【MSBA面经】杜克大学Duke MQM面试经验汇总(2019)
【DUKE MQM 4/11 R3已录】 一些有的没的申请经验(主要是面经)
【面经with Elizabeth】
我面试的时间的确是算比较晚的一批了,也参考了论坛上很多前辈的面经问题,发现套路还是比较固定的【注重teamwork和leadership】,收到邀请后和Liz邮件约定了面试的时间(美东时间9:00 am),添加Skype好友。当晚面试Liz很准时的就call来了,中间有点信号不稳所以挂断重拨了一次~再次接通的时候还调侃了一下“重启大法好”哈哈。面试过程中信号问题双方可能会听不清彼此说的话,请放心大胆地提出clarify或repeat的请求,我个人认为不会有很大影响,只要把观点陈述到位就没问题啦!Liz人美心善,会一直给positive feedback,对你的答案进行记录,聊了30分钟还是很开心的!
1.一上来先问了我是从哪里得知的MQM,算是个小八卦~看来Admission Office很注重新项目的宣传渠道和口碑呀~(很奇怪从始至终没有让我做正式的自我介绍……)
2.Why MQM? Why Fuqua? (聊到这的时候Liz介绍了一些学生社团的事情,会有一些比较学术比较职业的社团,还有一些纯休闲的社团比如wine taste club, 楼主眼前一亮!)
4.问我还申请了什么样的专业~Liz说有很多学生申请MQM的同时申请了Data Sicience,但MQM会涉及更多business line
5.Career goal
6.Internship Experience
7.然后是更具体的teamwork experience(我就顺着前面的思路把internship teamwork展开说了)
10.你会如何应对他人给你的constructive feedback?
11.leadership experience
12.What makes a good leader? (说到这楼主提到了实习期间的老板~感觉穿插一些事例来讲会比较生动)
14.最后是我的提问时间~(感觉之前聊得差不多了,所以又问了大概的课程节奏,得到的回答是 每个term四门课,一门课每周上两次 一次两小时 周一二四五上课、周三做作业和case、小组讨论、或者找教授问问题啥的……大概是这样吧,楼主记不太清了只能提供一些不负责任的回忆...)
Credit to 小神马呀
Duke MQM interview 2019.2.21
introduce yourself
Why duke
Why master degree
Plan after graduation
experience dealing with a difficult team member
What do you think of leadership
How to advance your leadership in fuqua
Your biggest weakness
What do you know about the recruitment
How did u get your current job
Contribute to fuqua
Anything wants to share
Credit to Suriiiiiiii
Duke-mqm 面经 2029/2/25
1. 介绍你自己
2. why now? why mqm?
3. career goal
4. teamwork experience
5. 怎么motivate people
6. 不是leader的teamwork
7. 失败的leadership
8. 有没有最敬佩的leader
9. constructive feedback and how to act
10. 补充
11. Q&A
Credit to aria.wmf
Duke MQM R2面经[2019-02-26]
北美东部时间早上11am with Ali, 蛮nice的白人小姐姐, 一上来自我介绍然后每个问题都有互动
Self Intro
Why Fuqua
Why 2 tracks
Leadership experience
How to advance leadership experience in Fuqua
How friends & family describe you
Why get up in the morning? Why work so hard?
How about, what do you do outside of school/work that is rewarding to you?
Anything want to tell the admission
中途poor connection,听不到小姐姐说什么只得她打问题,最后都超时我没问到问题QAQ
Credit to 废柴劈g
Duke MQM R2面经 [2019-02-25]
2019-02-25 with Anshul
1.His self-intro
follow up about my understanding in sports analytics
3.why a master now, your career plan
4.about 2 internships, pros and cons
5.what I like in the second internship, teamwork experience
6.are there some conflicts in your team
7.your proudest accomplishments
8.another accomplishments in academic or professional setting
9.your strengths in team working
11.how your teammates describe you
12.if you were not admitted to duke, what are your other options
13.what else you want to share
14.what you want to ask me
Credit to cindylebron
DUKE MQM R2 interview [2019-02-21]
刚刚完成Skype面试,面试官还是MBA的学生~因为之前定时间交流比较多,面试气氛还是很好的,25分钟左右,回答都有follw-up,问题还是集中在leadership/teamworking experience,大家可以多做准备呀!
