The Iceman Cometh is set in Harry Hope's decidedly downmarket Greenwich Village saloon and rooming house, in 1912. The patrons, who are all men except for three female prostitutes, are all dead-end alcoholics who spend every possible moment seeking oblivion in each other's company and trying to con or wheedle free drinks from Harry and the bartenders. They drift without purpose from day to day, coming fully to life only during the semi-annual visits of the salesman Theodore Hickman, known to them as Hickey. When Hickey finishes a tour of his business territory, which is apparently a wide expan...
The Iceman Cometh is set in Harry Hope's decidedly downmarket Greenwich Village saloon and rooming house, in 1912. The patrons, who are all men except for three female prostitutes, are all dead-end alcoholics who spend every possible moment seeking oblivion in each other's company and trying to con or wheedle free drinks from Harry and the bartenders. They drift without purpose from day to day, coming fully to life only during the semi-annual visits of the salesman Theodore Hickman, known to them as Hickey. When Hickey finishes a tour of his business territory, which is apparently a wide expanse of the East Coast, he typically turns up at the saloon and starts the party. As the play opens, the regulars are expecting Hickey to turn up in time for Harry's birthday party. The first act introduces the various characters and shows them bickering amongst each other, showing just how drunk and delusional they are, all the while awaiting Hickey's arrival.
Joe Mott is the only black member of the group and is the former owner of a black casino. He insists he will soon re-open the casino.
Cecil "The Captain" Lewis is a former infantryman of the British Army who fought Piet "The General" Wetjoen, a Boer, during the Boer War. The two are now good friends and each insists they'll soon go back to their nations of origin.
Harry Hope is the bar's proprietor and, though he constantly says otherwise, has a tendency to give out free drinks. He has not left the bar since his wife Bess's death 20 years ago. He promises that he'll take a walk around the block on his birthday, the next day.
Pat McGloin is a former police lieutenant who was convicted on criminal charges and kicked off the force. He says he is hoping to be reinstated, but is waiting for the right moment.
Rocky Pioggi is the night bartender, but is paid little and makes his living mostly by allowing Pearl and Margie to stay at the bar in exchange for all the money they make. He despises being called a pimp.
Ed Mosher is Harry's brother-in-law, Bess's brother. He is a former circus box-office man and con-man who prides himself on his ability to give incorrect change. He kept too much of his illegitimate profits to himself and was fired, but says he will get his job back someday.
Hugo Kalmar is a former editor of anarchist periodicals who often quotes the Old Testament. He is drunk and passed out for a majority of the play and is constantly asking the other patrons to buy him a drink.
James "Jimmy Tomorrow" Cameron is a former British newspaper correspondent. He is constantly daydreaming about getting his old job back again tomorrow, hence his nickname.
Chuck Morello is the day bartender and Cora's boyfriend. He says that he will marry her tomorrow.
Pearl and Margie are two prostitutes who work for Rocky.
Cora is a third prostitute and is Chuck's girlfriend.
Finally Hickey arrives and his behavior throws the other characters into turmoil. He insists, with as much charisma as ever, but now together with the zeal of a recent convert, that he sees life clearly now as never before, because he is sober. Hickey wants the characters to cast away their delusions and embrace the hopelessness of their fates. He takes on this task with a near-maniacal fervor. How he goes about his mission, how the other characters respond, and their efforts to find out what has wrought this change in Hickey take over four hours to resolve.
During and after Harry's birthday party most seem to have been somewhat affected by Hickey's ramblings. Larry pretends to be unaffected but, when Don reveals he was the informant responsible for the arrest of his own mother (Larry's former girlfriend), Larry rages at him; Willie decides McGloin's appeal will be his first case and Rocky admits he is a pimp.
Eventually, they all return and are jolted by a sudden revelation. Hickey, who had earlier told the other characters first that his wife had died and then that she was murdered, admits that he is the one who actually killed her. The police arrive, apparently called by Hickey himself, and Hickey justifies the murder in a dramatic monologue, saying that he did it out of love for her.
Hickey's father was a preacher in the backwoods of Indiana. Evidently he was both charismatic and persuasive, and it was inheriting these traits which led Hickey to become a salesman. An angry kid trapped in a small town, Hickey had no use for anyone but his sweetheart, Evelyn. Evelyn's family forbade her to associate with Hickey, but she ignored them. After Hickey left to become a salesman he promised he would marry Evelyn as soon as he was able. He became a successful salesman, then sent for her and the two were very happy until Hickey got tired of his wife always forgiving him for his whore-mongering and began to feel guilty. He next recounts how he murdered her, supposedly to free her from the pain of his constant philandering. But in retelling the murder itself he catches himself laughing and telling Evelyn, "well, you know what you can do with that pipe dream now, don't you?" In realizing he said this, Hickey breaks down completely. He realizes that he went truly insane and that people need their empty dreams to keep them going. The others agree and decide to testify for insanity during Hickey's trial despite Hickey begging them to let him get the death sentence.
The others all go back to their empty promises and pipe dreams except for Don and Larry. Don runs up to his room with the intention of jumping off the fire escape. Larry grimaces and listens at the window with his eyes closed. Don jumps and Larry's eyes are opened to the reality of his situation ("Be God, there's no hope! I'll never be a success...Life is too much for me!") and he is left wishing at last for his own death.
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想死想死想死 看奥尼尔晚期的所有作品都想死 又臭又长又无聊一群人叨逼叨 叨叨三四个小时 大家一般是表面和平的暗流涌动的,接下来因为“闯入者”(或事件)就开始发疯。要懂。不是一个人的发疯,是一群人都疯了。然后大家不知道为什么。又抱在一起哭。大哭特哭。居然又和好。然后又回到了原点状态。享受自欺欺人。 受不了受不了。看得我我压抑至极。我艺术修养不够。我看完只会越来越郁闷。 ———2023.8.25——... 想死想死想死 看奥尼尔晚期的所有作品都想死 又臭又长又无聊一群人叨逼叨 叨叨三四个小时 大家一般是表面和平的暗流涌动的,接下来因为“闯入者”(或事件)就开始发疯。要懂。不是一个人的发疯,是一群人都疯了。然后大家不知道为什么。又抱在一起哭。大哭特哭。居然又和好。然后又回到了原点状态。享受自欺欺人。 受不了受不了。看得我我压抑至极。我艺术修养不够。我看完只会越来越郁闷。 ———2023.8.25——— 奧尼爾解釋了“明天”與當下,探究了虛偽的白日夢與殘酷的真相。酒鬼們沒辦法走出酒館,我們生活中的大多數也渾渾噩噩地在“明天就會好”的謊言裏止步。 我收回我對奧尼爾的評價,他真的。我哭死。雖然他真的有些話嘮。 ———2023.12.12——— 我说为什么总觉得奥尼尔似曾相识?因他跟契诃夫一样。 (展开)
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