Reading list: by Laurie Anderson

来自: 渐近线 2019-11-26 22:52:37创建   2023-12-04 08:19:46更新
Jack,W. 2019, Avant-garde artist Laurie Anderson picks her 10 favourite books. Available at: (Accessed on 26 November 2019)
BBC RADIO. 2020, Laurie Anderson & Stuart Maconie. Available at: (Accessed on 10 July 2020)
Harvard university. 2021, Norton Lectures. Available at: (Accessed on 28 October 2021)
2 人关注
作者: Lauren Ruth Wiener
出版社: Perseus Books
出版年: 1993
评语:Anderson has said that technology today is the campfire around which we tell our stories. She reconsiders this idea. "Of course, there's the attraction to light and to this kind of power, which is both warm and destructive. We're especially drawn to the power. Many of the images of technology are about making us more powerful, extending what we can do. Unfortunately, 95 percent of it is hype, because I think we're powerful without it." She thinks the information superhighway is being oversold, and brings out a book she's reading: Digital Woes: Why We Should Not Depend on Software, by Lauren Ruth Wiener. She ticks off the examples that trouble her: unmanned supertankers to carry oil to Japan, software bugs that overdose radiation therapy and kill cancer patients, even the car that will parallel park itself, thanks to sensors, and wedge you into the available space with an inch or two to spare. "But suppose you go to the movies," Anderson continues, "come back, find yourself between these two super-wonder cars, and you don't have the software - you're in big trouble. The information highway is being used mostly for tracking people down in terms of debt and credit, not for tapping into the Library of Congress, not really." Quote from:
8.3 (32人评价)
作者: Tung-Hui Hu
出版社: MIT Press
出版年: 2015-8
评语:Laurie mentioned in her lecture, The Road: Spending the War Without You. Oct 6, 2021, at Mahindra Humanities Center Zoom room. “And in his book, a Prehistoric of the Cloud, the writer, Tung-Hui Hu, looks at the cloud’s military origins and ideologies, and its potential to exert control over people. Meanwhile, using the term cloud, a friendly, romantic, and fluffy word that invokes the natural world and clouds…”
作者: Pauline Oliveros
出版社: Terra Ignota
出版年: 2022
评语:Foreword by Laurie Anderson.
8.4 (72人评价)
作者: William Shakespeare
出版社: Washington Square Press Inc.,N.Y.
出版年: 2005-3-17
评语:An extract is quoted in "Blue Lagoon" (United States I-IV and Mr Heartbreak): Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange. Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell Hark! Now I hear them – Ding-dong, bell. (Act I,Sc. II)
作者: Bunyan, John/ Sharrock, Roger (EDT)
出版社: Penguin USA
评语:Laurie mentioned in her lecture, The City: Spending the War Without You. Nov 10, at Mahindra Humanities Center Zoom room.
9.3 (811人评价)
作者: [意] 伊塔洛·卡尔维诺
出版社: 译林出版社
出版年: 2015-12
评语:Laurie mentioned in her lecture, The City: Spending the War Without You. Nov 10, at Mahindra Humanities Center Zoom room.
8.2 (4308人评价)
作者: [法] 居伊·德波
出版社: 南京大学出版社
出版年: 2017-5
评语:Laurie mentioned in her lecture, The City: Spending the War Without You. Nov 10, at Mahindra Humanities Center Zoom room.
作者: [奥地利] 弗朗茨·卡夫卡
出版社: Scb Distributors
出版年: 1998-8
评语:"It Was Up In The Mountains" (United States I-IV) paraphrases one of Kafka's short parables “Excursion into the Mountains”.
7.7 (30人评价)
作者: Don DeLillo
出版社: Penguin
出版年: 1992-5-28
评语:"Terrorists are the only true artists" quote on "The Cultural Ambassador" (Stories from the Nerve Bible / The Ugly One With The Jewels) is from novel Mao II.
