流派-民谣 Folk-民谣流行 Folk Pop
民谣流行音乐大致分为2种。一种是指流行音乐式编曲的民谣,另一种则是民谣式编曲的流行音乐。 民谣流行音乐最早出现在60年代初期,到了60年代中期开始逐渐风靡起来。不同于民谣摇滚,民谣流行音乐更为温和、优雅,更偏向于流行音乐。
Folk-Pop falls into two categories. Either it is folk songs with large, sweeping pop arrangements, or pop songs with intimate, acoustic-based folk arrangements. Folk-pop began to evolve in the early '60s, but it came into full force after folk-rock became a sensation in the mid-'60s. Folk-pop doesn't have ringing guitars and rougher edges of folk-rock; instead, it is softer, gentler, and more pop-oriented.
Folk-Pop falls into two categories. Either it is folk songs with large, sweeping pop arrangements, or pop songs with intimate, acoustic-based folk arrangements. Folk-pop began to evolve in the early '60s, but it came into full force after folk-rock became a sensation in the mid-'60s. Folk-pop doesn't have ringing guitars and rougher edges of folk-rock; instead, it is softer, gentler, and more pop-oriented.
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