July 25th, My last update
确实很久没有更新了, 一方面自己开始怀疑把点滴的细节放在这里到July 25th, My last update
确实很久没有更新了, 一方面自己开始怀疑把点滴的细节放在这里到底有多大的借鉴意义, 因为毕竟每一个社区, 每一个机构, 都有不同, 到每一个人的际遇更是如此. 另一方面, 从5月开始, 或长或短的旅行, 不是在旅行, 就是在准备旅行. 周遭太多彩了, 反而少了安静沉淀的时间.
明天起, 在英国的最后一个月, 又将是在路上的一个月, 从布里斯托开始, 一路南到Corwall, 再往东到伦敦, 然后一路北上经过Yorkshire, 最后到爱丁堡, 高地.
然后, 然后终于要回到熟悉的生活中去了.
刚才在和朋友写信, 想要表达的, 在信里基本上也都表达了. 原谅一下我的懒散, 直接把部分内容贴在下面, 就不再翻译了.
这个帖子以后不会再有更新, 本人大概是懒到骨髓的那种人, 如果有人期待游记, 也一定是要失望的, 意义在转化成语言的时候本身就失去了部分涵义, 更何况千人千眼, 看到了什么更多时候取决于想看到什么. 而对于我自己, 值得记忆的会留在记忆里, 当记忆模糊时, 那也就是该遗忘的时候了.
Wierd enough, I am simply not as excited as I expected or as I used to be before a long journey. Dont know if it indicates that I am getting old.
I don't think I have told you what exactly this year changes me in detail. Partly because I am still not sure if I can put it in a right way. I used to complain about my work, every one I had, not about the salary, not about the office politic, but the meaning of a job. I sometimes felt that I was making rubbish, really. And that might be the reason that I kept on trying different things. That might also be the reason that I was always want to be involved in volunteering projects and charity events, as my thinking was at least they are helping people. And I did not know what kind of life I want, and I did not know what kind of lives people have in different places. I reckon these are the main reasons I stopped everything and came to Wales to be a volunteer.
Now let me tell you what this whole year brought me. First is NGO/Charity organizations doing jobs which are more meaningful? I highly doubt it. Do not want to put a lot of details here. But I am quite disappointed to be honest. All the ugly parts you may find in any business organizations, corruptions, office politics, you name it, you will surely find them here, and even worse, partly because people are very much morally self-rightous. OK, what about the second question, is there any other different lives people are living happily? There are of course different lives, the residents here live completely differently as others. But what about average people? Maybe slitely, but basically I found out life is all the same everywhere if you know what I mean. So maybe I should stop pursuing, La vie est ailleurs? Maybe not.
Well, do I have a conclusion? Sadly no. I am thinking that I should stop thinking all these nonsense, and just go with the flow. If it sounds a bit Pessimistic, I dont mean that. I still want to do some volunteering projects back in China like the one I will do with friends helping the schools in poor areas. I mean maybe I can stoping questioning about the meaning, and only focusing on the things themselves. You know work hard, live hard, love hard, but stop thinking, and I will probably be happier.