1.The success of the project stands on management's support of it.
重点词语:stand vi.测得数量;基于 vt.请客 n.庄家
商务用语:stand on one's rights 坚持某人的权利
a good stand of wheat 一片生长良好的小麦
2.Coffee is the staple of this district.
重点词语:staple n.主要产品(或商品),原材料 adj.主要的;大宗生产的 v.把…分类
商务用语:staple goods 大路货
staple market 主要市场
staple of money 货币交易市场
3.There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.
重点词语:step n.步骤,措施 v.走,举步
商务用语:step into the picture 引人注意;处于显要地位;成为其中一部分
step into a new stage 进入新阶段
step into a new path 走上新路
4.The bank has stopped payment.
重点词语:stop n.停止 vi.停止 vt.终止
商务用语:pull all the stops out 尽最大的努力;尽一切可能
stop a cheque 通知银行止付支票
5.It is another story now.
重点词语:story n.故事;问题;情况
商务用语:the same old story 惯用的藉口;常遇到的困难
cover story 封面故事
1.The construction will last a matter of years.
重点词语:matter n.材料;事故;原因;问题;事情;内容;(表示数量)…上下,…左右
商务用语:matter transport 材料运输
commercial matters 商务
financial matter 资金问题
2.He did not mean to go.
重点词语:mean n.平均值 adj.中间的,平均的 vt.打算
商务用语:mean sb. for 准备让某人干某工作
be meant to do 照道理(照规矩)应该
3.The government has taken measures to prevent the finance crisis happening again.
重点词语:measure n.尺寸;规则
商务用语:anti-inflationary measures 反通货膨胀措施
control measures 管理措施
credit and fiscal measures 信用和财政措施
measure of indemnity 赔偿措施
4.He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical.
重点词语:mechanical n.机械部件 adj.机械的;技巧上的
商务用语:mechanical labor 体力劳动
mechanical weakness 技巧上的弱点
mechanical engineering 机械工程
5.Can you meet this amount?
重点词语:meet vt.偿还;使满意
商务用语:meet the needs of the consumers 满足消费者的需要
1.The general manager had a hand in all the major decisions.
重点词语:hand n.手艺;劳动力;老手;影响
商务用语:a light hand 熟练的手艺
extra hand 临时工,短工
a factory hand 工厂工人
2.Mill has a good head on his shoulder.
重点词语:head n.领导地位;人头,头脑
商务用语:the head of the government 政府首脑
3.Health is more important to most people than money.
重点词语:health n. 健康;卫生
商务用语:drink a health to sb. 举杯祝某人健康
health officer 卫生官员
4.Miss Lisa usually has a heavy day at the office.
重点词语:heavy n.大量的,重的,苛刻的
商务用语:a heavy investor 巨额投资者
heavy tax 苛税
5. We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
重点词语:hire n.租,雇用
商务用语:be in the hire of sb. 受雇于某人
1.Companies which send out a lot of letters save time by using franking machines.
重点词语:frank adj.坦率的 vt.打戳以示邮资已付
商务用语:franking machine 盖邮戳机
a frank criticism 坦率的批评
2.The foundation on which many industries were bulit was the use of the rich raw materials in the local place.
重点词语:foundation n.基础,慈善机关,基金,基金会,捐款
商务用语:the foundation of the national economy 国民经济的基础
foundation hospital 慈善医院
factory foundation 工厂基金
3.Books on that shelf are free of charge.
重点词语:free adj.免费税的,免除…的
商务用语:an interest-free loan 无息贷款
free medical care 公费医疗
free goods 免税品
4.Every citizen of this country has the freedom of conscience.
重点词语:freedom n.自由;免除,
商务用语:exchange freedom 外汇自由兑换
economic freedom 经济自由
freedom from taxation 免税
5.It is a government friendly to our interests.
重点词语:friendly adj.友好的;互助的;有利的
商务用语:friendly advice 友好的建议
a friendly warning 忠告
1.Tourists frequent the district.
重点词语:frequent adj.常见的,频繁的
商务用语:a frequent caller 常客
2.It is a pledge of customs revenue to fund government notes.
重点词语:fund n.基金,资金,经费 vt.把……列为基金
商务用语:a relief fund 救济基金
a reserve fund 公积金
3.He gathered information about the goods.
