Ben Whishaw在Hamlet中的演出片段!!


来自: 笑笑
2010-05-24 16:30:31

  • 笑笑

    笑笑 楼主 2010-05-24 16:33:19

    下面是IMDB上一位名叫teeter的好心网友对这几段视频的介绍,enjoy! The first clip shows Hamlet with his arm around Horatio, his best friend. The blogger - I'll just refer to her as "manybags" - notes the strong chemistry between the two actors. She also jokingly remarks that it's a shame Hamlet never got to ascend the throne, because Horatio seems like he'd make great queen material. ;) The second clip with Ophelia - by this point in the play Hamlet has awakened to the plight of human existence, and surrendered his youthful right to carefree happiness. Unable to take pleasure in anything, he can't even bring himself to dance with the girl he loves. The third is the death scene...pretty self-explanatory. In the fourth clip Hamlet is angrily telling Ophelia to go and join a convent ("Get thee to a nunnery!"), lest she become another "breeder of sinners". There's some nice hip-action going on there as well...hehe [[cool]] I'm not quite sure what part of the play the fifth clip is from, would appear that our dear, sweet touching himself in front of his uncle and mother?? Lol. I'm assuming it's part of the whole crazy person act (Hamlet "pretends" he's gone mad as a cover for his true motives in the play). Also, "manybags" points out that Claudius can't seem to take his eyes off Ben in this part. ( [[hehe]] ) The sixth clip takes place after a group of actors perform a play for Claudius. Hamlet is doing a little victory dance because Claudius' reaction to the play has confirmed his guilt in the murder of the King. Apparently Ben is also laughing and singing in a particularly adorable fashion here, but we don't get audio in any of these clips because of copyright issues. Guess we can't have our cake and eat it too...(but we want...WE WANT!! [[cry]] ) The last clip seems like an interpretation of a scene that's unique to this production, because neither "manybags" nor I recall any part of the original play that instructs Claudius to beat the crap out of Hamlet, not to mention with guards holding him back and stripping him :P Basically, it's got all the ingredients to make it an unmistakably Whishawed production: inordinate amounts of abuse both mental and physical, and - let me say it again - STRIPPING. (Lol)

  • 未知

    未知 (still benaddict) 2010-06-08 19:37:51

    我巨想看整场!!! 包括他的海鸥...但是不是永远都看不到了= = NT是不是从来不发DVD

  • Amelie

    Amelie 2010-07-27 22:29:07


  • nownohats

    nownohats 2010-07-27 23:09:44

    有梦想真好 感觉现场看他挺神经质的,不停摸他自己脸,脖子,心口等部位,并且貌似不停在思考,或者说在想心事 可以等别的剧看的,在乎过程啦

  • 西野

    西野 2015-07-16 23:23:28

    it's got all the ingredients to make it an unmistakably Whishawed production: inordinate amounts of abuse both mental and physical 妈呀这句话准到哭,小本的作品看到现在每部必虐不过好喜欢。

  • sskk

    sskk (you are where you are) 2015-12-15 00:24:04

    我巨想看整场!!! 包括他的海鸥...但是不是永远都看不到了= = NT是不是从来不发DVD 我巨想看整场!!! 包括他的海鸥...但是不是永远都看不到了= = NT是不是从来不发DVD 未知


  • 在

    2016-07-13 20:17:35



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