【翻个不虐的】Sand between our toes(N/L)


来自: Vladimir(给我一天?)
2010-06-11 21:16:12

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-11 21:23:51

    awwwwwww 真喜欢度假,沙滩和大海嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻 话说那个文库里好像还有篇关于三明治和度假什么的,看来我把那两篇搞混了Orz

  • Vladimir

    Vladimir (给我一天?) 楼主 2010-06-11 21:33:04

    是吗?居然还有写三明治的?难道有相关的轶事? 不过确实有很多元素是常用的,比如sunburn,呵呵

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-11 21:38:59


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-11 21:47:20


  • 豌豆公主 -w-

    豌豆公主 -w- (糊,是一种高尚的美德) 2010-06-11 22:02:54

    唉唉啊啊 LS你也是德国迷么XDDD

  • 豌豆公主 -w-

    豌豆公主 -w- (糊,是一种高尚的美德) 2010-06-11 22:03:14

    被插楼了啊啊啊啊啊啊 以及跑题了……

  • 豌豆公主 -w-

    豌豆公主 -w- (糊,是一种高尚的美德) 2010-06-11 22:03:35

    2010-06-11 21:47:20 helenharris (勒帥我的六月獻給你!) 太甜了感覺像平行世界…… ------------------------ 内是德国迷咩XD

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-11 22:04:31


  • Vladimir

    Vladimir (给我一天?) 楼主 2010-06-11 22:05:15

    感觉不真实说明我们也许被不和谐的表象欺骗了~ 说不定私下里真的是这样甜蜜呢。哈哈 liam三明治。。。我表示毫不知情,但是这让我联想到Tom&Jerry,呃

  • 豌豆公主 -w-

    豌豆公主 -w- (糊,是一种高尚的美德) 2010-06-11 22:05:43

    不会不会,该甜还是会甜的 我认真地相信他们其实还是爱彼此的

  • 豌豆公主 -w-

    豌豆公主 -w- (糊,是一种高尚的美德) 2010-06-11 22:06:05


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-11 22:07:33

    2010-06-11 22:04:31 evergreen|JCF (Lord Don't Slow Me Down) 我发现在被虐了个底朝天之后,已经接受不来这俩梦幻的甜文了~~~~(>_<)~~~~ ============== 我也是 越来越恶趣重口了

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-11 22:15:03


  • Vladimir

    Vladimir (给我一天?) 楼主 2010-06-11 22:19:18

    2010-06-11 22:05:43 悠颜 (Oh mummy what's a sex pistol) 不会不会,该甜还是会甜的 我认真地相信他们其实还是爱彼此的 恩!不然我们在这儿YY有什么意义。。。 ls,什么视频啊?我要看!

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-11 22:21:00


  • Vladimir

    Vladimir (给我一天?) 楼主 2010-06-11 22:29:37

    ROFL 烂这种没文化的。。。。bs之

  • 拜女神♂很有钱

    拜女神♂很有钱 (笑着活下去) 2010-06-11 23:34:59


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-06-12 07:19:12


  • Vladimir

    Vladimir (给我一天?) 楼主 2010-06-12 07:43:48

    ls我豆油你? 呼唤组长,可以贴长长的鸟语文吗?

