■Introduce yourself■

  • Liunian__

    Liunian__ 2017-06-13 12:53:56

    My eng is poor

  • yu公主

    yu公主 2017-06-29 14:38:16

    oh I am en.... I don't have an English name who can give me a nice one,wating....

  • 写心

    写心 (开心就好) 2017-08-24 11:33:58

    I am linda.I am fond of music,reading,and learning English.

  • 逸清

    逸清 2017-10-13 15:47:56

    I am Qing, been living in the US for over ten years. I am happy to help someone who loves English and is dedicated, with their oral English. j A little about me: I love communication and human connection, I'm fascinated by it. I like traveling and playing guitar. I have a weakness for peanut butter sandwiches. Gonna go to New Zealand on my working holiday visa soon!

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2017-11-01 13:44:51


  • suewu

    suewu (没有什么大不了!) 2017-11-16 16:52:36

    Good day,everyone.My name is sue ,I'm living in Xiamen,a beautiful seaside city .i'm working in a cargo forwarder company. I love to communicate with people, especially in English, although i'm a little bit shy to do that. Hope it's gonna be happy here.

  • 今天好开心呀!

    今天好开心呀! 2018-01-29 19:16:48

    Hi, I'm Bonny. I grew up in a small town in Hangzhou Zhejiang province. I love English, and I want to speak English as frequently as you guys. Hope we have a good time in this group!

  • 阿壯

    阿壯 (尽力而为。) 2018-02-27 02:53:11

    U can call me Chris I love all foods work in SH now and will back to GX in some days

  • 会飞的鸽子

    会飞的鸽子 2018-03-22 20:16:42

    l am a students from jiangxi.My friends call me lily.

  • Z.Fx

    Z.Fx 2018-04-11 22:38:17

    I like here and very happy join this place!I’m cola

  • 🌊西海岸小方

    🌊西海岸小方 2018-04-25 09:39:45

    I am the new one and the most exciting thing is....... Guess what?!!!!! -I am Alien

  • 王小妮

    王小妮 2018-05-09 15:17:41

    Hi,my name is sunshine, because i like smile and sun flower. I was born in the northest part of China mainland, Qingdao, which is a beautiful seaside city. I'm good at basketball and skating. Oh...

    Good wish my wechat no.+wangjiajia8944

  • 正雅先生

    正雅先生 2018-05-23 11:41:48

    you can call me James,you see it's my english name,not my real name. i was stay in sz for more than 5years,it's a good city for everything,with the presure from family,$,society. it's difficult to say how my life is,i failed few times before,for my carrer,set up company,do some business,anyway it was interesting.i love this city,i wanna stay here for my rest life,i wanna make friends with you,Good luck to all you guys.

  • Ryan

    Ryan 2018-05-27 21:05:11

    I am Ryan, and study in Wuhan. traveling is one of my favourite hobby as well as the basketball, swimming and tennis.

    my major is civil engineering, I was selected as exchanged student to study in Germany last semester.

    that's all, hope we an excellent progress in English.

  • Linda

    Linda 2018-06-12 01:35:27

    Hello,everyone. Im Amanda☁

  • 罗小E

    罗小E (不文) 2018-07-09 12:39:09

    NAME: E


  • Logan.王

    Logan.王 2018-07-25 13:34:54

    I'm a boy,24.My name is Logan,because I like the Wolverine.I love playing basketball and swimming.

  • 悠然禅者心

    悠然禅者心 2018-07-30 16:08:05

    Hi, I'm Flora, come from Jiangsu Province. I like reading novels.

  • Lisa

    Lisa 2018-07-30 18:12:48

    I'm Lisa and I'm new here! I really enjoy exploring life! I hope I can make friends with you. I'm from Wuxi and I'm in this GREAT city! I've just graduated from junior high.I'm learning English and Norwegian.I really, really hope I can go to Europe for further study.And maybe...study Philosophy?

