六月巨蟹 终于来了!!! 感谢小亲同学
来自: 暖(好姑娘到哪里都光芒万丈)
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Your June Horoscope by Susan Miller Cancer Horoscope for June 2009 By Susan Miller After many weeks of career activities and pressures, this month will offer you a lovely oasis of warm and fun social time with friends. Mars will brighten your solar eleventh house of friendship / new faces and lively events, so you will have plenty of reason to get out of the house and kick up dust. What makes the coming trend so exciting is that Venus will orbit close to her lover Mars, which is a dramatic advantage for you. This means that you'll enjoy the timeout - it will be special in some ways - and that you will have a chance to make the acquaintance of many new people. 经过几周的职场活动和压力,这个月将给你提供一个温暖有趣的朋友间的社交活动的绿洲!火星将点亮你太阳的第11宫,友情宫/新面孔和活跃的活动。,so你有很多理由走到室外使接下来的这一趋势如此激动人心的是,金星将进入轨道协同他的爱人火星,对你是一个戏剧性的优势。这意味着你将享受短暂休息—某些方面很特别的—你会有机会结识新人。 This month's configuration is unusual. Venus adores being with her lover Mars, but the way things more often turn out is that gentle, beautiful Venus is assigned to other parts of your chart, much too far away to steal kisses and treasured minutes with her macho lover, Mars. This time, as things worked out, Venus and Mars will be within a few tiny mathematical degrees of one another, rubbing shoulders, which is very significant. Venus will enter Taurus on June 6, and from then on, you'll be set. When together, these two energetic planets will act like two matches in a forest - they have the power to start a bonfire and light the midnight sky. To say you have a lot of fun coming your way in June is an understatement! 这个月的构造是不同寻常的,金星喜欢和火星在一起,但是以一种很温和的方式开展,美丽的爱神被指派到你的图表的其它部分,对于窃取一个吻或者珍惜和她爱人火星在一起的时光还有点遥远。这次,像以往那样解决,金星和火星将在几个微小的数学角度内擦肩而过,这很重要。金星将进入金牛座在六号,从这时起,you will be set,这时,这两个充满精力的星球将变成干柴烈火(?),then 足以点燃夜空!不保守的说,六月对你来说将有很多的乐趣。 Be open to new people and if you belong to a club, be sure to attend a club event or two. If you are considering going to a charity event, such as a run for the cure or a formal fundraiser dinner, then do, for there'll be much to be gained. As a Cancer you tend to hide under your little shell more often than you should - this is your month to have an adventurous attitude. 对新人要放得开,如果你属于一个俱乐部,确定你要参加俱乐部活动。日过你想去一个慈善活动,比如说募捐晚会什么的,去吧,你将得到很多。作为一个巨蟹座,你更喜欢藏进自己的小壳里,但不应该做那么多,这个月对你来说应该有点冒险的态度 You may want to venture out with pals on June 8, when Venus and Pluto will be so beautifully angled. 你也许想和你的伙伴出去,在六月8号,当金星和冥王星形成一个美丽的角度。 The full moon on June 7 will occur in Sagittarius in your sixth house of work projects. It appears a project will need to be finished within four days of this date, and with Saturn in hard angle to this full moon, it won't be easy getting all the details shipshape. Jupiter, the sign that rules your house of work assignments, is about to go retrograde a week later (June 15), so it could be that your client will make last minute changes to the job, news you may not be happy about but must comply with anyway. It is alternatively possible you will change your mind about taking a job you want as you get closer, or if you feel the pay isn't enough to keep you interested, you may pass on the opportunity. I cannot see everything in your chart, so you will be the best judge. 满月在六月7号,出现在你的人马座你的第六宫工作宫。看来一个工程需要在这个日期的四天之内完成,土星合满月成一个hard 的角度,致使一切不是那么轻松的井然有序。木星,一个符号规律你的工作分配,但木星不久将要倒退一周,15号,所以,也许你的客户会对你的工作在最后一刻做出改变,这个消息你可能不太愉快,但是还是要完成它!