六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-27 12:06:15
New York Times:Hard Choice for a Comfortable Death: Sedation
/ ˈhɔspɪs; ˋhɑspɪs/ n (a) hospital for dying people 末期病人安养所.【their organs were shutting down】用shut down来表示器官功能衰竭,很形象
de·men·tia /dɪˈmenʃə, -ʃiə US -tʃə/ n [U] an illness that affects the brain and memory, and makes you gradually lose the ability to think and behave normally【drip】[C] (medical 医) device that lets (liquid food, medicine, etc) directly into a patient's vein 滴注器: put sb on a drip, ie fit such a device to a patient 给某人输液.
【kill pain】去痛、镇痛
【palliative】缓解剂 n [C] medical a medical treatment that will not cure an illness but will reduce the pain
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-27 12:37:55
Washington Post 美国冬天恶劣的天气 大雪 or 大雪过后可能的洪水 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/26/AR2009122600154.html?hpid=artslot
heavy rains 【showered】 the region 好喜欢这些动词啊
/ ˏsiː es ˈtiː; ˏsi ɛs ˋti/ abbr 缩写 = (US) Central Standard Time 中部标准时间. -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-27 12:42:21
Economist:Can e-readers save newspapers? http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?story_id=14742606&source=features_box_main
【It is a seductive idea. 】
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-27 12:55:38
金融时报:碳排放价格 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001030420/ce
【Carbon prices】碳排放价格
【plunge】大幅下挫 喜欢金融时报,因为里面有很多描述趋势的动词
【deal a blow to】沉重打击……
【carbon-trading scheme】碳交易计划
【Prices for carbon permits 】碳排放许可价格
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-30 10:57:46
New York Times: 中国 阿富汗 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/30/world/asia/30mine.html?_r=1&ref=global-home
【conglomerate】large corporation formed by merging several different firms (通过合并若干企业而组建的)大公司, 企业集团: a mining, chemical, etc conglomerate 矿业﹑ 化工等企业集团.
【the Caucasus】高加索 an area in the extreme south-east of Europe between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, which includes Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia and contains the Caucasus Mountains
【generating plant】发电厂
【blast wall】防爆墙
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-30 11:12:37
Washington Post 那个在中国走私毒品的英国人 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/29/AR2009122902766.html?hpid=topnews
【drug trafficking 】毒品走私
【stand trial】受审
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-30 11:28:18
金融时报:希腊债务危机 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001030275/ce
【bold initiatives 】大胆的行动计划
欧元区《稳定与增长条约》(stability and growth pact)
【unprecedented cuts 】以空前力度削减
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-30 11:39:01
Economist:美国经济 http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?story_id=14742274&source=features_box_main
【balance-sheet 】资产负债表
【long-term bonds】长期债券
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-31 11:16:28
New York Times 现在还有帮人应付拆迁队的生意了 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/31/world/asia/31nailhouse.html?_r=1&ref=global-home
【Demolition Crews】 拆迁队
e·vict /ɪˈvɪkt/ v [T] to tell someone legally that they must leave the house they are living in 【evict sb from sth】 They were unable to pay the rent, and were evicted from their home.【nail houses】钉子户,忒有中国特色了
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-31 12:42:24
Washington Post: 孤单年末 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/30/AR2009123002695.html?hpid=artslot
【water cooler gossip】饮水机旁聊八卦 conversation about other people's behaviour or lives that happens in offices when people meet each other by the water cooler
【water cooler】饮水机
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-31 13:30:31
Economist 嘘 http://www.economist.com/world/asia/displayStory.cfm?story_id=15187020&source=features_box_main
【bipolar disorder】躁狂症 做过这个同传呢
/ ˈkɔntrəbænd; ˋkɑntrəˏbænd/ n [U] goods brought into or taken out of a country illegally (非法带入或带出国境的)违禁品; 走私货: [attrib 作定语] contraband goods 违禁货物. -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2009-12-31 13:43:38
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-04 11:03:49
New York Times 陕西某处柴油泄漏…… http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/04/world/asia/04china.html?ref=global-home
trib·u·ta·ry /ˈtrɪbjʊtəri US -teri/ n plural tributaries [C] a stream or river that flows into a larger river【China National Petroleum Corporation】中国石油天然气集团公司
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-04 11:21:35
Washington Post 美国机场安保措施又加强了 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/03/AR2010010301784.html?hpid=topnews
【Transportation Security Administration】
美国交通安全管理局 -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-04 11:45:01
Economist 展望2010 http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?story_id=14790437&source=features_box_main
【Spain assumes the rotating presidency of the European Union 】西班牙担任欧盟轮值主席国
【assume】[Tn] begin to act in or exercise (sth); undertake; take on 开始从事; 承担; 担任; 呈: assume office 就职
【Coffee-makers from around the world gather in London for the World Barista Championships.】四月哦!!!
