来自: Onion(back from a pipe dream)
昨天晚上被某人拉拢来这里。临时凑上一片以前翻译的超短篇,还没有仔细修改过,比较专业的科学术语也没有潜心考证,最后的诗歌更是翻译得一塌糊涂。大家慢慢看、慢慢拍。 正式开始: 脚注 [美] 查尔斯•科尔曼•芬利 著 Onion 译 本文原载于《幻想与科幻小说》杂志,2001年8月号。 01.参见《联合调查委员会报告》(华盛顿特区,2027年),2-3页。 02.或者可能在1月6日。掩盖罪行的过程中毁掉的证据使举证变得不可能。参见《报告》 的342-364页。 03.维尔姆•雷蒙德发送给斯蒂芬妮•沃克斯的电子邮件,太平洋标准时间2019年1月8日上午11点07分,主题:还有一件事。通信内容被收录在《报告》的《附录2:支持文件》里。 04.沃克斯发送给比佛利•道恩特(和另外79人)的电子邮件,太平洋标准时间2019年1月8日上午11点21分,主题:转发:还有一件事。 05.收发人同上的电子邮件,太平洋标准时间2019年1月8日上午11点45分,主题:哎呀! 06.从病症开始蔓延到它的大规模爆发有两到三周的延迟,这种现象现在仍然很难解释。关于完整的讨论,参见《究竟发生了什么?》(伦敦,2022年),詹姆斯•斯凯普特著。 07.参见《灾难的演化》(圣路易斯,2041年),康纳•德西尔瓦著。更为世人熟知的疾病蔓延事件于1月30日发生在堪萨斯州的过溪郡,这被认为是第二大的事件。 08.这些影响加倍了最初的微毫神经药物的用量。参见《特辑:脑修复》,《微毫科学》卷28(2017年)。 09.关于技术描述,参见2018年《第26届国际展望基金会会议记录》中的《昆虫荷尔蒙对于取代环己烷结构的失效保护特性》,马德胡•曼特里著。 10.一群核心科学家继续持有异议,因为这种机器从来没有被复制过。病症开始交替蔓延的一种范例在希瑟•马尔维所著的《傻瓜阴谋》(卡本代尔,2039年)中得到了阐释。 11.参见《傻瓜阴谋》(卡本代尔,2039年),希瑟•马尔维著,165-182页。疾病控制中心对滤过性毒菌假设又继续追查了整整一年。 12.如果情况如此,那么初步工作已经完成。参见《用于指定接触反应的蛋白质酶的生动进化》,拉塞尔•西诺特、韩希及其他人合著,《微毫科学》卷26(2015年),64-74页。 13.参见《由人工器官处理机产生的海马趾变形》,哈菲兹•图尊、韦德•兰格和H•M•德西尔合著,《自然》,2017年3月28日,1922-1925页。 14.其它病症包括构造结合失效和异质口音症,可是大多数的证据都如同轶事一般。参见《克服顺行性遗忘:影响评估》,辛克莱•罗伯茨著,《脑研究杂志》卷46(2024年),264-297页。 15.在阿姆斯特丹、新德里和广东等地更加深入性的检疫开始实施。 16.关于杀菌技术的深入研究,参见胡安•莫拉尔斯与雪莉•海德洛克合著的《硅谷之死》(伯灵顿,2031年),3-5章。 17.明确权限的缺乏也阻止了其它的政府,并导致了随之而来的大规模政权更替。参见《意想不到的革命:2019-2023年的无界政府》(ieBooks出版社,2039年),埃文•M•费尔著,79-121页。 18.雷蒙德一开始就拒绝了。参见美国有线新闻网《特别报道》的采访稿,cnn.news,2019年2月2日,已存档。 19.这项分析基于多国表决的本恩-里奇模型。参见《环太平洋地区的新型管理文化》,Sumiko Saito著,《企业人类学》卷3第2号(2011),223-235页。 20.参见《我们的一个小问题:企业中优柔寡断的案例研究》,《企业人类学》卷15第1号(2023),1-37页。 21.参见《报告》的附录3中沃克斯于2019年2月3日采写的新闻稿。沃克斯至死都在重复这种主张,可是以前的助手却从没有被发现或质疑过。 22.反对方的接管工作几乎在上个月结束,而企业的亚洲和俄罗斯竞争者似乎更有可能被解雇。参见莫拉尔斯与雪莉•海德洛克合著的《硅谷之死》,179-181页。 23.雷德蒙、沃克斯以及桑迪普案件(美国对抗比利时),2029年,国际法庭(7月1日)(沃恩法官的个人意见)。 24.初始的死亡人数很多,因为许多失踪的人被假定为死亡。后来,死亡人数有所减少。 25.关于短期和长期的死亡率评估,分别参见《报告》的7-16页及附录4和《广岛枢纽:二十五年之后》,斯坦利•兰姆•斯特灵著,worldreport.news,2044年1月11日,已存档。 26.参见《脑耗尽》(圆石出版社,2029年),维克多•斯吉尔曼著,59-83页。在日内瓦的官方纪录和“阻止疯病蔓延”的未受益牺牲者私人名单之间存在重大差异。 27.源自她的诗篇《十七个我们为什么会遗忘的原因》,发表于《艺术家的回应》,由埃拉•海因德收集,the-hynde-site.arts,2020年,已存档。下面是它出现在Tsuibo花园纪念碑上的完整内容: XIII. 因为我们也曾目睹 椅子翻倒 纸张散乱 墙壁倾斜 因为我们也曾飞快地躲到一旁 出于恐惧 逃跑时 他们自己也成了疯狂的陌生人 垃圾 在河中漂流 在路肩上飞舞 泡沫塑料成了惨白的尸骨 埋葬在秋天的黄叶 对于某些人 甚至不是如此 一种狂喜 无法庆祝 无法挽救 Original text: Originally appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, August, 2001. Copyright by the author. Do not reprint or reuse without permission. Footnotes by Charles Coleman Finlay 1. Report of the Joint Investigating Committee (Washington DC, 2027) pp. 2-3. 2. Or possibly on 6 Jan. Destruction of evidence during the cover-up makes verification impossible. See Report, pp. 342-64. 3. Email from Willem Redmond to Stephanie Werks, 11:07 a.m. PST, 8 Jan 2019, Subj: one more thing. Correspondence is collected in Report, Appendix 2, Supporting Documents. 4. Werks to Beverly Dohnt (and 79 others), 11:21 a.m. PST, 8 Jan 2019, Subj: Fw: one more thing. 5. Ibid., 11:45 a.m. PST, 8 Jan 2019, Subj: Oops! :) 6. The two to three week delay between distribution and the first outbreak of symptoms remains difficult to explain. For a full discussion, see James Skapt, What Really Happened? (London, 2022). 7. Connor DeSilva, The Evolution of Disaster (St. Louis, 2041). The more famous outbreak in Overbrook, Kansas, on 30 Jan is now regarded as a secondary event. 8. These effects either duplicated or mimicked the earliest class of nanoneuropharmaceuticals. "Repairing the Brain: A Special Issue," Nanoscience Vol. 28, (2017). 9. For a technical description, see Madhu Mantri, "Insect hormone failsafes in substituted cyclohexane hinges," in Proceedings of the 26th International Foresight Foundation, 2018. 