这里有两个选择,一是,你可能对于一份近在咫尺的你想要的工作做出回绝,或者如果你觉得薪酬不够,你不感兴趣了,你会放弃这个机会。我搞不大清楚,不过我确信你能够做出最好的判断。 If someone who reports to you needs to go, you may make the painful decision to ask that person to leave, or, if you feel they still have potential, you can stage a meeting to talk things over in an attempt to improve the situation. This would happen at the full moon June 7, plus or minus four days. 如果有某人告诉你想要离开,你也许会做出痛苦的决定要他离开,或者,如果你感觉他们仍有潜力,你可以开会讨论一下改变这一现状。这将发生在7号满月的前后四天 If you are working to finish talks about a contract, you will find that getting accord is a bit harder than you anticipated. Allow for more time - and figure on having more calls with your lawyer, too. 如果你正忙于一个合约的谈判,你会发现达成一致比你预期的有点困难,再等一段时间,或者指望和你的律师多通话。 This particular full moon on June 7 could take its toll on your health. Saturn will be in hard angle to the Sun and moon and that is never ideal, especially when it will appear in the sixth house of health. If you have neglected your health (or teeth), you may need to backtrack and make a commitment to turn over a new leaf. Something may come up to hammer home this inspiration, but whatever it is, it seems you will be ready and willing to get back to feeling tiptop again. 7号特别的满月会对你的健康造成损失,土星和日月形成一个不好的角度,这绝不是理想的,尤其是当它出现在健康宫的时候,或者牙齿。你将会倒退或者翻开新的一页,Something may come up to hammer home this inspiration,不管怎样,你会重新回到巅峰状态。 If you have a sibling, check in with your sister or brother because this full moon might bring news. Your sibling may need help or advice, and you'll want to be there to help. 如果你有兄妹,看看你的姐弟,因为满月将带来消息(我弟弟该高考了,祝好运!)你的兄弟姐妹可能需要帮助和建议,你会可以去帮助他们。 The new moon on June 22 will herald a new era in your closest relationship. It is not clear whether this tie is personal or business in nature, but just be patient - you will know soon enough. This new moon will bring Pluto in opposition to this moon, so someone is about to be quite demanding. This tells me you may be eager to align with someone quite powerful and successful, but be concerned that this person may treat everyone as he or she would an employee, expecting others to follow orders willy nilly. 新月出现在22号,将传达一个新时期关于你最近的关系。搞不清楚 这个关系是个人的还是商业的,但是,要有耐心,你马上就会知道。新月将带冥王星区月亮的对立面,so,某人将非常苛刻。你可能会想要与一个非常强大的成功人士结盟,但是注意,这个人会把别人当作自己的雇员,希望他人都遵守规则 If this is a business deal, the angle of Jupiter and Neptune are excellent to this new moon, so clearly the financial aspects of this union seem to attract you. You may have to ask yourself whether is deal is worth wrangling with an 800-pound gorilla. The answer may be yes, that you feel the potential profits are big enough to be worth any angst that you may experience. Sometimes that's true, and it may be the case now. 如果是一个商业事件,木星合海王星的角度对这个新月来说是完美的,所以很显然这个联合财政方面将会吸引你。你将会问自己跟一个800磅重的大猩猩吵架是否值得。答案是yes,潜在的利益足够值得任何你经历的焦虑。有时这是真的,现在就是个好例子。 This new moon on June 22 will fall in 1 degree of a cardinal sign, Cancer, and that is a very special degree, for it's exceptionally energetic. (Just so you know, the other cardinal signs are Aries, Libra, and Capricorn.) Whenever you see zero or 1 degree of a cardinal sign, you know that aspect is very powerful. Those degrees are considered to be very pioneering and energetic, and so you'll be eager to start new endeavors and relationships. This does signal to me that very little will deter you once you get beyond the new moon. 22号的新月降低了一度,巨蟹们,这一度很重要,因为它异常的精力充沛。他是很强大的,前驱者什么的。总之,你会想开始一段新的奋斗和 关系,几乎没可能阻止你一旦你超越了新月。 