【summer solstice】, ie about 21 June in the Northern hemisphere 夏至
【Munich Oktoberfest】慕尼黑啤酒节
【Ironman triathlon】铁人三项
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-04 13:59:06
金融时报:市场押注富国政府债券违约 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001029879/ce
【default】[U and C] formal 违约 failure to pay money that you owe at the right time in default The company is in default on its loan agreement.
【derivatives market】衍生品市场
【rising debt levels 】债务水平不断上升
【active market】活跃的市场
【 jump】大幅飙升
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-06 10:42:44
纽约时报:药物可能只对非常严重的抑郁症有用 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/06/health/views/06depress.html?ref=global-home
【longstanding】 [ˌlɔŋ'stændiŋ;'lɔŋ'stændiŋ]
adj. (已持续)长时间的, 为时甚久的 ***a longstanding debate about...【dampen down】 BrE to make something such as a feeling or activity less strong The light rain dampened the crowd's enthusiasm. Raising interest rates might dampen the economy.
【psy·chi·a·trist】精神科医师 /saɪˈkaɪətrɪst US sə-/ n [C] a doctor trained in the treatment of mental illness
【imipramine】 [i'miprəmi:n;i'miprəˌmi:n]
n. [药]丙咪嗪(一种抗抑郁剂)【Generic drug】
普通药, 不注册商品药【Tricyclics】
三环抗抑郁剂【Prozac】百忧解 trademark a type of drug used for treating depression (=when you feel very unhappy) and anxiety (=when you feel very worried)
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-06 11:11:11
Washington Post: 中美贸易争端 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/03/AR2010010301961.html
【Trade disputes】贸易争议
【counter】反驳to say something in order to try to prove that what someone said was not true or as a reply to something ***'I could ask the same thing of you,' she countered.
【trade volume】贸易额
【predatory pricing】
掠夺性要价 掠夺性价格【pander to】迎合 [pander to sb/sth] phr v to give someone anything they want in order to please them, even if it seems unreasonable or unnecessary - used to show disapproval *Some newspapers feel they have to pander to the prejudices of their readers. *Highly trained staff will pander to your every whim .
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-06 11:14:59
Economist:各国房价上涨…… http://www.economist.com/daily/chartgallery/displayStory.cfm?story_id=15208057&source=features_box_main
【House prices 】房价 【take stock of】盘点
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-06 11:23:36
金融时报:沙特王子拟向旗下投资集团“捐赠”花旗股票 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001030642/ce
【shore-up the balance sheet 】增强资产负债表
【lead...to profitability 】帮助……实现盈利
【distribute dividends to shareholders】向股东派发股息
【withstand the negative repercussions of the global economic crisis】抵御全球经济危机的负面影响
【chief investment officer】首席投资官
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-07 11:11:01
Washington Post:中美关系 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/02/AR2010010201751.html
【hammer out】 [hammer sth⇔out] phr v to decide on an agreement, contract etc after a lot of discussion and disagreement ***Leading oil producers tried to hammer out a deal.
【swagger】 2
swagger2 n [singular, U] a way of walking, talking, or behaving that shows you are very confident - used in order to show disapproval ***He walked in with a swagger. -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-07 12:25:30
Economist: 美国情报人员的麻烦 http://www.economist.com/world/unitedstates/displayStory.cfm?story_id=15210109&source=features_box_main
【bound for London/Mexico etc also London-bound/Mexico-bound etc】 travelling towards a particular place or in a particular direction *a plane bound for Somalia We tried to get seats on a Rome-bound flight. **homeward-bound (=travelling towards home) commuters
【Abuja】阿布贾 the capital city of Nigeria
【In the wake of】紧跟着而来的
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-08 10:58:19
New York Times 中国的戒毒情况…… http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/08/world/asia/08china.html?ref=global-home
【grapple with】尽力克服 [grapple with sth] phr v to try hard to deal with or understand something difficult The Government has to grapple with the problem of unemployment. Molly's upstairs grappling with her maths homework.
