Sentence 1:
Acids are chemical compounds that ,in water solution ,have a sharp taste ,a corrosive action on metals ,and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red .
Acids 酸
are chemical compounds 是一些化学物质
that 什么样的化学物质呢?
, 下边表示这是一个从句
in water solution 在水溶液中
, 在水溶液中怎么样呢
have a sharp taste 有一种很冲的味道(有刺激性气味)
, 然后呢
a corrosive action on metals 对金属有腐蚀性
, 然后呢
and the ability 有一种能力
to turn certain blue vegetable 什么样的能力呢,会把某些绿色蔬菜
dyes red 染红 (这个地方有疑问,vegetable是不是真的指蔬菜呢,应该是试纸吧)
. 句号
Sentence 2:
The anthropological concept of "culture "like the concept of "set "in mathematics ,is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete researh and understanding.
The anthropological concept 人类学中的概念
of "culture " 什么概念呢?“文化”
like the concept 就像一个概念
of "set " 什么概念呢?“集合”
in mathematics 这个概念是什么圈里的呢?数学圈
, 逗号,不要小看逗号,这里的逗号表示前半句是个很长的主语
is an abstract concept 是一个抽象的概念
which makes possible 这个概念使什么东西成为可能
immense amounts 使大量的什么东西成为可能
of concrete researh and understanding 使坚实的研究和理解成为可能
. 句号
所以整句话的意思是:人类学中的“文化”这个概念就像数学中的“集合”这个概念, 也是一个抽象的概念,一个使大量的坚实研究和探索理解成为可能的概念。
Sentence 3:
in any case ,basic computer skills are only complementary to the host of real skills that are necessary to become any kind of professional
in any case 在任何情况下
basic computer skills 基本的计算机知识
are only complementary 只是补充
to the host of 什么的补充呢,只是掌握某些东西的补充(host有主人的意思,我认为这里是掌管的意思)
real skills 哪些东西呢?一些实用技能(real有真实的意思,这里我觉得是实际的意思,相对于imaginery)
that are necessary 对于什么东西是必要的
to become any kind of professional 对于变成任何专业的来说必要
所以整句话的意思: 在任何情况下,计算机只是只是一些实际技能的补充,而这些技能是成为专业人才的必要条件。
Sentence 4:
I can’t accept this fact because I know that if I wasn’t able to avoid a mistake, chances were that no other surgeon could have either.
I can’t accept this fact 我无法接受这个事实
because I know 为什么呢?因为我知道
that if 我知道,如果
I wasn’t able to 如果我无法
avoid a mistake 无法避免一个错误
chances 机会
were that 后面是从句
no other surgeon 其他的外科医生
could have either 也,没有办法避免
Sentence 5:
Science moves forward , they say ,not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.
Science moves forward 科学是向前发展
they say, 人们总说(你看,这四个字在中文里是应该在前一句之前的,但是在英文里你可以放到各种地方,比如:Science, they say, moves forward. | They say, science moves forward. | Science moves forward, they say. 不禁想起了Top Gear里一句话:Some say, he has a tattoo of his face, on his face.)
not so much 没那么多
through 通过这个途径没那么多
the insights of 哪个途径呢,通过了解什么东西的内心
great men of genius 天才的伟人
as (接那个not so much,变成not so much ... as 词组,意思是前面的东西没有后面的东西多)所以这里的意思是通过了解伟人这种途径推动科技
because of 由于(词组是because of doing sth.)
more ordinary things like 许多更平常的事物(like这里应该是个类似于状语的东西,monster-like | 野兽般的)
improved techniques and tools 推动了技术和工具(的发展)
Sentence 6:
Towns like Bournemouth and Eastboune sprang up to house large. " comfonable" classes who had retired on their incomes, and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders' meeting to dictate their orders to the management.
Towns like Bournemouth and Eastboune 象B和E这样的城市
sprang up 发展起来,兴起
to house large 由于数量巨大得什么东西而发展起来
. 原句这个地方没有句号,扰乱我很久,你看标点其实在长句中起很大作用
" comfonable" (classes 这里应该是comfortable) “舒适”阶层
who had retired 这些人退休了
on their incomes 退休了有退休金
and who had no relation 他们和什么东西没关系
to the rest of the community 和其他阶层没关系
except that of 除了什么东西(except that后面可以接句子,except of只能接名词,但是句子显得更紧凑,象一辆Smart一样紧凑)
drawing dividends 收分红(draw有拉得意思,在这里有抽取得感觉,drawer是抽屉)
and occasionally 并且偶尔地(这个occasionally很好地表达了"comfortable" classes地悠闲感)
attending a shareholders' meeting 参加个股东大会(这个attending和drawing是并列的,都是接of的。如果一个动词没有自己的专属的名词,给它加个ing就好了。所以英语的扩展性很好,就像iPhone一样好)
to dictate 来传述
their orders 他们的命令
to the management 给管理层(所以股东是很让人艳羡的)
Sentence 7:
Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care.
Scientists need to 科学家需要
respond forcefully 强势回应
to animal rights advocates 动物保护鼓吹者(很奇怪,居然不是advocator)
whose arguments 他们的言论
are confusing the public 迷乱了大众
and thereby 因此
threatening advances 威胁了什么的进步
in health knowledge and care 医学和保健
Acids are chemical compounds that ,in water solution ,have a sharp taste ,a corrosive action on metals ,and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red .