重点词语:gather vt. 收集,集合,恢复
商务用语:gather taxes 收税
gather strength 恢复体力
4.It is the global monetary policies.
重点词语:global n.总的,全球的
商务用语:the global sum 总计
global economy 全球经济
5. The going rates are high.
重点词语:going adj.现行的,进行中的,兴隆的
商务用语:a going business 事业发达
a going concern 营业中的商行
1.There's a large variety of goods in the shops.
重点词语:goods n.货物,商品,动产
商务用语:bonded goods 保税货物
deliver the goods 交货
2.This grade of wool can be sold at a fairly low price.
重点词语:grade n.等级
商务用语:economic grade 经济坡度
extra grade 特级
fancy grade 最优级
3.He greeted her by saying “Good morning”.
重点词语:greet vt.欢迎,呈现
商务用语:to greet sb. with a smile 含笑欢迎某人
4.The company grossed over $5,000,000 last year.
重点词语:gross adj.总共的,大致的 vt.总共赚得
商务用语:gross profits 毛利
gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值
gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值
gross misconduct 严重渎职
5.Over 200 jobs were lost in the group's petrochemical divisions.
重点词语:group n.集团
商务用语:group accounts 集团帐户
loaning group 信贷组
groups of capital 资本群
1.The idea is to finish the project on time and under budget.
重点词语:idea n.主意,想法,思想要旨
商务用语:be full of ideas 足智多谋
2.Never identify opinions with facts.
重点词语:identify vt.鉴别
商务用语:identify the payee of a cheque 验明支票的收款人
3.He has had a bad illness,but he is better now.
重点词语:illness n.病
商务用语:suffer from a serious illness 病得很厉害
triumph over illness 战胜疾病
4.The politician has a very bad image among people.
重点词语:image n.形象, 图像
商务用语:speak in images 说话生动
thinking in terms of images 形象思维
television image 电视图像
5.He is a immediate successor to the president of the company.
重点词语:immediate adj.直接的,立即的,即将的,后继的
商务用语:immediate cause 直接原因
immediate reply 立即答复
take immediate action 采取紧急行动
in the immediate future 在不远的将来
重点词语:stand vi.测得数量;基于 vt.请客 n.庄家
商务用语:stand on one's rights 坚持某人的权利
a good stand of wheat 一片生长良好的小麦
2.Coffee is the staple of this district.
重点词语:staple n.主要产品(或商品),原材料 adj.主要的;大宗生产的 v.把…分类
商务用语:staple goods 大路货
staple market 主要市场
staple of money 货币交易市场
3.There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.
重点词语:step n.步骤,措施 v.走,举步
商务用语:step into the picture 引人注意;处于显要地位;成为其中一部分
step into a new stage 进入新阶段
step into a new path 走上新路
4.The bank has stopped payment.
重点词语:stop n.停止 vi.停止 vt.终止
商务用语:pull all the stops out 尽最大的努力;尽一切可能
stop a cheque 通知银行止付支票
5.It is another story now.
重点词语:story n.故事;问题;情况
商务用语:the same old story 惯用的藉口;常遇到的困难
cover story 封面故事
1.The construction will last a matter of years.
重点词语:matter n.材料;事故;原因;问题;事情;内容;(表示数量)…上下,…左右
商务用语:matter transport 材料运输
commercial matters 商务
financial matter 资金问题
2.He did not mean to go.
重点词语:mean n.平均值 adj.中间的,平均的 vt.打算
商务用语:mean sb. for 准备让某人干某工作
be meant to do 照道理(照规矩)应该
3.The government has taken measures to prevent the finance crisis happening again.
重点词语:measure n.尺寸;规则
商务用语:anti-inflationary measures 反通货膨胀措施
control measures 管理措施
credit and fiscal measures 信用和财政措施
measure of indemnity 赔偿措施
4.He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical.
重点词语:mechanical n.机械部件 adj.机械的;技巧上的
商务用语:mechanical labor 体力劳动
mechanical weakness 技巧上的弱点
mechanical engineering 机械工程
5.Can you meet this amount?
重点词语:meet vt.偿还;使满意
商务用语:meet the needs of the consumers 满足消费者的需要
1.The general manager had a hand in all the major decisions.