  • Dr. Turner

    Dr. Turner (liFe iS aN ilLUsiON) 组长 2010-06-12 07:48:02


  • Vladimir

    Vladimir (给我一天?) 楼主 2010-06-12 07:55:28

    组长好勤奋。。。。几年没碰过英语试卷的人表示惭愧 ----正文-----part 1--------------- Sand Between Our Toes It was Liam's idea. Of course it was. Now they're on the plane, he has fallen asleep on Noel's shoulder and Noel can't remember anymore why he agreed to this in the first place. It was also Liam's idea to go to Barcelona. Noel suspects it's supposed to be cathartic. Make good memories for a change. In his head there's probably some sort of poetry to it. Spending their first ever holiday together in the place where they've hurt each other the most. The house is sand-coloured and square and beautiful against the blue sky. It's warm, but not stifling. He likes warm. Liam steps over the threshold and drops his bag unceremoniously. "Where's the pool?" "You can't swim." "Don't tell me there's no pool." "Don't start. We've barely arrived. Look around! It's nice here." Liam mutters under his breath and disappears up the staircase. Noel follows. The bed is gigantic. Liam takes one look at it before darting across the room and throwing himself on it. He almost bounces right back off. Noel is carrying his things in at a safe distance. "What are you, five?" Liam is hanging upside down over the edge of he mattress and sticks his tongue out. "You love it." "I love it," Noel deadpans. "The pool is that way. Try not to drown yourself while I'm in the shower." Liam rolls over. "Can I come?" "No." Noel slips into the spacious bathroom and locks the door. He finds Liam on a lounge by the pool, dozing off with his face inside the current NME. "That's mine," Noel points out. "Don't drool on it." "It's just Bloc Party," Liam mutters without opening his eyes. "They don't mind." Noel sits down next to him and puts a hand on his back, right between his shoulder blades. He can see the muscles moving under his skin. "Don't fall asleep. You'll get a sunburn." Liam snorts. "Who are you, my mother?" Noel smoothes Liam's hair out of his face. "Something like that." Things make sense when they're together. The mad swirl of the world slows down and everything falls into place. Everything is right. Noel thinks that maybe this is why it's so addictive. It makes him see clearly. He never feels more like himself than when Liam is inside him. And maybe it's also why they fight. Because it doesn't make sense to be apart, ever, it's a mistake, it causes a rift in the universe so violent it turns them inside out. "Ngh." He wakes up the next morning because something is very heavy across his midriff. And because something smells delicious. The tentative opening of one eye reveals, surprise, Liam. Sitting on him. Grinning. He leans down and kisses him on the cheek. "What's that smell?" "I made you breakfast." Noel raises an eyebrow. Suspicion first. By default. "Why?" Liam rolls his eyes. "I need to justify doing something nice now, do I?" Noel wriggles but his brother doesn't budge. "We'll see if it's nice. Get off." Liam waits and doesn't move until Noel is almost irritated enough to throw him himself, then he kisses him on the other cheek and slides off the bed. Pancakes. And fruit. He almost expects Liam to be wearing an apron. "Sit," Liam says. Noel sits. He suddenly realises he hasn't eaten properly in almost 24 hours. "Why do you know how to make pancakes?" Liam stops chewing and looks up from his plate. "What kind of question is that?" Noel takes another bite. They really are nice. "It's just a question." "There's lots of things you don't know about me." "I doubt it." Liam puts his fork down with a loud clink. "I know how to make pancakes. You didn't know that." Noel leans back. The sun is shining, Liam is getting annoyed, life is great. "Do you like them?" Liam asks after a while. Noel throws a grape at him. "Best pancakes I've ever had." Liam spends most of the day reading Russell's autobiography and occasionally reading passages out loud to Noel, who puts his hands over his ears and yells, "I don't want to know!" Liam puts the book down. "You should write one." Noel sits down next to him on the couch. "What, about myself?" "Yeah." "Not gonna happen. I might write one about you, though." Liam has the common sense to look worried for a moment. "Let's go down to the beach." "It's two in the morning." "So what. I want to go down to the beach." Noel takes a look outside the window. It's so dark he can't see a thing. "Let's go to the beach then." Liam, barefoot, digs his toes into the sand and informs him that it's still warm. "Brilliant," Noel says and looks over his shoulder to the house's bright windows. Ahead he can't even see where the water begins. Liam walks away and he walks after him. So he doesn't get lost. "I've always wanted to do this." Noel looks towards the ocean, calm but pitch-black. "What, take a walk on the beach in the middle of the fucking night?" "No," Liam says, stops, and Noel wanders straight into him. "This." He cups his face with one hand while the other finds his hip and kisses him. For the first time not behind closed doors. Noel instinctively panics. "Not here." Liam looks around. There's not a soul as far as the eye can see. They're alone. "Why not?" "Because..." He sighs. Liam is still touching his face. He thinks of photographers in the bushes. People with binoculars on boats. Satellite technology tracking-- "Nevermind," he says and kisses him back. He can feel Liam smile against his mouth, feel two arms wrap around his neck, and he is alive. "Let's go back." "You wanted to go to the beach. We're on the beach." Liam tugs at the hem of Noel's shirt. "I want to go back now." Noel swats his hand away. "It's lovely out here. You can go back if you want. I'll stay." "Noel." He ignores him and keeps walking. Liam grabs him around the waist. "Noooel." "Do you need your beauty sleep? Go to bed then, if you want." Liam rolls his eyes. It shouldn't be this enjoyable to nudge him towards the edge. "I don't want to sleep, I want you." "Oh," says Noel and finally stops. "Why didn't you say so? Let's go back." He spins on his heel, marches past Liam and towards the house.

