[Economist]IT in Taiwan and China 台湾IT业与中国(资料+学习笔记)
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Taiwan’s tech firms are conquering the world—and turning Chinese
WHICH is the world’s most important technology trade show? Gadget freaks will insist on CES in Las Vegas. Old hands are likely to pick CeBIT in Hanover, Germany. But the cognoscenti argue that nowadays Computex in Taipei, which celebrates its 30th anniversary next week, rules the roost.
谁是世界上最重要的科技贸易展会?数码产品发烧友坚持认为是拉斯维加斯的国际消费电子展(CES);经验老手可能选择德国汉诺威的信息及通信技术博览会(CeBIT);然而真正行家争论道,即将在下周迎来30周年的台北电脑展 (Computex)才是目前的一枝独秀。
Taiwan is now the home of many of the world’s largest makers of computers and associated hardware. Its firms produce more than 50% of all chips, nearly 70% of computer displays and more than 90% of all portable computers. The most successful are no longer huge but little-known contract manufacturers, such as Quanta or Hon Hai, in the news this week because of workers’ suicides (see article). Acer, for example, surpassed Dell last year to become the world’s second-biggest maker of personal computers. HTC, which started out making smart-phones for big Western brands, is now launching prominent products of its own.
台湾目前是众多世界最大计算机及相关硬件生产商的集散地。在这里它们生产世界50%以上的芯片、将近70%的显示器以及90%以上的便携式电脑。其中最成功的不再是像广达(Quanta)、鸿海(Hon Hai)那样的规模庞大却默默无闻的合同制造商(鸿海集团这周才因为频发的自杀事件而成为新闻的焦点)。例如,宏基去年超过戴尔成为全球第二大个人电脑生产商。而以为西方大品牌做贴牌智能手机生产发迹的宏达电(HTC)现如今开始生产自己的主打产品。
Much of the credit for the growth of Taiwan’s information technology (IT) industry goes to the state, notably the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). Founded in 1973, ITRI did not just import technology and invest in R&D, but also trained engineers and spawned start-ups: thus Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), now the world’s biggest chip “foundry”, was born. ITRI also developed prototypes of computers and handed the blueprints to private firms.
Taiwan’s history also helps make it the “best place in the world to turn ideas into physical form,” says Derek Lidow of iSuppli, a market-research firm. Japan colonised the island for half a century, leaving a good education system. Amid the turmoil of the Kuomintang’s retreat to Taiwan from mainland China, engineering was encouraged as a useful and politically uncontroversial discipline. Meanwhile, strong geopolitical ties with America helped foster educational and commercial links too. Western tech firms set up shop in Taiwan in the 1960s, increasing the pool of skilled workers and suppliers.
台湾的历史也有助于使自身成为“世界上将思想转化为现实的最佳场所”,一家市场研究机构iSuppli的Derek Lidow如是说。日本殖民统治这座岛屿长达半个世纪,为台湾留下了一个好的教育系统。在国民党从大陆退守台湾之后的动荡年代里,工程学作为一门实用并且政治上中立的学科而获得推广。同时,台湾与美国较强的地缘政治关系也有助于促进双方的教育及商业联系。20世纪60年代西方科技公司纷纷在台湾设立工厂,增加了当地的技术工人储备及供应商。
Today Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park, the hub of Taiwan’s IT industry, is home to about 400 high-tech companies, chief among them TSMC with its huge “fabs”. Bigger than aeroplane hangars, these can cost more than $10 billion a pop and churn out three billion chips a year. Dozens of “fabless” chip firms, in turn, provide the designs. The most successful is MediaTek, whose chips power most of the mobile phones made in China.
Computex includes stands where Acer and Asustek, another local computer-maker, display their latest wares. But it is not so much an IT exhibition as a mall for computer parts. Memory chips, motherboards, disk drives, fans, connectors, casings: each component has its own neighbourhood of booths. The heart of the Taiwanese IT industry is a network of hundreds of small specialised firms that make these things, overnight if need be.
This strength, however, is also Taiwan’s weakness. Most firms are junior partners in the world’s IT supply chains, making things others have developed. They are good at incremental innovation, mostly related to manufacturing (firms from only three other countries have filed more patents in America than Taiwanese ones over the past decade).