8.8 (16人评价)
作者: Leo Marx
出版社: Oxford University Press, USA
出版年: 2000-2-24
评语:United States I-IV: ''The idea was to make a big portrait of the country,'' she said, ''and I divided it up sort of arbitrarily into four parts, transportation, politics, money and love. If there's any throughline, it's some question about America as Utopia and trying to understand how people really feel about living here. ''I've been using as a sourcebook 'The Machine in the Garden,' she explained, referring to Leo Marx's classic study of American culture, which discusses the dreams and impressions of people who came over in the 1600's and 1700's and thought this was Arcadia, the lovely garden setting they had been seeking. ''For me,'' she continued, ''that vision of Utopia is very bound up with technology. This is a country where the machine was supposed to free people from menial tasks, where we wouldn't have the sweatshops and steel mills that England had. I think we've found out how quickly you can mess up a country, how much a machine like just the car can change things utterly. ''It's not that I object to any of that stuff,'' Anderson said. ''Another theme of my work is how to live with technology and how to accept it -how to humanize it.
8.8 (40200人评价)
作者: [意大利]伊塔洛·卡尔维诺
出版社: 译林出版社
出版年: 2006-8
评语:The final line of "New Jersey Turnpike" (United States I-IV) is from the novel Invisible Cities.
9.3 (113人评价)
作者: Thomas Pynchon
出版社: Penguin Classics
出版年: 2006-10-31
评语:Quote on Gravity Angel (Home of the Brave / Mister Heartbreak).
8.8 (202人评价)
作者: Virginia Woolf
出版社: Vintage Classics
出版年: 2016-10-6
评语:Laurie mentioned in her lecture, Rocks: Spending the War Without You. April 14, at Mahindra Humanities Center Zoom room.
8.7 (367人评价)
作者: Kenneth Grahame
出版社: Penguin Classics
出版年: 2007-9-27
评语:Laurie mentioned this book in her lecture The Forest: Spending the World Without You. Feb 10, 2021.
作者: Roden, Steve 编
出版年: 2011-7
评语:Laurie mentioned it in her conversation with Brian Eno and Nitin Sawhney in Ways of Listening last night. She said “I never had this experience of hearing photographs before this... they’re very intense photographs.”
7.3 (330人评价)
作者: [美] 亨特·S. 汤普森 / 亨特·S·汤普森
出版社: 广西师范大学出版社
出版年: 2016-9
评语:Laurie Anderson and radio DJ and writer Stuart Maconie talk about favourite books with Harriett Gilbert. Laurie chooses Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson.
作者: Tom Hodgkinson
出版社: Harper Perennial
出版年: 2007-05-01
评语:LA mentioned it on SVA 2012 commencement exercises. “How to be an artist?”
9.2 (28人评价)
作者: Anne Carson
出版社: Jonathan Cape
出版年: 1999-7-15
8.8 (3074人评价)
作者: [美] 弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫
出版社: 上海译文出版社
出版年: 2008-1
评语:“Reminds me that disasters can be positive. Reminds me to accept whatever happens and to make it my friend. Grounded in disaster, it leads to the comfort and understanding that we — and only we — can bring to ourselves. Reminds me that we all have broken hearts.”
8.3 (294人评价)
作者: (英)劳伦斯·斯特恩
出版社: 上海译文出版社
出版年: 2012-3-1
9.0 (725人评价)
作者: 莲华生
出版社: 宗教文化出版社
出版年: 1995-08
评语:The Tibetan Book of the Dead, 版本未知
8.1 (4056人评价)
作者: [美]赫尔曼·麦尔维尔
出版社: 上海译文出版社
出版年: 2007-7
评语:There are a number of utterly engaging reads on Anderson’s list, one classic being Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, the artist said of that pick “I fell in love with this book. The words were songs, the flow embraced the way we actually think. Backtracking, looping, jumping.” LA在1999年的performance,Songs and Stories from Moby Dick 直接以本书为题演出
作者: George W.S. Trow
出版社: Atlantic Monthly Press
出版年: 1997-4-10
评语:It is a question of distance I think, the relationship of the individual to the group. And I’m thinking of a wonderful writer who wrote a book called Within the Context of no Context, he explained like this: there are two grids. There are many grids to hold culture together, the individual grid, the grid of mass media… And he talks about the middle distance falls away that means there are only two grids, the grid of the individual, and the grid of mass media. So the individual is always comparing himself or herself to the mass media, preventing the individual growth of that person in the way that they would like. Because there’re always kinds of going, how do I look up there? It’s maybe a particular American obsession. You could see it on its shows like American idol, everybody want to be a star. Bibliography:
作者: Jonathan F. P. Rose
出版社: Harper Wave
出版年: 2016-9-13
9.3 (47人评价)
作者: Robert K. Massie
出版社: Random House Trade Paperbacks
出版年: 1981-10-12
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