
The Fountain
阿随向前冲 2011-08-31 12:02:44

【转】Clint Mansell谈作曲以及合作

http://www.aintitcool.com/node/30814 Greetings! ScoreKeeper here with an absobloodlylutely cool interview with film composer Clint Mansell. Before weaving sonic tapestries for Stygian filmmaker Darren Aronofsky, Clint Mansell was the guitarist and lead v...  (展开)
阿随向前冲 2011-08-02 12:42:36


01. Floating In Darkness Music & lyrics by Lake of Tears Regeneration of so much frustration, wanna kill tonight Evil eye, twisted smile laughing as you cry Intoxication of devastation, need more and more Gonna get you good, gonna get you hard, wanna start...  (展开)
Moons and Mushrooms
阿随向前冲 2011-07-28 17:53:25


1. Last Purple Sky I like to watch things like to watch things grow and to take things slow I like to take them in with the starlight and the moon on a cold night Oh I'd like to see them stay Like those days when we must walk this world alone As the pu...  (展开)
Black Brick Road
阿随向前冲 2011-07-24 12:22:55


只是听歌笔记: 泪湖重组签新公司后首作有着巅峰《A Crimson Cosmos》的影子,尤以《A Trip with the Moon》为甚。全张RIFF和吉他solo出众,《The Organ》像是上张专辑《Solitude》的续集,同劲爆开场的《The Greymen》一起成为我的最爱。《Dystopia》《Sister Sinister...  (展开)
Forever Autumn
阿随向前冲 2011-07-23 22:25:09


只是听歌笔记: 泪湖的这张专辑就相当于许巍的《时光·漫步》,果断放弃了对巅峰时期的继承,有赞有骂,不过比起许巍,我更喜欢泪湖的这次转变。作为对前节奏吉他手Juha Saarinen (1952-1995)的纪念,无处藏匿的悲伤侵入每一个音符。以东方式的圆融结构的专辑,结束曲...  (展开)
A Crimson Cosmos
阿随向前冲 2011-07-21 15:40:33


只是听歌笔记: “泪湖”史上最强专辑,厄运向哥特的转变,迷幻和醇美的双优养成,词作上对魔法故事、神话、童话的关照,造就了泪湖在艺术成就上的癫狂再生。专辑发行前,节奏吉他手Jonas Eriksson离队,暂时由Ulrik Lindblom代替。《Lady Rosenred》已经出现女声,很...  (展开)
阿随向前冲 2011-07-20 12:45:44


只是听歌笔记: 泪湖的第二张专辑,哥特和旋律成分加重。同名歌曲短暂钟声点题,拨弦入情,澈鼓悲鸣,前奏渲染集中,典型的忧郁美。压轴曲《The Path Of The Gods》呼应处女作中的《upon The Highest Mountain》,超长而引人入胜。 1. A Foreign Road A road into sh...  (展开)
Greater Art
阿随向前冲 2011-07-19 16:03:04


只是听歌笔记: 泪湖的首张专辑,果然我对这种“厄运金属”的感冒点并非很高,相比起来更喜欢昨天听的那张《The Neonai》,喜欢其中的《 Upon The Highest Mountain》的旋律,已经隐约预示了未来的变化。 1. Under The Crescent [Music: Brennare, Lyrics :Brennare,...  (展开)
The Neonai
阿随向前冲 2011-07-18 15:22:46


此处省略若干听后感!!!! 1. Return Of Ravens And the darkness calms my mind I see the ravens fly, born of time, demon eye So the rain becomes again A master sorrows friends, a better end my sorcerer friend And the rains are coming closer D...  (展开)
Собрание сочинений. Том 2.(1998-2001)
阿随向前冲 2011-07-13 13:28:28


PS:本来贴到1996年那张精选下面了。特此转移过来。 听柳拜得益于《钢的琴》,当然《钢的琴》还有另外一个德国乐队“17嬉皮士”,后者比前者爽快得多,看了影片片断后,音乐免费给张猛来用。柳拜在苏联/俄罗斯摇滚史上的地位,自是不容忽视,赘言无益。    其实,...  (展开)
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