Shelley von Strunckel周运11.15-11.21
来自: Jay_Mouse
Aries 白羊 March 21– April 19 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 Sometimes obstacles are need only to be overcome. However, those you’re currently facing offer profound, if perplexing, insights into issues involving everything from close relationships to work or long term goals. True, understanding these fully requires time, and you’re distracted by intriguing developments. Still, begin delving into those complex matters and you soon discover ways to actually streamline the exploration process, which means your efforts are more rewarding and require less patience. 2009-11-15 17:18:32 安 (我愿在世界的尽头 见到光) 回归来翻译啦~~ Aries 白羊 有些困难你仅仅克服它们就可以了,但现在你所面临的一些困惑需要你对生活的方方面面进行深度思考,从亲密关系,到工作,到长期计划...需要把这些都搞明白确实需要点时间,况且还有其他有意思的进展总干扰你的注意力。尽管如此,我还是建议你专心解决你麻烦,相信不久就可以理出头绪来,付出也会有回报。 Taurus 金牛 April 20 – May 20 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 Certain individuals are being so stubborn they’re unwilling even to talk about difficult situations. Or, alternatively, it’s you who’s feeling cornered by unrealistic changes. While it’s true that events are as dramatic as they are disruptive, developments constitute tremendous progress condensed into a brief period. Pointless as discussing these seems, begin and you unearth facts that otherwise you’d have been unaware of. These convince you changes aren’t just wise, they’re vital. 2009-11-17 10:52:43 小G (我爱着你,我那么美好) 金牛 某些人是如此倔强,甚至不愿意谈论自己所面对的困难局面。或者,另一种可能是,你会因为不切实际的机会而感到走投无路。 虽然事情总是富有戏剧性也具有破坏性,构成惊人发展的过程浓缩在短暂的事件中。 讨论这些表象是毫无意义的,除非你开始发掘真相,否则你永远不会弄明白。 这些会说服你做出改变,不仅是明智的,而且至关重要。 Gemini 双子 May 21– June 20 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 There are few things you loathe more than underhand manoeuvres. Yet either you’ve resorted to some yourself, and fear being discovered or it’s others’ activities you’ve just noted. Or both. Ignoring these and hoping for the best only makes things worse. Besides, these are surfacing in the midst of dramatic and, for many, deeply unsettling developments. Consequently, today’s minor misunderstandings could turn into tomorrow’s serious problem. Speak up now and frankly. Cancer 巨蟹 June 21 – July 22 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 While you’ve little control over or say in power struggles involving a complex mix of domestic issues and already tense alliances, the outcome will influence you profoundly. Ignoring anxieties about this isn’t easy but dwelling on concerns achieves nothing. What’s more, your time is better devoted to rather intriguing ideas or offers. Some could take you afar, others radically improve your creative or romantic life - and all are worth pursuing. 2009-11-15 17:09:26 晓畅 (飘洋过海 不厌其烦) Cancer 巨蟹 这周,你将同时面对复杂的家庭事务和本就紧张的伙伴关系,你会发现自己几乎丧失了控制能力以及发言权。矛盾斗争的结果将对你产生深刻影响。对你来说,很难做到不焦虑。但是,沉湎于种种思虑之中,又有何用?更何况,你的时间更应该用于其它有趣的想法或者提议之上。有些或许将带你远行,有些则将从根本上提升你的创造力或者爱情生活——这些更值得追求。 Leo 狮子 July 23– August 22 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 The plans you’re currently making are thrilling – and clash with previous commitments. Your first challenge is extricating yourself from those existing obligations, and smoothing any ruffled feathers. However, what you’re dealing with now is itself in transition, which means keeping up to date and being prepared to make regular changes in plan. Be prepared for power struggles or even unsavoury revelations. Unappealing as these sound, the results make it all worthwhile. 2009-11-15 17:00:50 晓畅 (飘洋过海 不厌其烦) Leo 狮子 你目前所制定的计划,都令人激动、或者说震颤。而且,这些计划,和你之前所做的承诺是相冲突的。你遇到的第一项挑战,就是从目前现有的责任束缚中解脱出来,且要沉得住气。然而,你所面对的目标,本身也处在变化之中。这就意味着你要密切关注、并随时准备好更新自己的计划。做好权利斗争的准备。尽管上述一切看上去并不美好,但结果证明一切都是值得的。 Virgo 处女 August 23 – September 22 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 There’s no avoiding this week’s dramas. However, before you do a thing, carefully consider whether you’re in any way responsible. This prevents you being drawn into dilemmas that really aren’t yours to deal with. Still, you’re worried about others’ ability to handle problems. They must, and should, since dilemmas result from their carelessness or dishonesty. Meanwhile, you’ve other less complicated issues of your own which really should have first priority. 2009-11-15 19:58:07 Amanda Virgo 处女 这周你无法避免戏剧的发生.然而,在做一件事之前,请认真思考你可能要承担的任何责任.这会防止你陷入一些你本不需要处理的困境. 但是你仍然也会担心其他人处理问题的能力.因为他们必须而且应该去处理这些由他们的草率或欺骗而产生的问题.