities. They quietly push for what is important to them, and they rarely give up. While they have a gentleness about them and a delightful sense of humor, they may be somewhat difficult to get to know and may be overlooked by others. They are at their best making their world more in line with their internal vision of perfection.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-24 17:47:09

    Living 生活 INFP children often create their own fantasy world and live very much within it. They may daydream about what is important to them, and sometimes others wonder if they are in touch with reality. They often get lost in their thoughts and books, and may develop a special ability in communicating, such as writing. They are somewhat reserved, especially in new situations.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-24 17:50:18

    INFPs decide early on what is important for them, what is of value. They tend to rely on themselves for direction and are reticent to ask others for help. They would rather do things themselves, to make sure they are done properly. INFPs have found this to be both a strength and a curse. Depending only on themselves and being careful not to show mistakes to others is important. As teens, INFPs may have a bit of a rebellious streak. They may argue with those who hold different values than they do. They are also likely to have a small, close set of friends with whom they share good times. In the comfort of those close relationships, they can relax and are often quite entertaining, since they see the world in a different and special way. Their sense of humour is readily apparent. However, unless an INFP finds an appreciation for his or her uniqueness and personal values, he or she may feel like an odd person out.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-24 17:51:46

    When they set their minds on things, INFPs are not likely to give up easily, yet because of their outward gentleness, they do not show their determination. They may not take a direct path, but somehow they reach their dreams.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-24 17:52:51

    As young adults, INFPs may have some difficulty finding the ideal career and the ideal mate, in part because of that very word 'ideal'. They have a vision in mind of what they want, yet reality may not follow suit. They may make several starts and stops in their career until they find a comfortable place for themselves.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-24 17:54:05

    INFPs have a need for perfection in connection with their personal values. They become frustrated with those who dwell on trivialities.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-24 17:55:02

    INFPs need a purpose beyond the paycheck. They become burned out easily if their job does not fit their value system; they may not feel good enough about what they have achieved and, as a result, may undervalue themselves and their contributions.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-24 17:56:04

    In retirement, INFPs need to look back and feel that they have led a worthwhile life that has made a difference. They want time for a variety of activities, including travel. They may also be very attached to their family and enjoy special visits with them.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-24 17:56:24


  • 逍遥的逍

    逍遥的逍 2008-12-25 00:46:09


  • Apple

    Apple (不做无益之事,何以遣有涯之生) 2008-12-25 10:29:48


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-25 11:44:04


    Learning学习 INFPs learn best in flexible situations where they know the teacher takes a personal interest in them. They like to be able to interact with their peers, but not too much so. They want to feel free to dig into subjects that are of interest to them. Having both flexibility and creativity rewarded is encouraging to them. While they may not enjoy deadlines, if they value the assignment, they will meet those deadlines. Deadlines may force INFPs to decide that their work is 'good enough' to turn in.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-25 11:44:57

    Subjects that hold a great deal of interest for them are learned readily. They will often do extra work in their attempt to learn as much as possible about something of interest. And they often read assignments carefully and them work their creativity into the given framework of the assignment. Thus it may appear that they did not pay careful attention to the details of the assignment in their reinterpretation. It is best if they have teachers who appreciate their unique approach and who do not hold them to the letter of the law.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-25 12:17:44

    At work, INFPs contribute their creativity, their value system, and their ability to work with others. They are able to see the larger picture and how specific programs fit in. They do not dwell on the trivialities or the details. Their job must be fun, although not racous, and it must be meaningful to them. They need a strong purpose in their work. They want to be recognized and valued, without undue attention given to them. They may become embarrassed when make the center of attention. As a result, they may undersell their strengths in order to avoid being singled out and made to feel conspicuous. They would rather have their worth be noticed gradually over time.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-25 12:29:07

    INFPs like to work with cooperative people committed to the same values that they are. They can become bothered when they see others working at cross purposes, especially when conflict is overt. They do not like competition or bureaucracy. They need privacy. Calm and quiet appeal to them, as does time and space for reflection. People usually like working with INFPs even though they may not know them well.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-25 14:20:20

    INFPs are quite disorganized. But when tasks at hand are important and best done in an organized way, INFPs strive to do so. Practicality is not a driving force for INFPs. Things that traditionally belong together may not be placed together because the INFP does not see it as necessary. They have trouble finishing what they start because of their perfectionistic nature. When they do finish a project, they may not consider it done 'for good.' Projects can always be improved upon, revised, and reworked, and therefore INFPs find it hard to bring tasks to closure. Because they are able to visualize the finished product long before it is done, the actual completion is of less importance.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-25 14:29:58

