来自: 诚明(诚明)
When one reads a book, it is necessary to be in a disposition to believe that theauthor has seen the contradictions that one imagines, at the first glance,one is meeting. Thus it is necessary to begin by distrusting one’s own promptjudgments, to look again at the passages one claims are contradictory, tocompare them one with another, then to compare them again with thosepassages that precede and those that follow to see if they follow the samehypothesis, to see if the contradiction is in the things or only in one’s ownmanner of conceiving. When one has done all that, one can pronounce as amaster, “there is a contradiction.”
This is, however, not always enough. When a work is systematic, onemust also be sure that one understands the whole system. You see a greatmachine made in order to produce an effect. You see wheels that turn inopposite directions; you would think, at first glance, that the machine wasgoing to destroy itself, that all the turning was going to arrest itself ...Itkeeps going: these pieces, which seem at first to destroy one another unitetogether for the proposed object.
cited inThomas Pangle,Montesquieu's Philosophy of Liberalism: A Commentary on the Spirit of the Laws,Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1973, pp.13.
When we read, someone else thinks for us; we repeat merely his mental process. It is like the pupil who, when learning to write, goes over with his pen the strokes made in pencil by the teacher. Accordingly, when we read, the work of thinking is for the most part. taken away from us. Hence the noticeable relief when from preoccupation with our thoughts we pass to reading. But while we are reading our mind is really only the playground of other people's ideas; and when these finally depart, what remains? The result is that, whoever reads very much and almost the entire day but at intervals amuses himself with thoughtless pastime, gradually loses the ability to think for himself; just as a man who always rides ultimately forgets how to walk. But such is the case with very many scholars; they have read themselves stupid. For constant reading, which is at once resumed at every free moment, is even more paralysing to the mind than is manual work; for with the latter we can give free play to our own thoughts. Just as a spring finally loses its elasticity through the constant pressure of a foreign body, so does the mind through the continual pressure of other people's ideas. Just as we upset the stomach by too much food and there by do harm to thewhole body, so. can we cram and strangle the mind by too much mental pabulum. For the more we read, the fewer the traces that are left behind in the mind by whath as been read. It becomes like a blackboard where on many things have been written over one another. Hence we never come to ruminate; but only through this do we assimilate what we have read, just as food nourishes us not by being eaten but bybeing digested. On the other hand, if we are for ever reading without afterwards thinking further about what we have read, this does not take root and for the most part is lost. Generally speaking, it is much the same with mental nourishment as with bodily; scarcely a fiftieth part of what is taken is assimilated; the restpasses off through evaporation, respiration, or otherwise. In addition to all this, is the fact that thoughts reduced to paper are generally nothing more than the footprints of a man walking in the sand. It is true that we see the path he has taken; but to know what he saw on the way, we must use our own eyes.
ArthurSchopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena: Short Philosophical Essays Volume 2, trans. by E.F.K. Payne,Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.554-555.
Let me say that in looking at a text of this sort, which is so large, and with so many elements in it, if you are to get as much out of it as you can, you must try to interpret it in the best and most interesting way. There is no point in trying to defeat it, or to show the author was wrong in some way, or that his argument doesn’t follow. The thing is to make as much out of it as you can and to try to get a sense of how the overall view might go, if you put it in the best way. Otherwise, I think it is a waste of time to read it, or to read any of the important philosophers.
John Rawls,Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy, ed.Samuel Freeman (MA: Harvard University Press, 2007), pp.52.
When reading the works of an important thinker, look first for the apparent absurdities in the text and ask yourself how a sensible person could have written them. When you find an answer, I continue, when those passages make sense, then you may find that more central passages, ones you previously thought you understood, have changed their meaning.
Thomas.S.Kuhn, The Essential Tension, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1977, pp. xii.
Such fundamental and flagrant contradictions rarely occur in second-rate writers, in whom they can be discounted. In the work of great authors they lead into the very center of their work and are the most important clue to a true understanding of their problems and new insights.
Hannah Arendt, Between Past and Future : Eight Exercises in Political Thought, (New York: The VikingPress, 1961), pp.25.
Only such reading between the lines as starts from an exact consideration of the explicit statements of the author is legitimate.The context in which a statement occurs, and the literary character of the whole work as well as its plan, must be perfectly understood before an interpretation of the statement can reasonably claim to be adequate or evencorrect. One is not entitled to delete a passage, nor to emend its text, beforeone has fully considered all reasonable possibilities of understanding the passageas it stands-one of these possibilities being that the passage may be ironic. If a master of the art of writing commits such blunders as would shame an intelligent high school boy, it is reasonable to assume that they areintentional, especially if the author discusses, however incidentally, the possibility of intentional blunders in writing. ……exactness is not to be confused with refusal, orinability, to see the wood for the trees. The truly exact historian will reconcile himself to the fact that there is a difference between winning anargument, or proving to practically everyone that he is right, and understanding the thought of the great writers of the past.
Leo Strauss, Persecution and the Art of Writing, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988,pp.30.
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