

来自: EEEEreka(慧极必肥,情深不瘦╮(╯▽╰)╭)
2024-05-13 15:30:06 美国

  • ccc君

    ccc君 2024-05-13 15:50:01 新加坡

    进阶用法是把聊天记录贴给 GPT,让 GPT 分析对方的表达有什么问题。

  • EEEEreka

    EEEEreka (慧极必肥,情深不瘦╮(╯▽╰)╭) 楼主 2024-05-13 16:26:18 美国

    进阶用法是把聊天记录贴给 GPT,让 GPT 分析对方的表达有什么问题。 进阶用法是把聊天记录贴给 GPT,让 GPT 分析对方的表达有什么问题。 ccc君


  • EEEEreka

    EEEEreka (慧极必肥,情深不瘦╮(╯▽╰)╭) 楼主 2024-05-13 16:26:50 美国

    再分享下gpt的精彩回答: Analyzing this conversation, your ex's responses and behavior indicate a mix of confusion, emotional dependency, and possibly manipulation. Here’s a breakdown of his possible intentions and the dynamics at play: Emotional Dependency: His statements about feeling "safe" and not knowing what he's doing without seeing you suggest a strong emotional dependency on your presence. This dependency might not be healthy for either of you, especially post-breakup. Struggle for Control: The fluctuating responses, from silence to admitting he was "bullshitting," might indicate a struggle to maintain control over his emotions or the situation. This could be an attempt to keep you engaged by creating uncertainty. Manipulation: By shifting from claiming he feels happier and safer when he sees you, to later retracting it as "bullshitting," he might be trying to manipulate the situation. This oscillation can keep you emotionally unbalanced and possibly more engaged in seeking clarity or consistency from him. Lack of Clarity: His initial inability to explain why he wanted to see you, followed by a delayed and somewhat vague response, suggests he might not have a clear or honest rationale. This can be a tactic to draw you into a conversation and make you probe deeper, maintaining contact. Response to Boundaries: When you assert boundaries, he becomes defensive and tries to justify his behavior, which might be an attempt to weaken your resolve and continue interaction. In terms of handling this situation, it might be beneficial to maintain the boundaries you've attempted to set. Engaging further, especially when his responses are inconsistent or emotionally charged, might not lead to a constructive outcome. It could be helpful to limit or structure your interactions to avoid similar cycles, focusing on your own emotional well-being. If this pattern persists and affects you negatively, you might consider seeking support from friends, family, or a professional.

  • 往事并不如风

    往事并不如风 2024-05-13 17:41:40 广东


  • 云端

    云端 2024-05-14 18:31:14 广东

    再分享下gpt的精彩回答: Analyzing this conversation, your ex's responses and behavior ind 再分享下gpt的精彩回答: Analyzing this conversation, your ex's responses and behavior indicate a mix of confusion, emotional dependency, and possibly manipulation. Here’s a breakdown of his possible intentions and the dynamics at play: Emotional Dependency: His statements about feeling "safe" and not knowing what he's doing without seeing you suggest a strong emotional dependency on your presence. This dependency might not be healthy for either of you, especially post-breakup. Struggle for Control: The fluctuating responses, from silence to admitting he was "bullshitting," might indicate a struggle to maintain control over his emotions or the situation. This could be an attempt to keep you engaged by creating uncertainty. Manipulation: By shifting from claiming he feels happier and safer when he sees you, to later retracting it as "bullshitting," he might be trying to manipulate the situation. This oscillation can keep you emotionally unbalanced and possibly more engaged in seeking clarity or consistency from him. Lack of Clarity: His initial inability to explain why he wanted to see you, followed by a delayed and somewhat vague response, suggests he might not have a clear or honest rationale. This can be a tactic to draw you into a conversation and make you probe deeper, maintaining contact. Response to Boundaries: When you assert boundaries, he becomes defensive and tries to justify his behavior, which might be an attempt to weaken your resolve and continue interaction. In terms of handling this situation, it might be beneficial to maintain the boundaries you've attempted to set. Engaging further, especially when his responses are inconsistent or emotionally charged, might not lead to a constructive outcome. It could be helpful to limit or structure your interactions to avoid similar cycles, focusing on your own emotional well-being. If this pattern persists and affects you negatively, you might consider seeking support from friends, family, or a professional. ... EEEEreka


  • EEEEreka

    EEEEreka (慧极必肥,情深不瘦╮(╯▽╰)╭) 楼主 2024-05-14 18:43:16 北京

    gpt哪个版本? gpt哪个版本? 云端


  • 豆友IFgx6yrW-A

    豆友IFgx6yrW-A 2024-05-15 22:45:50 上海


  • 呀呀

    呀呀 (不签) 2024-05-19 18:42:23 四川


  • momo

    momo 2024-05-20 01:26:46 陕西


  • MaskBaboo

    MaskBaboo 2024-05-20 13:19:24 上海

    Great tips!

