Merry Christmas, INTPc.
You dirty INFPs take this test, noting which percentages of the letters are the highest. The highest letters come first, the lowest, last. Let's say Mary scores 100%I 60%N 55%F 75%P. She would be an IPNF, or a "commonlaw".
INFP小坏蛋们,看着这个测试,注意哪个字母所占的百分比是最高的。分值最高的排在最前面,以此类推,分值最低的排最后。比如玛丽的得分:100%I 60%N 55%F 75%P,所以说她是一个ipnf,即一个“不成文习惯法”。
Enjoy your Forer effect!
I-type- "the nesters"
“牧场农夫” (在西部牧场孤独的自耕农,真是孤僻得可以呀。我们享受属于自己的时光,沉浸在属于自己的世界~)
INFP-"the martyr"- This type tends to sacrifice themselves in an effort to promote their peculiar sense of truth.
INPF-"jesus christ"-Like a more refined version of "the martyr," this type tends to turn their very identity into a metaphor for the truth they promote.
“耶稣基督”-像一个更精确版本的INFP,这种类型为了促进他们所提倡的真理,倾向于把自己的身份转变成一个象征。 (也就是说,像耶稣一样成为一个象征,一看到他就让人想起某种精神?行动力稍逊,但较理性,适合做精神领袖)
IFNP-"cat hotel"-This isolation-prone subtype tends to idealize simplicity and a-rationality.
“猫旅馆”-这种有疏离倾向的亚型,倾向于简单的理想化和非理性。 (喜爱独处同时过于感性的小猫咪,想问题更简单些吧)
IFPN-"the hoarder"- A combination of strong sensory and feeling preference makes this type prone to collecting various objects to symbolize emotional states and periods in time.
“囤积者”-强烈感觉和情感偏好的结合,使得这类能够及时而轻易收集各种事物情绪状态和周期的象征。 (对他人细微的情绪都特敏感吗)
IPFN-"bathtime"-The combination of a highly fluid identity and relative sensory preference in this type means they like an inordinate quantity of alone time.
“洗澡澡”-高度流动(易变)的身份(个性?)和相对的感官偏好,对这个类型来说,意味着他们喜欢独处的时间太多。 (身份易变这个好理解,又懒又感性,但为什么相对的较S会导致独处时间过多呢?)
IPNF-"commonlaw"-Stasis and apathy tends to overwhelm this subtype. Often mistaken for an INTP.
N-type- "the manipulators"
NIPF-"master of puppets"- This type is very adept at creating concord or discord, without appearing involved. Its motives remain inscrutable. Of the INFPs who are mistaken for INTPs, this is the most dangerous.
NIFP-"guilt trip"- Much like the NIPF, but with a strong sense of right and wrong, this subtype can always intuit the motives of others.
NFIP-"journey of shame"-This subtype is like a more extraverted "guilt trip", and uses this power to make large groups of people feel bad.
NFPI- "performance artist"-This type almost always manifests as a "journey of shame" gone too far. They usually only succeed in making other people uncomfortable.
NPFI-"the zen seminar disruptor"-A bit like an F version of their NPTI cousins, they want to mediate, but tend to rely on the single answer "we're all one, maaaan."
“禅宗研讨的瓦解”-有点像他们的NPTI表亲的F版本,他们想调解,但往往依靠单一的回答:“我们是一个整体,maaaan。” (和事佬,玩儿ESFJ那一套?)
NPIF-"the zookeeper"-Eerily close to their NPIT counterparts, this type collects personalities into elaborate menageries of potential. Also called the "animal hoarder"
F-type-"the nurturers"
"养育者" (心理咨询师的料子)
FINP- "the moralist"- The SJ of the INFP universe, this subtype carries a very robust moral code and is not shy about expressing it.
"道德家"-INFP界的SJ,这个亚型拥有非常坚定的道德准则,并不羞于表达它们。 (
FIPN-"the veterinarian"- Healers in every sense of the word, these are like the FINP, but they tend to focus on the physical body of the "patient" first.
“兽医”-是个不折不扣的医治者,有点儿像FINP,但是他们倾向于首先聚焦于病人的肉身。 (行为疗法、森田疗法)
FNIP-"snuggie"- This type is always trying to find simple solutions to the emotional turmoil in people's lives. Once they find the solution, they try to apply it wherever possible.