  • 工厂特卖

    工厂特卖 2018-07-31 15:17:36

    你是否在感叹十年寒窗,却只是哑巴英语? 你是否有较好的英语基础,却不能很好的交流? 你是否有强烈的学习意愿,却找不到志同道合的人一起坚持? 来,与我们一起,告别哑巴英语! 来,与我们一起,与五湖四海的高手畅快交流! 来,与我们一起,一起翱翔在知识的蓝天中! 学习英语是需要毅力的---其实英语学习真的没有那么难,每天学一点,每天说一点,每天背一点,坚持不懈,提升将是非常快的,可是很多英语学习者很难把英语学习坚持下去 。 学习英语是需要勇气的--- 很多人都比较害羞 没有胆子,怕自己说的不好,被人笑话,越这样想,就越不敢说,英语水平也就越难提升。 学习英语是需要陪伴的---对于绝大部分有一定英语基础的人来说,英语想要再提升一步,最关键的不是“教”,不是“学”,而是“听”和 “说”,但现实生活中很难有这样纯粹的英语环境,因此需要有一群志同道合的人,一起陪伴,一起前进。 如果您加入我们,我们不能确保您在短时间内突飞猛进,因为是否有提升关键在于自身的努力,但我们能给您提供一个纯粹的英文环境,供您任意驰骋,供您畅所欲言,这里没有讲解知识点的老师,这里没有生硬的语法,这里有的,是五湖四海、世界各地的莘莘学子,是一颗颗不甘于平庸,努力追求上进的心! 来,加入我们吧(We chat:smoothenglish)!

  • 贝贝

    贝贝 2018-08-05 11:23:00

    Hi, guys. I'm Twinkle from Guangzhou. Work as a HR and hope to learn English with all of you, thanks.

  • Trying

    Trying (Got a long way to go.) 2018-08-23 18:01:57

    Come from Guangzhou. Lady, obviously. Crazy in reading and travel around. wanna make some new friends here. Peace.

  • Amélie

    Amélie (Dans cinq ans, à Paris.) 2018-10-29 21:29:41

    Amelie from Shanghai, sales account manager, french speaker, search for opportunity to chat with english speaker.

  • 鸟

    (potential for what) 2018-11-22 14:22:42

    Amelie from Shanghai, sales account manager, french speaker, search for opportunity to cha Amelie from Shanghai, sales account manager, french speaker, search for opportunity to chat with english speaker. ... Amélie

    Hi Amelie, it's Yifei here. Nice meeting you. Lets chat in English even im not a native speak tho, shall we:)

  • BPM37093

    BPM37093 2019-01-11 11:29:34

    hey guys, I am Lucy from Sichuan and live in Shenzhen now. I like travel and read because I could know the world more by them. It’s interesting to meet different people. Hope we can become friends.

  • 青青扬扬

    青青扬扬 2019-01-27 17:43:10


    MS Cornell BS Purdue, currently living and working in the States. bore in Shanghai, 26 years for now.

    looking for someody to chat with on anything!

    favorite topic, books reading, traveling, job hunting, english learning, any topics....

  • 网球圈的小学生

    网球圈的小学生 (墨尔本网球群主) 2019-01-30 12:02:26

    english chat. wechat group. aussie group

  • .oyk

    .oyk 2019-06-08 17:59:54

    C, moved to New Zealand to study around five years ago. Dream to be an illustrator and study art & design stuffs in the US.. yea..

  • Jim

    Jim 2019-06-11 16:04:24

    My name’s Jim.I like programming and TV series.Working out is kind of my favorite, but I forgot to do so sometimes.

  • 冷门小语种

    冷门小语种 (专注于冷门小语种的知识传播) 2019-08-06 10:02:13

    Hello everyone

  • Lulu坐标墨尔本

    Lulu坐标墨尔本 (Make positive differences) 2019-08-07 15:33:54

    Hi everyone, this is Lucia. It's lovely to meet you here and be part of the group.

    I live in Melbourne, so speaking English is part of my daily life, but because I came to Australia in my 20s, it was not same for me to pick the language like people who move overseas in their teens.

    I still need to put in a lot of effort to learn and make improvement on a daily basis so I can fit in nicely at work and converse with my English speaking clients and collegues effortlessly and effectively.

    Looking forward to making progress together!

  • Rice

    Rice 2019-08-10 16:33:17

    Hi guys, I'm Sera from Shanghai. 21 years old for now. And i have worked at ByteDance ( which is also called Tiktok, Topbuzz, anyway.. ) in Beijing for 4 months. I'm interested in Cyber Security, and that's my work as well.

    I want to learn English because i regard it as a way to make friends (such as traveling in another country and meet other travellers or native people, english is a world wide language... despice PHP is the best language XD )

    anyway, wish you a good day !