But many of them are stuck in a “commodity trap”, cautions Dieter Ernst of the East-West Centre, a think-tank in Honolulu. Profit margins, he says, are razor-thin and do not allow adequate investment in R&D and branding. The Taiwanese industry is particularly weak where the most valuable intellectual property is created these days: in software, services and systems. As a result, Taiwan has a huge deficit in technological trade. Its firms are often sued by Western ones for patent infringements. In March, for instance, Apple filed a complaint against HTC.
檀香山一家智库机构the East-West Centre的迪特尔.厄尔斯特警告说,许多台湾厂商掉进了“商品陷阱”不能自拔,利润非常微薄并因此没有充足的资金投入到产品研发和品牌建设上。台湾IT产业尤其在那些现如今创造了最有价值的知识产权领域处于劣势:如软件、服务和系统方面。结果,台湾在技术贸易上存在巨大的赤字。台湾公司经常因为专利侵权而遭到西方公司起诉,如今年三月份的苹果公司诉HTC侵权案。
What is more, under pressure from their customers, Taiwanese computer-makers have moved most of their production to cheaper countries, mainly China. Yet China is becoming a force in its own right in high-tech innovation and is itself fostering IT giants, such as the Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), another foundry.另外,在客户的压力下,台湾电脑制造商已经把大部分产品转移到成本更低廉的地方(主要是中国内地)生产。然而,中国在高科技创新方面正逐渐成为独立的力量,并且正在培育自己的IT巨头—又一个代工企业--中芯国际(SMIC)。
But Taiwan is adapting. ITRI now puts more emphasis on intellectual property, services and design, says Johnsee Lee, its president. It applies for five patents a day on average and licenses them mostly to local firms, not least so they can use them as currency to negotiate settlements in lawsuits. It has started a “Creativity Lab” where engineers work alongside artists, writers and psychologists to come up with more than just new hardware.
但是台湾正在逐步调整。ITRI 如今把更多的重点放在知识产权、服务和设计上,台湾工业技术研究院院长李钟熙指出。ITRI平均每天申请五项专利,并且大多数的专利被授权给当地厂商使用,更重要的是,当地IT厂商可以在侵权诉讼的协商和解中将这些专利当作谈判的条件。另外,ITRI已经创立了一个”创新实验室“,在这里工程师同艺术家、作家和心理学家一道工作,研发出来的并不单单仅是新的硬件。
The big Taiwanese companies are improving the quality of their patent filings, says Shin-Horng Chen of the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, and launching infringement suits of their own, as HTC has done. Some are trying to move up the value chain or into new markets. Acer and HTC are trying to become global brands. TSMC is said to have ambitions in solar panels and light-emitting diodes. Taiwanese firms have also proved that they can adapt existing technology cleverly to come up with new products. Asustek, for example, pioneered netbooks (no-frills laptops); Acer’s success rests in part on innovative distribution.
When it comes to IT, at least, relations with China are improving. The Chinese government has recruited Taiwanese firms to help it set technical standards. Taiwan, for its part, recently eased restrictions on outbound investments, which it had imposed to limit the transfer of technology to China. TSMC, for instance, has been allowed to take an 8% stake in SMIC.
不管怎样,当提到IT行业,台湾和中国内地的关系开始有所改善。中国政府已经聘请台湾IT厂商帮助制定国家技术标准。而台湾最近也解除了对内地投资的限制,这种限制原本是防止技术向中国内地转移而采取的。比如说,TSMC已经被允许持有 SMIC8%的股份。
It is hard to see China dethroning Taiwan as manager of the world’s electronics factories soon, says Peter Sher of the National Chi Nan University. But the IT industry in the two countries will increasingly become intertwined, predicts Mr Ernst. “Especially in IT, Taiwan is becoming more and more part of the Chinese economy,” he says. Indeed, some tech types already fuse the pair into “Chaiwan”.
technology trade show 科技贸易展会
**gadget freak 数码产品发烧友
CES customer electronic show 国际消费电子展
**old hands 经验老手
***rule the roost
to be the most powerful member of a group 充当首领;主宰
**Computex 电脑展
cognoscenti 行家
IT information technology
ITRI Industrial Technology Research Institute工业技术研究院
connected with starting a new business or project (新企业或工程)开办阶段的,启动时期的
engineering 工程学
intellectual property 知识产权
Taiwan’s tech firms are conquering the world—and turning Chinese
WHICH is the world’s most important technology trade show? Gadget freaks will insist on CES in Las Vegas. Old hands are likely to pick CeBIT in Hanover, Germany. But the cognoscenti argue that nowadays Computex in Taipei, which celebrates its 30th anniversary next week, rules the roost.