同时, 你应把其他相对不那么复杂的事情优先处理. Libra 天秤 September 23– October 22 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 Few things are worse than knowing you must stand up for your needs or rights, despite the fact you will, inevitably, upset certain individuals in your personal or working life. You’ve considered every option, from doing nothing to finding a compromise, but now accept that a confrontation is inevitable. Surprisingly, this won’t be nearly as bad as you anticipate. And, better yet, it leads to valuable exchanges about exactly the issues involved. 2009-11-15 17:48:10 ilka (糖葫芦~冬天里什么比你更好捏~) 天秤 有些事比已知的要糟糕, 你必须为了自己的需求和权力站起来, 不管你面临的是什么,烦乱的情绪都不可避免的出现在你的个人生活和工作生活中. 你已经想了每种选择, 什么都不做还是去找一种折中的方案, 但是现在, 你要接受, 去面对现实是必然的. 意外的是, 事实不像你预想的那么坏, 而且甚至是更好. 当事情发生,你会从中得到有价值的交流. Scorpio 天蝎 October 23 – November 21 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 Today’s rare and potent clash between Saturn and your ruler Pluto alone would indicate the end of one cycle and beginning of another, if not the need to bow to destiny. Your biggest obstacle is that in certain situations, changes seem irrational or risky. Since the actual circumstances involved are being transformed, battling these is both unwise and unrealistic. Consequently, Monday’s Scorpio New Moon, which triggers a shift in perspective is superbly timed. 2009-11-15 16:37:26 印生生 (stop and stay) Scorpio 天蝎 今天,土星同你的守护星冥王星的罕有并且激烈的角力代表着一个循环的结束和另外一个循环的开始;如果没有意外发生。 你最大的障碍在于,在当前的情形下,变化看起来是不合理的并且充满风险的。 对于相关的现实正在进行的变化,同这些做斗是不明智并且不现实的。 所以,周一的天蝎座新月将触发的变化,从远景上说,是极为应时救世的。 Sagittarius 射手 November 22 – December 21 Your weekly stars for the week starting 15 November 2009 Those who ignore life’s rights and wrongs enrage you. Either you’re contending with such injustices. Or, alternatively, it’s you who’s responsible for certain difficulties, either having been unaware of past problems until now or, perhaps, taken a chance on something that didn’t work out as intended. Whatever the case, focus on issues – and in detail. This isn’t fun, but the process of untangling errors proves so illuminating you’re soon enjoying it. 2009-11-17 10:46:03 susanx·莺莺 (小·摩女) Sagittarius 射手 那些无视人世间对与错的家伙令你愤怒。也许你在与不公对抗,或者,你本人就对某些麻烦负有责任---可能你一直忽视了以前的问题,现在才恍然大悟,亦或,在某些有可能成功的事情上试了试运气,结果事情最后没成。无论是什么情况,将你的注意力着重在问题本身和细节上。我知道这并不轻松,但是解决纠结问题的过程能够启发心灵,你会很快就愿意去做下去。 Capricorn 摩羯 December 22– January 19 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 Only weeks ago your ruler Saturn moved to accent the structure of your life, at home and out in the world. Since then you’ve been reviewing what works, what doesn’t and as yet unrealised dreams. Now Saturn’s clash with Pluto, planet of truth and transformation - which is actually positioned in Capricorn – speeds up the process. If events seem unfair, it’s just destiny encouraging you, although perhaps not in an easily recognisable form. 2009-11-16 00:27:12 富来雪 (狮心占线) 魔羯 几周之前你的主宰星土星移动强调了你里里外外的生活结构。自那以後你一直在检验对未来尚未实现的理想有啥行得通啥行不通。如今土星撞上冥王-真实与转换之星-而两者的确就交会在魔羯座--这加速了这个过程。如果事情看起来很不公平,那只是命运鼓励你的方式,尽管它可能以一种不易辨认的方式呈现。 Aquarius 水瓶 January 20 – February 18 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 Initially it would be easy to misinterpret this week’s events as a distraction from plans, if not a nuisance. You’re not alone in struggling with these disruptions. Still, this chaos threatens to throw what you’ve organised into disarray. Let it. Unwise as this seems, once you learn more, you’ll realise that much of what’s taking place is part of a larger cycle of change, one that, ultimately, you’ll find hugely profitable. 2009-11-18 11:35:49 汉堡 (从没觉得徐静蕾是才女,Never!) 水瓶 伊始,这周发生的事情容易被误认为是计划中的干扰,甚至是非常讨厌。你并非独自一人在与干扰对抗。这些干扰还是会威胁到你,将你安排好的事情搅乱。顺其自然吧。这样做虽然看起来不大聪明,但当你了解更多,你会意识到,发生的大部分事情都是一个大变化周期的一部分,最终,你会从中大大地获利。 Pisces 双鱼 February 19– March 20 Your stars for the week beginning 15 November 2009 While the personal obstacles you’re facing are frustrating but manageable, the dilemmas others are contending with, are overwhelming for them - but could also influence your own plans. And, bizarrely, in the midst of all this, several golden opportunities have come your way. Deal with these first, even if others’ dramas seem urgent. Once you’re organised your plans, those more troublesome situations will have shifted, and some will simply sort themselves out. 2009-11-15 17:15:44 晓畅 (飘洋过海 不厌其烦) Pisces 双鱼 你面临的个人困境,让人沮丧,却并非没有解决之道。 其他人在两难处境中抗争,这对他们来说或许很要命,但也能影响到你(上下文推测:应该是他们会寻求你的帮助)。而且,奇怪的是,在所有问题之中,与数个大好良机在等着你——先抓住机会再说,就算其他人的事情也很急迫。一旦你的计划成型,这种令人讨厌的局面就将改变——有些障碍甚至将自动消退。
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