  • 三千

    三千 2019-08-25 13:07:11

    aloha, i am jane, 15 years old currently in toronto. having severe problem with capitalizing letters while being a grammatical disaster. idk why i am here, maybe it is because it is 1am in the morning and my brain isnt functioning properly

  • Lizzy

    Lizzy 2019-10-07 11:44:39

    I’m Lizzy, senior student from Shanghai!

  • henrylee

    henrylee 2019-10-08 21:33:15

    hi,i am a old boy from guangzhou

  • 车轱辘方圆

    车轱辘方圆 2019-11-23 11:36:39

    You guys can call me Amrita A student from Sichuan normal university Emm..I guess that’s probably enough
    Oh my major is “internet and new media”it’s a branch of journalism .

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2019-12-06 19:50:20


  • 小木羊

    小木羊 (愿你心无伤) 2019-12-24 14:19:33

    It is your choice to decide how to live for the whole life My name is Jane, from Hebei province, live in Beijing currently Work in a mandarin language school now Love cooking Sometimes lose temper easily while sometimes very patient You are welcome to share opinions or books with me Maybe we can even drink a coffee sometimes

  • Jazz

    Jazz 2020-01-27 19:58:19

    Hi, This is Jame from Guangdong province. I would like to find a place to practice my oral English. Hope this is the right place. Thank you!

  • Jazz

    Jazz 2020-01-27 20:00:33

    Since this is English Chat Room, so, I would like to know where to chat.

  • 库洛洛鲁西鲁

    库洛洛鲁西鲁 2020-01-29 13:27:35

    Hi everybody,my name is Kuroro. If you have read a Japanese amine book <hunter hunter > you might know this name. Kuroro is one of my favorite ACG characters. I born in Shandong in 1996. And undergraduate in Beijing, master in USA

  • myrousie_y

    myrousie_y 2020-02-13 13:08:15

    hi, guys. My name is lanna. I'm a third grade student in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, born in Gangxi. I major in TCM. I want to find someone to chat in English. We can talk about life, study, songs, books…If you want to make friends and chat with me, just hit me!

  • myrousie_y

    myrousie_y 2020-02-13 13:21:12

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] [已注销]

    hello, I'm a fleshman in db and this English chat group. But my English is poor, would you mind?

  • 等等

    等等 2020-02-14 21:00:55

    What's up guy. Feel free to call me amber. I'm a over sea student in New Zealand. Just want to make some friends in here, and also try to improve my English. I'm soooooooo Excite to meet you guys!!!!!!

  • Frank Nice

    Frank Nice 2020-02-24 19:32:02

    Hi Everyone, I'm an American living in China. I teach English. If you want to chat or to join a free foreign teacher class let me know.

  • imbleu

    imbleu 2020-02-26 04:54:13

    Hi, everyone. My name is Hazel. You can call me el or eleven. I live in Guangdong. I’m a junior student and I major in business english. Firstly I would be shy but spend a couple of time I would be adjusted and be a member of this group. I’m happy to join this family.

  • 吃完鸡腿再说

    吃完鸡腿再说 2020-04-07 19:12:16

    I’m patty, nice to see you here. I’m a nerd girl with an awkward age. My favorite thing is watching TV series maybe. I have an American boyfriend and I want to improve my spoken English so that I could argue with him 😂

  • 灰度

    灰度 2020-05-09 13:26:47

    What up guys. This is Ray, or you can call me Saphir which is also cool. Being a fanatic of linguistics, it is so good to find this group by serendipity. Nice to see so many “comrades” here lol. And I would like to chat with anybody in English. Nice to meet you guys.

  • I Say

    I Say 2020-06-11 21:12:20

    I 'm krystnam, I will be graduating from college in this month, really want to speak English fluently, I 'm happy to be here.

  • 仁川美女空姐

    仁川美女空姐 2020-07-11 11:21:27

    Hello everyone My name is 17 Have a good day

  • Rico Audley Cam

    Rico Audley Cam 2020-07-27 00:43:26

    Hello everyone. I'd like to get to know some people interested in learning English. ♥️😋

  • 木木

    木木 2020-07-31 15:33:21

    Hello ! everyone,I am Lilian,you can call me mumu, come from Henan province.I am fond of listening to music.Currently, I studyiin Zhengzhou.