谁是世界上最重要的科技贸易展会?数码产品发烧友坚持认为是拉斯维加斯的国际消费电子展(CES);经验老手可能选择德国汉诺威的信息及通信技术博览会(CeBIT);然而真正行家争论道,即将在下周迎来30周年的台北电脑展 (Computex)才是目前的一枝独秀。
Taiwan is now the home of many of the world’s largest makers of computers and associated hardware. Its firms produce more than 50% of all chips, nearly 70% of computer displays and more than 90% of all portable computers. The most successful are no longer huge but little-known contract manufacturers, such as Quanta or Hon Hai, in the news this week because of workers’ suicides (see article). Acer, for example, surpassed Dell last year to become the world’s second-biggest maker of personal computers. HTC, which started out making smart-phones for big Western brands, is now launching prominent products of its own.
台湾目前是众多世界最大计算机及相关硬件生产商的集散地。在这里它们生产世界50%以上的芯片、将近70%的显示器以及90%以上的便携式电脑。其中最成功的不再是像广达(Quanta)、鸿海(Hon Hai)那样的规模庞大却默默无闻的合同制造商(鸿海集团这周才因为频发的自杀事件而成为新闻的焦点)。例如,宏基去年超过戴尔成为全球第二大个人电脑生产商。而以为西方大品牌做贴牌智能手机生产发迹的宏达电(HTC)现如今开始生产自己的主打产品。
Much of the credit for the growth of Taiwan’s information technology (IT) industry goes to the state, notably the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). Founded in 1973, ITRI did not just import technology and invest in R&D, but also trained engineers and spawned start-ups: thus Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), now the world’s biggest chip “foundry”, was born. ITRI also developed prototypes of computers and handed the blueprints to private firms.
Taiwan’s history also helps make it the “best place in the world to turn ideas into physical form,” says Derek Lidow of iSuppli, a market-research firm. Japan colonised the island for half a century, leaving a good education system. Amid the turmoil of the Kuomintang’s retreat to Taiwan from mainland China, engineering was encouraged as a useful and politically uncontroversial discipline. Meanwhile, strong geopolitical ties with America helped foster educational and commercial links too. Western tech firms set up shop in Taiwan in the 1960s, increasing the pool of skilled workers and suppliers.
台湾的历史也有助于使自身成为“世界上将思想转化为现实的最佳场所”,一家市场研究机构iSuppli的Derek Lidow如是说。日本殖民统治这座岛屿长达半个世纪,为台湾留下了一个好的教育系统。在国民党从大陆退守台湾之后的动荡年代里,工程学作为一门实用并且政治上中立的学科而获得推广。同时,台湾与美国较强的地缘政治关系也有助于促进双方的教育及商业联系。20世纪60年代西方科技公司纷纷在台湾设立工厂,增加了当地的技术工人储备及供应商。
Today Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park, the hub of Taiwan’s IT industry, is home to about 400 high-tech companies, chief among them TSMC with its huge “fabs”. Bigger than aeroplane hangars, these can cost more than $10 billion a pop and churn out three billion chips a year. Dozens of “fabless” chip firms, in turn, provide the designs. The most successful is MediaTek, whose chips power most of the mobile phones made in China.
Computex includes stands where Acer and Asustek, another local computer-maker, display their latest wares. But it is not so much an IT exhibition as a mall for computer parts. Memory chips, motherboards, disk drives, fans, connectors, casings: each component has its own neighbourhood of booths. The heart of the Taiwanese IT industry is a network of hundreds of small specialised firms that make these things, overnight if need be.
This strength, however, is also Taiwan’s weakness. Most firms are junior partners in the world’s IT supply chains, making things others have developed. They are good at incremental innovation, mostly related to manufacturing (firms from only three other countries have filed more patents in America than Taiwanese ones over the past decade).
