

来自: 夜桐
2009-07-01 20:54:11

  • 1312yanzi

    1312yanzi 2009-07-01 21:13:37


  • irene吃货

    irene吃货 2009-07-01 21:14:31

    Your July Horoscope by Susan Miller

    Scorpio Horoscope for July 2009

    By Susan Miller

    Lucky you, you have a very different, and in many ways, better, outlook than many of the signs in July. The two eclipses that are on the way will likely send you on the road and allow you to see more of the world. That sure sounds good! There's lots more than travel due too, so let's get started.

    Before I get into a discussion about the eclipses, I'd like to tell you that Uranus will turn retrograde on July 1 and stay in that mode until December 1, 2009. All the big outer planets go retrograde for many months at a time each year so this is not unusual. Uranus is the natural ruler of your fourth house of home, so its switch to retrograde orbit may cause you to change your mind about a home or family-related question.

    Let's say you were planning to stay in your present space - you may get a surprise tip for a new space that you decide to act on in the coming weeks. Or, as another example, you may have been thinking of delaying a sale of a house until housing prices rise again, but when the right offer suddenly shows up, you may need to start packing! Or, if you planned on moving in with your sweetheart, now you may wonder if you really should give up your apartment and decide to keep it and perhaps sublet it (if you are allowed by your landlord).

    Watch to see if anything comes up regarding a real estate or family situation in the days that circle July 1.

    Here's where the plot thickens: Next month you will have a full moon eclipse on August 5 in the very same area of the chart - your home and family - so you will have big news and need to make a final decision about your home (or other property) or your family at that time. I will analyze the aspects of next month's eclipse in your August report next month. I can say that that eclipse will be last one in the Leo-Aquarius family of eclipses that have been taking place over the past two years. Suffice to say that the coming eclipse will be a friendly one as eclipses go, so don't worry one bit about what's to come. Many Scorpios will be moving at the start of August, as only one of many possible manifestations.

    Let's now get to this month's discussion of the two eclipses due July 7 and 21. If you are saying, what is going on here? Is the world raining eclipses down on us? Well, yes. It IS rare to have three eclipses in a row, each two weeks apart, but this often happens when one family of eclipses is ending (specifically, the Leo-Aquarius series) and a new family of eclipses is starting up (those will be in Capricorn and Cancer).

    These eclipses will have you traveling, not only now, but much more so in weeks and months to come in 2009 and 2010. Let's look at each eclipse individually.

    The first is a full moon lunar eclipse July 7 in Capricorn at 15 degrees. This is a full moon, so a short trip may be coming to fruition. You may be leaving, say, July 1, but you'll be back no later than July 11, possibly sooner. This certainly seems like a trip taken for romance and fun, either just with your mate or sweetheart, or with your children, too. You can't go wrong at this time of the month! With Mars, your secondary ruler, shooting a friendly beam to Uranus, planet of surprise, now touring your fifth house of romance and leisure, you are going to have an outstanding time. You may take this trip quite spontaneously too, and those are often the best kinds.

    Saturn will be unusually supportive of this eclipse, too. The third house, where your lunar eclipse is happening, rules contracts as well, so you may be asked to sign papers. Overall, I feel you will be in agreement with the wording of this contract, but you should still have a lawyer take a look at it to be sure. This deal seems to be built for the long road ahead, for Saturn will be aiming for long-term stability. You may be signing a contract for business or personal reasons. If you are getting married, well, that's a contract, too!

    Even though this eclipse will bring you accord and a well-worded contract with just a few areas you'll want to change, try to wait a week to actually put your signature on the document, if possible. I never advise signing papers directly ON an eclipse. Eclipses are quite dramatic points in the year. It's best to leave a week between the day that the eclipse occurs and the day you decide to sign, if possible. If it's not, try for a space of a few days. If that's not possible either, then go with the flow.

    Eclipses bring news of earth-shattering importance if they should touch the exact degree of a planet, Sun, or moon in your natal chart or are very close to that heavenly body. If you were born on November 7, plus or minus five days, you will feel this eclipse more than most, as the eclipse will directly aspect your Sun.

