评语:《eyes on me》whenever sang my songs/on the stage, on my own/whenever sad my words/wishing they would be heard/i saw you smiling at me/
was it real or just my fantasy/you'd always be there in the corner/of this tiny little bar/my last night here for you/sa
评语:《我爱你,再见》像命中注定一般/如火一样的那个夏天/撩人的夏日舞会/你跳向我的身边/lady shall we dance/在你说爱我的夜晚/真甜蜜啊/我爱你到永远/可哪儿有什么永远/是非爱恨已无须再辩/下一曲舞伴更换/失去的永不再返/你后悔了吗痛得想死去的夜晚/你原谅了吗爱你又把你伤害/为什么就这样地离开/为什么就不能相爱/一直到我们死去呢/都去了哪儿所有爱和誓言/我流着泪的恋人啊/时光已将一切更改/当我慢慢忘记你的脸/让故事再发生吧/让我的人生充满遗憾/一切都不必重来/什么也无须更改/生活在继续舞会从
评语:《touble》trouble all around the city/trouble all around me/trouble all around the dark sky /trouble every everywherei follow my way /blue blue sky outside /well,i could not explain it /but i had to explain /ah.... /trouble all around your backside/trouble