【tuberculosis】肺结核 /tjuːˌbəːkjʊˈləusɪs US tuːˌbəːrkjʊˈlou-/ n [U] a serious infectious disease that affects many parts of your body, especially your lungs
【relapse】复发/rɪˈlæps US ˈriːlæps/ n [U and C] when someone becomes ill again after having seemed to improve ***She had a relapse and died soon after.
【fall off the wagon】再度酗酒 informal to start drinking alcohol again after you have stopped
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-08 11:31:08
Washington Post:打击贩卖人口 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/25/AR2009122501841.html
【destitution】贫穷、贫困 /ˌdestɪˈtjuːʃən US -ˈtuː-/ n [U]
【scale】攀爬 v [T] to climb to the top of something that is high and difficult to climb Rescuers had to scale a 300m cliff to reach the injured climber.
【all at once】
突然,忽然;同时,一起【tip of the iceberg】
露出水面的冰山顶 事物的表面部分【on the condition of anonymity】
在不透露姓名的前提下【reprisal】报复 n [U and C] something violent or harmful which you do to punish someone for something bad they have done to you ***They didn't tell the police for fear of reprisal .
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-08 12:54:36
Economist:民主党的麻烦 http://www.economist.com/world/unitedstates/displayStory.cfm?story_id=15213331&source=features_box1
【chicken run】n [C] 养鸡场 an area surrounded by a fence where chickens are kept
【a slew of】 许多, 大量的 a large number of things ***a whole slew of cheap motels
【it transpires that】与it和that从句结合使用; 通常不用於进行时态)(指事情﹑ 秘密等)公开, 为人所知 formal if it transpires that something is true, you discover that it is true It now transpires that he kept all the money for himself.
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-08 14:16:48
金融时报:分析:中国需求带动亚洲经济复苏 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001030691/ce
又出现了【a slew of】data 一系列数据
【spike】增长a sudden large increase in the number or rate of something 【spike in】 a spike in interest rates
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-10 14:12:29
New York Times 北爱性丑闻 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/10/world/europe/10ulster.html?ref=global-home
【Ulster】北爱 Ul·ster another name for Northern Ireland. The name Ulster is often used in news reports, and it is also the name preferred by the mainly Protestant political parties and groups who want Northern Ireland to remain part of the UK.
trans·fix /trænsˈfɪks/ v [T] to surprise, interest, frighten etc someone so much that they do not move【Unionist】 person favouring political union, esp between Britain and Northern Ireland 拥护实行政治联合的人; (尤指)主张不列颠及北爱尔兰实行联合的人.
【Republican】 someone from Northern Ireland who believes that Northern Ireland should become part of the Republic of Ireland, not the United Kingdom
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-10 15:33:43
Washington Post: 秘密酒店评论员 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/08/AR2010010801905.html?hpid=features1&hpv=national
【lowdown】 内幕、真相 low·down /ˈləudaun US ˈlou-/ n the lowdown (on sth/sb) informal the most important facts about something ***Ryan gave me the lowdown on the meeting.
【concierge】/ˈkɔnsieəʒ US ˌkɑːnsiˈerʒ/ n [C] 酒店礼宾部 someone in a hotel whose job is to help guests by telling them about places to visit, restaurants to eat in etc
【The uniformed man behind the counter recommended Sake Club, circling it with a pen on a photocopied map, then noted three other restaurants in the neighborhood that might accommodate the stated dietary restriction.】喜欢这个句子里的动词们~
http://www.oyster.com/ 这个网站保存着 以后住酒店可能有用
/ blɜːb; bləb/ n publisher's short description of the contents of a book, usu printed on the jacket or cover (出版者对书的)内容简介(通常印在护封或封底上).【budget-minded 】预算较紧张的
tête-à-tête /ˌteɪt ɑː ˈteɪt, ˌteɪt e-/ n [C] a private conversation between two people friends having a cosy tête-à-tête【a stone's throw】一箭之地、很近
/ mɪˈtɪkjuləs; məˋtɪkjələs/ adj ~ (in sth/doing sth) giving or showing great precision and care; very attentive to detail 极精细的; 极注意细节的: a meticulous worker, researcher, etc 一丝不苟的工作者﹑ 研究者等 * meticulous work 精细的工作 * She is meticulous in her presentation of facts. 她介绍事实十分详细.【face time with】面谈 In return for his donation, he wanted face time with the President.