Acids 酸
are chemical compounds 是一些化学物质
that 什么样的化学物质呢?
, 下边表示这是一个从句
in water solution 在水溶液中
, 在水溶液中怎么样呢
have a sharp taste 有一种很冲的味道(有刺激性气味)
, 然后呢
a corrosive action on metals 对金属有腐蚀性
, 然后呢
and the ability 有一种能力
to turn certain blue vegetable 什么样的能力呢,会把某些绿色蔬菜
dyes red 染红 (这个地方有疑问,vegetable是不是真的指蔬菜呢,应该是试纸吧)
. 句号
Sentence 2:
The anthropological concept of "culture "like the concept of "set "in mathematics ,is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete researh and understanding.
The anthropological concept 人类学中的概念
of "culture " 什么概念呢?“文化”
like the concept 就像一个概念
of "set " 什么概念呢?“集合”
in mathematics 这个概念是什么圈里的呢?数学圈
, 逗号,不要小看逗号,这里的逗号表示前半句是个很长的主语
is an abstract concept 是一个抽象的概念
which makes possible 这个概念使什么东西成为可能
immense amounts 使大量的什么东西成为可能
of concrete researh and understanding 使坚实的研究和理解成为可能
. 句号
所以整句话的意思是:人类学中的“文化”这个概念就像数学中的“集合”这个概念, 也是一个抽象的概念,一个使大量的坚实研究和探索理解成为可能的概念。
Sentence 3:
in any case ,basic computer skills are only complementary to the host of real skills that are necessary to become any kind of professional
in any case 在任何情况下
basic computer skills 基本的计算机知识
are only complementary 只是补充
to the host of 什么的补充呢,只是掌握某些东西的补充(host有主人的意思,我认为这里是掌管的意思)
real skills 哪些东西呢?一些实用技能(real有真实的意思,这里我觉得是实际的意思,相对于imaginery)
that are necessary 对于什么东西是必要的
to become any kind of professional 对于变成任何专业的来说必要
所以整句话的意思: 在任何情况下,计算机只是只是一些实际技能的补充,而这些技能是成为专业人才的必要条件。
Sentence 4:
I can’t accept this fact because I know that if I wasn’t able to avoid a mistake, chances were that no other surgeon could have either.
I can’t accept this fact 我无法接受这个事实
because I know 为什么呢?因为我知道
that if 我知道,如果
I wasn’t able to 如果我无法
avoid a mistake 无法避免一个错误
chances 机会
were that 后面是从句
no other surgeon 其他的外科医生
could have either 也,没有办法避免
Sentence 5:
Science moves forward , they say ,not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.
Science moves forward 科学是向前发展
they say, 人们总说(你看,这四个字在中文里是应该在前一句之前的,但是在英文里你可以放到各种地方,比如:Science, they say, moves forward. | They say, science moves forward. | Science moves forward, they say. 不禁想起了Top Gear里一句话:Some say, he has a tattoo of his face, on his face.)
not so much 没那么多
through 通过这个途径没那么多
the insights of 哪个途径呢,通过了解什么东西的内心
great men of genius 天才的伟人
as (接那个not so much,变成not so much ... as 词组,意思是前面的东西没有后面的东西多)所以这里的意思是通过了解伟人这种途径推动科技
because of 由于(词组是because of doing sth.)
more ordinary things like 许多更平常的事物(like这里应该是个类似于状语的东西,monster-like | 野兽般的)
improved techniques and tools 推动了技术和工具(的发展)
Sentence 6:
Towns like Bournemouth and Eastboune sprang up to house large. " comfonable" classes who had retired on their incomes, and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders' meeting to dictate their orders to the management.
Towns like Bournemouth and Eastboune 象B和E这样的城市
sprang up 发展起来,兴起
to house large 由于数量巨大得什么东西而发展起来
. 原句这个地方没有句号,扰乱我很久,你看标点其实在长句中起很大作用
" comfonable" (classes 这里应该是comfortable) “舒适”阶层
who had retired 这些人退休了
on their incomes 退休了有退休金
and who had no relation 他们和什么东西没关系
to the rest of the community 和其他阶层没关系
except that of 除了什么东西(except that后面可以接句子,except of只能接名词,但是句子显得更紧凑,象一辆Smart一样紧凑)
drawing dividends 收分红(draw有拉得意思,在这里有抽取得感觉,drawer是抽屉)
and occasionally 并且偶尔地(这个occasionally很好地表达了"comfortable" classes地悠闲感)
attending a shareholders' meeting 参加个股东大会(这个attending和drawing是并列的,都是接of的。如果一个动词没有自己的专属的名词,给它加个ing就好了。所以英语的扩展性很好,就像iPhone一样好)
to dictate 来传述
their orders 他们的命令
to the management 给管理层(所以股东是很让人艳羡的)
Sentence 7:
Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care.
Scientists need to 科学家需要
respond forcefully 强势回应
to animal rights advocates 动物保护鼓吹者(很奇怪,居然不是advocator)
whose arguments 他们的言论
are confusing the public 迷乱了大众
and thereby 因此
threatening advances 威胁了什么的进步
in health knowledge and care 医学和保健