But many of them are stuck in a “commodity trap”, cautions Dieter Ernst of the East-West Centre, a think-tank in Honolulu. Profit margins, he says, are razor-thin and do not allow adequate investment in R&D and branding. The Taiwanese industry is particularly weak where the most valuable intellectual property is created these days: in software, services and systems. As a result, Taiwan has a huge deficit in technological trade. Its firms are often sued by Western ones for patent infringements. In March, for instance, Apple filed a complaint against HTC.
檀香山一家智库机构the East-West Centre的迪特尔.厄尔斯特警告说,许多台湾厂商掉进了“商品陷阱”不能自拔,利润非常微薄并因此没有充足的资金投入到产品研发和品牌建设上。台湾IT产业尤其在那些现如今创造了最有价值的知识产权领域处于劣势:如软件、服务和系统方面。结果,台湾在技术贸易上存在巨大的赤字。台湾公司经常因为专利侵权而遭到西方公司起诉,如今年三月份的苹果公司诉HTC侵权案。
What is more, under pressure from their customers, Taiwanese computer-makers have moved most of their production to cheaper countries, mainly China. Yet China is becoming a force in its own right in high-tech innovation and is itself fostering IT giants, such as the Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), another foundry.另外,在客户的压力下,台湾电脑制造商已经把大部分产品转移到成本更低廉的地方(主要是中国内地)生产。然而,中国在高科技创新方面正逐渐成为独立的力量,并且正在培育自己的IT巨头—又一个代工企业--中芯国际(SMIC)。
But Taiwan is adapting. ITRI now puts more emphasis on intellectual property, services and design, says Johnsee Lee, its president. It applies for five patents a day on average and licenses them mostly to local firms, not least so they can use them as currency to negotiate settlements in lawsuits. It has started a “Creativity Lab” where engineers work alongside artists, writers and psychologists to come up with more than just new hardware.
但是台湾正在逐步调整。ITRI 如今把更多的重点放在知识产权、服务和设计上,台湾工业技术研究院院长李钟熙指出。ITRI平均每天申请五项专利,并且大多数的专利被授权给当地厂商使用,更重要的是,当地IT厂商可以在侵权诉讼的协商和解中将这些专利当作谈判的条件。另外,ITRI已经创立了一个”创新实验室“,在这里工程师同艺术家、作家和心理学家一道工作,研发出来的并不单单仅是新的硬件。
The big Taiwanese companies are improving the quality of their patent filings, says Shin-Horng Chen of the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, and launching infringement suits of their own, as HTC has done. Some are trying to move up the value chain or into new markets. Acer and HTC are trying to become global brands. TSMC is said to have ambitions in solar panels and light-emitting diodes. Taiwanese firms have also proved that they can adapt existing technology cleverly to come up with new products. Asustek, for example, pioneered netbooks (no-frills laptops); Acer’s success rests in part on innovative distribution.
When it comes to IT, at least, relations with China are improving. The Chinese government has recruited Taiwanese firms to help it set technical standards. Taiwan, for its part, recently eased restrictions on outbound investments, which it had imposed to limit the transfer of technology to China. TSMC, for instance, has been allowed to take an 8% stake in SMIC.
不管怎样,当提到IT行业,台湾和中国内地的关系开始有所改善。中国政府已经聘请台湾IT厂商帮助制定国家技术标准。而台湾最近也解除了对内地投资的限制,这种限制原本是防止技术向中国内地转移而采取的。比如说,TSMC已经被允许持有 SMIC8%的股份。
It is hard to see China dethroning Taiwan as manager of the world’s electronics factories soon, says Peter Sher of the National Chi Nan University. But the IT industry in the two countries will increasingly become intertwined, predicts Mr Ernst. “Especially in IT, Taiwan is becoming more and more part of the Chinese economy,” he says. Indeed, some tech types already fuse the pair into “Chaiwan”.
technology trade show 科技贸易展会
**gadget freak 数码产品发烧友
CES customer electronic show 国际消费电子展
**old hands 经验老手
***rule the roost
to be the most powerful member of a group 充当首领;主宰
**Computex 电脑展
cognoscenti 行家
IT information technology
ITRI Industrial Technology Research Institute工业技术研究院
connected with starting a new business or project (新企业或工程)开办阶段的,启动时期的
engineering 工程学
intellectual property 知识产权