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Love family, love plants, love birds, love nature.
Ecology, conservation, migratory birds
Across the oceans, across the seas.
Over forests of blackened trees.
Through valleys so still we dare not breathe.
To be by your side.
Over the shifting desert plains.
Across mountains all in flames.
Through howling winds and fringing rains.
To be by your side.
Into the night as the stars collide.
Across the border that divide.
Forest of stone standing petrified.
To be by your side.
Every mile and every year.
For everyone a single tear.
I can not explain this, dear.
I will not even try.
For I know one thing.
Love comes on a wing.
For tonight I will by your side.
But tomorrow I will fly.
From the deepest oceans to the highest peak.
Through the frontiers of your sleep
Into the valley where we dare not speak.
To be by your side.
Ecology, conservation, migratory birds
Across the oceans, across the seas.
Over forests of blackened trees.
Through valleys so still we dare not breathe.
To be by your side.
Over the shifting desert plains.
Across mountains all in flames.
Through howling winds and fringing rains.
To be by your side.
Into the night as the stars collide.
Across the border that divide.
Forest of stone standing petrified.
To be by your side.
Every mile and every year.
For everyone a single tear.
I can not explain this, dear.
I will not even try.
For I know one thing.
Love comes on a wing.
For tonight I will by your side.
But tomorrow I will fly.
From the deepest oceans to the highest peak.
Through the frontiers of your sleep
Into the valley where we dare not speak.
To be by your side.
mint的广播 · · · · · · ( 全部 )
mint 读过 Birds of the Dominican Republic and Haiti
这个版本给人一种国内“马大爷”图鉴的感觉,分成了前半本的物种plate和后半本的物种信息详细介绍,前后互为补充。前半本非常适合掰下来在野外当作field guide使用,后半本很适合预习、复习鸟种方方面面的信息,包括出现地点、节律、偏好生境、生活史等等。这个版本的绘图也非常好,不仅质量高,而且甚至在物种plate的部分有大量的in situ插图。推荐来伊斯帕尼奥拉岛看鸟之前一定看看这本。
> 我来回应
mint 读过 Field Guide to the Birds of the Dominican Republic and Haiti
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