“带袖毛毯”-这个类型总是试图为人们生活中的情感混乱/动荡找到一个简单的解决方案。一旦他们找到解决问题的方法,会试图将它应用在任何可能的地方。 (毛毯暖暖的,就裹满全身来御寒~)
FNPI-"cuddle puddle"-This nurturer tends to use its very personality as an emotional ointment for the troubles of their subject.
“拥抱水枕”-这种养育者对于麻烦/烦恼倾向于使用非常个性化的情感药膏来应对。 (中医秘制药方,专门针对你的体质)
FPIN-"fursuit"- This subtype is preoccupied with the possibilities for refined emotions. This can lead it to a variety of novel solutions for self- and group-expression.
“兽装”-这个类型专注于精细情感的可能性,这使他对于个人和团体表达,拥有新奇多样的解决方法。 (这个怎么理解...大概是你穿个老虎装就表达出你的威武雄壮,穿个兔子装就在向大家宣告你这个人实在好萌好萌呀...)
FPNI-"care bear"- A less refined version of the "fursuit," this type tries to craft novel emotional solutions for each separate relationship.
(每一只Care Bear生来都有不同的使命,但是她们共同的愿望就是将更多的爱和梦想带到这个世界。诞生於1981年的Care Bear至今已经有25年的历史罗!80年代因为Care Bear的插画以及卡通大受欢迎,迷人可爱的形象因此深植在大家的心中。)
P-type-"the daydreamers"
“白日梦想家” (与艺术相关)
PINF-"The false INTP"-With a strong feeling about the possibilities for their identity, these types choose the type that fits their feelings about themselves the best, the INTP.
PIFN- "The angry aesthete"- Tying their identity to art, this type is angry about the very existence of art of low quality. Unfortunately, they're usually right.
PFIN-"Elliot Smith"-This type dominates the group of INFPs that are most likely to become poets and songwriters.
格格不入的迷失者-Elliot Smith
PFNI-"Stevie Nicks"-More extraverted than PFINs, this type will usually rely on help from others to promote their agenda, whatever that may be. Lucky for us, it's usually artistic.
PNFI-"Totorro"- This type knows that the possibility for dreamy cuddles is endless. Just don't piss it off.
PNIF-"Bukowski"-I told you not to piss Totorro off.
You dirty INFPs take this test, noting which percentages of the letters are the highest. The highest letters come first, the lowest, last. Let's say Mary scores 100%I 60%N 55%F 75%P. She would be an IPNF, or a "commonlaw".
INFP小坏蛋们,看着这个测试,注意哪个字母所占的百分比是最高的。分值最高的排在最前面,以此类推,分值最低的排最后。比如玛丽的得分:100%I 60%N 55%F 75%P,所以说她是一个ipnf,即一个“不成文习惯法”。
Enjoy your Forer effect!
I-type- "the nesters"
“牧场农夫” (在西部牧场孤独的自耕农,真是孤僻得可以呀。我们享受属于自己的时光,沉浸在属于自己的世界~)
INFP-"the martyr"- This type tends to sacrifice themselves in an effort to promote their peculiar sense of truth.
INPF-"jesus christ"-Like a more refined version of "the martyr," this type tends to turn their very identity into a metaphor for the truth they promote.
“耶稣基督”-像一个更精确版本的INFP,这种类型为了促进他们所提倡的真理,倾向于把自己的身份转变成一个象征。 (也就是说,像耶稣一样成为一个象征,一看到他就让人想起某种精神?行动力稍逊,但较理性,适合做精神领袖)
IFNP-"cat hotel"-This isolation-prone subtype tends to idealize simplicity and a-rationality.
“猫旅馆”-这种有疏离倾向的亚型,倾向于简单的理想化和非理性。 (喜爱独处同时过于感性的小猫咪,想问题更简单些吧)
IFPN-"the hoarder"- A combination of strong sensory and feeling preference makes this type prone to collecting various objects to symbolize emotional states and periods in time.
“囤积者”-强烈感觉和情感偏好的结合,使得这类能够及时而轻易收集各种事物情绪状态和周期的象征。 (对他人细微的情绪都特敏感吗)
IPFN-"bathtime"-The combination of a highly fluid identity and relative sensory preference in this type means they like an inordinate quantity of alone time.
“洗澡澡”-高度流动(易变)的身份(个性?)和相对的感官偏好,对这个类型来说,意味着他们喜欢独处的时间太多。 (身份易变这个好理解,又懒又感性,但为什么相对的较S会导致独处时间过多呢?)