10. A core group of scientists continues to dissent because this mechanism has never been reproduced. An alternate distribution paradigm is explained in Heather Malvey, A Conspiracy of Dunces (Carbondale, 2039). 11. Malvey, pp. 165-82. The Centers for Disease Control continued to pursue the viral hypothesis for another full year. 12. If this was the case, then preliminary work had already been accomplished. Russell Sinnot, Xi Han, et al, "In vivo evolution of protein enzymes for specific catalytic targets," Nanoscience Vol. 26, 64-74 (2015). 13. Hafiz Tuzun, Wade Langer, H. M. de Heer, "Hippocampal deformation by cultured organic processors," Nature, 28 March 2017, pp. 1922-1925. 14. Other symptoms included configural association failure and foreign accent syndrome, though most of the evidence is highly anecdotal. See Sinclair Roberts, "Beyond anterograde amnesia: assessing the impact," Journal of Brain Research, Vol 46, pp. 264-297 (2024). 15. More permeable quarantines were created in Amsterdam, New Delhi, Guandong, and other cities. 16. For an in-depth study of the sterilization techniques, see Juan Morales and Shirley Hadlock, Silicon Valley of Death, (Burlington, 2031) chapters 3-5. 17. The lack of clear jurisdiction immobilized other governments also, and led to the subsequent sweeping change of power. Evan N. Fier, The Unexpected Revolution: Government Without Borders, 2019-2023 (ieBooks, 2039) pp. 79-121. 18. Redmond denied this at first. Interview transcript, CNN, Special Report, cnn.news, 2 Feb 2019, archived. 19. This analysis is based on Benn-Reich model of multinational decision making. See Sumiko Saito, "The New Pacific Rim Management Culture," Journal of Corporate Anthropology, vol. 3 no. 2 (2011), pp. 223-35. 20. Wei Ling, Anya Soboskey, et al, "'We Have A Little Problem:' A Case Study in Corporate Indecision," Journal of Corporate Anthropology, vol. 15 no. 1 (2023), pp. 1-37. 21. Werks, press release, 3 Feb 2019, in Report, Appendix 3. Werks repeated this claim until her death, but the former assistant was never found or questioned. 22. The hostile takeover had been all but completed the previous month. It seems more probable that the release was intended for the company's Asian and Russian competitors instead. See Morales and Hadlock, pp. 179-81. 23. Redmond, Werks, and Sundeep Case (U.S. v. Belgium), 2029, International Court of Justice (1 July) (Separate Opinion of Judge Wawn). 24. Initial figures were high because many of the missing were presumed dead. These numbers were subsequently reduced. 25. For the short- and long-term mortality estimates, respectively, see Report, pp. 7-16, and Appendix 4; and Stanley Lamb-Stirling, "A Neural Hiroshima: Twenty-Five Years Later," worldreport.news, 11 Jan 2044, archived. 26. Victor Skilliman, Brain Drain, (Boulder, 2029) pp. 59-83. There are significant gaps in both the Geneva registry and the private non-profit Stop-The-Madness victims' list. 27. From her poem, "17 More Reasons Why We'll Forget," at Artists Respond, collected by Ella Hynde, the-hynde-site.arts, 2020, archived. This is the complete verse as it appears on the monument in Tsuibo Garden: XIII. Because we too saw the overturned chair, the scattered papers, cubicle wall askew. Because we quickly stepped aside, afraid, when they fled, wild strangers to themselves. Trash, floating in the river, on the highway berm; styrofoam-white bones in brown autumn leaves. For some, for some, not even that, a rapture without trumpets, without salvation.
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