head·board /ˈhedbɔːd US -bɔːrd/ n [C] the upright board at the end of a bed where your head is【chameleon】
/ kəˈmiːlɪən; kəˋmilɪən/ n (fig 比喻) person who changes his behaviour or opinions to suit the situation 改变行为或看法以适应情况的人. -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-10 15:51:04
金融时报:印度开征铁矿石出口税 加剧供应紧张 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001030665/ce
【slap sth on sth】 (infml 口) add (an extra amount) to the price of sth 在某物原价上加(额外的价) ***Iron ore prices have surged to near a 1½-year high after India, the world's third largest exporter, 【slapped an export tax on the commodity】 used to produce steel.
【imposition】/ˌɪmpəˈzɪʃən/ n [U] the introduction of something such as a rule, punishment, tax etc imposition of ***the imposition of martial law
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-11 10:17:25
New York Times:美国银行家受够了英国的法规 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/11/business/global/11pound.html?ref=global-home
【rein in】 [rein sth⇔in] phr v to start to control a situation more strictly The government is reigning in public expenditure.
【not just...but also】为毛我只喜欢用not only...but also
【pernicious】恶性的、有害的 /pəˈnɪʃəs US pər-/ adj formal very harmful or evil, often in a way that you do not notice easily *the pernicious effects of poverty *the media's pernicious influence
【punching bag】
n. 吊袋,攻击目标【lash out】 phr v to suddenly speak angrily to someone or criticize someone angrily 【lash out at】 Olson lashed out at the media.
【punitive taxes/price increases】 etc taxes etc that are so high that it is difficult for people to pay them The US could impose punitive tariffs on exports.
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-11 10:39:00
Washington Post:同性婚姻 Same-sex marriage http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/10/AR2010011002606.html?hpid=moreheadlines
【unanimous】adj a unanimous decision, vote, agreement etc is one in which all the people involved agree ***It was decided by a unanimous vote that the school should close.
【law of the land】
当地法律,国内法 -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-11 10:52:25
Economist:本周看点 http://www.economist.com/world/international/displayStory.cfm?story_id=15240509&source=features_box_main
【constitutionality】合宪性 /ˌkɔnstɪtjuːʃəˈnælɪti US ˌkɑːnstɪtuː-/ n [U] the quality of being acceptable according to a constitution ***A decision on the proposal's constitutionality still has to be made.
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-11 11:15:48
金融时报:美国商用房地产吸引“抄底”投资者 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001030715/ce
【beleaguered】陷入困境的 /bɪˈliːgəd US -ərd/ adj [usually before noun] formal experiencing a lot of problems or criticism ***the country's beleaguered steel industry
【US private equity firms】美国私人股本公司
【Chinese sovereign wealth fund】中国主权财富基金
【people familiar with the matter say】据知情人士表示
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-12 16:27:00
New York Times:关于中国崛起blablabla http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/12/world/asia/12china.html?ref=global-home
China 【surged past】 the United States to become the world’s largest automobile market 中国超过美国成为全球最大汽车市场(那天做在计程车上听到这条新闻,司机大哥说,还最大汽车市场,看这路都堵成什么样了)
It also 【toppled】 Germany as the biggest exporter of manufactured goods 这些销魂的动词哟哟
World Bank estimates suggest that China — the world’s fifth-largest economy four years ago — will shortly 【overtake】 Japan to claim the No. 2 spot.
【clout】影响力power or the authority to influence other people's decisions political/economic etc clout ***people with financial clout
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-12 16:58:58
金融时报:中国强劲出口数据提振全球股市 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001030748/ce
【富时环球指数(FTSE World equity index)】这个似乎之前看到过,还记过
【flat at 1,145】在1145点上下徘徊
/ buəs; bʊrs/ n European stock exchange, esp (the Bourse) the one in Paris 欧洲证券交易所; (尤指)巴黎证券交易所.【富时亚太指数(FTSE Asia-Pacific index)】
这种文章真是看不下去 痛苦
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-12 17:13:31
Economist: 香港金融中心(这种文章好难读) http://www.economist.com/businessfinance/displayStory.cfm?story_id=15211802&source=hptextfeature
【usurp】 /juːˈzəːp US -ˈsəːrp/ v [T] formal to take someone else's power, position, job etc when you do not have the right to *There were a couple of attempts to usurp the young king. *In short order Hong Kong could usurp London’s AIM market
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-13 17:08:48
New York Times: 谷歌威胁要退出中国市场 Google, Citing Attack, Threatens to Exit China http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/13/world/asia/13beijing.html?ref=global-home
【abet 】教唆、怂恿 /əˈbet/ v to help someone do something wrong or illegal
【unambiguous】清楚的 /ˌʌnæmˈbɪgjuəs/ adj a statement, instruction etc that is unambiguous is clear and easy to understand because it can only mean one thing
【repudiate】/rɪˈpjuːdieɪt/断绝往来、回绝v [T] formal to refuse to accept or continue with something = reject ***He repudiated all offers of friendship.