IPNF-"commonlaw"-Stasis and apathy tends to overwhelm this subtype. Often mistaken for an INTP.
N-type- "the manipulators"
NIPF-"master of puppets"- This type is very adept at creating concord or discord, without appearing involved. Its motives remain inscrutable. Of the INFPs who are mistaken for INTPs, this is the most dangerous.
NIFP-"guilt trip"- Much like the NIPF, but with a strong sense of right and wrong, this subtype can always intuit the motives of others.
NFIP-"journey of shame"-This subtype is like a more extraverted "guilt trip", and uses this power to make large groups of people feel bad.
NFPI- "performance artist"-This type almost always manifests as a "journey of shame" gone too far. They usually only succeed in making other people uncomfortable.
NPFI-"the zen seminar disruptor"-A bit like an F version of their NPTI cousins, they want to mediate, but tend to rely on the single answer "we're all one, maaaan."
“禅宗研讨的瓦解”-有点像他们的NPTI表亲的F版本,他们想调解,但往往依靠单一的回答:“我们是一个整体,maaaan。” (和事佬,玩儿ESFJ那一套?)
NPIF-"the zookeeper"-Eerily close to their NPIT counterparts, this type collects personalities into elaborate menageries of potential. Also called the "animal hoarder"
F-type-"the nurturers"
"养育者" (心理咨询师的料子)
FINP- "the moralist"- The SJ of the INFP universe, this subtype carries a very robust moral code and is not shy about expressing it.
"道德家"-INFP界的SJ,这个亚型拥有非常坚定的道德准则,并不羞于表达它们。 (
FIPN-"the veterinarian"- Healers in every sense of the word, these are like the FINP, but they tend to focus on the physical body of the "patient" first.
“兽医”-是个不折不扣的医治者,有点儿像FINP,但是他们倾向于首先聚焦于病人的肉身。 (行为疗法、森田疗法)
FNIP-"snuggie"- This type is always trying to find simple solutions to the emotional turmoil in people's lives. Once they find the solution, they try to apply it wherever possible.
“带袖毛毯”-这个类型总是试图为人们生活中的情感混乱/动荡找到一个简单的解决方案。一旦他们找到解决问题的方法,会试图将它应用在任何可能的地方。 (毛毯暖暖的,就裹满全身来御寒~)
FNPI-"cuddle puddle"-This nurturer tends to use its very personality as an emotional ointment for the troubles of their subject.
“拥抱水枕”-这种养育者对于麻烦/烦恼倾向于使用非常个性化的情感药膏来应对。 (中医秘制药方,专门针对你的体质)
FPIN-"fursuit"- This subtype is preoccupied with the possibilities for refined emotions. This can lead it to a variety of novel solutions for self- and group-expression.
“兽装”-这个类型专注于精细情感的可能性,这使他对于个人和团体表达,拥有新奇多样的解决方法。 (这个怎么理解...大概是你穿个老虎装就表达出你的威武雄壮,穿个兔子装就在向大家宣告你这个人实在好萌好萌呀...)
FPNI-"care bear"- A less refined version of the "fursuit," this type tries to craft novel emotional solutions for each separate relationship.
(每一只Care Bear生来都有不同的使命,但是她们共同的愿望就是将更多的爱和梦想带到这个世界。诞生於1981年的Care Bear至今已经有25年的历史罗!80年代因为Care Bear的插画以及卡通大受欢迎,迷人可爱的形象因此深植在大家的心中。)
P-type-"the daydreamers"
“白日梦想家” (与艺术相关)
PINF-"The false INTP"-With a strong feeling about the possibilities for their identity, these types choose the type that fits their feelings about themselves the best, the INTP.
PIFN- "The angry aesthete"- Tying their identity to art, this type is angry about the very existence of art of low quality. Unfortunately, they're usually right.
PFIN-"Elliot Smith"-This type dominates the group of INFPs that are most likely to become poets and songwriters.
格格不入的迷失者-Elliot Smith
PFNI-"Stevie Nicks"-More extraverted than PFINs, this type will usually rely on help from others to promote their agenda, whatever that may be. Lucky for us, it's usually artistic.
PNFI-"Totorro"- This type knows that the possibility for dreamy cuddles is endless. Just don't piss it off.
PNIF-"Bukowski"-I told you not to piss Totorro off.