詹尼 • 斯基基的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
Place: Florence
Time: 1299
As Buoso Donati lies dead in his curtained four-poster bed, his relatives gather round to mourn his passing, but are really more interested in learning the contents of his will. Among those present are his cousins Zita and Simone, his poor-relation brother-in-law Betto, and Zita's nephew Rinuccio. Betto mentions a rumour he has heard that Buoso has left everything to a monastery; this disturbs the others and precipitates a frantic search for the will. The document is found by Rinuccio, who is confident that his uncle has left him plenty of money. He withholds the wi...
Time: 1299
As Buoso Donati lies dead in his curtained four-poster bed, his relatives gather round to mourn his passing, but are really more interested in learning the contents of his will. Among those present are his cousins Zita and Simone, his poor-relation brother-in-law Betto, and Zita's nephew Rinuccio. Betto mentions a rumour he has heard that Buoso has left everything to a monastery; this disturbs the others and precipitates a frantic search for the will. The document is found by Rinuccio, who is confident that his uncle has left him plenty of money. He withholds the wi...
詹尼 • 斯基基的演出版本 · · · · · · ( 添加版本 )
- 导演:
- Richard Ordynski
- 编剧:
- Giovacchino Forzano
- 作曲:
- Giacomo Puccini
- 主演:
- Giuseppe de Luca(饰 Gianni Schicchi) / Florence Easton(饰 Lauretta) / Giulio Crimi(饰 Rinuccio) / Kathleen Howard(饰 Zita detta "La Vecchia") / Adamo Didur(饰 Simone) / Angelo Badà(饰 Gherardo) / Marie Tiffany(饰 Nella) / Paolo Ananian(饰 Betto di Signa) / Louis D'Angelo(饰 Marco) / Marie Sundelius(饰 La Ciesca) / Pompilio Malatesta(饰 Maestro Spinelloccio) / Andrés de Segurola(饰 Messer Amantio di Nicolao) / Vincenzo Reschiglian(饰 Pinellino) / Carl Schlegel(饰 Guccio) / Mario Malatesta(饰 Gherardino)
- 语言:
- Italian 意大利语
- 演出日期:
- 1918-12-14
- 演出团体:
- Metropolitan Opera Orchestra 大都会歌剧团管弦乐团
- 演出剧院:
- Metropolitan Opera House 大都会歌剧院
- 导演:
- Fabrizio Melano
- 编剧:
- Giovacchino Forzano
- 作曲:
- Giacomo Puccini
- 主演:
- Gabriel Bacquier(饰 Gianni Schicchi) / Renata Scotto(饰 Lauretta) / Philip Creech(饰 Rinuccio) / Jocelyne Taillon(饰 Zita detta "La Vecchia") / Italo Tajo(饰 Simone) / Charles Anthony(饰 Gherardo) / Betsy Norden(饰 Nella) / Russell Christopher(饰 Betto di Signa) / James Courtney(饰 Marco) / Ariel Bybee(饰 La Ciesca) / Ara Berberian(饰 Maestro Spinelloccio) / Andrij Dobriansky(饰 Messer Amantio di Nicolao) / Herman Marcus(饰 Pinellino) / Peter Sliker(饰 Guccio) / Dana Watkins(饰 Gherardino) / Alfred Slesinger(饰 Buoso Donati)
- 语言:
- Italian 意大利语
- 演出日期:
- 1981-11-14
- 演出团体:
- Metropolitan Opera Orchestra 大都会歌剧团管弦乐团
- 演出剧院:
- Metropolitan Opera House 大都会歌剧院
- 导演:
- Annabel Arden
- 编剧:
- Giovacchino Forzano
- 作曲:
- Giacomo Puccini
- 主演:
- Alessandro Corbelli(饰 Gianni Schicchi) / Sally Matthews(饰 Lauretta) / Massimo Giordano(饰 Rinuccio) / Felicity Palmer / Alison Duguid(饰 Zita detta "La Vecchia") / Luigi Roni(饰 Simone) / Adrian Thompson(饰 Gherardo) / Olga Schalaewa(饰 Nella) / Maxim Mikhailov(饰 Betto di Signa) / Riccardo Novaro(饰 Marco) / Marie McLaughlin(饰 La Ciesca) / Viacheslav Voynarovskiy(饰 Maestro Spinelloccio) / Richard Mosley-Evans(饰 Messer Amantio di Nicolao) / James Gower(饰 Pinellino) / Robert Davies(饰 Guccio) / Christopher Waite(饰 Gherardino)
- 语言:
- Italian 意大利语
- 演出日期:
- 2004-07-01-08-23
- 演出团体:
- London Philharmonic Orchestra 伦敦爱乐乐团
- 演出剧院:
- Glyndebourne 格林德伯恩
- 导演:
- Marco Arturo Marelli
- 编剧:
- Giovacchino Forzano
- 作曲:
- Giacomo Puccini
- 主演:
- Leo Nucci(饰 Gianni Schicchi) / Angelika Kirchschlager(饰 Lauretta) / Juan Diego Flórez(饰 Rinuccio) / Nelly Boschkowa / Mihaela Ungureanu(饰 Zita detta "La Vecchia") / Walter Fink(饰 Simone) / Herwig Pecoraro(饰 Gherardo) / Ricarda Merbeth / Ingrid Kaiserfeld(饰 Nella) / Janusz Monarcha(饰 Betto di Signa) / István Gáti(饰 Marco) / Stella Grigorian(饰 La Ciesca) / Alfred Šramek(饰 Maestro Spinelloccio) / David Cale Johnson(饰 Messer Amantio di Nicolao) / Ijichi Hiro(饰 Pinellino) / Michael Kuchar(饰 Guccio)
- 语言:
- Italian 意大利语
- 演出日期:
- 2000-10-02-15
- 演出团体:
- Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper 维也纳国家歌剧院管弦乐团
- 演出剧院:
- Wiener Staatsoper 维也纳国家歌剧院
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- 国家大剧院自制舞台剧 (张鱼妹)
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- DVD里的歌剧 (右手)
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0 有用 MISS12956 2024-07-06 澳大利亚
三联剧最喜欢的一部!普契尼屁股稳稳坐在底层劳动人民这边,非常爱一些刺贪刺虐的理想喜剧。咏叹调《我亲爱的爸爸》太经典,但我脑子里突然回旋起《十二首情诗》里的《摇篮曲》,“她说信仰至上别管我,我说我同意了~”离谱但合理,我自罚一拳! btw被搬来搬去还被塞进柜子最后掉出来的Buoso实在把我笑死,翻短评看到有人说Buoso的演员和人聊天会不会尴尬又是一声大爆笑,我真的佩服了哈哈哈哈哈哈!!! 202... 三联剧最喜欢的一部!普契尼屁股稳稳坐在底层劳动人民这边,非常爱一些刺贪刺虐的理想喜剧。咏叹调《我亲爱的爸爸》太经典,但我脑子里突然回旋起《十二首情诗》里的《摇篮曲》,“她说信仰至上别管我,我说我同意了~”离谱但合理,我自罚一拳! btw被搬来搬去还被塞进柜子最后掉出来的Buoso实在把我笑死,翻短评看到有人说Buoso的演员和人聊天会不会尴尬又是一声大爆笑,我真的佩服了哈哈哈哈哈哈!!! 2024.7.6 悉尼歌剧院 Il Trittico (展开)
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