【fret】担心、焦躁 /fret/ v to worry about something, especially when there is no need Don't fret - everything will be all right.
【out of sync (with sth/sb)】不符合 a) if things are out of sync, they are not working well together at exactly the same time and speed b) not matching or not in agreement
【source code 】源代码 n [U] technical the original form in which a computer program is written before it is changed into a form that a particular type of computer can read
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-14 10:46:56
New York Times: 还是谷。歌。 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/14/world/asia/14beijing.html?ref=global-home
【rebuke】指责、责难 /rɪˈbjuːk/ v [T] formal to speak to someone severely about something they have done wrong = reprimand rebuke sb for doing sth ***Members of the jury were sharply rebuked for speaking to the press.
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-14 12:23:21
Washington Post:海地地震救援 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/13/AR2010011300320.html?hpid=topnews
【Relief workers】救援人员
【search-and-rescue team】搜救小组
【tentative】临时的 /ˈtentətɪv/ adj not definite or certain, and may be changed later
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-14 14:03:13
继续: 【fatalities】n.死亡者数
【the Salvation Army】救世军 a Christian organization that tries to help poor people
【 ,pancake `landing】 landing (usu made in an emergency) in which an aircraft descends vertically in a level position (飞机的)平坠着陆(通常为紧急降落).
【reduced to rubble】变为废墟
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-14 15:00:57
Economist:依然是谷哥和中国 http://www.economist.com/world/asia/displayStory.cfm?story_id=15267915&source=features_box_main
n. 恶意软件【acquiescent】顺从的 /ˌækwiˈesənt/ adj too ready to agree with someone or do what they want, without complaining or saying what you want to do
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-15 10:57:16
New York Times: 关于中国队GOOGLE问题的立场,美国沉默了…… http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/15/world/asia/15diplo.html?ref=global-home
【concede】 /kənˈsiːd/ v
admit something is true【emanate from】 [emanate from sth] phr v to come from or out of something Wonderful smells were emanating from the kitchen.
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-15 17:35:09
Washington Post: 海地的情况 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/14/AR2010011400925.html?hpid=topnews
【stench】 /stentʃ/ n [C usually singular] a very strong bad smell = stink the stench of urine
【funeral home】殡仪馆 also 'funeral .parlour n [C] the place where a body is kept before a funeral
【monkey bars】 n [plural] AmE a structure of bars for children to climb and play on British Equivalent: climbing frame
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-21 11:05:17
Washington Post:海地 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/20/AR2010012000391.html
af·ter·shock /ˈɑːftəʃɔk US ˈæftərʃɑːk/ n [C] a small earthquake that happens after a larger one【scurry】匆匆赶去 /ˈskʌri US ˈskəːri/ v to move quickly with short steps, especially because you are in a hurry ***People were scurrying off to work.
【amphibious landing craft】
in·ter·sec·tion /ˌɪntəˈsekʃən, ˈɪntəsekʃən US -tər-/ n [C] a place where roads, lines etc cross each other, especially where two roads meet British Equivalent: 【junction】【gingerly】
/ ˈdʒɪndʒəlɪ; ˋdʒɪndʒɚlɪ/ adv with great care and caution to avoid causing harm or making a noise 极谨慎地(以免造成伤害或发出声响): Gingerly he opened the door of the rat's cage. 他小心翼翼地打开鼠笼的门.【Doctors Without Borders】
无国界医生组织 -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-21 14:07:23
Economist:美国银行最新消息 http://www.economist.com/businessfinance/displayStory.cfm?story_id=15327933&source=features_box1
【be/get tarred with the same brush】 if someone is tarred with the same brush as someone else, people think they have the same faults or have committed the same crimes, even if they have not ***You've made it very clear that you think I'm tarred with the same brush as William.
