
之乎者也的游戏  · · · · · ·  ( 想玩1 )

  • 底特律:化身为人 Detroit: Become Human

-- Sometimes I just wish I could go to sleep till I was 18, and skip all this crap: high school and everything...just skip it.

--You know Marcel Proust?

-- He's the guy you teach.

-- Yeah. French writer.Total loser. Never had a real job. Unrequited love affairs. Gay. Spent 20 years writing a book almost no one reads. But he's also probably the greatest writer since Shakespeare. Anyway, he, uh-he gets down to the end of his life...and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered-Those were the best years of his life,cause they made him who he was. All the years he was happy? You know,total waste. Didn't learn a thing. So, if you sleep until you're 18...ah, think of the suffering you're gonna miss.

--You know what? Fuck beauty contests. Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. You know, school, then college, then work? Fuck that. And fuck the Air Force Academy. If I wanna fly, I'll find a way to fly. You do what you love, and fuck the rest.

——《Little Miss Sunshine》

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之乎者也 说:

关注在自身专业很有水平见地的中年老男人(尤其是商业金融类的)的公众号,最怕的就是他突然开始聊女性话题——不管专业领域水平如何,都会触发100%踩雷率。我始终不明白,这两个简单的二字形容词,到底为什么能激起如此经久不衰的应激反应;更何况,用爹男们场面上最爱说的一句话来解释:“只是开个玩笑而已啦~” 还是被调侃得太少了。要是像东亚女性一样拥有被“调侃”的一生,这种话简直就像吃饭喝水一样常见。没关系,大家再多冒犯大小爹们几年,慢慢就好了。

之乎者也 看过 分手男女 The Break-Up‎ (2006)


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