  • Vladimir

    Vladimir (给我一天?) 楼主 2010-06-12 07:56:10

    -------正文-------part 2------------ Liam, impatient, rips at fabric. Two buttons fly off. "Oi," Noel says. "Can you sew that back on?" Liam is struggling with his belt. "Yes." Noel lets go of him completely. "What?" Liam frowns. "What what?" "You're... gonna sew my buttons on? Next time you're about to call me an old housewife you want to think long and hard about that." "Whatever," Liam says and finally gets the belt open. "Speaking of which." They sink onto the couch in a tangle of limbs. "Stop," Noel says. "Stop, Liam... stop, I-" Liam ignores him. "Liam!" "What is it now?" "I'm sitting on a sandwich." "You are?" "Get off." He gets off. Noel stands up. A sandwich. "Oh," says Liam. "I've been looking for that." "I'm going to bed," Noel announces. The mood has effectively been ruined. By a sandwich. He's almost asleep when he feels Liam slip under the covers and snuggle up against his back. He smells of smoke and sea. Noel decides that this is rather nice, too. He could almost get used to it. Noel is watching football. Things are nice. Until Liam slinks into the room, makes a beeline for the couch and straddles him, obstructing the view. "Hey," Noel says and cranes his neck. "I was watching that." "Mmh," Liam purrs against his neck. "Was." Noel shoves his head out of the way. "Look at that! Did you see that?" Liam sighs and puts his head on Noel's shoulder. "No." "That was clearly- ow!" Liam has bitten into his ear. "What are you doing?" Liam starts kissing along his jaw. "Distracting you." Noel focuses on the screen again and refuses to be distracted. Not by the godawful playing taking place on the pitch and not by Liam plunging an inhumanly cold hand down his pants. He almost has a heart attack. "Fuck!" he gasps. "Don't do that!" Liam puts his chin on Noel's knee and bats his lashes. "Don't do that," Noel breathes. "Just... don't do that." Liam chuckles and doesn't do that. He does other things instead. Things that make it rather challenging for Noel to keep his eyes open, let alone concentrate on what's happening on the telly. "This is not right," he says and comes in his brother's mouth to the sound of You'll Never Walk Alone and Man City losing the game. Liam is trying to get a tan. The beach is relatively empty, but never empty enough. Noel hides behind sunglasses and two different newspapers. "Buy me an ice cream." Noel looks at him over the top of his shades. "Buy it yourself." Liam pouts. Noel has to look away very quickly. He knows how to get past his defences, in the best and worst possible ways. "Buy me an ice cream, Noel, please." Noel groans. "Do I look like your babysitter? Money's in that bag, buy it yourself." Liam leans far over the edge of his lounge and brings his face close to Noel's. "I'm gonna tell you all the things I will do to you once we get back to the house." Noel twitches. "Don't." Liam brushes his lips against his ear. Noel closes his eyes and pretends to be invisible. Or dead. "Noel." "Yes." "Buy me an ice cream." Noel opens his eyes, stands up, fishes some money out of the bag and makes his way over to the ice cream van. "Why am I doing this?" he mutters to himself. "Because you love me," Liam shouts behind him. Noel sighs "Something like that." It runs. Noel is holding one of the newspapers in front of his eyes but it might just as well be in Japanese. Because it runs. Strawberry ice cream, half a foot away from him, over Liam's fingers. And runs. Noel catches him by the wrist. "Hey!" He yanks the waffle cone out of his grasp and before reason kicks in he is licking his fingers clean, one, two, three. Liam stares and looks like he's about to pass out. Noel thrusts the cone back into his hand, picks up the paper and flips to the sports section. Liam has a sunburn on his back. "Because you didn't listen," Noel says. His brother is standing with his back towards the mirror, twisting his neck to survey the extent of the damage. "That looks amazing." Noel leans against the doorframe and crosses his arms. "If by 'amazing' you mean grotesque and stupid, then yes, it does." Liam pulls a face at him. Later that evening he insists that a real fire be lit in the living room fireplace. "It's there anyway, we might as well use it," he says. "Also, I'm wounded." "You have a sunburn. I wasn't half as annoying when had three broken ribs." Liam throws his arms up, which doesn't really work because he's face down on the couch. "You were high! Get me something and I won't complain." "I'll get you some lotion." Liam makes an exasperated noise into the sofa cushions but doesn't say anything. Across the room Noel lights a fire. Liam is still on the couch two hours later, one arm dangling to the floor poking at the beige carpet, while Noel sits on the plush brown rug in the middle of the room. He has to admit the fire is quite a nice touch. It's not necessary but the air cools down enough at night to make it not unbearable. Liam looks red in the flickering light. Although that might just be the sunburn. Noel finally takes pity and grabs the bottle he got from the bathroom hours ago. "You're such a pain the arse, you know." "I know." "Good." He squirts a glob of after-sun lotion on Liam, making him yelp. "It's cold!" "It's supposed to be. Stop squirming." "It's cold." "Shut up." Liam is cross-legged on the bed, his bright red back turned towards the door, playing guitar. Noel deliberately bumps into the sideboard. Wouldn't want to look like we're eavesdropping. Liam jumps. He still gets shy about playing in front of him. "Don't stop," Noel says and brushes against his bare arm as he walks around the bed to lie down. The soft sheets are cool and the ceiling fan is creating some kind of wind tunnel. Liam starts again. Noel lies next to his thigh and closes his eyes as his brother strums gently on. He can feel the reverberations in the mattress as he falls asleep. He wakes up too early to the sound of rain. The windows are wide open, the fan is still twirling tirelessly above their heads, Liam has kicked off most of the duvet and is curled up at the opposite end of the bed, too far away. Noel reaches for him. His skin feels cold. He gropes for the rest of the sheets and tucks him back in, wraps his arms around him and tries to force some warmth back. Liam makes a noise in his sleep. Noel pulls him even closer against his chest and listens to the rain and the ocean outside.

  • momo

    momo (有谁会让我觉得这夜晚还有期盼) 2022-02-01 23:04:34


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