【glitering】very successful ***a glittering career
head·wind /ˈhedˌwɪnd/ n [U and C] a wind that blows directly towards you when you are moving -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-01-21 14:32:30
金融时报:“美国消费正走出衰退” http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001030926/ce
【a raft of】
许多富国银行(Wells Fargo)
【default on credit cards】拖欠信用卡 一直不太清楚这个default的用法
美国最大银行美银 BofA, the largest bank in the US
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-02-03 13:25:21
好久没看报记单词啦 最近工作太忙 检讨检讨
New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/03/world/asia/03dissident.html?ref=global-home
【plight】困境 /plaɪt/ n [usually singular] a very bad situation that someone is in plight of *the desperate plight of the flood victims *the country's economic plight
【give-and-take】妥协n [U] a willingness between two people or groups to understand each other, and to let each other have or do some of the things they want ***In any relationship there has to be some give-and-take.
【a modicum of sth】 formal a small amount of something, especially a good quality a modicum of common sense
【medical malpractice 】医疗事故
【run afoul of sb/sth】 formal to do something that is not allowed or legal, or that is against people's beliefs
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-02-03 13:49:04
Washington Post 关于美剧Lost 照片里这男的蛮帅的嘛 有点想看了 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/01/AR2010020103557.html?hpid=artslot
【gnaw at/on】啃、咬 The puppy was gnawing on a bone.
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-02-23 13:19:32
New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/19/technology/19china.html
【top-flight universities】一流大学
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-04-14 16:37:12
好吧 我回来了
4月14日 New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/15/world/asia/15quake.html?hp 青海地震
【sparsely populated 】人口稀少
【impassable】 /ɪmˈpɑːsəbəl US ɪmˈpæ-/ adj (指道路﹑ 路线等)不能通行的, 不能超越的 a road, path, or area that is impassable is impossible to travel along or through The mountains are impassable.
【quake zone 】地震灾区
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-04-14 16:53:28
金融时报 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001032164/ce 中国一季度外汇储备增长大幅放缓
【currency regime】汇率制度
【trade flow】贸易流动
【keep up the pressure 】继续施加压力
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-04-14 17:14:46
【military service was scrapped】取消服兵役
【black economy 】黑色经济、非法经济
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-05-31 12:31:34
惭愧 我自残!
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/31/world/asia/31korea.html?ref=asia 纽约时报 讲天安号的
reproach 谴责 v [T] formal to blame or criticize someone in a way that shows you are disappointed at what they have done reproach sb for/with sth
/ dɪˈspel; dɪˋspɛl/ v (-ll-) [Tn] drive (sth) away; cause to vanish 驱走(某事物); 使消失: dispel sb's doubts/fears/worries 消除某人的疑虑[恐惧/烦恼] * The company is trying to dispel rumours about a take-over. 公司力图澄清有关控制权转移的流言. -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-07 13:01:08
华盛顿邮报 讲近期中国劳资纠纷(labor unrest)的 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/06/AR2010060603295.html
【hardscrabble】adjective 贫瘠的 (AmE) not having enough of the basic things you need to live: a hardscrabble life / upbringing
【assert】assert 【assert your rights/independence/superiority etc】坚称 to state very strongly your right to something Native Americans asserting their rights to ancestral land
【assembly plant】装配厂
【 file complaints】投诉
【All-China Federation of Trade Unions】中华全国总工会
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-07 14:32:35
【institutional investor】金融机构投资者 【financial industry】金融业 【market liberalisation】市场自由化
/ ˏmænɪˈfestəu; ˏmænəˋfɛsto/ n (pl ~s or ~es) (publication containing a) public declaration by a political party, ruler, etc of principles and policy (政党﹑ 统治者等关於原则﹑ 政策的)宣言, 声明: an election manifesto 竞选声明 * publish/issue a manifesto 发表宣言.【performance fee】(基金中)的绩效费(在扣除了preferred return之后,与management fee相对) A performance fee is a fee that an investment fund may be charged by the investment manager that manages its assets, calculated by reference to the increase in the fund's net asset value (or "NAV"), which represents the value of the fund's investments. Performance fees are widely used by the investment managers of hedge funds, which typically charge a performance fee of 20% of the increase in the NAV of the fund.
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-07 15:17:51
http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001032967/ce 金融时报 Group drops stimulus plans for belt-tightening
【spook】受……惊吓 v [T] informal to frighten someone I'm not easily spooked.
