流派-节奏布鲁斯 R&B-流行灵魂乐 Pop Soul

流行灵魂乐(Pop Soul)是灵魂乐(Soul)的子风格,在1950年代中后期出现。顾名思义,Pop Soul是更接近于流行乐(Pop)的灵魂乐,它让灵魂乐的感情,通过更流行的方式让更多人接受,也因为造就了一批在电台和排行榜上的大热金曲,直到今天仍然有很大的商业受众群。传奇厂牌Motown在1960年代成为Pop Soul的先锋。
相比于传统灵魂乐,尽管Pop Soul的人声部分仍然有粗粝感,但它有更精细光滑的制作方式,有更多跨界的表现手法,有更亲民上口的旋律。
Pop-Soul is soul music that has been polished slightly and given a commercially viable, crossover production. The vocals are still raw, but the material and the sound of the record could easily fit onto pop radio stations' playlists. Motown was the pioneering label of pop-soul, and through much of the '60s, it was one of the most popular pop music genres. In the '70s, pop-soul became slicker, and it eventually metamorphosed into disco.
相比于传统灵魂乐,尽管Pop Soul的人声部分仍然有粗粝感,但它有更精细光滑的制作方式,有更多跨界的表现手法,有更亲民上口的旋律。
Pop-Soul is soul music that has been polished slightly and given a commercially viable, crossover production. The vocals are still raw, but the material and the sound of the record could easily fit onto pop radio stations' playlists. Motown was the pioneering label of pop-soul, and through much of the '60s, it was one of the most popular pop music genres. In the '70s, pop-soul became slicker, and it eventually metamorphosed into disco.
评语:Probably the most pop-oriented of Motowns major female acts, the Marvelettes didnt project as strong an identity as the Supremes, Mary Wells, or Martha Reeves, but recorded quite a few hits, including Motowns first number one single, Please Mr. Postman (1961). Postman, as well as other chirpy early-60s hits like Playboy, Twistin Postman, and Beechwood 4-5789, were the labels purest girl group efforts. Featuring two strong lead singers, Gladys Horton and Wanda Young, the Marvelettes went through five different lineups, but maintained a high standard on their recordings. After a few years, they moved from girl group sounds to up-tempo and mid-tempo numbers that were more characteristic of Motowns production line. They received no small help from Smokey Robinson, who produced and wrote many of their singles; Holland-Dozier-Holland, Berry Gordy, Mickey Stevenson, Marvin Gaye, and Ashford-Simpson also got involved with the songwriting and production at various points. After the mid-60s Wanda Young assumed most of the lead vocal duties; Gladys Horton departed from the group in the late 60s. While the Marvelettes didnt cut as many monster smashes as most of their Motown peers after the early 60s, they did periodically surface with classic hits like Too Many Fish in the Sea, Dont Mess With Bill, and The Hunter Gets Captured by the Game. There were also plenty of fine minor hits and misses, like 1965s Ill Keep Holding On, which is just as memorable as the well-known Motown chart-toppers of the era. The group quietly disbanded in the early 70s after several years without a major hit.
评语:Dusty Springfield可谓是英国乐坛的常青树,她的音乐生涯长约40年,她1939年4月16日出生于伦敦,五十年代就开始进入歌坛,最早是叁加“The Lana Sisters”三重唱,后来跟她的兄长汤姆共同组成了“The Springfields”三重唱,在英国的民歌界颇有些名气,而她也在这个时候把艺名改成Dusty Springfield。 1963年,她以独唱歌手的姿态闯荡江湖,一曲“I Only Want to Be with You”立刻造成轰动,很快的就成了当时英国少女们所崇拜的偶像,同时她为了掩饰害羞而刻意设计的鸡窝头、猫熊一般的深色眼影等夸张造型,也引发了一阵跟风。 连续三年,她拥有了许多英国冠军曲,包括翻唱的“ Wishin’ and Hopin’”和“Anyone Who Had a Heart”等等,并且一再地击败露露(Lulu)、席拉布莱克(Cilla Black)和珊蒂萧(Sandy Shaw)等当红的艺人,夺得全英国最受欢迎女歌手的荣衔。 歌喉略显沙哑的她,喜爱的音乐型态相当成熟,尤其特别锺情当时在英国还不太风行的灵魂歌曲,使她显得更加的与众不同。她跟她的同胞披头四以及滚石等一起展开了英国热门音乐入侵美国的狂潮,并且毫不自私的利用自己的知名度,大力拉拨前往英国访问的黑人歌手。而由於她对灵魂音乐的热爱,使她得到了“灵魂歌坛白色女王”(White Queen of Soul)的封号。不过,Dusty Springfield并不是只唱灵魂歌曲的,事实上,她的歌路十分宽广,从百老汇、蓝调、乡村、甚至舞曲,她都一样在行。另外,她还以开路先锋的姿态,大量采用柏特拜克拉(Burt Bacharach)、卡洛金(Carole King)和阮迪纽曼(Randy Newman)等优秀美国作家的作品。1966年,她的一首“You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me”,让她红遍全球。 1968年,她尝试把生涯重心移往美国,在曼斐斯制作的“Son of a Preacher Man”再度获得成功,可惜她的歌唱事业不久就走了下坡,尽管陆续唱红了“皇家夜总会”和“柏林谍报战”等两部电影的主题曲“The Look of Love”和“The Windmills of Your Mind”,仍然无法挽回颓势。 1970年,Dusty Springfield移居美国西海岸,更因为染上了酒精和药物的瘾而使得情况有如雪上加霜。前后十五年,虽然她一再努力尝试东山再起,也多次应邀跟别的艺人合唱,依然没有起色,直到返回英国后,才算是有了改变。她应邀跟“宠物店男孩”(Pet Shop Boys)合作,于1987年再度以夺得全美排行亚军的“What Have I Done to Deserve This”蠃得了举世的瞩目。 1994年,推出她最后一张专辑“A Very Fine Love”之后,就因为身体不适而被医师检查出罹患了乳癌。经过将近一年的化学治疗后,医师宣布她的癌细胞已经完全清除,但是第二年又宣告复发,其后她就一直勇敢的在与病魔搏斗。曾有消息传出,为了筹措高达六百二十五万英镑的医药费,她把自己过去所有录音的版权都变卖了。 1998年,她被选入“摇滚音乐名人殿堂”,1999年一月,英国皇家为了表扬她在音乐上的贡献,特别颁赠给她“大英帝国勋章”奖,只是,她的生命已经接近了终站。三月二日晚间,她病逝於牛津附近的家中,得年五十九岁。 她除了以歌艺闻名以外还有一件事情震惊世人:她大概是第一个坦率地承认自己是同性恋的著名艺人,她终生未婚,也没有留下任何子女。 英国独立电视台网站报道说,李安的下部作品将以Dusty Springfield为主角,影片将讲述达丝提从在伦敦出生到1999年死于乳癌的一生。而传说将扮演这位同性恋女歌手的是奥斯卡影后查理兹·塞隆。英国超模凯特·莫斯也将借这部影片进军大银幕,扮演达丝提的初恋情人。
表演者 : Martha & the Vandellas
流派 : 放克/灵歌/R&B
发行时间 : 1999-08-10
流派 : 放克/灵歌/R&B
发行时间 : 1999-08-10
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