White Bear的评论 · · · · · · · · · · ( 评论7 )
- 对猩红连载的一些看法
White Bear
Scarlet Spider
我喜欢猩红连载对于凯恩情感上的很多大纲设定,但是越往后,故事实际读起来却也只是在重复大纲内容没有往深处挖掘了。 前期这几本都非常不错,凯恩从拒绝休斯顿到开始安定在休斯顿,收留了神秘身世的墨西哥小妹...
- 我为什么要喷这部超人
White Bear
Man of Steel
有关键情节透露,可都不是这电影的 如果这次超人的改编把Zod改成一个冒牌货,肯特夫妇用雪橇把装着超人的飞船拖回家,老爸不是被龙卷风带走而是被人弹炸死,Faora叛变又叛变又叛变,用氪星人生产机生出一个超人... (2回应)

"When a thunderstorm comes up,
I can feel it inside.
When lightning comes down,
I can feel it wanting to come to me."
"After time adrift among open stars,
along tides of light and to shoals of dust,
I will return to where I began."
"Io, interpretando a modo mio il senso che le dava, ho creduto da piccola che la frantumaglia facesse star male e che, d’altra parte, chi stava male presto o tardi fosse destinato a diventare frantumaglia."
I can feel it inside.
When lightning comes down,
I can feel it wanting to come to me."
"After time adrift among open stars,
along tides of light and to shoals of dust,
I will return to where I began."
"Io, interpretando a modo mio il senso che le dava, ho creduto da piccola che la frantumaglia facesse star male e che, d’altra parte, chi stava male presto o tardi fosse destinato a diventare frantumaglia."
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