51st ( Highland ) Division's Farewell To Sicily
来自: 英国恶棍(但謙卑人必承受地土)
Words: Hamish Henderson / Music: James Robertson Lyric as sung by Dick Gaughan
The pipie is dozie, the pipie is fey He wullnae come roun for his vino the day The sky owre Messina is unco an gray An aa the bricht chaumers are eerie
Fareweill ye banks o Sicily Fare ye weill ye valley an shaw There's nae Jock will murn the kyles o ye Aa the bricht chaumers are eerie [Puir bliddy swaddies are wearie] Fareweill ye banks o Sicily Fare ye weill ye valley an shaw There's nae hame can smour the wiles o ye Aa the bricht chaumers are eerie [Puir bliddy swaddies are wearie]
Then doun the stair an line the watterside Wait yer turn the ferry's awa Then doun the stair an line the watterside Aa the bricht chaumers are eerie
The drummie is polisht, the drummie is braw He cannae be seen for his wabbin ava He's beezed himsell up for a photie an aa Tae leave wi his Lola, his dearie
Fareweill ye banks o Sicily Fare ye weill ye sheilin an haa We'll aa mind shebeens an bothies Whaur kind signorinas were cheerie Fareweill ye banks o Sicily Fare ye weill ye sheilin an haa We'll aa mind shebeens an bothies Whaur Jock made a date wi his dearie
Then tune the pipes an drub the tenor drum Leave yer kit this side o the waa Then tune the pipes an drub the tenor drum Puir bluidy swaddies are wearie [Aa the bricht chaumers are eerie]
Song Notes
Written by Hamish Henderson to the tune "Farewell To The Creeks", composed by Pipe-Major James Robertson.
In the true folk process, slight alterations have developed over the years in the way I sing this. Where the words I sing differ from those actually written by Hamish, I have put Hamish's original in square brackets.
Jack Mitchell's excellent 1966 article on "Sicily" is well worth reading.
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