希望高人点播楼主!学生党crash 职场异国御姐

not the real

来自: not the real
2013-12-29 11:45:58

  • ✩

    2013-12-29 11:58:02


  • summer

    summer 2013-12-29 12:03:32

    外国女生觉得有自信的人attractive, 你先把工作搞定了再追她也不迟啊。或者你可以申请进她的公司啊。 我猜公司是Deloitte or pwc ?

  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 12:13:06

    外国女生觉得有自信的人attractive, 你先把工作搞定了再追她也不迟啊。或者你可以申请进她的公 外国女生觉得有自信的人attractive, 你先把工作搞定了再追她也不迟啊。或者你可以申请进她的公司啊。 我猜公司是Deloitte or pwc ? ... summer

    O(∩_∩)O哈哈~, 是其余的两家中的一个啦。。。。是啊,可是我工作是9月份才能开始找,从现在到九月就是沉淀期了么?。。。主要楼主不知道御姐的想法!!!

  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 12:13:55

    你可以先安心找工作,等工作找好以后再以此为借口约她出来聊聊 你可以先安心找工作,等工作找好以后再以此为借口约她出来聊聊


  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 12:35:31

    楼主在想,,,为了让更多高人进来帮忙,要不要把我傻X的 love letter 给发上来。。。不过楼主没心情翻译,大家能凑合看不?

  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 12:36:44


  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 12:38:23

    最近的一封。。。。。。Everytime I meet you, I always feel something different inside my heart, maybe you put some magic on me ? :). I think you are right, failture is all about not trying, and I would never be a loser because of not trying. I will keep pursing what I want, what I deserve in my career no matter how others think about me. Because I know my time is limited, and I won’t waste it living in some else’s life. Sometimes, I treat myself a ilittle bit hard cause I don’t consider myself like others, My life is like a buliding which can be put up only once, I always need to be precise and can’t afford a single centimeter’s error. That is why everytime if I couldn’t get what I want after trying, I feel so upset and depressed. But, you know what, I am not sure if you remember what you told me when wet met on campus september,( you were doing interviews for summer position at EY ). You told me this, Everything will reverse as long as you work hard. At that time, I feel upset for not getting interviews, and then later on, I got KPMG and a few other companies. I believe in your words, I also believe in my future. So, I won’t drop Tax or Acct 341, maybe I can only get a B in the end, maybe even lower, but I will use every minute I can to avoid it happening. My only is leverage is my Acct course, I know about this, but in the later period of my life, I am so sure that I will encourter so many things that is much more challenging than this. Which is why I have to take a risk this time. Personally, I don’t believe in any religions, But, I do believe that God let people meet for reasons, Maybe I am not strong or mature enough to know the difference between appreciate and truly like, but, chemistry is chemistry right? If it exist then it exist. For me, I just want to have a sincere heart and always be honest with someone I really like without any other external influence. And, sometimes the process is more important than result, this is why sometimes memory is so powerful right? I will 100% focus on my career and study, and won’t involve in anything other than study, emotionally or physcially. Thank you for haveing coffee with me and cheer me up, I wish I could say something nice to you, unfortunately I couldn’t find any appropriate words to write down. But I will keep that in my mind, always.

  • Vicious

    Vicious (你知道你在寻找你的蔺燕梅) 2013-12-29 12:38:31


  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 12:39:15


  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 12:40:30

    一看就感觉公司是KP 一看就感觉公司是KP Vicious

    为什么大家那三家都猜到了,唯独没猜到EY 呢????

  • Vicious

    Vicious (你知道你在寻找你的蔺燕梅) 2013-12-29 12:47:22

    为什么大家那三家都猜到了,唯独没猜到EY 呢???? 为什么大家那三家都猜到了,唯独没猜到EY 呢???? not the real


  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 13:04:04

    童鞋们啊!!!!谁帮楼主分析一下啊。。。到底这个性感的EY 水瓶女到底怎么想的我!我会不会已经做了很傻的事情自己还不知道呢。。。。??

  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 13:08:08

    楼主深深觉得水瓶女很奇葩,虽然楼主自己也是个双子。。。哎,一月份就开学了,一堆事情,努力努力,参加PWC netwroking event!!!!!! 好好do my case competition !!!! get kpmg Ace the case!!!!! , But,,,but.......my dearing 小A .......我只想知道你的感觉 话说,有没有和我一样的特别迷恋那种性感很会勾人的御姐型的女人啊,楼主从小只对这一型感兴趣。。这就注定了悲剧。。。。。。。

  • summer

    summer 2013-12-29 13:31:41

    lz我们两个超级相像。 一样的Major,aiming for 一样的公司。重点是!连喜欢的女人类型也相似。 omg, this is madness

  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 13:33:28


  • summer

    summer 2013-12-29 13:34:08

    有没有打听御姐有没有男友(or maybe 女友)

  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 13:34:19

    lz我们两个超级相像。 一样的Major,aiming for 一样的公司。重点是!连喜欢的女人类型也相似。 lz我们两个超级相像。 一样的Major,aiming for 一样的公司。重点是!连喜欢的女人类型也相似。 omg, this is madness ... summer

    EY 就是我想要的一切!

  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 13:38:14

    御姐没有男朋友我很确定,但是她骗我说有个什么隐形男友,facebook 连个影子都没有。。。。反而是她best girlfriend 占据了她所有的照片。。。。。我严重怀疑。。。。为了御姐,楼主我又悲催的考cfa level 1 了。。。。summer 童鞋报下坐标呗?

  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 13:42:50

    summmer 童鞋, 既然我们如此难得,how about i add you on wechat?

  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2013-12-29 14:36:37

    不知道为什么,也许是因为小A 回复了我的邮件,也许是很开心hear back from her......也许是在豆瓣上写的东西抒发了压在心里的一些东西,本楼主很奇葩的想起了还珠格格里面的一段话。。。。。不知道大家还记得不,就是第一部里面紫薇对皇上说夏雨荷那段。。。楼主知道自己很矫情,但是还是要说的,无论如何----我,XDH, 很感谢在我的生命中有你的存在,让我有这个可想,可怨的人,寄托也好,还是什么也罢,如果没有你,my dearing A...., 我对CA firm 怎么会如此痴狂,我如何赢得EY case competition ? 我又怎么能从读的轻松自在开开心心的fiance switch to Acct ? 又怎么能重新找到生活的意义,让我不再彷徨,give up oil and gas,,,,,,,, 我从未后悔,Next Term, PwC, KPMG, event, CFA , 4.0 GPA ! cpa competition!

  • not the real

    not the real 楼主 2014-03-25 13:11:37



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