怪诞小镇 第二季
momo🍩 2020-05-13 16:14:00

happy birthday, Soos.

Birthday are supposed to be spent with the people who care about you, but you know what, that dude doesn’t care about me enough to visit me once, let alone fight monsters through time and space like you dudes. I mean, you had a gladiator fight just to make...  (展开)
羞耻 第四季
momo🍩 2019-11-12 03:20:35


亲爱的sana,这段致辞是写给你的。 为你准备这段致辞,是因为你今天邀请了我们齐聚一堂。 而明天美国总统可能就要下台了。 我们生活在一个纷乱的世界,很难知道到底有何规则。 不然为何会有人贫穷而有人富有,为何有人舒适安全,而有人却得逃亡。 不然为何常会有人在街上争吵,...  (展开)