1.what kind of work do you prefer? individual or teamwork
2. share a teamwork experience
3. constructive feedback from work
4. why MQM
5. share something special outside of work and school
6. how you understand team Fuqua
7. what can you bring to team Fuqua
8. weakness
9. Q&A
Credit to SONGER
Duke MQM R2 热气腾腾的面经分享 [2019-02-26]
刚刚面完Duke MQM,分享面经攒人品,希望拿到Duke的offer。时长40分钟。
1. Self-intro
2. why fuqua
3. why mqm
4. learship style
5. failure
6. deal with complicated concepts
7. deal with conflict
8. say anything in 1 minute
9. how to achieve success in team work
10. question I ask
Credit to alexnju97
Duke MQM新鲜面经(2019.02.25)
本来就是彩票校,能拿到面试已经很开心了,面试官是MBA二年级的学生Travis,问了很多很多teamwork experience,准备的五六段几乎都用上了。
1.introduce yourself
2.career goal
3.inspire others的teamwork experience
4.有内部矛盾的teamwork experience,怎么处理的
4.欣赏的leadership style
5.怎么运用这种leadership style到自己的teamwork
8.怎么处理别人的constructive feedback
Credit to GYSTC2
Duke MQM Interview 更新2019.03.02
Exchange experience
Which internship you like most
Constructive feedback
Teamwork experience
How other people describe you
Why fuqua
Career goal
Credit to HD-
Duke MQM R2 面经 with Slava [2019-02-26]
self intro+walk through resume
why mqm
proud achievement
constructive feedback and how you improve
what do you think a leader should be, and give an example
what motivates you
还有一个contribution to fuqua
3.9更新:已经录取!是strategy track!特别感谢各种面经的帮助~
Credit to ellen某某婧
Duke MQM 压线面经!BG一般心里超虚 [2019-02-26]
2.26 blind interview with Zaid, 面试官是MBA 2年级学生,年轻又阳光!面试过程中他一直在做笔记,同时会给很多友善的feedback,比如awesome!impressive之类的。面试过程还是很愉快的,但是Q&A环节只持续了20分钟不到,接下来3-4分钟是any questions。问的问题数量非常少导致我心里超虚的。大家有遇到这样的情况吗?
1. Self introduction
2. Go over CV, how long was your program
3. Why Fuqua and why MQM, how it will help you achieve career goal - (feedback: you had passion and thorough research)
4. What you will do after you graduate from Fuqua (信号不好他解释了2次才听清楚)
5. Best leader you've seen and how you learned from him/her, please provide example (extend to CV experience)
6. Any questions - (Asked about his experience and how he )
Credit to rachelsdwu
Duke MQM Interview with Ting Zhang 2/25 [2019-02-25]
1. self-introduction
2. strength and weakness
3. teamwork experience in your internships
4. what will you do when you have some conflict with your teammates
5. most proud thing
6. give you 1 minute, what would you say in front of AO
7. Why do you think that AO should admit you
8. how do you contribute to team fuqua
面试官是Duke MBA的学生,是一个两岁就搬到加拿大的华裔小姐姐,长得很美,语速很快。楼主整个面试+QA 14min31s就结束了,超级超级超级快,心很慌。
Credit to stellaliu11111
19 Fall Duke MQM R2 2.26 面经 with Colleen Maloney
从面试整体来看她是真的很爱team fuqua...所以搞的我也越来越想进duke 体验一下fuqua spirits...