    If you are not due to travel and aren't signing a contract, do you have a sibling or cousin? This eclipse may bring major news about this close relative. You will want to keep checking in with your sibling and/or cousin to see if anything is up. Give a plus or minus one week to the eclipse of July 7.

    The next eclipse, July 21, will be a new moon solar eclipse in Cancer at 29 degrees. This one will send a dazzling, supportive beam to Uranus, the planet of surprise. You may get unexpected opportunities to travel abroad at this time or to do business internationally but never have to leave home - you may be doing so from your desk. A solar eclipse has long lasting effects, so you may set up a new situation that will be in place for many years. Publishing and broadcasting opportunities shine.

    If you are getting ready to go to college or graduate school, the eclipse will allow you to adapt to a whole new lifestyle. You will like the change, and you'll find your new educational experience amazingly broadening. You may be especially interested in philosophical or theological subjects, as the ninth house, being so strongly lit this year, will encourage study of these areas.

    If you were born on November 21 minus five days, you will feel this solar eclipse more than most. Some of the specific areas of life I've discussed concerning the July 21 eclipse will relate to you and you will benefit in the areas noted.

    All month your creativity will be strong, but doubly so near the eclipse July 21. Your ideas will bring interest in the market, too. Music, the arts, painting, poetry, dance, film, screenplay writing, and any type of project done for entertainment will glitter. You'll be in rare form. If you create for a living, you'll have a banner month, another reason not to be away on vacation! Use this wonderful energy or lose it!

    In terms of your finances, once Mars moves through Gemini, July 11 to August 25, you will tend to spend more time thinking about jointly held funds. Your expenses will tend to rise, but so will your determination to find more money. If you are trying to raise funds, say, for a business venture, you will concentrate hard on your goal.

    If you are in the process of a divorce and trying to divide property fairly, Mars' position shows that talks will become intense. Still, having said that, it is fortunate that gentle Venus will follow Mars into this house, so after an initial period of disagreement, talks could suddenly take a turn for the better.

    There are other funds you may be thinking about and negotiating, including insurance, inheritance, scholarships and financial aid, severance, commission, bonuses, royalties or advances, loans. or credit. One or more of these areas will need attention, but by end of August, you likely won't be thinking about this again.

    In terms of your career, once the Sun moves into your tenth house of career achievement on July 22, you will start to see opportunities arise for a promotion, new clients, or a new prestigious position.

    There will be even more news next month on this score, particularly near August 20, the new moon in Leo. That's another reason you may want to travel in July. Lots of career opportunity will come up in August!

    Your career seems to keep ratcheting up in steps, because even MORE powerful professional news and offers will start to flow to you from October 15 through mid-2010. You are heading in precisely the right direction, so have faith that the second half of 2009 will not be a rerun of the first half but much more exciting. You may be in your new job by October, and if so, you'll be the talk of the industry.

    Romantically, the picture is brightening. Uranus, as said, is about to turn retrograde on July 1, but what I didn't mention before is that Uranus RULES your house of home and family, but is currently VISITING your fifth house of true love. You may decide to go back to reconcile with a former love, or you may change your mind about someone you're with now. The matter of children will come up, and again, you seem to be rethinking a previously made decision you had made on behalf of one child.

    If you are attached, you may feel that your relationship has been tense since the start of June, and if so, that would have been due to the presence of Mars in your seventh house. Venus has been in that house too, so if you feel things have not only been fine, but even quite wonderful, you can thank Venus for casting her bewitching spell. So much depends on where your relationship has been lately. For some, things are too far gone for Venus to correct.

    No matter. Now that Mars is packing his bags and getting ready to move on to another part of your chart on July 11, you will see an improvement in the overall tone of the relationship. If it has been combative, it will become more civil. If it's been good, it is still likely to become better because you'll find it easier to find accord. This goes for business relationships, too.