重点词语:hand n.手艺;劳动力;老手;影响
商务用语:a light hand 熟练的手艺
extra hand 临时工,短工
a factory hand 工厂工人
2.Mill has a good head on his shoulder.
重点词语:head n.领导地位;人头,头脑
商务用语:the head of the government 政府首脑
3.Health is more important to most people than money.
重点词语:health n. 健康;卫生
商务用语:drink a health to sb. 举杯祝某人健康
health officer 卫生官员
4.Miss Lisa usually has a heavy day at the office.
重点词语:heavy n.大量的,重的,苛刻的
商务用语:a heavy investor 巨额投资者
heavy tax 苛税
5. We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
重点词语:hire n.租,雇用
商务用语:be in the hire of sb. 受雇于某人
1.Companies which send out a lot of letters save time by using franking machines.
重点词语:frank adj.坦率的 vt.打戳以示邮资已付
商务用语:franking machine 盖邮戳机
a frank criticism 坦率的批评
2.The foundation on which many industries were bulit was the use of the rich raw materials in the local place.
重点词语:foundation n.基础,慈善机关,基金,基金会,捐款
商务用语:the foundation of the national economy 国民经济的基础
foundation hospital 慈善医院
factory foundation 工厂基金
3.Books on that shelf are free of charge.
重点词语:free adj.免费税的,免除…的
商务用语:an interest-free loan 无息贷款
free medical care 公费医疗
free goods 免税品
4.Every citizen of this country has the freedom of conscience.
重点词语:freedom n.自由;免除,
商务用语:exchange freedom 外汇自由兑换
economic freedom 经济自由
freedom from taxation 免税
5.It is a government friendly to our interests.
重点词语:friendly adj.友好的;互助的;有利的
商务用语:friendly advice 友好的建议
a friendly warning 忠告
1.Tourists frequent the district.
重点词语:frequent adj.常见的,频繁的
商务用语:a frequent caller 常客
2.It is a pledge of customs revenue to fund government notes.
重点词语:fund n.基金,资金,经费 vt.把……列为基金
商务用语:a relief fund 救济基金
a reserve fund 公积金
3.He gathered information about the goods.
重点词语:gather vt. 收集,集合,恢复
商务用语:gather taxes 收税
gather strength 恢复体力
4.It is the global monetary policies.
重点词语:global n.总的,全球的
商务用语:the global sum 总计
global economy 全球经济
5. The going rates are high.
重点词语:going adj.现行的,进行中的,兴隆的
商务用语:a going business 事业发达
a going concern 营业中的商行
1.There's a large variety of goods in the shops.
重点词语:goods n.货物,商品,动产
商务用语:bonded goods 保税货物
deliver the goods 交货
2.This grade of wool can be sold at a fairly low price.
重点词语:grade n.等级
商务用语:economic grade 经济坡度
extra grade 特级
fancy grade 最优级
3.He greeted her by saying “Good morning”.
重点词语:greet vt.欢迎,呈现
商务用语:to greet sb. with a smile 含笑欢迎某人
4.The company grossed over $5,000,000 last year.
重点词语:gross adj.总共的,大致的 vt.总共赚得
商务用语:gross profits 毛利
gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值
gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值
gross misconduct 严重渎职
5.Over 200 jobs were lost in the group's petrochemical divisions.
重点词语:group n.集团
商务用语:group accounts 集团帐户
loaning group 信贷组
groups of capital 资本群
1.The idea is to finish the project on time and under budget.
重点词语:idea n.主意,想法,思想要旨
商务用语:be full of ideas 足智多谋
2.Never identify opinions with facts.
重点词语:identify vt.鉴别
商务用语:identify the payee of a cheque 验明支票的收款人
3.He has had a bad illness,but he is better now.
重点词语:illness n.病
商务用语:suffer from a serious illness 病得很厉害
triumph over illness 战胜疾病
4.The politician has a very bad image among people.
重点词语:image n.形象, 图像
商务用语:speak in images 说话生动
thinking in terms of images 形象思维
television image 电视图像
5.He is a immediate successor to the president of the company.
重点词语:immediate adj.直接的,立即的,即将的,后继的
商务用语:immediate cause 直接原因
immediate reply 立即答复
take immediate action 采取紧急行动
in the immediate future 在不远的将来