    INFPs prefer occupations in which they can be involved in making the world better. Having their heart in their work is important to them. These occupations also allow for an element of creativity and flexibility. INFPs are particularly interested to be counselor, editor, education consultant, English teacher, fine arts teacher, journalist, psychologist, religious educator, social scientist, social worker, teacher, writer, and other occupations that engage their values.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-25 14:55:58

    Leading 领导 The INFP leadership style is subtle, gentle, indirect, and inclusive of others. INFPs do not confront people head-on, but rather work with them and through them to get the job done. Their style is not an aggressive one but is highly persistent; only reluctantly do INFPs assume leadership roles.


  • PsYBriT

    PsYBriT (The Best Is Yet To Come) 楼主 2008-12-25 15:29:53


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-26 10:34:14


    —————————————————————— They lead with their values in mind, and these guide them. They prefer not to take a hands-on approach with others but to allow them to achieve in independent ways. They are facilitative rather than directive. They encourage others by appreciation and praise. Critiquing others does not come easily to them.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-26 10:51:09

    INFPs seldom confront situations directly, in part because they do not like conflict. Whenever possible, they would rather wait for a situation to work itself out, since they trust that people will work things through. They do not like following all the rules and regulations, but they are not overtly rebellious. They seek to get things done in their own style.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-26 10:55:17

    Leisure activities are very important to INFPs, but at times it is difficult for them to separate work from play. When a new leisure pursuit is found, INFPs typically do a great deal of research. They may read many books and make several phone calls to dig for information.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-26 11:08:37

    Many of the INFPs' leisure activities are done alone --- reading, listening to music, and gardening are some activities likely to appeal to them. Reflection time and the opportunity to make sure things are right are important. INFPs often enjoy leisure pursuits with loved ones as well. When they want to be sociable, they can be exceedingly charming and outgoing. Their flexibility, gentleness, and sense of humour can make them quite popular in social situations.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-26 11:36:05


    —————————————— Loving 爱情

    For the INFP, love is a very deep commitment, and one that is not easily attained. They have ideals, and therefore reality may be carefully scrutinized. With their ideal firmly envisioned, the first date with that special person is carefully planned and prepared for, and often every aesthetic thing is taken care of. The flowers are in place, the right wine is ordered, and the proper meal is prepared.

    对INFP来说,爱情是非常深远的承诺,也是不能轻易获得的。他们有理想的爱情,因此对现实可能会仔细斟酌。 带着对理想爱情的坚定想象,与特别的人的初次约会是经过仔细计划和准备的,经常照顾到每一个可以带来美感的细节。预备了鲜花,订好了美酒,端上了佳肴。

  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-26 13:53:12

    INFPs may have difficulty sharing their feelings about others. They keep so many of those feelings inside that they may forget to tell their partner how much they love and appreciate them. They also need reminders of their partner's love.


    When things go wrong in a relationship, the INFP takes it to heart but does not readily discuss it with others. They may not be willing to communicate to let others know how they are feeling. When scorned, they are very hurt and may overreact in an almost maudlin way.


  • renee世间

    renee世间 2008-12-26 15:25:57

    Profile by David Keirsey David Keirsey的剖析

    INFPs present a calm, pleasant face to the world and are seen as reticent and even shy. Although they demonstrate a cool reserve toward others, inside they are anything but distant. They have a capacity for caring which is not always found in other types. They care deeply-indeed, passionately-about a few special persons or a cause. One word that captures this type is idealistic. At times, this characteristic leaves them feeling isolated, especially since INFPs are found in only 1 percent of the general population. INFPs have a profound sense of honor derived from internal values. The INFP is the Prince or Princess of mythology, the King's Champion, Defender of the Faith, and guardian of the castle. Sir Galahad and Joan of Arc are male and female prototypes of an INFP. To understand INFPs their cause must be understood, for they are willing to make unusual sacrifices for someone or something believed in.


  • solo

    solo (你若花开,清风自来。) 2008-12-26 18:21:00


  • frank(上海)

    frank(上海) 2008-12-26 21:58:57

    必须承认, 又回到曾经... 相当肯定, 曾无意改变...

  • iori527

    iori527 (添加签名档) 2008-12-31 23:43:05


  • Nina

    Nina (想改个签名却发现自己无话可说) 2010-11-29 19:49:07


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-11-29 21:19:05


  • 乡间骑士

    乡间骑士 2010-11-30 00:33:29


  • 水月心

    水月心 2010-11-30 21:20:42



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