This is my 5th inquiry trying to solve one single problem.
I used to buy audio books from Audible.com with this Amazon.com account, and recently found that I can't log in. (PLEASE keep reading and do not send me a reply like "All questions about Audible.com orders and services should be directed to Audible.com" again. Thank you.)
Following the instruction on the Audible log-in page, I sent an inquiry to Amazon.com and got a reply saying "I'm unable to view your Audible.com account status from Amazon.Com and reset your account password. While Audible.com is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amazon.com, it operates as an independent site. All questions about Audible.com orders and services should be directed to Audible.com." (attachment: amazon_email_0929.jpg)
So, I sent another inquiry on http://www.audible.com/email-help as you said, and soon received a reply from Audible telling me "Your account has been closed for undisclosed reasons. In order to restore your account or get further assistance with this, please email cis@amazon.com." (attachment: audible_email_1002.jpg)
Of course, I sent a new inquiry to Amazon, and was told:
"I've checked your account and can confirm that your account has been closed. If you requested an account closure on another site that used your Amazon.com log-in (e.g., MYHABIT.com, Audible.com, certain international Amazon sites, etc.), this would have caused you to also lose access to your Amazon.com account.If you believe your account has been mistakenly closed and would like it to be reopened, please write back by visiting this link:www.amazon.com/gp/help/rsvp/rsvp-mi.html?q=acc1 " (attachment: amazon_email_1003-1.jpg)
I'm quite sure I have never requested account closure anywhere, and I still have some credits on Audible.com. So I sent a 4th inquiry on www.amazon.com/gp/help/rsvp/rsvp-mi.html?q=acc1 and got this reply telling me "While Audible.com is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amazon.com, it operates as an independent site. All questions about Audible.com orders and services should be directed to Audible.com" (attachment: amazon_email_1003-2.jpg), which is exactly the same as the first reply.
This is getting ridiculous. If I don't get it wrong, since I used an Amazon account to log in Audible, as long as you don't reopen my account, no matter how Audible wants to help me, I can never use this account to log in Audible. I'd like to see my account reopened and my library and credits on Audible back soon. Your help will be very much appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
【audible客服2号】:我们查了一下,你之前有很多credits,我们可以恢复你的credits,但你必须先加入membership plan,然后在3个月内把这些credits用完。
他们知道我不敢加入membership plan!
【audible】:因为你之前的credits是来自membership的,所以如果你现在不重新加入membership plan我们就没有办法恢复你的credits…
除了fair enough我还能说啥…尽管我和audible双方都知道我的credits并不是从membership plan得到的==
他们还说了一句吓唬我的话“I know that this isn't your fault and I completely understand where you are coming from.”…
“I thank you for taking the time to give us your concern. Without customers like you, we wouldn't be aware that problems like these exist in our products and services.”
这件事情的教育意义在于,大家千万不要像我这么屌丝见便宜就捡一大堆攒着然后害了自己啊>< (白痴谁会有你那么蠢!
觉得应该注一下的是,audible客服与amazon客服相比,程序上效率高得多,对他们的答复邮件如果需要进一步提问,可以直接回复,虽然跟amazon一样每次是不同客服,但对之前的情况都有了解,不像amazon每次答复邮件中只给一个link让你从头去提问,每次都要整个历史全部说一遍;态度和技术也好得多,至少他们有耐心每次看完我的email,不会犯amazon那种扫到一个关键词就一脚把我踢到audible的低级错误,回复邮件也写得很详细很清楚,整我也整得我只能服软 TAT
This is my 5th inquiry trying to solve one single problem.
I used to buy audio books from Audible.com with this Amazon.com account, and recently found that I can't log in. (PLEASE keep reading and do not send me a reply like "All questions about Audible.com orders and services should be directed to Audible.com" again. Thank you.)
Following the instruction on the Audible log-in page, I sent an inquiry to Amazon.com and got a reply saying "I'm unable to view your Audible.com account status from Amazon.Com and reset your account password. While Audible.com is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amazon.com, it operates as an independent site. All questions about Audible.com orders and services should be directed to Audible.com." (attachment: amazon_email_0929.jpg)
So, I sent another inquiry on http://www.audible.com/email-help as you said, and soon received a reply from Audible telling me "Your account has been closed for undisclosed reasons. In order to restore your account or get further assistance with this, please email cis@amazon.com." (attachment: audible_email_1002.jpg)
Of course, I sent a new inquiry to Amazon, and was told:
"I've checked your account and can confirm that your account has been closed. If you requested an account closure on another site that used your Amazon.com log-in (e.g., MYHABIT.com, Audible.com, certain international Amazon sites, etc.), this would have caused you to also lose access to your Amazon.com account.If you believe your account has been mistakenly closed and would like it to be reopened, please write back by visiting this link:www.amazon.com/gp/help/rsvp/rsvp-mi.html?q=acc1 " (attachment: amazon_email_1003-1.jpg)
I'm quite sure I have never requested account closure anywhere, and I still have some credits on Audible.com. So I sent a 4th inquiry on www.amazon.com/gp/help/rsvp/rsvp-mi.html?q=acc1 and got this reply telling me "While Audible.com is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amazon.com, it operates as an independent site. All questions about Audible.com orders and services should be directed to Audible.com" (attachment: amazon_email_1003-2.jpg), which is exactly the same as the first reply.
This is getting ridiculous. If I don't get it wrong, since I used an Amazon account to log in Audible, as long as you don't reopen my account, no matter how Audible wants to help me, I can never use this account to log in Audible. I'd like to see my account reopened and my library and credits on Audible back soon. Your help will be very much appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
【audible客服2号】:我们查了一下,你之前有很多credits,我们可以恢复你的credits,但你必须先加入membership plan,然后在3个月内把这些credits用完。
他们知道我不敢加入membership plan!
【audible】:因为你之前的credits是来自membership的,所以如果你现在不重新加入membership plan我们就没有办法恢复你的credits…
除了fair enough我还能说啥…尽管我和audible双方都知道我的credits并不是从membership plan得到的==
他们还说了一句吓唬我的话“I know that this isn't your fault and I completely understand where you are coming from.”…
“I thank you for taking the time to give us your concern. Without customers like you, we wouldn't be aware that problems like these exist in our products and services.”
这件事情的教育意义在于,大家千万不要像我这么屌丝见便宜就捡一大堆攒着然后害了自己啊>< (白痴谁会有你那么蠢!
觉得应该注一下的是,audible客服与amazon客服相比,程序上效率高得多,对他们的答复邮件如果需要进一步提问,可以直接回复,虽然跟amazon一样每次是不同客服,但对之前的情况都有了解,不像amazon每次答复邮件中只给一个link让你从头去提问,每次都要整个历史全部说一遍;态度和技术也好得多,至少他们有耐心每次看完我的email,不会犯amazon那种扫到一个关键词就一脚把我踢到audible的低级错误,回复邮件也写得很详细很清楚,整我也整得我只能服软 TAT