卡瓦多思的广播 · · · · · · ( 全部 )
卡瓦多思 说:
a flow-er’s chant
flow means not being anchored go adrift in eddies or on top of the shallow to flow means not to be entangled in fighting against me-each other and not hiding from monstrous fears of being accused for accusations let go of those being specific for those stare and illurstrate pain is natural is the way to understand naturalness alert response, without embellishing the awkwardness she’s been keeping for herself is being split out lightness is the new burden it wants her to stay and to be settled could wind blow her to blossom she’s allowed to flow in the depth and superficial — Calvados
卡瓦多思的线上活动 · · · · · · ( 全部 )
时间:2月8日 周三 - 5月7日 周日
时间:4月18日 周四 - 6月16日 周日
本页永久链接: https://www.douban.com/people/Calvados./
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