
  • Spring flowers, he thought as he reached the elevator. Little ones; they probably grow close to the ground and a lot of people step on them. Do they grow wild? Or in special commercial vats on in huge enclosed farms? I wonder what the country is like. The fields and like that, the strange smells. And, he wondered, where do you find that? Where do you go and how do you get there and stay there? What kind of trip is that, and what kind of ticket does it take? And who do you buy the ticket from? And, he thought, I would like to take someone with me when I go there, maybe Donna. (查看原文)
    陈灼 6赞 2020-06-06 20:11:16
    —— 引自第95页
  • "Right on," he said mechanically. And then it flashed on him what Donna had said -- asking him to take her out. "Alll riiiight!" he said, pleased; life flowed back into him. Once again, the little dark-haired chick whom he loved so much had restored him to caring. (查看原文)
    陈灼 3赞 2021-07-18 19:09:01
    —— 引自第113页
  • "What is it?" one staff member said. Donna said, "A person." "Substance D?" She nodded. "It ate his head. Another loser." She said to the two of them, "It's easy to win, Anybody can win." Bending down over Robert Arctor she said, silently. Good-by. (查看原文)
    陈灼 3赞 2021-07-25 18:04:14
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  • Stared at them, at the straights in their fat suits, their fat ties, their fat shoes, and he thought, Substance D can’t destroy their brains; they have none. (查看原文)
    陈灼 1回复 2赞 2020-06-05 20:25:42
    —— 引自第18页
  • "A dream woke me, " Arctor said. A religious dream. In it there was this huge clap of thunder, and all of a sudden the heavens rolled aside and God appeared and His voice rumbled at me—what the hell did He say?—oh yeah. ‘I am vexed with you, my son, ‘ He said. He was scowling. I was shaking, in the dream, and looking up, and I said, ‘What’d I do now , Lord ?’ And He said, ‘ You left the cap off the toothpaste tube again. ‘ And then I realized it was my ex-wife. “ (查看原文)
    陈灼 1回复 2赞 2020-06-06 09:17:22
    —— 引自第52页
  • “你们觉得,”他一边认真开车一边大声说,“我们在审判日死去之后面对上帝,我们的罪孽会按照时间顺序还是严重程度列出?是升序还是降序,或者按字母顺序?因为我不希望当我在八十六岁去世时,上帝出现在我面前说‘你就是那个小男孩,在1962年运可口可乐的卡车停在7-11门前时偷了三瓶可乐,我有不少事情要跟你谈谈’。” “我想是交叉排序的,”拉克曼说,“他们只会给你那些电脑输出的结果,长长一列已经汇总后得到的最终结果。” “罪孽,”巴里斯咯咯地笑着说,“是一个过时的犹太教-基督教神话。” 阿克托说:“也许他们会把你所有的罪孽放在一个腌菜的大桶里。”他转头瞪着巴里斯,那个反犹太主义者。“一个腌菜桶,他们举起桶把里面所有的东西扔到你脸上,你站在那里,浑身都是罪孽在往下滴落。你自己的罪孽,也许还有一些错放进来的其他人的罪孽。” (查看原文)
    Paranoia。 1赞 2022-06-25 21:10:47
    —— 引自第125页
  • 他花了好几天时间才选定遗物,远比他决定自杀的时间要长得多,和搞到那些“速可眠”胶囊花的时间差不多。被后人发现时,他会仰面躺在自己的床上,身边是一本安・兰德的著作《源泉》(这将证明他是个被大众排斥的、非同一般的人,从某种意义上来说他是被他们的蔑视杀死的),还有一封尚未写完的信,写给埃克森公司抗议注销他的汽油信用卡。这样就可以通过他的死控诉当前制度,达到某种目的,当然还有赴死本身这目的。 (查看原文)
    甘好奇 2020-09-03 18:36:58
    —— 引自第253页
  • “我的外表是温暖的,人们看到的地方。温暖的眼晴,温暖的脸,该死的温暖的假笑,但我的内心一直是冷酷的,充满了谎言。我不是表面看上去的样子,我很可怕。”女孩的声音一直保平稳,她一边说话一边露出微笑。她大大的瞳孔中只有温柔,毫无诡诈,“但是,没有别的办法。有吗?我很久以前就想明白了这一点,让自己变成这样。但其实也没那么糟。这样你能得到你想要的东西。在一定程度上,所有人都是这样。我是什么子,最讨厌的一点是我是个骗子。我骗了我的朋友。 (查看原文)
    lady oracle 2020-10-29 09:41:05
    —— 引自第351页
  • But the actual touch of her lingered, inside his heart. That remained. In all the years of his life ahead, the long years without her, with never seeing her or hearing from her or knowing any thing about her, if she was alive or happy or dead or what, that touch stayed locked within him, sealed in himself, and never went away. That one touch of her hand. (查看原文)
    Солярис 2021-02-15 04:37:53
    —— 引自第164页
  • 阿克托一边开车一边默默地思考,缉毒特工和毒贩的想法还有另一些很讽刺的共同点。他认识的几个缉毒特工在卧底任务中假扮成毒贩,涉足浓缩大麻的生意,有时甚至会贩卖海洛因。这是一种很好的伪装,但也会为卧底特工带来越来越多的利润,远远超过本职工资,还要加上提供情报查获大批毒品获得的奖金。而且,特工自已也会染上越来越深的毒瘾,当然,整个生活方式也会发生巨大变化:他们作为卧底特工的同时,也变成富有的瘾君子贩毒者,一段时间之后,其中一些人开始逐渐放弃 (查看原文)
    穆格猜 2023-04-01 19:25:51
    —— 引自第114页
  • 执法人员的身份,宁可只当个毒贩。但同时,也有些毒贩为了打击敌人,或者预感自已即将被捕,会开始向警察告密,并逐步升级成非正式的卧底。一切都陷入阴霾。不管怎样,毒品的世界对于任何人来说都是个阴暗的世界。例如,鲍勃阿克托的世界现在已经陷入阴霾:这天下午,他们驾车沿着圣地亚哥高速公路行驶,他和他的两个伙伴差点被害死,为了他自己好,他希望警方已经安装好房子里的窃听设备,这样也许他以后就安全了,不会再遇到今天这种事情。这纯粹是个运气问题,要么他自己先被毒死、被射杀、染上毒瘾死去,要么抓住他的敌人,抓住任何跟踪他的人、今天差点儿得手害死他的人。他陷入沉思,只要全息扫描仪能装好,以后就不容易再遇到蓄意破坏或攻击,或者说,不容易再有成功的破坏或成功的攻击。 这大概是唯一让他安心的想法。 (查看原文)
    穆格猜 2023-04-01 19:25:51
    —— 引自第115页