Methods Approaches to Art History
FAH 1001H1f
Jules Prown, “The Art Historian and the Computer: An Analysis of Copley’s Patronage, 1753-1774,” Smithsonian Journal of History 1 (1966): 17-30.
* David Hickey, “Revisions” (1-12), Art in America 2009.
* Peter Schjeldahl, “TRUE BLUE; The Art World,” The New Yorker vol. 86. 18 (Jun 28, 2010): 72. * Holland Cotter, “ART: Buddha’s Caves,” The New York Times, July 6, 2008:
http://www.nytimes.c om/2008/07/06/arts/d esign/06cott.html?_r =1
* Holland Cotter, “ART REVIEW | 'I AM ART': Artist’s Life: Cut, Nip and Tuck,” The New York Times, April 19, 2009: http://www.nytimes.c om/2009/04/20/arts/d esign/20apex.html
* Thierry de Duve, “Michael Snow: The Deictics of Experience, and Beyond,” Parachute 78 (Apr/May/Jun 1995): 28.
* Elizabeth Legge, “McLuhan, Leary, and the Popular Culture of Consciousness,” Wavelength, 22-27.
* Jules Prown, “Mind in Matter,” Winterthur Portfolio ONLINE: JSTOR
* Bill Brown, “Thing Theory,” Critical Inquiry, Vol. 28, No. 1, Things. (Autumn, 2001): 1-22. ONLINE: JSTOR
* Matt Kavaler, Renaissance Gothic, Art History ONLINE: WILEY INTERSCIENCE
* Alexander Nagel and Christopher Wood, “Interventions: Toward a New Model of Renaissance Anachronism,”
Art Bulletin 87 (2005): 403-32. ONLINE: JSTOR
* Mark Cheetham, "The Sublime is Now (Again)." C Magazine (Toronto), vol. 44, Winter 1995: 27-39.
* Piotr Petrowski, “How to Write a History of Central-East European Art”, Third Text, vol. 23, No. 96, 2009/1, pp.
* Thalia Gouma-Peterson and Patricia Townley Mathews, "The Feminist Critique of Art History," Art Bulletin, v. 69, September, 1987. ONLINE: JSTOR
* Franz Fanon, the Fact of Blackness anthology excerpt
* Okwui Enwezor, “The Postcolonial Constellation: Contemporary Art in a State of Permanent Transition,”
Research in African Literatures 34.4 (2003) 57-82. ONLINE: JSTOR
* Richard Neer, "Connoisseurship and the Stakes of Style." Critical Inquiry 32 (2005): pp. 1-26. ONLINE: JSTOR
* Jules Prown, “Style as Evidence,” Winterthur Portfolio 15 (1980): 197-210.ONLINE: JSTOR
【Visual Culture Reader】
* Barthes, “Rhetoric of the Image?,”
* Martin Jay, “Scopic Regimes of Modernity,”
* Guy Debord, excerpts from The Society of the Spectacle
* Terry Smith, “Visual Regimes of Colonization: Aboriginal Seeing and European Vision in Australia,”
* Meyer Shapiro, “Style,” Anthropology Today, 287-312.
Jules Prown, “The Art Historian and the Computer: An Analysis of Copley’s Patronage, 1753-1774,” Smithsonian Journal of History 1 (1966): 17-30.
* David Hickey, “Revisions” (1-12), Art in America 2009.
* Peter Schjeldahl, “TRUE BLUE; The Art World,” The New Yorker vol. 86. 18 (Jun 28, 2010): 72. * Holland Cotter, “ART: Buddha’s Caves,” The New York Times, July 6, 2008:
* Holland Cotter, “ART REVIEW | 'I AM ART': Artist’s Life: Cut, Nip and Tuck,” The New York Times, April 19, 2009: http://www.nytimes.c
* Thierry de Duve, “Michael Snow: The Deictics of Experience, and Beyond,” Parachute 78 (Apr/May/Jun 1995): 28.
* Elizabeth Legge, “McLuhan, Leary, and the Popular Culture of Consciousness,” Wavelength, 22-27.
* Jules Prown, “Mind in Matter,” Winterthur Portfolio ONLINE: JSTOR
* Bill Brown, “Thing Theory,” Critical Inquiry, Vol. 28, No. 1, Things. (Autumn, 2001): 1-22. ONLINE: JSTOR
* Matt Kavaler, Renaissance Gothic, Art History ONLINE: WILEY INTERSCIENCE
* Alexander Nagel and Christopher Wood, “Interventions: Toward a New Model of Renaissance Anachronism,”
Art Bulletin 87 (2005): 403-32. ONLINE: JSTOR
* Mark Cheetham, "The Sublime is Now (Again)." C Magazine (Toronto), vol. 44, Winter 1995: 27-39.
* Piotr Petrowski, “How to Write a History of Central-East European Art”, Third Text, vol. 23, No. 96, 2009/1, pp.
* Thalia Gouma-Peterson and Patricia Townley Mathews, "The Feminist Critique of Art History," Art Bulletin, v. 69, September, 1987. ONLINE: JSTOR
* Franz Fanon, the Fact of Blackness anthology excerpt
* Okwui Enwezor, “The Postcolonial Constellation: Contemporary Art in a State of Permanent Transition,”
Research in African Literatures 34.4 (2003) 57-82. ONLINE: JSTOR
* Richard Neer, "Connoisseurship and the Stakes of Style." Critical Inquiry 32 (2005): pp. 1-26. ONLINE: JSTOR
* Jules Prown, “Style as Evidence,” Winterthur Portfolio 15 (1980): 197-210.ONLINE: JSTOR
【Visual Culture Reader】
* Barthes, “Rhetoric of the Image?,”
* Martin Jay, “Scopic Regimes of Modernity,”
* Guy Debord, excerpts from The Society of the Spectacle
* Terry Smith, “Visual Regimes of Colonization: Aboriginal Seeing and European Vision in Australia,”
* Meyer Shapiro, “Style,” Anthropology Today, 287-312.
作者: Philip Sohm
出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版年: 2001-10-8
出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版年: 2001-10-8
作者: Rosalind E. Krauss
出版社: The MIT Press
出版年: 1986-7-9
出版社: The MIT Press
出版年: 1986-7-9
作者: John Elsner / Roger Cardinal
出版社: Reaktion Books
出版年: 1994-03
出版社: Reaktion Books
出版年: 1994-03
作者: Marshall McLuhan
出版社: University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division
出版年: 2011-7-31
出版社: University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division
出版年: 2011-7-31
作者: David Carrier
出版社: Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (Trd)
出版年: 2009-9-14
出版社: Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (Trd)
出版年: 2009-9-14
作者: David Inglis (Editor) / John Hughson (Series Editor)
出版社: Palgrave Macmillan
出版年: 2005-12-20
出版社: Palgrave Macmillan
出版年: 2005-12-20
作者: Richard A. Goldthwaite
出版社: Johns Hopkins University Press
出版年: 1995-10-1
出版社: Johns Hopkins University Press
出版年: 1995-10-1
作者: Arjun Appadurai / 阿尔君·阿帕杜莱
出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版年: 1988-1-29
出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版年: 1988-1-29
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