  • 4793

    4793 2024-05-20 20:05:49 湖南

    再分享下gpt的精彩回答: 分析这次谈话,你的前任的反应和行为表明混合了困惑、情感依赖和可能的操纵。以下是他可能的意图和动态的分解: 情感依赖:他关于感到“安全”和没有看到你就不知道自己在做什么的陈述,这表明对你的存在有强烈的情感依赖。这种依赖性对你们中的任何一个人来说可能都不健康,特别是在分手后。 争夺控制权:波动的反应,从沉默到承认他是“胡说八道”,可能表明他很难控制自己的情绪或情况。这可能是通过制造不确定性来让你保持参与的尝试。 操纵:通过从声称他看到你时感到更快乐、更安全,到后来将其撤回为“胡说八道”,他可能试图操纵这种情况。这种振荡可以让你在情感上保持不平衡,并可能更专注于从他那里寻求清晰度或一致性。 缺乏清晰度:他最初无法解释他为什么想见你,然后是延迟和有点模糊的回应,这表明他可能没有明确或诚实的理由。这可以是一种策略,可以吸引你进入对话,让你更深入地探究,保持联系。 对边界的回应:当你断言边界时,他会变得防卫,并试图为自己的行为辩护,这可能是试图削弱你的决心并继续互动。 在处理这种情况方面,保持您试图设置的边界可能是有益的。进一步参与,特别是当他的反应不一致或情绪激动时,可能不会带来建设性的结果。限制或构建您的互动以避免类似的周期,专注于您自己的情感健康,这可能会有所帮助。如果这种模式仍然存在,并对您产生负面影响,您可以考虑寻求朋友、家人或专业人士的支持。

  • 神奇物种

    神奇物种 2024-05-21 17:23:18 湖北


  • 出自己的专辑

    出自己的专辑 (不闲聊噢,私信请注明来意) 2024-05-27 19:12:53 广东


  • 哈哈哈哈哈

    哈哈哈哈哈 2024-05-27 22:12:59 广东


  • EEEEreka

    EEEEreka (慧极必肥,情深不瘦╮(╯▽╰)╭) 楼主 2024-05-28 10:29:21 美国

    楼主方便贴个聊天记录参考吗?(不方便就算了)只是想交流参考一下 楼主方便贴个聊天记录参考吗?(不方便就算了)只是想交流参考一下 出自己的专辑

    原文不方便放出来,分享一下我的input吧,与原文有一些出入: below is the conversation we had after we met, can you analyze his intent? ME: Why do you wanna see me today? EX: I have no idea. I don't know how to put it. ME: If you have no idea you won't have the trouble of describing. EX: (silence) ME: if you don't have anything to say, I think we should respect the boundary we set previously and not contact in the future. EX: what should I say? what are you expecting me to say? Me: I'm asking a simple question of the reason for you to see me today. Me: at least you should be genuine to yourself on this question. EX: (1h silence) Because I wanna see you, just wanna see you. seeing you makes me happier. EX: Not exactly happier. It's more like safer. It feels like if I didn't see you like this, I don't know what I'm doing. EX: (Next morning) I was bullshitting again. Me: I don't buy it. Why can't you stick to what you have said? EX: I'm just explaining myself. Me: why explain EX: cuz I think you may not be satisfied with my answer

  • EEEEreka

    EEEEreka (慧极必肥,情深不瘦╮(╯▽╰)╭) 楼主 2024-05-28 10:30:33 美国

    原文不方便放出来,分享一下我的input吧,与原文有一些出入: below is the conversation we had 原文不方便放出来,分享一下我的input吧,与原文有一些出入: below is the conversation we had after we met, can you analyze his intent? ME: Why do you wanna see me today? EX: I have no idea. I don't know how to put it. ME: If you have no idea you won't have the trouble of describing. EX: (silence) ME: if you don't have anything to say, I think we should respect the boundary we set previously and not contact in the future. EX: what should I say? what are you expecting me to say? Me: I'm asking a simple question of the reason for you to see me today. Me: at least you should be genuine to yourself on this question. EX: (1h silence) Because I wanna see you, just wanna see you. seeing you makes me happier. EX: Not exactly happier. It's more like safer. It feels like if I didn't see you like this, I don't know what I'm doing. EX: (Next morning) I was bullshitting again. Me: I don't buy it. Why can't you stick to what you have said? EX: I'm just explaining myself. Me: why explain EX: cuz I think you may not be satisfied with my answer ... EEEEreka



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