然后问到conflicts的时候 我一度觉得我的回答太长让她失去了耐心
self-intro + go through resume
successful teamwork experience
conflict with team members
why MQM
career plan
constructive feedback I received
Credit to AEOMME
Duke mqm 2019-4-2 面筋 with Sarah Arnio
整个面试大概网断了五六次吧...心累 到后面面试官已经笑不出来了 因为一直断所以面了大概一小时
1. self-intro
2. why Fuqua/ why mqm
3. what kind of job you want to do
4. leadership experience
5. most successful teamwork
6. unsuccessful teamwork
7. your greatest accomplishment
8. how can you contribute to the Fuqua community
9. 喜欢individual 还是 team-based work why
10. 喜欢的working environment
回忆了一下才发现被问了好多问题,后面基本都是乱答的了hhh 希望别凉 祝同r3&r4的大家好运~
Credit to 封林靖
Duke Fuqua MQM 4-1 面试 [2019-04-01]
1. 自我介绍
2. Career Goals, Why Duke, Why MQM
3. What can you bring to Fuqua, 有没有关于在Fuqua期间extracurricular活动的考虑/对于Fuqua社团活动这方面的research
4. Teamwork experience in my internships
面试的人都是MBA二年级学生,try to search for their linkedin accounts and get to know your interviewers first
Credit to Charlieyoung
2019fall DUKE FUQUA MQM R1 面试经验(2019.01)
11.27 MQM面试我的面试官是MBA在读的小哥哥,刚开始做了一下自我介绍,然后跟我说面试大概会在一个小时之内,然后不会出现那些很奇怪的题目
1. Go through resume
2. Why MQM?
3. Why Fuqua?
4. What kind of team do you want to work with?
5. 失败的teamwork经历
6. 实习中的feedback
7. proud thing(爱好/职业)
8. track 选择以及原因
9. 有没有想跟他分享的特殊的事情(就是简历上没有的)【穿插了去了美国哪些城市
10. Any questions?
Credit to sopheonix
[2019.03] Duke MQM
1/14 submit
2/14 interview invitation
2/21 interview with MBA student
3/8 admission
1. Self-introduction
2. Why MQM
3. Plan b
4. Short-term career goal
5. Leadership when you are not the assigned leader
6. Successful teamwork experience and your role in the team
7. During your internship, what your manager will value you the most?
8. Example of creativity in another internship?
9. Difference between US firms and Chinese firms
10. Constructive feedback
11. Have you encounter any difficulties during teamwork
12. Anything not in your resume and essays you want to share with AO
13. Q&A
Credit to 花小花Vivi
Duke MQM(2018.12)
Duke MQM 12/10 AD
是MBA alumni来面,面试官因为上一场面试耽搁了二十分钟,总体是偏behavioral的问题,比如问从以往领导中学到最重要的东西,团队合作的失败经历,从失败经历中收获了什么等等......整场盘问leadership/teamwork,问到我举遍所有teamwork例子,回答到山穷水尽。我的面试官语速比较快,带得我也讲很快(但来不及想啊我的妈啊),导致在中途出现几次嘴瓢(and get lost for a little while),还好迅速地找到了自己想说的点并且尽力表达出来了,面试完感觉很悬......但Duke效率真的好高,一到两星期就给了答复(而且follow-up也做得很热情)
Credit to melonorth
[面试经验] Duke MQM R1 面经(2017.12)
面试官:Tammy (second year of MBA, work experiences in marketing)
1. Self-intro
2. Why duke
3. Leadership experience and what you learned about yourself
4. How would you improve your leadership at Fuqua if admitted?
5. How to approach people you don’t know when working in a team? What about people you already know?
6. Experience on a failed team
7. What kind of work environment do you like? In a team or by yourself
8. What makes you stand out from your peers? (from other candidates)
9. Rewarding experience outside school
10. Experience of handling conflicts or challenge
11. Career goal and how would MQM help?
12. Plan B if not admitted to this program.
13. Reasons for second choice oftrack (我自己在回答问题11时已经提了first choice)
14. Ever used network to get professional experience? How would you use the network at Fuqua?
追问:how would you get those (important) people to help you?
15. What does team Fuqua means to you? Why is it important to you? (最后提问环节小姐姐跟我说了team Fuqua对他们很重要,有Fuqua Friday, 大家是一个community)
Credit to LunaM
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