【sovereign debt crisis 】主权债务危机
【communiqué 】联合公报
【After the meeting, finance ministers acknowledged the landscape had changed. 】会后,各国财政部长都承认形势已经发生变化。
形式变化哦~ landscape had changed~
【 change in tone】论调的转变
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-08 11:39:42
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/08/business/global/08wages.html 纽约时报 这几天一直讲中国劳工加工资的事 随后出口肯定要受影响
【relative cost】比较成本
【hourly wage】小时工资;计时工资
【a spate of】一连串的 a spate of suicides...
【turnover rate】周转率
【profit margin】利润率
【hip】 / hɪp; hɪp/ adj (dated sl 旧, 俚) fashionable; trendy; up-to-date 时髦的; 赶时髦的; 新式的.
【end user】最终用户
'end .user n [C] the person who uses a particular product, rather than the people who make or develop it【Credit Suisse】
瑞士信贷(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地瑞士,主要经营银行)【floating population】流动人口 !!!
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-08 13:47:58
华盛顿邮报 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/world/
【out of step】with。。与……不合拍 这个词组在这篇报道中出现了两次哦
【arms package】武器计划
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-08 15:39:24
【risky portfolio】风险投资组合
【retail deposit】零售存款
【source of revenue】财源;税源
【broad consensus】广泛的共识
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-09 11:36:52
clas·si·fied /ˈklæsɪfaɪd/ adj classified information, documents etc are ones which the government has ordered to be kept secret【an/one's Achilles' `heel】 weak or vulnerable point; fault, esp in sb's character, which can lead to his downfall 致命弱点; (尤指某人个性中可导致一败涂地的)缺陷: Vanity is his Achilles' heel. 虚荣自负是他的致命伤.
【drone aircraft】遥控无人驾驶飞机
【sit on the fence 】保持中立
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-09 14:45:17
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/08/AR2010060805312.html 希腊没钱 勾引中国
【spur sb on】 to encourage someone or make them want to do something The band were spurred on by the success of their last two singles.
【pier】structure of wood, iron, etc built out into the sea, a lake, etc so that boats can stop and take on or put down passengers or goods (伸入海﹑ 湖等的)码头; 突码头
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-10 10:07:51
http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2010/06/09/business/global/AP-AS-China-Labor-Honda.html?_r=1 honda员工罢工
【assembly plant】装配厂 之前出现过哦 【labor dispute】劳资纠纷 again
【production base】生产基地
【labor negotiations】劳资谈判 这种感觉是看电视的时候旧上海的企业里会发生的事 原来我们也能有啊 啊哈哈哈哈
【walk off the job】
vi. 罢工(离开工作岗位)【pay raises】加薪
【corporate culture】企业文化
【parts plant】配件厂
【exhaust pipe】排气管
话说富士康跳楼事件 11 suicides and three suicide attempts 致死的自杀才叫suicide,不然就是suicide attempt
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-10 10:20:44
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/08/AR2010060804854.html 华盛顿邮报 中方抗议朝鲜杀死我方三名公民
【lodge protest】提出抗议,lodge哦
【illicit trading】非法贸易
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-10 11:03:31
http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=16311378&source=features_box_main 经济学家 日本新任首相 菅直人
【chief cabinet secretary】 内阁官房长官
【have a lot/enough on your plate】有很多需要担心的(总觉得之前见到过) informal to have a lot of problems to deal with or problems to worry about ***The new party boss has a lot on his plate, especially as upper-house elections loom in July. 新党魁有很多需要担心的,尤其是7月即将到来的上议院选举。
【burn your bridges/boats】破釜沉舟啊!!! informal to do something with the result that you will not be able to return to a previous situation again, even if you want to I'm really tempted to take up that job offer in Washington, but I don't want to burn my boats with this company.
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-10 13:11:26
http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001033039/ce 联合国通过对伊朗制裁新决议
【partial arms embargo】部分武器禁运
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-11 11:58:36
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/11/business/11geithner.html?ref=china 参议员们对美国对华政策失去了兴趣
【retaliatory measure】报复措施
【quiet diplomacy】平心静气的外交
【 Treasury Secretary 】美国财长
【level playing field】公平的竞争环境
【indigenous innovation】自主创新
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-25 20:33:29
【have recourse to sb/sth】 (fml 文) turn to sb/sth for help; get help from sb/sth 求助於某人[某事物]; 获得来自某人[某事物]的援助: I hope the doctors won't have recourse to surgery. 我希望医生可别非动手术不可.
