阿拉贝拉的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
Time: 1860s
Place: Vienna
Act 1
In a hotel in Vienna
As the curtain opens, Countess Adelaide is having her fortune told. The fortune teller predicts Arabella will marry a man from far away, but that trouble may be in store. The Waldners have a second daughter, Zdenka, but since they cannot afford two daughters marrying, they have indulged her tomboyishness by pretending she is a boy, whom they present as "Zdenko." Zdenka secretly loves Matteo, a penniless officer who loves Arabella. To prevent him from committing suicide, Zdenka writes him love letters she signs with Arabella's na...
Place: Vienna
Act 1
In a hotel in Vienna
As the curtain opens, Countess Adelaide is having her fortune told. The fortune teller predicts Arabella will marry a man from far away, but that trouble may be in store. The Waldners have a second daughter, Zdenka, but since they cannot afford two daughters marrying, they have indulged her tomboyishness by pretending she is a boy, whom they present as "Zdenko." Zdenka secretly loves Matteo, a penniless officer who loves Arabella. To prevent him from committing suicide, Zdenka writes him love letters she signs with Arabella's na...
阿拉贝拉的演出版本 · · · · · · ( 添加版本 )
- 导演:
- Josef Gielen
- 编剧:
- Hugo von Hofmannsthal
- 作曲:
- Richard Strauss
- 主演:
- Viorica Ursuleac(饰 Arabella) / Alfred Jerger(饰 Mandryka) / Margit Bokor(饰 Zdenka) / Martin Kremer(饰 Matteo) / Friedrich Plaschke(饰 Graf Waldner) / Camilla Kallab(饰 Adelaide) / Karl Albrecht Streib(饰 Graf Elemer) / Kurt Böhme(饰 Graf Dominik) / Arno Schellenberg(饰 Graf Lamoral) / Ellice Illiard(饰 Fiakermilli) / Jessyka Koettrik(饰 Kartenlegerin) / Robert Büssel(饰 Welko) / Robert Schmalnauer(饰 Djura) / Horst Falke(饰 Jankel) / Ludwig Eybisch(饰 Kellner)
- 语言:
- German 德语
- 演出日期:
- 1933-07-01
- 演出团体:
- Sächsische Staatskapelle 萨克森国家乐队 ; Dresdner Staatsopernchor 德累斯顿国家歌剧团合唱团
- 演出剧院:
- Sächsisches Staatstheater 萨克森国家剧院
- 导演:
- Otto Schenk / Stephen Pickover
- 编剧:
- Hugo von Hofmannsthal
- 作曲:
- Richard Strauss
- 主演:
- Kiri Te Kanawa(饰 Arabella) / Wolfgang Brendel(饰 Mandryka) / Marie McLaughlin(饰 Zdenka) / David Kuebler(饰 Matteo) / Donald McIntyre(饰 Graf Waldner) / Helga Dernesch(饰 Adelaide) / Charles Workman(饰 Graf Elemer) / Kim Josephson(饰 Graf Dominik) / Julien Robbins(饰 Graf Lamoral) / Natalie Dessay(饰 Fiakermilli) / Jane Shaulis(饰 Kartenlegerin) / Roger Crouthamel(饰 Welko) / Barry Brandes(饰 Djura) / David Asch(饰 Jankel) / Charles Anthony(饰 Kellner) / Glenn Bater ; Frank Coffey ; David Frye(饰 Drei Spieler)
- 语言:
- German 德语
- 演出日期:
- 1994-11-03
- 演出团体:
- Metropolitan Opera Orchestra 大都会歌剧团管弦乐团 ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus 大都会歌剧团合唱团
- 演出剧院:
- Metropolitan Opera House 大都会歌剧院
阿拉贝拉的剧评 · · · · · · ( 全部 0 条 )
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- 舞台剧 (云胡不喜)
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