If you were born at the start of Cancer, say, on June 21 or within five days of this date, you will feel the benefits of this new moon more than other Cancers you know, but you will also feel the pressure from Pluto the most. This is simply a challenge to your resourcefulness and courage - it does not reveal the outcome. Astrology will always show you the conditions surrounding an initiation, relationship, or project, but the final result will be up to you. 如果你出生在巨蟹初期,6月21或者后五天,你将更能感到新月的益处,但你同样感受到来自冥王星的更多压力。这对你的足智多谋合勇气来说只是一个微小的挑战。占星术总是展现给你开始、条件、计划、方案,但是结果总是要靠你自己。 If you find that talks are not going in the right direction in the days that follow June 21, it may be helpful to know that next month will bring anther new moon in Cancer, this time at 29 degrees, a degree of completion, and it will fall in the very same area of your chart - your first house of you and your identity. Next month you won't have the problem with the pushy person brought on by Pluto. In fact, next month you will have nothing but very positive help from both Mars (action and courage) and Uranus (innovation and surprises). This suggests to me that if you have problems making your deal, you may have a better chance at finding accord next month, near the next new moon, July 21, and should try again. 如果你发现在21号以后的日子里谈话没有在正确的方向进行,那么告诉你下个月将还有一次巨蟹座的满月,这次在29点上,…..下个月,由冥王星带来的有进取心的人将和你处得很好,事实上,下个月你会得到非常积极的帮助,来自火星合天王星。如果你在达成协议上有什么问题,你会在下个月找到更好的机会达成一致。接近下个月的新月,七月21号,可以在尝试一下。 If you were born at the end of your sign, say, within five days of July 22, you will feel that new moon next month more. 如果你出生在巨蟹座后期,7月22号前5天,你将在下个月更强的感受到新月。 What makes next month so exciting is that your second new moon in Cancer, due July 21, will be a highly friendly solar eclipse too, giving this new moon the strength of three or four new moons, all rolled into one. A big road will open up for you - and you'll be anxious to explore all it has to offer! You may notice developments in June, but the news will be even bigger in July. 是下个月如此振奋的是巨蟹座的 第二个新月,7月21号,又一个巨友好的日食,给这次新月三四倍的力量。都合成了一个。一条大路将向你敞开!!!你会有些焦虑去探索它所提供的所有的这些!你会发现六月就有所进展,但是到了七月消息会变得更大! These lunar events in Cancer will ask you to reexamine your life and make corrections so that you can be truly happy. Indeed, these new moons are all about you. You spend a lot of time taking care of others, for your sign is one of the most nurturing and caring of all the signs. Yet now the universe wants you to think about you, dear Cancer! 这个月亮现象将使你重新审视自己的生活,做些修正,以使你能够真正的快乐起来。确实,这个新月都是你的,你花了很多时间照顾别人,因为你的星座是最有教养并且体贴的。现在,宇宙想让你为自己考虑!亲爱的巨蟹。 Looking at your chart over the past year, I feel that while things haven't been exactly terrible for you, they haven't been exactly thrilling either. Most Cancers have been in a kind of limbo, not willing to complain about anything, but at the same time hoping that things would finally break open for them to make life appreciably better. Now, with two new moons in a row in Cancer (a highly unlikely and fortunate circumstance), you have every reason to believe that cosmic help is on the way. You may feel that a breakthrough is imminent this month, but that will be likely near July 22. (Textile Bird翻)看看去年,我感觉当事情不是那么糟糕的时候,他们也不是那么令人毛骨悚然,大部分巨蟹都在地狱边缘,不想抱怨任何事,不过同时希望事情能够好起来。现在,两个连续的新月在巨蟹座,你有所有的理由去相信,宇宙的帮助正在接近。你会感觉有一个突破即将来临,但那也可能是接近七月22号 (schlesser翻)回望过去的一年,我想还没有什么极坏的让人恐慌的事情发生.大多数的CANCE处于一种矛盾的状况,不想抱怨一切,但同时又希望事情会转变更美好.现在,有两个新月亮并排,(极其不大可能出现的幸运情况?),你便有理由是相信宇宙星座的力量存在....