*Bonus Tracks

Xavium的电影  · · · · · ·  ( 132部在看 · 542部想看 · 948部看过 · 41个片单 )

Xavium的音乐  · · · · · ·  ( 102张在听 · 183张想听 · 786张听过 )

Xavium的评论  · · · · · · · · · ·  ( 评论37 )

  • 沉静而热烈的孤独告解
  • High As Hope
  • Xavium (*Bonus Tracks)  评论: High As Hope
    沉静之中激越着如此热烈的孤独告解,层层推进、逐步升华的情绪绽放令人猝不及防,清醒又诗意满溢。符号化的花树形象、影像中颀长烈女的裸足旋舞如同林中妖精花仙的祭典仪式。Emile Haynie制作上的简雅内省令人难...
  • 烈女黑化
  • Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
  • Xavium (*Bonus Tracks)  评论: Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
    說說這張吧。名字很長,可能啓發了fiona apple同期那張名字更長的專。supposed former infatuation junkie直譯「據說以前是個戀愛脑」,她這些年的說法是,自己容易沉溺于戀事當中,花了大量時間做心理咨詢來戒掉... (1回应)

Xavium的书  · · · · · ·  ( 26本在读 · 285本想读 · 171本读过 · 17个书单 )

Xavium的游戏  · · · · · ·  ( 在玩1 · 想玩3 · 玩过12 )

  • 百战天虫:世界大战 Worms:World Party
  • 最后生还者 The Last of Us
  • 全面战争:三国 Total War: Three Kingdoms
  • 征服美洲 American Conquest

Xavium关注的小站  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

Xavium的舞台剧  · · · · · ·  ( 1部看过 )


Xavium的移动应用  · · · · · ·  ( 想要2 · 用过6 )

  • 閱讀空氣 (iPhone)
  • Alpaca Evolution (iPhone / iPad)
  • Playdead's INSIDE (iPhone / iPad)
  • BADLAND (iPhone / iPad)
  • 法语助手 Frhelper - 法语词典 (iPhone / iPad)
  • Hatchi - Retro Virtual Pet (iPhone / iPad)
  • Triple Town - Fun & addictive puzzle matching game (iPhone / iPad)
Attachment injury survivor and abandonment issue recover-er. Nuance noticer. Exister. Parent of my inner child. Delicate little flower. INTP.

Hypersensitive and happily introverted. Crowd avoiding with pride. I'm not apologetic for it. If you got issues no offense but go fuck yourself.

Between dreams and dread.
Between yum and yuck.
Between aw and ew.
Between 'fuck you' to your face and 'it's alright'.

I dig things, people, places, times and ideas that make me go awww as well as:
stand-up comedy, comedies,
electronica, ambient,
bonus tracks,
Jews > Germans > Scots > English > others
eating away my emptiness,
among others.

I get inconsolably upset by:
overly bright light,
smell of food that's not mine,
heat and moisture,
spicy foods,
BO, bad breath,
conflation of 「, 」 and 「,」,
those who try to put on a British accent,
those who play the piano where nobody want to hear them play,
those who don't say you're welcome to my thank you,
unsolicited advice,
texts that go unreplied,
Big Bang Theory (the series)
Modern Family
Japanese CDs without obi-strip,
entangled headphone cords,
my eye lashes that fall on my eyes,
the fact that my list of aversions out-lengths that of my inclinations,
among others.

Xavium的广播  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

Xavium 说:

抽象先行 --> 具象先行

昨天    回应

Xavium 说:

we are so much more than we are labeled.

昨天    回应

Xavium 看过 伊丽莎·施莱辛格:不同的动物 Iliza Shlesinger: A Different Animal‎ (2025)


> Xavium添加的条目

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