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Aliothabscond的评论 · · · · · · · · · · ( 评论1 )
- 孤独的大象|Phil Elvrum和他的《The Glow, Pt.2》
The Glow, Pt. II
今年是The Microphones乐队的专辑《The Glow, Pt.2》发布20周年。 乐队The Microphones的主唱和灵魂人物Phil Elvrum出生于1978年的华盛顿州。麦克风更像是他的个人计划,而乐队剩下的成员大多只是暂时性地加入某... (2回应)

City of salt bone and bell tower
Country of ice rain and wildflower
Picking out the wreath for the funeral and
There is no reason to believe
No reason at all
Come together for a moment, look around and dissolve
Like a feeling, like a flash
Like a fallen eyelash
On your sweater, threading future through the past
Through sparrow, black wind
A dead crow, calls out to his wings
We were lightning, across the whole world
We were lightning
And the guise, to black cats
We made a cross when our shadows met
And the guise, to black cats
We made a pact when our shadows passed
Through sparrow, black wind
A dead crow, calls out to his wings
I'm getting weaker, I'm getting thin
I hate how obvious I have been
City of salt bone and bell tower
Country of ice rain and wildflower
Picking out the wreath for the funeral and
There is no reason to believe
No reason at all
Come together for a moment, look around and dissolve
Like a feeling, like a flash
Like a fallen eyelash
On your sweater, threading future through the past
Through sparrow, black wind
A dead crow, calls out to his wings
We were lightning, across the whole world
We were lightning
And the guise, to black cats
We made a cross when our shadows met
And the guise, to black cats
We made a pact when our shadows passed
Through sparrow, black wind
A dead crow, calls out to his wings
I'm getting weaker, I'm getting thin
I hate how obvious I have been
Aliothabscond的广播 · · · · · · ( 全部 )
Aliothabscond 看过 五至七时的克莱奥 Cléo de 5 à 7 (1962)
果然还是要在合适的心情下看!//is that matty healy & jack antonoff?
> 我来回应
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