你也许能感觉到这个月有新的突破逼近,但其实会出现在7月22号左右. For now, decide what you want to make you happy, dear Cancer. If your phone were to ring right now, who would be on the other end, and what would the news be? Tell me right now - don't over think the answer, for the right answer will be on the tip of your tongue! It will be vital that you know what you want to happen next, without blinking, for others will be asking you that very question in months to come. 眼下,想想什么能使你快乐。如果你的电话现在响了,谁会在那一头?会有什么新消息?现在就告诉我,不要反复想答案,因为正确答案就在你的舌尖上!你知道你希望接下来发生什么,这很重要。不要眨眼,别人将问这个问题这个月(??) Romantically, if you are single, things might not be smooth near June 21-22, as Pluto, the ruler of your fifth house of true love, will oppose your Sun. This is an aspect of separation or discord - you can decide how you feel about things and respond accordingly. Nothing will be cast in stone, of course - I only see that the conditions regarding one relationship will be challenging. You can decide to work to fix things, but know that your partner will have very strong opinions about something this month, and those opinions may surprise you in their intensity. Keep in mind that any troublesome person - should you counter one - could be a person you deal with in business, not necessarily someone you are attached to romantically. 感情。如果你是单身,事情可能不那么顺利在姐姐21-22号,当冥王星—你地十五宫真爱宫的统治者,将和太阳对立,这是一个分离和不一致的现象,你可以决定你对事情的感觉做出有根据的回答。石头上什么也不会脱落,当然,我只看到这一情况关于一段关系将受到挑战。你可以决定去挽回,但现在你的伴侣将对一些事有很强的意见。这些意见将使你震惊。记住,你遇到的麻烦的人可能是一个商业上的人,不是必须是你的爱人。 If you are single and want to meet new people, the tour of Mars and Venus through Taurus will be superb for venturing out to see what the world has to offer you! Are you attached and happy? Expect to be invited to many more group events in June - dinners, parties, and celebrations will proliferate and you'll enjoy stepping out quite a bit! 如果你是单身,并想遇到一个新人,现在有机会了!你有伴侣并且快乐吗?期待着你被团体活动邀请----晚餐,聚会,庆祝将会很多!你也会乐得外出找乐子了 If you are attached and have not been happy, you will have a second, lunar eclipse coming next month as well, two weeks earlier, on July 7. Rather than emphasize what you want for the future, this one will ask you about your attitude toward one close and very important relationship. Things will become clearer - that's the job of an eclipse. Afterward you will have a more accurate picture of what is happening in your relationship and will be able to decide what you'd like to do for the future. 如果你有伴侣,但不那么满意,你将由第二次机会,日食发生在下月,提前两周,7月7号,甚于强调未来你想要找什么,这一个将问你对于一个即将到来的重要关系的态度!(有人向你表白?)事情将会明朗起来,这就是日食的工作。然后,你将会有一个正确的描述关于在你的恋情中正在发生的事情以及可以决定将来你想做什么。 Summary 摘要 You've had a lot of career matters on your mind lately, but June will be just made for fun and romance. Venus will be orbiting close to her lover, Mars, in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, a powerful indication of great romantic potential. You have to do your part by circulating about more, but if you do, Venus and Mars will support you in every way. No matter what your current social status - married, dating, or single - you'll feel sexy and desirable, and you are that and more! 你近来有很多关于职业生涯的想法,但是6月请敬请享受快乐和浪漫吧。金星延续轨道将接近她的情人,在你充满希望和愿望的十一宫,有很强的浪漫的潜在性。你必须反复的去做更多,如果你这样做了,金星和火星将全力支持你。不管你目前的状况是已婚,约会,或单身,你都会感到性感且正合心意,你也将会得到更多。 With Venus so perfectly angled, you may want to book time in a salon or shop for some new things. You'll get plenty of compliments, especially in the last ten days of June. You will also have a certain optimistic glow that will be irresistibly attractive. 与金星有着如此美好的角度,您可能想要花一些时间在美容院或购买一些新东西。