
卡瓦多思的游戏  · · · · · ·  ( 想玩7 · 玩过4 )

  • 达芬奇之家 The House of Da Vinci
  • 锈湖:天堂岛 Rusty Lake Paradise
  • 迷室4:往逝 The Room 4: Old Sins
  • 巴巴是你 Baba Is You
  • 致命框架 FRAMED
  • 梦幻家园 Homescapes
  • 梦幻水族馆 Fishdom
  • 纪念碑谷2 Monument Valley 2
  • 纪念碑谷 Monument Valley

卡瓦多思的电影  · · · · · ·  ( 6部在看 · 1142部想看 · 2159部看过 · 15个片单 )

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卡瓦多思的音乐  · · · · · ·  ( 3张在听 · 272张想听 · 802张听过 )


卡瓦多思的评论  · · · · · · · · · ·  ( 评论10 )

卡瓦多思的舞台剧  · · · · · ·  ( 3部想看 · 8部看过 )


卡瓦多思的广播  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

卡瓦多思 说:

a flow-er’s chant

flow means not being anchored go adrift in eddies or on top of the shallow to flow means not to be entangled in fighting against me-each other and not hiding from monstrous fears of being accused for accusations let go of those being specific for those stare and illurstrate pain is natural is the way to understand naturalness alert response, without embellishing the awkwardness she’s been keeping for herself is being split out lightness is the new burden it wants her to stay and to be settled could wind blow her to blossom she’s allowed to flow in the depth and superficial — Calvados

卡瓦多思的同城活动  · · · · · ·  ( 12个参加 · 88个感兴趣 )

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