    There are several wonderful days for love coming your way. First, on Friday, July 10, Jupiter and Neptune will make the second of three historic conjunctions of 2009. Jupiter is the planet of happiness, good fortune, and expansion, and Neptune is the romantic planet that rules your solar fifth house of true love. If there were ever a night to try your luck at love, this would be the night. Single Scorpios must be out and about July 10!

    If you are attached and happy, this would also be an enchanting evening to be together and to plan the future. The topic of a new baby could easily come up. If you would rather invite friends over, that too would be a good idea - July 10 would be ideal for a party at home.

    If single and looking for love, you will likely find the period of July 16 to 19 very hot and sexy. If you are planning a little trip together, head out early (if you have the vacation days) on Thursday, July 16, if possible. On July 16, Mercury will send sweet signals to Uranus in your house of love, and later, on July 18, the Sun will do the same. These are powerful days!

    If you want to give a dinner party or barbeque, or invite friends in for cocktails, then choose the weekend of July 25-26, when Venus will be winking at both Jupiter and Neptune. These aspects will peak on July 27 and 28, but you will feel the glow earlier, as the aspects build, over this joyous weekend. Because Jupiter and Neptune will be in your house of home, you should host your party at home, not a restaurant.

    At month's end, Venus will move into Cancer on July 31. Venus loves to be in a water sign, because only in water can Venus make her deepest expression of love. You are a water sign too, so Venus will be beautifully oriented toward your Sun in August. You have a lot to look forward to!

    Your best romantic evenings include: July 1, 2, 10, 16-18, 25-28, 29, and 31.


    In coming months, you'll be traveling much more than usual, and may also have interaction with people who are based internationally. This trend will begin now but will intensify as weeks unfold.

    Romantically, if your partner has been critical, cranky, or unusually demanding of attention, you'll be relieved to see that by mid-month the tone of that relationship will improve. Traveling together would allow you to bond closer.

    You seem to have financial negotiations to conduct in coming weeks, beginning mid-July. By the time you get to August, it may be harder to get accord, so try to find areas of commonality now, this month. If you can agree on the appropriation or division of funds in July, plan to have legal papers ready for a mutual signing at month's end.

    Your home will be a place of magical inspiration on July 10 - consider giving a party.

    Dates to Note:

    Travel will be on the agenda on July 7 and just after July 22. You may go for work or play - or both. This is a major trend that will intensify enormously in the year ahead.

    International trade or global exchange of ideas may also become an area of strong opportunity and personal growth.

    Travel now, for August will bring important career and home-related shifts.

    July 10 brings the second of three important conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune this year - a madly romantic configuration that will center its attention at your home. Give a party, but be sure to do so at home or you'll lose your outstanding luck.

    You may be planning a personal stimulus package, single-handedly helping the economy by shopping. Yes, money will slip through your fingers from mid-July through all of August. It seems unavoidable that you'll need to write a number of big checks. Not sure why? Put a small stash of cash aside for emergencies.

    Your relationship with an established partner will improve once Mars ends its opposition to your Sun on July 11. You should see your partner become gentler and less easy to rouse to anger.

    Not dating? Jupiter's proximity to Neptune will fan the fires of love, so circulate!

    Your best romantic evenings include: July 1, 2, 10, 16-18, 25-28, 29, and 31.

  • 夜桐

    夜桐 楼主 2009-07-01 21:24:32


  • irene吃货

    irene吃货 2009-07-01 21:45:53


  • 盲目宽容

    盲目宽容 2009-07-01 22:28:30






    比方说,您正计划留在您现在的空间-您可能会收到意外的提示了新的空间,您决定要采取行动,在今后几个星期。或者,作为另一个例子,您可能一直在想拖延出售的房子,直到房地产价格再次上升,但提供的权利时,突然出现,您可能需要启动包装!或者,如果您计划在朝着与你的心上人,现在你可能不知道如果你真的应该放弃的公寓,并决定把它或许转租它(如果您是所允许的房东) 。



    我们现在进入这个月的讨论两个蚀由于7月7日和21日。如果你说,是怎么回事呢?是世界上雨蚀我们?嗯,是的。这是罕见的有三个蚀连胜,每两个星期,但是这往往发生在一个家庭的日食结束(具体地说,低轨水瓶座系列)和一个新的家庭的日食是启动(这些将在摩羯座和癌症) 。