你会得到很多你想要的称赞,尤其是在6月的最后十天。你将会被快乐围绕,并有着令人目眩的吸引力。 There will be one part of the month where pressures will be evident, however, and those will surface near the full moon Sunday, June 7. You may have a very heavy workload at the office in the days that surround that full moon, and you will likely be intent on wrapping up a major project. Whatever is going on may drain you, so be careful to keep your health robust. Long hours at the office, spotty meals, and not enough rest will be a recipe for disaster. Not only will your health suffer, but you will also have a higher propensity for errors too, so be smart and give yourself some tender loving care. Also, try to plan ahead so that you won't feel overwhelmed by the time you get to June 7-11. 这个月有一部分会有显而易见的压力,这些日子看上去在满月日左右,6月7日。满月这天你很可能在办公室将有非常繁重的工作。你可能很想结束一个重大项目,不管怎么说,这将让你体力透支,所以要小心身体健康。长时间在办公室,饮食不规则,没有足够的时间休息,将会可能是你病倒。还不仅仅是健康遭殃,你还有可能犯很大的错误。所以明智的是多疼爱自己吧。提前做计划吧,不要临时抱佛脚,这个时间是6月7-11日 The new moon in Cancer will arrive just at birthday time, June 22. Yet this new moon opposes Pluto, so you may be both attracted and repelled by the dominant nature of the partner (or potential partner) you are dealing with at month's end. This person is powerful, and may offer you strong financial security. With lovely greetings being beamed from Jupiter (happiness) and Neptune (inspiration), this new moon could bring you a better financial picture if you do link with that person. Creatively you'll hit on one idea after another, and each will be better than the next. Still, you seem to have approach / avoidance about this person, so you probably should simply keep talking before you decide. 新月在巨蟹的日子就是巨蟹宝宝们的生日了,6月22日,但是,这个新月冲撞了冥王星。所以你可能和你最重要的合作伙伴(或潜在的合作伙伴)既吸引又排斥,你将在月底解决这个问题。这个人很有能力,并能为你提供强有力的金融安全。木星(幸福)和海王星(灵感)正在向你传播可爱的问候,如果你和这个人保持良好关系,这个新月将带给你很好的金融前景。你将会有一个又一个创造性的好的想法,并且一个比一个好。不过,你似乎将会接近或者躲避着这个人,所以你在做决定之前暂且先简单了解沟通。 If you have already decided you do want to move forward, then begin to negotiate, but allow more time than you may have assumed necessary to complete talks. By next month you won't be dealing with the same problems you are this month. This may mean that you will have softened the domineering person or that you've moved on and met another interested party. You seem to be in a good position, so see how things go. 如果你已经决定要有所进展,那就开始谈判吧,但是你需要花费比你所认为的更长的时间来完成谈判,但是下月你将不会再处理像这个月这样同样问题,这意味着你可能说服了对方,或者认同了对方,或者换了谈判对象,当然也是有关的当事人。你拥有得天独厚的立场,请静看事态发展。 Dates to keep in mind this month: 值得留意的日期: Most romantic evenings: June 2-5, 9, 13-14, 19, and 23. 最浪漫的夜晚:6月2-5,9,13-14,19和23日 A work-related project may bring tension: June 5-10. 工作紧张的日子:6月5-10日 Take very good care of your health at the full moon June 7, plus or minus four days. 满月的时候请一定非常注意你自己的身体健康,以及6月7日正负四天。 Travel opportunities will be simply delicious and may bring on a spontaneous decision to pack and go: June 9. 会有美好又容易做到的旅游机会,下定决心,整装出发:6月9日 If you apply yourself you might make a financial killing on a deal: June 16-17. 做出适合自己的金融危机上的决定:6月16-17日 Launch a new venture or relationship: at the new moon in Cancer: June 22 plus 2 weeks. 推出一个新的合资企业或关系:在巨蟹新月,6月22日及后两周 If things don't go well in regard to serious relationship negotiations, due to a very demanding person you have to deal with at the time, wait until the solar eclipse in Cancer on July 21, and in the days that follow the eclipse. 如果事情在认真的关系方面的谈判处理的不好,原因是这个人太较真了让你必须马上处理,等到巨蟹日食于7月21日,并在以后的日子里月食会解决一切的。
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