  • 溫俊溫💙俊溫俊

    溫俊溫💙俊溫俊 2020-10-06 00:06:22

    i am a med student need someone to keep checking my hard work

  • It is me

    It is me 2020-11-15 18:58:19

    Hi everyone,this is Jasmine here

  • 人类本质

    人类本质 2020-12-24 16:16:34

    hairless coder : )

  • 土土土垚垚垚

    土土土垚垚垚 2020-12-28 10:51:16

    hi, all, located between Shanghai and Suzhou.

  • 연화 sunny

    연화 sunny 2021-01-02 23:31:53

    I am sunny, I have learned english from junior School like most of you, but learn english which brings me to speak better is upon my oversea period in Japan, my classmates who come from english country have a really charming pronunciation which makes me feel it will not be so difficult to communicate in english. hope to update my speaking level and use it well on working.

  • 叶子

    叶子 2021-02-24 11:37:56

    Hey guys. This Lee coming from Hebei province. Hope we can get enhanced together here.

  • Mr. K

    Mr. K 2021-04-02 00:56:47

    Hi, I'm Eric originally from Jiangxu, currently located in Seattle

  • 文氓

    文氓 2021-04-18 19:57:42

    hey,I'm jaden,a 19-year-old boy from Hunan province.

  • 哈喽哇

    哈喽哇 2021-07-05 18:15:53

    Hey guys,this is Bruce here

  • IZ*ONE 李灿

    IZ*ONE 李灿 2021-07-23 01:03:27

    I am Angel, I am a highschool students, hope my English ability will be better.

  • 虎克船长

    虎克船长 (聊聊天,杀杀时间) 2021-08-13 17:24:45

    Greeting!please allow me to introduce myself since you don't know me so well. I graduated from Sichuan International Studies University with a major in English literature .After my graduation,I spent most of the time working as a consultant,which means I helped students apply for international schools. I also went to Thailand ,working as a Chinese teacher for a while.In my spare time,I really enjoy playing badminton, reading books,watching movies and listening to some music. It's really nice to know you.

    We can have each on wechat if u don’t mind it, chatting about the films or books we like, interesting life stories we have , any sports we do, u name it. ( here is my wechat No. hook1987 )

  • 虎克船长

    虎克船长 (聊聊天,杀杀时间) 2021-08-13 17:29:17

    Hi,my name is sunshine, because i like smile and sun flower. I was born in the northest Hi,my name is sunshine, because i like smile and sun flower. I was born in the northest part of China mainland, Qingdao, which is a beautiful seaside city. I'm good at basketball and skating. Oh... Good wish my wechat no.+wangjiajia8944 ... 王小妮

    unable to locate you with that wechat account no.

  • Gaga Lee🐷

    Gaga Lee🐷 2021-08-21 20:32:26

    Now I am a student in CCNU,excessively excited am I to be a member of this group.I hope that all of us can make progress!

  • 偷学仙术的抱枕

    偷学仙术的抱枕 2021-09-15 17:13:47

    Dears , thanks for reading. You can call me Winne. I am working for an international company ,but my English is not good. So I 'm really painful .I need to improve my english urgly .

  • 沧海

    沧海 2021-10-13 10:19:44

    my name is David,work abroad,want to learn more english speaking to communication

  • 麻辣少男郭德纲

    麻辣少男郭德纲 2021-10-23 01:41:29

    I'm Alex. A law student who now is having his post-graduate education. I like to know the people around the world~

  • Anthony

    Anthony 2021-12-31 14:30:35

    I'm Ivy An ordinary office worker from Chengdu,I usually like to watch American dramas,Hope to have other channels to improve my English skills,so i am here.

  • Progress

    Progress 2022-02-19 00:55:05

    Hello, everyone, I am 24 this year, my name is Laura, I like listening to podcasts, exercising, learning English, traveling, chatting with people who have a funny sole and eating delicious food, also sleeping😆.

  • 马特日娜

    马特日娜 (无业游民) 2022-08-01 09:58:12 广东

    Hi, my name is Monica, a female with dimples who loves to change traditional customs. It seems like I experience a lot but still not enough. I want to walk around the world by my foot, exploring what those are on earth. I loves writing down what I saw and felt, to tell myself how to do in the next step after what happened. Happy to share my perspective here. Nice to meet you!

  • 翰墨青锋

    翰墨青锋 (心如涌泉,意如飘风) 2022-09-06 08:16:12 北京

    An unproductive but persistent English learner, an demoted manager and unsuccessful entrepreneur

  • 没什么

    没什么 2025-03-15 00:04:34 四川

    An English Learner

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