/ prəˈsiːdɪŋz; prəˋsidɪŋz/ n [pl] ~ (against sb/for sth) lawsuit 诉讼(程序): start proceedings (against sb) for divorce 提出(与某人)离婚的诉讼 * institute divorce proceedings 提出离婚诉讼.【ad hoc】
/ ˏæd ˈhɔk; ˋædˋhɑk/ adj, adv (Latin 拉) (made or arranged) for a particular purpose only; special(ly) 仅为某一目的(而做或安排)(的); 特别(的): appoint an ad hoc committee to deal with the affair 指定一特别委员会处理此事. (in a way that is) not planned in advance; informal(ly) 非事先计划(的); 非正式(的): Problems were solved on an ad hoc basis. 做了一些变通问题便解决了. * Points of policy are decided ad hoc. 政策的条款是临时决定的. -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-06-30 16:58:53
Economist 关于人民币汇率 http://www.economist.com/node/16425904?story_id=16425904&source=hptextfeature
【current account】往来账户 n [C] BrE a bank account that you can take money out of at any time American Equivalent: checking account
【surge in/of】 a sudden increase in amount or number a surge in food costs a surge of reporters' interest in his finances
【work wonders】
产生奇妙作用,创奇迹 -
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-07-01 09:57:59
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/01/garden/01monticello.html?hp 杰弗逊的花园
【gardens and grounds】园林和庭院
【under a scorching sun】在烈日下
这一篇看不下去了 都是些植物蔬菜什么的 无聊
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-07-01 10:40:05
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/01/world/europe/01ecoles.html?hp 法国的高端学校被要求推行英才教育?
【Meritocracy】system of government by people of high achievement 英才管理(制度).
【in every walk of life】在各行各业
【selective school】重点学校!!!
【fall short】不合格
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-07-01 11:45:58
经济学家 http://www.economist.com/node/16477014?story_id=16477014
【and the like】等等,诸如此类
【emerging markets】新兴市场
【embark on】从事;开始着手
【IPO】initial public offering; the first time that stock in a company is available for the public to buy on the stock market 首次公开发行股票
【make the cut】达到标准
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-07-01 12:08:39
金融时报 AIG前高管为其行为辩护 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001033350/ce
【government bail-out】政府纾困
【credit-default swaps 】信用违约互换(CDS)
【write insurance】承保 write insurance on...对……承保
【debt securities】债务证券
【subprime loans】次贷
【realised losses】变现亏损
【collateral calls】追加抵押通知
【material accounting weakness】实质性会计缺陷
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-07-02 10:24:06
恩恩 我继续加油~~
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/02/nyregion/02spies.html?_r=1&hp 继续关注俄罗斯间谍案
【PTA】 [C] especially BrE 家长教师联谊会 parent-teacher association an organization of parents and teachers that tries to help and improve a particular school American Equivalent: PTO an active member of the PTA
/ ˈɪŋklɪŋ; ˋɪŋklɪŋ/ n [sing] ~ (of sth/that...) slight knowledge (of sth secret or not previously known); hint (对秘密的或以前不知道的事物)略知; 暗示: Can you give me some inkling of what is going on? 现在有什麽情况, 你能告诉我一点儿吗? * The first inkling I had that all was not well was when the share prices began to fall. 股票价格一跌落, 我就开始察觉到情况有些不妙.“There is no inkling at all”
【hearing】trial of a case in a lawcourt, esp before a judge without a jury 开审; 审讯; (尤指无陪审团的)听讯: The defendant's family were present at the hearing. 被告家属在审讯时旁听.
【magistrate judge】低级法官
【bail hearings】保释听证会
【defense lawyer】辩护律师
六一班饼干同学 楼主 2010-07-02 11:06:50
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/07/01/AR2010070103406.html 中国在伊拉克大量投资
【cash in】趁机获利 phr v to make a profit from a situation in a way that other people think is wrong or unfair cash in on The record company was trying to cash in on her fame by releasing early teenage recordings.
【crude output】原油产量
【on the spot 】立即,马上
"Wherever there is an oil well in the world, you'll see a Chinese flag next to it."嘿嘿
【oil rig】石油钻塔
【power plant】发电厂
【steel mill】钢厂
【shy away】(因羞怯、恐惧等)避免或逃避做某事
【test the waters】试水 (water复数哦~~)
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