    第一个是满月月食7月7日在南回归线上15度。这是一个满月,所以短期旅行可能即将开花结果。您可能会离开,也就是说, 7月1日,但你会回来不迟于7月11日,可能越快。毫无疑问,这似乎是一个行采取的浪漫和乐趣,或者只是与您的伴侣或情人,或与您的孩子了。你不能在这个时候错了一个月!与火星,您的辅助统治者,射击友好束天王星,地球的意外,现在你的第五家旅游浪漫和休闲,你将有一个出色的时间。您可能需要此行相当自发太,这些往往是最好的形式。




    如果您不是由于旅费和不签订合同,你有兄弟姐妹或表兄弟?这偏食可能带来重大新闻有关此密切相关。如果您要继续检查用您的兄弟姐妹和/或表妹,看看是什么。提供正负一周向Eclipse 7月7日。

    下次月食, 7月21日,将是一个新的月球日食癌症在29度。这将发出一个令人眼花缭乱,支持梁天王星,地球上的惊喜。您可能会收到意想不到的机会到国外旅行在这个时候,或在国际上做生意,但从来没有离开家园-您可以这样做的时候从你的办公桌。日食长期持久的影响,因此您可能会设立一个新的局面,将在许多年。出版和广播服务的机会。




    从您的财务状况,一旦经过火星双子座, 7月11号至八月25号,你会花更多的时间思考基金联合举办。你的开支将趋于上升,但将您的决心找到更多的钱。如果您正试图筹集资金,也就是说,为创业,您将集中在您的目标努力。









    有一些美好的时光,爱你的未来。首先,上周五, 7月10日,木星和海王星将第二的三个历史性连词的2009年。木星是地球的幸福,好运气,和扩大,和海王星是浪漫星球规则您的太阳能届众议院的真正的爱情。如果有任何一个晚上,试图在爱你的运气,这将是深夜。单Scorpios必须指出,约7月10日!

    如果您是重视和高兴,这也将是一个迷人的晚上聚在一起,并计划未来。专题的一个新的婴儿很容易出现。如果您希望邀请的朋友,这也将是一个好主意- 7月10日将是理想的党在家里。

    如果单一和寻找爱情,您可能会找到期间7月16号至19号非常炎热和性感。如果你计划行程有点在一起,把头伸出早期(如果您有休假日)星期四, 7月16日,如果可能的话。 7月16日,水星将发出信号,天王星甜在你的房子的爱情,后来,在7月18日,太阳也将这样做。这些强大的天!



    你最好的浪漫夜晚包括: 7月1日, 2日, 10日, 16日至18日, 25日至28日, 29日和31日。




    您似乎已经进行财务谈判在未来几周内开始, 7月中旬。的时候,你到8月,它可能很难获得协议,因此试图找到共同点领域现在,这个月。如果你能同意拨款或司在7月的资金,有计划的法律文件准备好了相互签署在月底。





    旅游现在, 8月份将带来重要的职业生涯和家庭有关的变化。


    您可能会规划个人刺激计划,单枪匹马地帮助经济购物。是的,这笔钱将通过你的手指滑从7月中旬, 8月通过所有。看来不可避免的,您需要写一些大检查。不知道这是为什么?把一个小藏匿的现金用于紧急情况。



    你最好的浪漫夜晚包括: 7月1日, 2日, 10日, 16日至18日, 25日至28日, 29日和31日。

  • 盲目宽容

    盲目宽容 2009-07-01 22:35:08

    用Google的 有点乱七八糟的、、、

  • 吸血王子

    吸血王子 2009-07-01 23:10:21


  • 锦瑟之弦

    锦瑟之弦 2009-07-01 23:24:04


  • fantaisie

    fantaisie (关于,如果,那就。) 2009-07-02 09:18:53


  • 弗来虚

    弗来虚 (狮心占线) 2009-07-02 21:23:55


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